HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/1961
A regular meeting of the Bowrnanville"'Tovm Council was held on
Monday, January 16th, at 7:}0 p.m, in the Town Hall.
!'layor Carruthers absent.
All others present.
Reeve S. Little in the Chair.
"Quality Cleanin~ntractors"
"In complying with the bylaws of the Town of Bowmanville, I hereby
apply for a business licence: for the purpose of offering a build-
ing maintenance and janitorial service to the above-mentioned
All legal insurance coverage fror such a business is within my
possesslon. I feel that since there is, at present, no such
service at the town's disposal, that it would be a benefit to
the business men, and town. as well, 'to gain such a company.
Hoping you will present my Company's offer at your next Council
meeting, January 16, 1961, at which my partner and I will be
G. Smith and B. Nichols appeared before Council explaining how
their business will operate.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Coni Nicks,
~hat this be referred to the Industrial Commission for invest-
igation, and referred to the Board of \lorks, January 31st, 1961.
A. Carruthers - January 3/61.
"I am in receipt of a letter from the Hon. Leslie Rowntree,
Minister of Transport, in reply to my request for consideration
of traffic control lights at King and Division Streets. Mr.. Rown-
tree informs me that he has discussed the matter with the Traffic
E,ngineering Branch, and~hatlan~a:uation of the above traffic
control will be ~ade as.soon as~ssible. .
The staff of the Dppartrnent is li'nited at the present time, but
every consideration will be given to the problem as soon as
Moved by Con. Hughes,
Seconded by Con. Nicks,
That a copy of this letter be forwarded to the TraffiC
Advisory Board. carried.
Department of Highways -
"Re: 1961 Road Estimates
Construction ~~15, 000,00
January 11/61-.
l'laintenance $30,000.00'"
Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Con, Fice,
That this be received and filed.
- 2 -
Bowmanville Recreation Dept. - January 6/61.
h~t the monthly meeting ,of the Bowmanville Recreation Dept.
di~~ on January 5th, the formation of the /1useum Board was
represg~d and it was felt that this Department should have
of the c~ation on this Board. It was also felt by the members
odations f~ittee that the f1useum building should have accomm-
and aiscussL such things as; permanent crafts rooms, reading
Council will togroups, drama workshops, etc. We hope that
setting up the re these' sur;gestions into consideration, when
'ard for our new Museum." .,/
Moved by Con. Nic
Seconded by Con.ks,
That this be rt
ferred to the Bowmanville Museum Board.
-- carried.
Ontario Good Roads Associati0.
, - January 2/61.
"The 1961 Convention of the Onta.
be held at the Royal York Hotel, T6.Good Roads Assoc. will
and Wednesday, February 20th, 21st, anto, on Monday, Tuesday
1 22nd, 1961.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Fice,
That the Chairman of Roads & Streets, and the Board of
Works Superintendent be authorized to attend this Convention.
5. Quebecair, Inc. extends a cordial invitation to attend a
Reception at the Oshawa Airport, Sunday, January 15th, at
12:3() p.I1l.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Hughes;
That this be received and filed.
Dept. of Planning & Development - December 29/60.
"Replying to your letter of Dec. 20th, I will be glad to call
on you at an early date myself and give you further information
concerning the new low rental housing scheme. I would prefer
not to specify a date until earl~ next month, but will either
write you or telephone you ahead lif this is satisfactory to
Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Con. Stevens,
That the Clerk acknowledge this letter.
7. Internorth Contractors & Engineers - January 10/61.
"We have your letter of January 5th, re the liquor store..
The project will be sta~ting approximately January 16th, You
can be sure that we will be hiring labour and carpenters and
trades and purchasing material in Bowmanville as much as
possible. We wish to thank you for your kind interest and
offer of your assistance."
Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Con. Hughes,
That this be received and filed. carried.
.- 3 -
United Autorr.obile Workers - January 9/61.
"The Unemployed Workers Union of Dshawa and District have pre-
pared a brief outlining the problems that the Unemployed workers
are faced with, and are requesting the assistance of the Councils
of Oshawa, Whitby and Bo\~anville in dealing with these problems.
I have been instructed by the co-ordinating Committee of the
Oshawa & District Labour Council, Local 222, U,A.W. and the un-
employed workers Union to contact you to find out when a suit-
able date could be set so that we could meet with your council
in order to present this brief and discuss some of these problems
to see if any action can be taken to assist the people who are
unfortunate enough to be unemployed at this time."
Moved by Deputy~Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Nicks,
That they be requested to attend the meeting at 7:00 p"m.
on January 24th/61. carried.
Liberty Street, North and Third 3treet Sanitary Sewer.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Lathanguej
That these Tenders be opened.
D. King Excavating Ltd.
- $54J149.05
71, 861. C3
Paul Rose Construction COI
Dundas Construction Co.
Clair son C0Dstruction Co.
Yearley & Reed Construdtion.
Disero Construction.
Cross Town Paving.
Moved by Con. Fresson,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That these Tenders be referred to our Consulting Engineers
for che cking and for their re commenda ti ons. /'
Moved by Con. Presson,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That the Police Report for the month of December be received
and filed. carried.
- 4 -
Moved by Con. Stevens,
~econded by Con. Fice~
That the Dog Control Report for the Months of December
and January be received and filed'. carried.
Cost - Bradshaw Watermain.
Moved by Con. Nicks,
Seconded by Con. Presson,
That this be accepted, and the necessary bylaw and applic-
ation be prepared. carried.
BY~LAWS - First and second reading.
Moved by Con. Stevens,
Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
That the mover be granted leave to introduce a bv-law for the
construction of a watermain on Bradshaw 3treet. Said by-law be
now read a first and second time. carried.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con: Stevens,
That the mover be granted leave to introduce a by-law to
prohibit the discharge of roof water 'into the samitary sewer
system of the Town of Bowmanville. Said by-law be now read a
first and second time. carried.
~1oved by Con. Lathangue,
Seconded by Con. Presson,
That Council now rise and go into Committee of the Whole
for the consideration of a by-law. Reeve in the Chair.
Moved by Con. Presson,
Seconded by Con. Lathangue,
That the Committee now rise and report favourably to Council
on the by-law discussed in Committee of the vihole.
Council now in Session. Reeve in the Chair.
Third reading.
Moved by Con. Hughes,
Seconded by Con. Fice,
That the by-law to prohibit the discharge of roof water into
the sanitary sewer system of the Town of Bo\~anville, be now
read a third time, passed and numbered By-Law No. 1792.
- 5 -
Special meeting to discuss the proposed new sewage treatment ~
plant with Proctor & Redfern Engineers and P. U. C. - 8:00 p.m.
on January 24th/6l.
Storm Water into Sanitary Sewers.
Moved by Con. Stevens,
Seconded by Con. Lathangue,
That a report be submitted on the nu~ber of catch basins
emptying storm water into our sanitary sewer.
Letter to Surrounding municipalities Re: Bowmanville Museum.
Moved by Con. Hughes,
Seconded by Con. Nicks,
That the necessary letter be forwarded.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs,
Seconded by Con. Nicks,
That this meeting adjourn at 8:35 p.m.
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