HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/20/1983 (Special) _OunCi] MinutE:!S . RE:!construction ConnE:!cting Li.nk Vi 11 agE:! of NE:!wcast1E:! . TOW. N o F NEW CAS T L E JunE:! 20 1983 MinutE:!s of a SpE:!cia1 ME:!E:!ttng of Council hE:!ld on Monday, JunE:! 20, 1983 at 4:00 p.m. in Court Room #2. PrE:!.sE:!nt WE:!rE:!: Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor DianE:! HamrE:! Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs Councillor R. BrUCE:! Taylor Town C1E:!rk David W. OakE:!s AbsE:!nt: Councillor Ann Cowman Councillor MariE:! Hubbard, on RE:!giona1 BusinE:!ss Also PrE:!sE:!nt: Ch;E:!f Administrati VE:! OfficE:!r, Don Smith DirE:!ctor of Public Works, R. Dupuis ThE:! Mayor ca11E:!d thE:! mE:!E:!ting to ordE:!r at 4:00 p.m. RE:!solution #C-464-83 MOVE:!d by Councillor Taylor, sE:!condE:!d by Councillor HamrE:! THAT thE:! rE:!commE:!ndations in Public Works RE:!port WD-59-83, approvE:!d by thE:! GE:!nE:!ra1 PurposE:! and Administration CommittE:!E:! at thE:! mE:!E:!ting of Monday, JunE:! 20 1983, bE:! adoptE:!d and ratifiE:!d by Council. "CARRIED" RE:!solution #C-465-83 MoVE:!d by Councillor Hobbs, sE:!condE:!d by Councillor HamrE:! THAT 1E:!avE:! bE:! grantE:!d to introducE:! thE:! following by-law and that thE:! said by-law bE:! now rE:!ad a first timE:!: 83-94 bE:!ing a by-1 aw to authori ZE:! thE:! E:!xE:!cution of a proposal and E:!stimatE:! of cost pursuant to an agrE:!E:!mE:!nt with HE:!r MajE:!sty thE:! QUE:!E:!n, In Right of thE:! ProvinCE:! of Ontario, as rE:!prE:!sE:!ntE:!d by thE:! MinistE:!r of Transportation and Communications, E:!ntE:!rE:!d into undE:!r ThE:! Public Transportation and Highway ImprovE:!mE:!nt Act R.S.O. 1970. (Construction of thE:! ConnE:!cting Link in NE:!wcast1E:! Vi11agE:!). "CARRIED" .' , 1 Council Minutes . . . - 2 - June 20 1983 Resol. ution #C-466-83 Moved by Councill or Hobbs, seconded by Councill or Hamre THAT the second reading of by-law 83-94 be approved. "CARRIED" Re.so 1 ut ion #C-467 -83 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the thi rd and final reading of by-l aw 83-94 be approved. "CARRIED" ReSQlution #C-468-83 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:05 p.m. "CARRIED" /d?4& ,.X // Mayorr', I (, I /~.{ , .,.L(jJ 0..,../:2A:F 17 Clerk