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~ Council Minutes
Roll Call:
Mr. S.B. Rutherford
re Ganaraska
Conservation Authority
Watershed Plan
May 9, 1983
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council
held on May, May 9, 1983, at 9:30 a.m.
in Courtroom #2.
Mayor Rickard called the meeting to order and
led in prayer. He welcomed the pupils from
Grades 3 & 4 from Ontario Street Public School
and their teachers.
Present Were: Mayor G.B. Rickard
Councillor Keith Barr
Councillor Ann Cowman
Councillor Diane Hamre
Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs
Councillor R. Bruce Taylor
Town Clerk, David W. Oakes
Deputy Clerk, Gertrude Gray
Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, D.N. Smith until 3:30 p.m.
Treasurer, K. Campbell
Director of Public Works, R. Dupuis until 3:30 p.m.
Director of Planning, T.T. Edwards until 3:30 p.m.
Director of Community Services, T.A. Fanning
Resolution #C-302-83
Moved by Councillor R. Bruce Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held
on April 25, 1983, be approved as read.
Resolution #C-303-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT the delegations be heard.
Mr. S.B. Rutherford told Council that he wished to speak
briefly in response to the presentation of the Watershed
Plan for the Ganaraska Conservation Authority, made to
Committee on May 2, 1983.
He stated that he noted a drastic change in direction by
the Authority, and a shift in emphasis in the last three
years. He also said that he had been frustrated in his
attempts to convey his concerns to the Authority. He
felt that there is a lack of communications in the way
Co~ncil Minutes
Mr. Roy C. Forrester
re Ganaraska
Conservation Authority
Watershed Plan
Mrs. Marjorie Hill,
Hampton Hall Board re
construction of
May 9, 1983
in which the authorities are constituted.
He spoke of the 1944 report, prepared by Dr. Richardson
which was the first report in the province. The study
stated that the Ganaraska River was unique in that it is
only twenty-one miles long and has a rapid stream flow.
The study also recommended that 20,000 acres be acquired
and put under conservation. The Ganaraska had made no
further acquisitions for three years and had still not
planted some of the property which they had acquired. He
felt that Dr. Richardson's plan should be continued. He
felt the emphasis had been shifted from "action in the
field" to "action in the office".
He also stated that, in his opinion, some areas should
be cleared out and replanted with a more marketable species
such as red pine and more attention paid to the
preservation of the headwaters of the river.
In conclusion, he said that he was glad to see the students
at the meeting as he had been a teacher for many years.
Mr. Roy Forrester also addressed Council relative to the
Ganaraska Watershed Plan. He said that he felt compelled
to speak to Council before they made any decision on the
Plan. He spoke particularly of the Orono Creek in Orono
and district. The streams are disappearing or losing
some of their natural features. This has been caused
by such actions as farmers using swampland for pasture
and the second entrance to Orono Estates. He felt the
Authority should show more concern for smaller details.
He said he was disappointed in the Watershed Plan which
appeared to be a rehash of a previous plan. He hoped for
something more concrete with plans for the Wilmot and
Graham Creek areas. A previous report in 1966 had specific
plans for these areas.
He felt that Council should place more emphasis on control
of fill and construction. He pointed out two areas of
provincial significance, the Clarke Marsh and Bond Head
Bluffs. He also mentioned other areas of funding which are
He suggested that, until the Authority makes specific
intentions, Council withhold approval of the Plan.
Mrs. Marjorie Hill spoke on behalf of the Hampton Community
Centre Board. She urged Council to adopt the resolution
which would be coming up later in the meeting relative to
the construction of washrooms at the Hampton Hall. She
stressed the need for the project to proceed immediately.
CoUncil Minutes
~ Communications
Oshawa and District
Labor Council re
. Nuclear Free Zone
- 3 -
May 9, 1983
Resolution #C-304-83
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, Seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the communications to be received for information be
approved except for 1-8, 1-11, 1-12.
I - 1 Handi-Transit Incorporated re Financial Statement
for the month ending March 31, 1983
I - 2 Ministry of Transportation & Communications re
Preliminary Design Study on Improvements to
Highway 2 from the C.P.R. Subway east of
Newcastle to Newtonville
I - 3 Ganaraska Conservation Authority re correspondence
from the Ministry of Natural Resources on Management
of water and related land resources
I - 4 Ministry of Transportation & Communications re
Advance Payment of Subsidy for Road Improvements
I - 5 Provincial Secretary for Social Development re
Bicentennial Symbol
I - 6 Ministry of Transportation & Communications re
Reconstruction of Hwy. 2 from C.P.R. Subway,
Newcastle east to Newtonville
I - 7 Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee
re minutes of meeting of March 24, 1983
I - 9 Association of Municipalities of Ontario re Bill 14 -
An Act to Revise the Municipal Conflict of Interest
I - 10 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re
Minutes of a meeting of April 19, 1983
Resolution #C-305-83
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT there be a ten minute recess.
Resolution #C-306-83
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the correspondence from the Oshawa and District Labor
Council re Nuclear Free Zone, dated April 18, 1983 be
received for information.
Council Minutes
eoshawa and District
Labor Council re
Nuclear Free Zone
Town of Newcastle
Museum Board re
Minutes of Meeting
~.1a rch 29, 1983
Clarke Museum
Mr. Leslie Whitford
re Town Crest
Ministry of
. Environment re
Information Committee
for Hale Landfill
- 4 -
May 9, 1983
Resolution #C-307-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT the previous resolution be amended by adding:
"and Council support Oshawa and District Labor Council's
attempts at voicing concerns about nuclear war"
Resolution #C-308-83
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Clarke Museum Board
for March 29, 1983 be received for information.
Resolution #C-309-83
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the Treasurer be requested to bring back a report
regarding the disposition of the allocation to the Clarke
Museum from Ontario Hydro.
Resolution #C-310-83
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the correspondence from Mr. L. Whitford, dated
April 21, 1983 re Bowmanville Coat of Arms be received for
Resolution #C-311-83
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the Mayor reply thanking Mr. Whitford for his interest
and concern and outlining the status of Bowmanville and the
Town of Newcastle at the present time.
Resolution #C-312-83
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the communication from Mr. G. Mierzynski, Ministry of
the Environment dated April 21, 1983, be received;
Council Mi nutes
Ha 1 e Landfi 11
. Site
Hale Landfill
Environment Canada re
Canadian Environment
Week (CEW) June 5 -
June 11 th, 1983
Bowmanvill e Lawn
Bowling Club re
Grant from the Town
of Newcastle
Hostel Services
(Durham Region) Inc.,
. re Financial Support
from the Town of
- 5 -
May 9, 1983
AND THAT the Ministry be requested to advise the Town of
Newcastle of the results of the upcoming injunction
Resolution #C-313-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the previous resolution be amended by adding:
AND THAT the Mayor's Secretary arrange a meeting of the
Town Council appointees and the Committee of Clarke
Constituent appointees for the purpose of appointing a
Chairman and Secretary and notify the Ministry of
Environment of the same.
Resolution #C-314-83
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the communication from H.L. Ferguson, Environment
Canada, 55 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2
dated April, 1983 requesting that the week of June 5th,
1%:; be proclaimed as "Canadian Environment Week" be
AND THAT the request that the week of June 5th, 1983 be
proclaimed as "Canadian Environment Week" in the Town of
Newcastle be approved and advertised in accordance with
Town Policy.
Resolution #C-315-83
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the request from the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club
regarding Grant from the Town of Newcastle be received
for information and they be advised of the Town's Grant
Resolution #C-316-83
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the correspondence from Hostel Services (Durham Region)
Inc., regarding Financial support from the Town of Newcastle
for Hostel Services be received for information and they
be advised of the Town's Grant Policy.
Council Minutes
. City of North York
re "Daylight
Saving Time"
G.P.A. Report
Five Year Capital
Burk Cemetery
- 6 -
May 9, 1983
Resolution #C-317-83
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the correspondence from the City of North York
regarding "Daylight Saving Time" be received for
Resolution #C318-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee
Chairman's Report of May 2, 1983, be approved except for
Item 1.
Resolution #C-319-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT Item 1 be approved.
Resolution #C-320-83
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT Item 1 (b) be amended by changing:
"Debentures" to "Other" to "Debentures" and "Other"
Recorded Vote
Councillor Barr Nay
Councillor Cowman Yea
Councillor Hamre Nay
Councillor Hobbs Yea
Councillor Hubbard Yea
Councillor Taylor Nay
Mayor Rickard Nay
Resolution #C-321-83
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT Item led) be deleted and referred to the General Purpose
and Administration meeting for discussion and to the Hydro
Liaison Committee.
Coline il Mi nutes
G.P.A. Report
Capital Grants for
Hampton & Haydon
Ha 11 Boa rds
Delegation re
Hampton Hall Board
- 7 -
May 9, 1 983
Mayor Rickard declared a Conflict of Interest in Item
1 (a) because of servicing which would pass property in
which he has an interest, and left the table.
Councillor Hamre, Acting Mayor, took the Chair.
Resolution #C-322-83
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT Item 1 be divided into 1(a) and 1(b), 1(c), 1(d),
1(e), 1(f).
Acting Mayor Hamre called the vote on Item 1 and the
motion was "LOST".
Mayor Rickard returned to the table at this point.
Resolution #C-323-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee
Chairman's Report of May 2, 1983, be approved except for
Items 11 and 13.
Resolution #C-324-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT Item 11 be approved.
Resolution #C-325-83
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT Council deal with Report TR-83-31 at the same time
as Item 11.
On being put to a vote, Resolution #C-324-83 was "CARRIED".
Resolution #C-326-83
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the delegation from the Hampton Hall Board be
acknowledged and copies of communications be forwarded
to them;
AND THAT the Mayor make an urgent request to the Minister
of Tourism and Recreation;
Council Mi nutes
Delegation re Hampton
Ha 11 Boa rd
Orono Fi re Ha 11
Proj ect
- 8 -
May 9, 1983
AND FURTHER THAT Mr. S. Cureatz, M.P.P. be advised and
his assistance be sought.
Resolution #C-327-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT Item 13 be approved.
Resolution #C-328-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the previous resolution be amended by deleting
"Counci 11 or Hamre" as Counci 1 representa ti ve.
Resolution #C-329-83
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT the meeting recess for lunch until 1 :45 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 1 :45 p.m.
Resolution #C330-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT the recommendation in Report TR-83-33, 1983 Budget,
be approved;
AND THAT this report be received;
AND FURTHER THAT the Rating By-Law 83-70 be approved.
Councillor Barr Yea
Councillor Cowman Yea
Councillor Hamre Yea
Councillor Hobbs Nay
Councillor Hubbard Yea
Councillor Taylor Yea
Mayor Rickard Yea
Council Minutes
Tender T38-8
Bowmanville Parking
Lot Development
Mr. S. Rutherford
and Mr. R. Forrester
re Watershed Plan
- 9 -
May 9, 1983
Resolution #C-331-83
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the recommendation in Report TR-83-35 be endorsed; and
THAT this report be received; and
THAT Behan Construction Ltd., Cobourg, Ontario with a total
bid of $94,221.84, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting
all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender T83-8 be
awarded the contract to construct municipal parking lots on
Division and Silver Streets in Bowmanville; and
THAT the required funds be drawn from the 1983 Capital
Budget provision for the Bowmanville Revitalization Project;
AND FURTHER THAT Council adopt the attached by-law authorizing
execution of a lease for the Silver Street Parking Lot.
Resolution #C-332-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the delegations of Mr. S. Rutherford and Mr. R.
Forrester be acknowledged and their comments be referred
to Planning Staff's report on the Watershed Plan and to
the Ganaraska Watershed Committee and the full Ganaraska
Authority Board.
Resolution #C-333-83
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws,
and that the said by-laws be now read a first time:
83-67 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an
Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Joe and Marilyn
83-68 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an
Agreement with Canada Permanent Trust Company;
83-69 being a by-law to amend Restricted Area By-law
2111, as amended, of the former Township of
Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle (Moase)
83-70 being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums
required during the year and to strike the rates
of taxation for the year 1983.
Council Mi nutes
- 10 -
May 9, 1983
83-71 being a by-law to authorize the entering into of
a lease agreement with Schleiss Development
Company. (Parking Lot)
Resolution #C-334-83
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the second reading of the following by-laws be
83-67; 83-68; 83-69; 83-70; 83-71.
Councillor Cowman challenged the count of votes by the
chair and asked for a recorded vote.
Counci 11 or Barr
Councillor Cowman
Councillor Hubbard
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Hobbs
Councillor Taylor
Mayor Rickard
Resolution #C-335-83
Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the third and final reading of the following by-laws
be approved:
83-67; 83-68; 83-69; 83-70; 83-71.
Resolution #C-336-83
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT Council suspend their schedule of meetings and meet
at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 24, 1983, with the re-enact-
ment of the first Bowmanville Council Meeting taking place
at 7:30 p.m.; Council approve of hosting a social hour
following the re-enactment and the Liaison Chairman for
the Clerk's Department assist in any way.
Counc il Mi nutes
National Physical
Activity Week
Position of Chief
- 11 -
May 9, 1983
Resolution #C-337-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the previous resolution be amended by adding:
"The funds be taken from Account # 7007-235-X-5; Reception
and tributes to a maximum of $500.00".
Resolution #C-338-83
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the correspondence from the Minister of State for
Fitness and Sport be received for information and the
week of May 15 - May 23, 1983 be proclaimed "National
Physical Activity Week" according to Town Policy.
Resolution #C-339-83
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to grant
approval for events for the 125th Anniversary within
their discretionary powers.
Resolution #C-340-83
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the recommendation in the Mayor's Report regarding
the position of Chief Administrative Officer be endorsed;
AND THAT this report be received;
AND THAT Council proceed immediately to fill the position
of Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Newcastle;
AND FURTHER THAT Council follow the procedure as outlined
in the memorandum from D.N. Smith to myself dated May 5, 1983.
Resolution #C-341-83
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the proposed advertisement be amended to delete the
salary range and insert "commensurate with qualification"
Council Minutes
- 12 -
May 9, 1983
Resolution #C-342-83
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the advertisement be amended further to read, that
this will be a two year contract position.
Councillor Barr Yea
Councillor Cowman Nay
Councillor Hamre Yea
Councillor Hobbs Yea
Councillor Hubbard Nay
Councillor Taylor Yea
Mayor Rickard Yea
Resolution #C-343-83
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hobbs
THAT Item 4 be added to the recommendation:
4. THAT the Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. D.N. Smith
be asked to participate in the interviewing and
On being to a recorded vote, Resolution #C-340-83 was
Counci 11 or Barr
Councillor Cowman
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Hobbs
Councillor Hubbard
Councillor Taylor
Mayor Rickard
Resolution #C-344-83
Sale of Loti
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the Offer of Purchase with respect to the sale of
Part 1, Plan 10R-1522, received from ~lr. Eldon MacKay,
R.R. #2, Blackstock, dated May 5th, 1983, be accepted;
AND THAT Council approve passage of a By-law authorizing
the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Agreement of Purchase
and Sale on behalf of the Town of Newcastle, with respect
Council Minutes
- 13 -
May 9, 1983
to the sale of Part 1, Plan lOR-1522, to Mr. Eldon
MacKay, R.R. #2, Blackstock.
Resolution #C-345-83
By-law 83-72
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 83-72, being
a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement of
Purchase and Sale with Eldon MacKay, and it now be read
a first time.
Resolution #C-346-83
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT the second reading of By-law 83-72 be approved.
Resolution #C-347-83
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT the third and final reading of By-law 83-72 be
Resolution #C-348-83
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Barr
THAT the Director of Community Services be thanked for
circulating the information regarding the Arena and
Fitness Centre and it be referred to the General Purpose
and Administration Committee.
Resolution #C-349-83
Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 83-73 being a
by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the
Town of Newcastle, at this meeting held on the 9th day
of May, 1983, and the said by-law be now read a first time.
'Council ~1i nutes
- 14 -
May 9, 1983
Resolution #C-350-83
Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the second reading of By-law 83-73 be approved.
Resolution #C-351-83
Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the third and final reading of By-law 83-73 be approved.
Resolution #C-352-83
Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:45 p.m.
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