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Council Minutes
March 15, 1982
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council
on Monday, March 15, 1982, at 9:30 a.m.,
in Court Room #2.
Roll Call
Present Were: Mayor Garnet B. Rickard
Councillor A. Cowman
Councillor D. Hamre
Councillor M. Hubbard
Counci 11 or M. Prout
Councillor R.B. Taylor
Councillor E. R. Woodyard
Town Clerk, David W. Oakes
Deputy Clerk, G. Gray
Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, D. N. Smith
Treasurer, K. Campbell
Director of Planning. T.T. Edwards
Director of Community Services, T.A. Fanning
Deputy Director of Public Works, D. Gray
Resolution #C-219-82
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held
on March 1, 1982, be approved as read.
Mrs. Bonita Cunningham addressed Council on behalf of
the Stephenson Sideroad Homeowners Association, relative
to By-law 81-154, Rezoning for Group Homes. The by-law
is presently before the Ontario Municipal Board and she
asked Council to request that it be tabled pending
further consideration. She stated that the Homeowners
Group felt that the rezoning might result in a threat
to the well-being of the families on the road. She said
that the Group had met with some members of Council and
staff, representatives of Social Services, Detective
Parker of the Regional Police and other Group Home
Operators. She mentioned specific items in the By-law
including the broad definition of a "Group Home."
Resolution #C-220-82
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT the communications to be received for information
be approved, except for I-I and 1-5.
Council Minutes
Town of Seaforth re
C.H.I.P. Program
Mental Health Week
C.L.O.C.A. Master
Plan Presentations
CHOO Chili Weekend
Navy League of Canada
- 2 -
March 15, 1982
1-2 Sam L. Cureatz, M.P.P., re Railway Signal
Lights, Lakeshore Road, Village of Newcastle
I - 3 Heritage Committee Meeting re minutes of
February 18, 1982
I - 4 T.P.H.L. Passenger Association re
Ra il Servi ces
Resolution #C-221-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the correspondence from the Town of Sea forth re
C.H.I.P. Program, be received for information.
Resolution #C-222-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the request of Mental Health/Durham, be approved
and Mental Health Week, May 2 to May 8, be proclaimed
according to Town Policy.
Resolution #C-223-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT Council concur with the suggestion of C.L.O.C.A.,
for the public presentation of Masterplans for certain
areas within the Town of Newcastle.
Resolution #C-224-82
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT Council concur with the request of CHOO Country
Radio 14, that May 29th and 30th be proclaimed
CHOO Chili Weekend according to Town Policy.
Resolution #C-225-82
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT Council concur with the request of Bowmanville &
District Navy League of Canada to hold a "Battle of
the Atlantic" Parade, on Sunday, May 2nd, and the
Regional Police be so notified.
Council Minutes
Navy League of Canada
Tag Day
Block Parent Week
Atomic Energy Control
Board re Port Granby
Waste Management
Facil ity
City of Mississauga
Resolution No. 76
- 3 -
March 15, 1982
Resolution #C-226-82
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT the Bowmanville & District Branch of the Navy
League of Canada, be permitted to hold a Navy League
Tag Day in the Town of Newcastle on May 28th and 29th.
Resolution #C-227-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT Council designate the week of May 9 - 15,
Block Parent Week, in the Town of Newcastle, according
to Town Policy.
Resolution #C-228-82
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the correspondence from the Atomic Energy
Control Board re Port Granby Waste Management Facility,
be received and referred to the General Purpose and
Administration Committee, and a copy be sent to
Mr. Veldhuis.
Resolution #C-229-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT the correspondence received from the City of
Mississauga re Appeals to Cabinet of a.M.B.
Decisions, be referred to staff for a report to
the General Purpose and Administration Committee.
Resolution #C-230-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee
Chairman's Report of March 8, 1982, be approved, except
for Items 1 and 5.
Council Minutes
Striking Committee
Delegation re
By-law 81-154
- 4 -
March 15, 1982
Resolution #C-231-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT Item #1, Duplicating Equipment, be approved.
Resolution #C-232-82
~1oved by Counci 11 or Hamre, seconded by Counci l10r Hubbard
THAT the Agenda be altered to deal with the Striking
Committee Report, and delegation, prior to a discussion
on Item 5, Budget.
Resolution #C-233-82
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the Striking Committee Chairman's report of
March 11, 1982, be approved.
Resolution #C-234-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT "WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has received further
representations from the objectors to By-law 81-154; and
WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle wishes to reconsider
By-law 81-154;
BE IT NOW RESOLVED THAT the Town of Newcastle hereby
requests the Ontario Municipal Board to hold By-law 81-154
in abeyance pending further review. The Town will advise
the Board further in respect of this matter."
Councillor Hubbard declared conflict of interest in
this matter and left the table.
Resolution #C-235-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT Council deal with 'Other Business', prior to
Item 5 of the General Purpose and Administration Committee
Council Minutes
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March 15, 1982
Resolution #C-236-82
M. T.C. Final
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the Treasurer be authorized to petition the
Ministry of Transportation and Communications for
Final Subsidy as amended on expenditures in the
Public Works Department from January 1 to
December 31, 1981.
Resolution #C-237-82
Bi 11 162
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT the Chief Administrative Officer report to the
General Purpose and Administration Committee relative
to an amendment to Bill 162, with regards to
Industrial Development.
Resolution #C-238-82
Purchasing From
Local Industries
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT staff be requested to report on the Town's
Policy in respect of purchasing from local industry
and business with a view to bringing a purchasing
policy in conjunction with the proposed purchasing
Resolution #C-239-82
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the meeting recess for 10 minutes.
Resolution #C-240-82
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT Council go into the Committee of the Whole
for discussion on the Budget (Item #5, G.P.A. Report)
Council Minutes
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March 15, 1982
Resolution #C-241-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the Budget be received and Report TR-13-82,
be considered.
Resolution #C-242-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the recommendation in TR-13-82, be approved.
1. That this report be received; and
That Council adopt the following resolution in
respect of the 1982 Current Budget (Item 5, Report
#1, Report of the Chairman of the General Purpose
and Administration Committee March 8, 1982;
"WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has
considered the 1982 Current Budget;
BE IT NOW RESOLVED, THAT the 1982 Current Budget
for the Town be approved in the following amounts:
General Government
Protection to Persons & Property
Transportation Services
Environmental Services
Hea lth Servi ces
Recreational & Cultural Services
Planning & Development Services
representing an approximate mill rate
increase of 8.5%, and that upon the receipt of
the levies of the School Boards and the Region,
that the necessary rating by-law be brought forward
for Council adoption; and
FURTHER, that the staff be authorized to submit, prior
to March 31, 1982, the 1982 Town of Newcastle Public
Works Department program to the Ministry of Transportation
and Communications, for subsidy approval; and
FURTHER, that staff be authorized to submit a
supplementary subsidy request to the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications for the Baseline
Storm Sewer project and that staff be requested to
submit background information to the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications, in support of
the request."
Council Minutes
- 7 -
March 15, 1982
Resolution #C-243-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the budget be amended and $100,000 in
Account 7007-401, be transferred to Account 7007-590,
Admini strati on Improvement Reserve Fund.
Resolution #C-244-82
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the budget be amended and $25,000 in Account 7301-009,
Courtice North Storm Sewer, be funded from O.H.A.P.
Reserve Fund, rather than the Tax Levy.
Resolution #C-245-82
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the budget be amended and the sum of $25,000 be
added to the Administration Improvement Reserve Fund.
Resolution #C-246-82
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the Committee rise.
Resolution #C-247-82
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the action taken in Committee be approved.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Cowman Yea
Councillor Hamre Yea
Councillor Hubbard Yea
Councillor Prout Yea
Councillor Taylor Yea
Councillor Woodyard Yea
Mayor Rickard Yea
Council Mi nutes
- 8 -
March 15, 1982
Resolution #C-248-82
By-l aws
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws:
1. 82-15 being a by-law to designate pedestrian
2. 82-30 being a by-law to grant exemptions for
garbage collection and garbage transportation
vehicles from the weight restrictions provided
by the Highway Traffic Act and By-law 80-41;
3. 82-31 being a by-law to amend by-law 79-1,
regulating parking on Caroline Street,
Village of Newcastle.
and that the said by-laws now be read a first time.
Resolution #C-249-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the second reading of the following by-laws be approved:
82-15; 82-30; 82-31.
Resolution #C-250-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the third and final reading of the following by-laws
be approved: 82-15; 82-30; 82-31; 82-16.
Resolution #C-251-82
Confirming By-law
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT leave be granted to introduce by-law 82-32,
being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the
Council of the Town of Newcastle at this meeting
held on the 15th day of March 1982, and that the
said by-law now be read a first time.
Council Minutes
- 9 -
March 15, 1982
Resolution #C-252-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the second reading of by-law 82-32 be approved.
Resolution #C-253-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the third and final reading of by-law 82-32
be approved.
Resolution #C-254-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:15 p.m.
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