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Counci 1 Mi nutes
February 15, 1982
Mi nutes of a
Council held
15, 1982, at
Room #2.
. Roll Call
Present Were:
regular meeting of
on Monday, February
9:30 a.m., in Court
Mayor Garnet B. Rickard
Councillor A. Cowman
Councillor D. Hamre
Councillor M. Hubbard
Councillor M. Prout
Councillor R. B. Taylor
Councillor E.R. Woodyard
Town Clerk, David W. Oakes
Deputy Clerk, Gertrude E. Gray
Chief Administrative Officer, D.N. Smith
Treasurer, K. Campbell, until 10:45 a.m.
Director of Planning, T.T. Edwards, until 10:45 a.m.
Deputy Director of Public Works D. Gray, 'til 10:45
Director of Community Services, T.A. Fanning,
until 10:45 a.m.
Resolution #C-146-82
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the minutes of a regular Council Meeting of February 1,
1982, be approved as read.
Mr. Ross McMaster appeared on behalf of Mr. A. Wotten,
who asked where the writer of a letter to a newspaper
got a copy of the Town of Newcastle Auditor's report
dated November 12, 1982.
Resolution #C-147-82
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the communications to be received for information
be approved, except for 1-4 and 1-12.
I - 1 Heritage Committee re Minutes of a meeting of
January 28, 1982
I - 2 Minister Responsible for Canada Postal Corporation
re Increase in Postal Rates
I - 3 Regional Municipality of Durham re Foundation
of Water Tower, Monroe Street, Village of Newcastle
I - 5 Ministry of Energy re Brochure on "How Does a
Gas Utility Change its RAtes?"
Council Minutes
. Cl arke Museum
Mi nutes
Long Sault
Ridgerunners Ltd.
- 2 -
February 15, 1982
I - 6 The Council of the Corporation of the City of
Hamilton re Third Annual Cities' Energy Conference,
April 14th - 16th 1982
I - 7 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re Minutes
of Executive Committee of January 18, 1982
I - 8 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re Minutes
of Executive Committee of January 14, 1982
I - 9 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re Minutes
of the Finance & Personnel Committee of January 22, 1982
I - 10 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re Minutes
Of the Executive Committee of February 4, 1982
I - 11 Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re Minutes
of the Full Authority of February 4, 1982
I - 13 Regional Municipality of Durham re Correspondence
from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
regarding Official Plan and Zoning Guidelines for
Cottage Areas
The Mayor declared a conflict of interest in I - 3, which
was received for information.
Resolution #C-148-82
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT I - 4, Minutes of a Meeting of Clarke Museum and
Archives be received for information.
Resolution #C-149-82
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT I - 12, letter from Long Sault Ridgerunners Ltd., re
Sale of road allowance between Lots 26 & 27, Concession 9,
former Clarke, be received for information.
Resolution #C-150-82
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT the previous resolution be amended by adding
"and the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to
put on notice that Mr. Lorne Crago be advised when
the matter is before Council and the correspondence
be considered with the report of the road closing.
Council Minutes
- 3 -
February 15, 1982
Resolution #C-151~82
Boy Scouts of
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the Boy Scouts of Canada, West Durham District request
for proclamation of the 75th year of Scouting the week of
February 21, 1982, be granted according to Town Policy.
Resolution #C-152-82
Junior Farmer
Association of
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the Junior Farmer Association of Ontario request
for proclamation of Junior Farmers Week of March 13 - 19,
1982, be granted according to Town Policy.
Resolution #C-153-82
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT Mr. Wayne Yellowlees be allowed to answer questions
of Council regarding Junior Farmers Week.
Mr. Yellowlees addressed Council and spoke of the work
of the Junior FArmers and explained that proclaiming
Junior Farmers Week according to Town Policy would
be adequate.
On being put to a vote, Resolution #C-152-82 was
Resolution #C-154-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee
Chairman's report of February 8, 1982, be approved
except for Items 1, 3, 14, and 21.
Resolution #C-155-82
Culture and Recreation Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
Master Pl an
THAT Item 1 be approved.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Cowman Nay
Councillor Hamre Yea
Councillor Hubbard Nay
Councillor Prout Yea
Councillor Taylor Yea
Councillor Woodyard Yea
Mayor Rickard Yea
Council Minutes
A. Wotten
CIBC - Closing and
Conveying a portion
of Sabra St., Orono
Parking - Caroline
Street - Newcastle
- 4 -
February 15, 1982
Resolution #C-156-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by CouncillQr Woodyard
THAT Recommendation 3 in Item 1 be amended to read
"The Plan preparation be undertaken under the supervision
of a Technical Co-ordinating Committee made up of Town
Staff, Councillor Taylor, and a representative of
Ontario Hydro, and Ontario Hydro be requested to provide
such representation through the next Hydro Liaison
Committee Meeting.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Cowman Nay
Councillor Hamre Yea
Councillor Hubbard Nay
Councillor Prout Yea
Councillor Taylor Yea
Councillor Woodyard Yea
Mayor Ri ckard Yea
Resolution #C-157-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT Item 3 be approved.
Resolution #C-158-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT Item 14 be approved.
Resolution #C-159-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT Item 14 be tabled until the concerns of abutting
owners have been addressed.
Resolution #C-160-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT Item 21 be approved.
Council Minutes
Pine Ridge School
Open House
Councillor Taylor's
Report re R.O.M.A.
. Recess
A. Wotten
- 5 -
February 15, 1982
Resolution #C-161~82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the Mayor's report re Open House at Pine Ridge School,
March 2, 1982, and advertising through the Clerk's
Department be approved.
Resolution #C-162-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the previous resolution be amended and the advertising
and funding be through the office of the Mayor.
Resolution #C-163-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor woodyard
THAT Councillor Taylor's Report on the R.O.M.A. Convention
be presented at this time.
Resolution #C-164-82
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT there be a 10 minute recess.
Resolution #C-165-82
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT Councillor Taylor's Report on the R.O.M.A. Conference
be received for information.
Resolution #C-166-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the delegation be acknowledged and the letter from
Mr. A. Wotten, dated February 15, 1982, presented by
Mr. Ross McMaster, be received for information and Mr.
Wotten be advised to inquire of the writer of the letter
to the Oshawa Times where he obtained the confidential
Council Mi nutes
- 6 -
February 15, 1982
Recorded Vote
Councillor Cowman Yea
Councillor Hamre Yea
Councillor Hubbard Nay
Councillor Prout Nay
Councillor Taylor Nay
Councillor Woodyard Nay
Mayor Ri ckard Nay
Resolution #C-167-82
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the previous resolution be amended by deleting
all the words following "be received for information."
Recorded Vote
Councillor Cowman Yea
Councillor Hamre Yea
Councillor Hubbard Nay
Councillor Prout Nay
Councillor Taylor Yea
Councillor Woodyard Nay
Mayor Rickard Nay
Resolution #C-168-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the delegation be acknowledged, and the letter
from Mr. Wotten, and presented by Mr. McMaster, be
received and staff answer the question raised in the
Resolution #C-169-82
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the previous resolution be amended by deleting
"and staff answer the question raised in the letter"
and substituting "and referred to staff to research
and report to Council."
Resolution #C-170-82
By- 1 aws
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws:
Council Minutes
- 7 -
February 15, 1982
Tile Drainage
1. 82.19 being a by-law imposing special i\nnuill
drainage rates upon land in respect of which
money is borrowed under The Tile Drainage
Act, 1971
2. 82-20 being a by-law to amend Restricted Area By-law
Number 79-44, as amended, of the Town of Newcastle
and the said by-laws now be read a first time.
Resolution #C-171-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the second reading of the following by-laws be approved:
82-19 and 82-20.
Resolution #C-172-82
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the third and final reading of the following by-laws
be approved: 82-19 and 82-20.
Resolution #C-173-82
Dunham and
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT the Mayor's verbal report on the letter from
Messrs. J. Dunham and W. Ashton dated February
15, 1982, and addressed to Mayor Rickard, be
received for information.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Cowman
Councillor Hamre
Councillor Hubbard
Councillor Prout
Councillor Taylor
Councillor Woodyard
Mayor Rickard
lE!;y_ yeA
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Council Minutes
Confirming By-law
- 8 -
February 15, 1982
Resolution #C-174-82
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 82-21, being
a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of
the Town of Newcastle, at this meeting of February
15, 1982, and the said by-law now be read a first time.
Resolution #C-175-82
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the second reading of by-law 82-21 be approved.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Cowman Nay
Councillor Hamre Nay
Councillor Hubbard Nay
Councillor Prout Nay
Councillor Taylor Yea
Councillor Woodyard Yea
Mayor Ri ckard Yea
Resolution #C-176-82
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:55 a.m.
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