HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/1971 . . . '- . " Bowmanville, Ontario Presiding Officer Appointed Message Of Sympathy Council Minutes Mr. Paul Meeks re Amusemen t Hachines Committee to Investigate Provincial Lm'ls re Amusement Machines REGULAR MEETING July 12th, 1971 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on the above date in the Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present: Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Robert Dykstra George Stephen James A. Bell E. Derry lfubbard DanaI d 1-1. All in !'irs. Olive Cobban Maur i ce Prou t Ivan M. Hobbs Kenneth Hooper Absent: Mayor Councillor Resolution #C-372 Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT Reeve Dykstra be appointed presiding officer of the meeting in the absence of Mayor Hobbs. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-373 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT a message of sympathy be sent to Mayor Hobbs on the death of his brother. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-374 Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the minutes of a meeting of Council held on June 7th, 1971, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Mr. Paul Meeks appeared before Council relative to his application for a change in By-Lml No. lllOS, regarding amusement machine licencing. Resolution #C-37S Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT a committee of two be appointed to enquire into the Provincial laws relative to a~sement machines and to submit a report and recommendations to the next session of Council regarding Mr. Meeks application. "CARRIED" ~leeY8 Dy~(str~. nppointed c.ouncillorv ;'3ell and Cobb<:n. . . . 6- Oshm,a Area Planning & Development Study Chamber of Commerce re LoC..B.O. hours Chamber of Commerce re Side..alk Sale Rotary Thank You Separate School Board re Traffic On Park"ay Crescent - 2 - Resolution #C-376 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the letter dated June 22nd, 1971, from 11r. R. E. Sims, together ..ith the letter dated June 11th, 1971 from the Honourable Dalton Bales, regarding the-future of local government in the Oshawa Area, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-377 11bved by Con. Hubbard, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the request contained in the letter dated June 15th, 1971, from the Chamber of Commerce, relative to 9:00 p.u. Friday closing of the L.C.B.O. store, be concurred with and that the Chamber of Commerce be advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-373 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hubbard. THAT the Ie.tter dated June lL,-th, 1971 from the Chamber of Commerce be concurred with, and that permission be granted to hold the sidffiJalk sale. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-379 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hubbard. THAT the letter dated June 11th, 1971 from Dr. G. E. Mann, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-380 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the letter dated June 17th, 1971, from the Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland & Durham County Roman Catholic Separate School Board, be received and also that the Board be requested for a further report by August 15th, 1971. "CARRIED" . . . Ci ty of Barr ie re Tax Certificate Fees City of Barrie re Tax Exemptions on Certain Buildings City of Barrie re employee parking lot assessment City of Barrie re unconditional grant increase Third Street, Liberty Street Intersection - 3 - Resolution #C-331 Moved by Con. Bell, seconded bJ Con. Allin. THAT the reoo1ution from the City of Barrie regarding fees for tax certificates, be endorsed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-332 !-foved by Con. Hubbard, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the resolution regarding tax exemptions on certain buildings of agricultural societies, received from the City of Barrie, be endorsed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-333 Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the resolution from the City of Barrie relative to assessment of employees parking lots, be endorsed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-384 110ved by Con. Hubbard, secondeG by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the resolution received from the City of Barrie, regarding increase in unconditional grants, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-385 rbved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hubbard. THAT the letter dated June 17th, 1971, from the Counties Engineer regarding Third Street, Liberty Street intersection, be concurred with and that the matter be discussed again when l'lord has been received from the Department of Transportation and Communications regarding the painting of white lines. "CARRIED" -. . . . Hayor s 6< Reeves Assoc. re Bell Canada rate increase County Road iF57 Extension CoOoJ..PoB.. re Supplement #1 Hr. DeJong re Se't-lcr Charge Refund - ~. - Resolution #C-386 ~bved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the letter dated July 5th, 1971, from the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves regarding disposition of surplus funds in connection with the oppooition to Bell Canada'o 1970 application for rate increases, be concurred with. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-387 110veci by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hubbard. THAT the Clerk-Amoinistrator be re~uested to advise the Countieo Engineer that Council is definitely in favour or Highway ~ being conotructed to Highway 1"2, this year. ,. J 7 "CARRIED" Resolution iFc-388 l10ved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the letter dated June 23rd, 1971, from the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board together with a copy or SupplerJent iFl, "Central Sector", be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-339 l10ved by Con. Hubbard, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT Mr. DeJong be refunded the sewer charges with regard to the six units I-1hich "ere constructed before the passing of By-Law No. 67-28. "CARRIED" ". . . . By-Law No. 71-20 C.P.R. Overhead On Martin Road Construction CoLoOoCoAo Report of Minutes Planning Board re CoLoOoC..A.. Health Unit Report - 5 - Resolution #C-390 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. Tlu\.T the letter from the Tm.m Solicitor dated June 22ndt 1971, regarding a by-1m; to approve of the sale of land to Ontario Housing Corporation, be approved. (See By-Law Bo. 71-20) "CARRIED" Resolution #C-391 }bved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Con. Hubbard. THP.T the letter dated July 2nd, 1971, from the Department of Tran~portDtion and Communications relative to the construction of the C.P.R. overhead on Martin Road, be received and filed.,. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-392 Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the report of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority on minutes of their June 8th, 1971 meeting, be approved... "CARRIED" Resolution #C-393 Moved by Con. tfubbard, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Planning Board report relative to objections to Conservation ^uthority regulations, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-394 Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Health Unit Report for the "~nth of May, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" ". . . . Duilding Inspector's Repor t Police Department Report Animal Control Report Police Report Re Overtime Edsall, Jackman, etc. Sanitary Sm'lcr Edsall, Jackman, etc.. Sanitary Smo1cr - 6 - Resolution #C-395 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT tbe Building Inspector's Report for the month of May, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-396 Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the Police Department report for the month of June, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-397 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded b,' Con. Cobban. THAT the Animal Control Report for the month of June, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-393 Hovcd by Con.. Hubbard, occond.ec1 by Con.. Cobban.. THAT the report of the Chief of Police relative to police ovcrti,i1C, be approved", "CARRIED" Resolution #C-J99 llovec'. by Con. Boll, Deconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THI,T the Clerl:-Administr ator' G report reI ati ve to the Edsall, Jacl(l"nan, cte.., oanitary SCHer, be approvcc!o "CARRIED Resolution #C_I,.OO 110ved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Hubbard. THAT the Clerk be instructed to proceed with application to construct.. ". . . . Fire Department Report Town Treasurer 1971 Roads Construction Hl..lnicipal Fire Alarm Telephone ii.nm1er ing Service - 7 - Recorded Vote: Deputy Itccvc Stephen Cour.cil1or Dell Councillor Allin Councillor Cobban Councillor Pr01..!t Councillor Huboar~ Reeve Dykstrc. Nay Nay Nay Yea Yea Yea Yen "CARRIED" Resolution le-Le01 rlovcd oy Deputy Reeve Stephen, occonded by Gono DelIo T}~.T the Fire DepartQent Report for the month of May, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution If'c_L,02 Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Committee Report relative to the appointment of a To~m Treasurer, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-403 Hovce by Con", Pro~t, seconded by Con.. Bell.. TIft":..T Council concur' ui th the Clerl:-.i':..dminis tr ator f s report relative to the 1971 Roado Construction ProgrDr0.ITlCa "CARRIED" Resolution #c-404 }bvcd by Cona Prout, seconded by Con. Cobban.. THAT the report of the Pi~c Departucnt Chief relative to the f.1unicip2.1 fire nl.:.rr:; telephone 2.nsTtTering service, be conc"J.rrccl ';1ith, and t~1at ..., fire 2.1arm box and 'wire be inotailcQ in Lne recidcncc of Mroo Ian &nitho "CARRIED" '. . . . n - 0 - Resolution t~c-L:.05 Haved by Cor:... Hu:":bar(~, seconded ny Con.. Cobbnno Statement Of Accounts THAT the Statcri.lcnt 0:2 iiccocnts, for th8 period of June 8th to June 30th, 1971, in the amount of $258,1,20.55, be 3.pp::-ovcdo "CARRIED" Resolution ~ftC-L:.06 Hovoc t.j~ Con.. Bell, scconclc{."t by D~p1.1ty Reeve Stephen.. Statement Of Accounts Tlli\T the StatcDent of Accounts, for the period of July 1st, to July 6th, 1971., in the amount of $32,4.31.81, be approved.. "CARRIED" R.esolution {ftC-I,07 I~ved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Con. Bell. Statement Of Accounto T}~T the Statement of AccountD, Capital, in the amount of $651:..tl8; be apP,roved. J..V "CARRIED" Resolution #C-~.OG Moved by Con.. Prout, seconded 0J Con.. Cobb~no By-Lm'l No.. 71-20 THAT lCD-vO be grE'ntcd to introduce By-Lau 1\10.. 71-20, being a by-1m' to ,,-uthorizc tC1e sale of lands to the Ont2rio }fuuning Corporation for senior citizen's apartracnt3, and that the said by-lau be not'l read a firet tiLleo "CARRIED" Resolution lftC_I:09 .... Mo\re6. by Cono l~llin, seconder! by Con... Cobban... By-Law Hoo 71-20 THAT the second re,,-ding of By-L,'" No. 71-20, be approved,. "CARRIED" '. . . . il7-Law No. 71-20 By-La~T No. 71-21 By-Lau No. 71-21 By-Lau No. 71-21 Com.l11i t tee To Intcrvic'tV' Applicants For Full Time Haintenance Man - 9 - Resolution If.C-I,.lO Hoved by Con. l.llin, "econdee: by Con. Cobban. TI1AT the third and fin&l reading of By-Law No. 71-20, i)o approved.. "CARRIED" RC:801ution tIC-I.:l1 Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 71-21, being a by-law to adopt amendmen'c .IN,. to th" Zoning By-Le:u, and that the said by-l[l.'W be no"] read a first timco "CARRIED" R"solution #C-~12 Moved by Con. Bell, cecondec by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the cecond reading of By-Law No. 71-21, be approved.. "CIh'UUED" Re so 1 u tion lic-L:.13 Hovcc. by Con" lIubbc.rcl, occonc:cd o:r Con" Prout... THi~r the third and final reeding 02 By-Law Noo 71-21, be: approvcu. "CARRIED" Resolution lic_i:ll: Moved by Con... Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen.. THAT ~ COulffiittcc o~ three be cppointcd consisting of one Bcmber oI Council, the Clerk-Administrator and the Fire Chief, Ene that the cO:.Jr2ittcc carry out intcrvimls and ~akc recoQDcndations rclctivc to the appoinbncnt of a full tirac maintenance man ~or the Fire Department.. "CARRIED" Reeve Dy~strc cppointcd Councillor Allin. '. . . . Hnrl:eting Of Debentures Sidm'lalk Tender 8 Benne t t Paving Tender Accepted Speed Limits - 10 - Resolution #C_l,15 Hovc:c1 by Con.. Bell) Gcco~1c1cd by Deputy Reeve Sfephen" TllAT the foll017ing debentures be mnrketed through the Tovmlu fiocnl ngentc: 93,000, 3%, 1-5 year debentcres - Ro"L Construction 16,000, 3%, 1-10 year debentures - Municipal Parking Lot and furthermore thct " $100,000 20 year debenture be Gold to the crn.t:.:.rio Eunicipc.l Improvement Corporation at an npproximate rate of 8070%, to finance the High School AuditoriuD grant.. "CARRIED" Resolution .ftC-L:.IG 110veG by Con. Prout, seconued by Con. Hubbard. THt\..T the three siclc';7nlk tC'i'ldcrs be opened.. "CARRIED" The tcndCl"S l{l!r.::; [,,8 :collOiW: Bennett P2vinE & ll.r::tcrialc 1iL1itcc~. Harnden &. Kine Construction LL::i tc(~ OOh&\ln Po.vii.1g Company LirJitcG 2l:_<: per oq.. ft.. ~O<: per 8CJ.o fto 27<: per cq.. ft.. .!teco lu don ifrc-L:.17 11ovc0 by Con.. HubbQrd, 8ccon~cd oy Cono Prouta TlIAT the tender of Bennett Pavin13 & Haterids Limited, being the lowoct tender, be accepted at 24C per oquare foot. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-L:.18 MOved by Cona Prout, ceconded 07 Deputy Reeve Stephena THt!l.T the Clcrk-Lc1.miniotrator bc re(~ucstcd to request the police to Get rc.d.:::r patrols on Heverly H.oad and Liberty Street North; also to rC(1:uoct the Police Chiei to comment on the poccibility of reducing apced limit for trucka to 20 milcn per hour and aloo the policing of more 30 Iaile per hour eigne throughout the TOt'ffia "CARRIED" " . . . Adj ourruncnt Resolution ~!C_L:.19 - 11 - }wvcd by Cona Hu1bard, seconded by Con~ Cobbana THAT the meeting be 3djocrncdc /) E- :::-:". .~..- " ,'-'L. <.:~ (~.( 11 Cl.RRIED" ~ .:-- / / .;> .,-t.. /../" ,. ? ~4':,." oj;. . ~/ ~'-