HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/1971 , ,)< . . . REGULAR HEETING September 7th, 1971 Bovrrnanville, Ontario Councillor Hooper Excused From August 3rd Meeting Council Ninutes Petition re Mearns Avenue Zoning Petition Re Crossing Guards At Waverly & King Street Minutes of s regular meeting of Council held on the above date in the Council Ch&ubern at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Ivan No Hobbo Robert Dyl,stra George Stephen James Bell Donald Allin Hrs. O. Cobban 11aurice Prout Kenneth Hooper E. Derry Hubbard Absent: Councillor Resolution #C-460 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT Councillor Kenneth Hooper be and is hereby excused from attending the regular meeting of Council which was held on August 3rd, 1971. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-461 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the minutes of a meeting of Council dated August 3rd, 1971, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution fFC-lf62 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the petition of T. Rimes and others regarding Mearns Avenue zoning be referred to the Planning Board. "CARRIED" Resolution fFC-4.63 Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the request by Hr. Allan Brocl, and others for a crossing guard at Waverly Road and King Street, be referred to the Clerk-Administrator to consult with the TOvlIl Engineer and Police Chief with power to take whatever action is necessary. "CARRIED" , , . . . St.. Joseph's Church Parking Lot Dept. Of Tr ansportation IS, Connnunications Re Construction & Haintenance Programme Hinister of Tr ansportation & Communications ra Interim Subsidy Payments Nrs. C. J. Austin re Fire Alarm Siren - 2 - Resolution lFC-I:.61:. Hoved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the committee 'Thich uan appointed to deal with the matter of buses on Parkway Creocent meet as soon as possible to try to solve this problem. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-I,65 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT Council concur uith the letter from the Department of Transportation & ComJunicQtions dated August 30th relative to the Tmm I s construction and maintenance programme and that the Department of Transportation and Communications be requested to approve the transfer of $67,700 frora the construction \lorks on Silver Street to road maintenance on Suppl~~entary By-Law No. 71-14. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-466 Hoved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the letter dated August 26th, 1971 from the Minister of Transportation & Communications regarding interim subsidy payments, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-467 110ved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT a committee consisting of the Clerk-Administrator and two members of Council investigate the request of Mrs. C. J. Austin dated August 19th, 1971 regarding the fire alarnl siren and bring back a report relative to costs, ete.., and also recomnendations. "CARRIED" The Mayor appointed Con. Hooper and Allin. , . . . CoL..OoCoA.. re Maintenance Levy CoL..OoC..A.. re flood plain mapping costs C.L.O.C.A. rc Heber Down Project Costs H. C. Kilpatrick re Harbour Area Zoning - 3 - R~solution 4tC_L>6G Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the letter dated August 26tlo, 1971 from C.L.O.C.A. regarding collection or Duintcnance levy, be concurred with, and the To,.",'s portion of the levy, amounting to $813.00, be paid. "CARRIED" Resolution itC_L,.69 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the letter dated August 17th, 1971, from C.L.D.C.A. regarding the To,,,,'s share of cost of flood plain mapping of the Harmony, Farewell, Black and Corbett Creeks be concurred tIith and the To,,,,'s portion, amounting to $464.00 be paid, subject to C.L.O.C.A. being advised that future capital projects carried out uithin the To,,,, of Bct.nnanville should be charged to the participating municipalities on the equalized asseSD2cnt factor.. "CARRIED" Resolution itC-470 Hoved by Con. Prout, secondeG by Con. Cobban. THAT the letter dated August 17th, 1971, from C.L.O.C.A. regarding the To>>m's share of cost of the Heber DQ1;.m Conservation Area project, be concurred with and the To,m I s portion, a'11Ounting to $2,505.00 be paid, subject to C..LoO..CoA.. being advised that future capital projects carried out uithin the Toun of Bol-n:1anvil1e should be charged to the participating ounicipalities on the cqunlizcd aSSCGOfficnt factor.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-471 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated August 12th, 1971 from William C. Kilpatrick Sr., regarding zoning of the Harbour Area, be referred to the Planning Board. "CARRIED" . . . Ne" Arena Rates &;'lirnming Pool Control By-Lmq Grants In Lieu Of Taxes Third Street/ Liberty Street Intersection _ L:. _ Resolution #C-472 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Prout. TliAT the communication dated August 10th, 1971, from T. A. Fanning, Director of Recreation, be concurred with and the neu rates for the arena be as follo'Vls: Prime T~me Rentals Non-Prime Time Rentals Bo'lffianville Hinor Hockey Association & Ool1oH~Ao Junior "G" $19.00 per hour $13.00 per hour $15.50 per hour "CARRIED" Resolution #C_L,73 Moved by COD., Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen., THAT the comounication dated August 11th, 1971, from Mr. Hetherington, Building Inspector, be received and that a by-l ail siroil ar to By-Lmr 112-68 of the City of OshaHa be subnitted to the next meeting of Council for considcrationc "CARRIED" Resolution ltC-l:.74 Noved by Reeve Dyl:stra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated August 6th, 1971, from Hr. Edgar J. Benson, Federal Minister of Finance, regarding grants in lieu of taxes, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution ltC_l:75 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated August 4th, 1971, from the Counties Engineer regarding Third Street/Liberty Street intersection, be received and filed. "CARRIED" . . . Committee Of Adjustment Application Mr. Leslie Piper re Tr app ing Animal Control Report Police Department Report Building Inspector' s Report - 5 - Resolution ltC-t,7G Haved by Reeve D:rlc.stra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stcpheno Tr~T the notice dated September 2nd, 1971, from the Secretary of the CO~1ffiittec of Adjusuuont, regarding application for Elinor variance of Lot 39, Plan 68~ on Little Avenue, be received and that the Clerk-Administrator be requested to attend the hearine and object to the epplication on behalf of the Tmm as council is opposed to it. "CARRIED" Resolution 1tC-lf77 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. TAAT the request dated September t:th, 1971 from Mr. Leslie Piper, to trap muskrats on the former Shortt fam property Hhich is no\) mmed by the Town, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution ltC-L,7G Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. TAAT the Animal Control Report for the nIDnth of July, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution 1tC-L,.79 Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Allin. TAAT the Police Department Report for the month of July, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-480 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. TAAT th0 Building Inspector's Report for the months of June and July, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" . Special J.,"irc Corami ttcc Meeting With Volunteer Firemen St.. Jo scph t s Church Parking Lot . Horks Department Grader Arena Washroom Ai terations Hr. Graydon Bro\.m, Fire Maintenance Han . Gas Company Excavations - 6 - Resolution 4fc_L:8l Moved by Con. Cobban, Deconded by Con. Allin. T&\1 the Committee Report rel~tive to the Special Fire Corrnnittcc Lccting, be approved", "CARRIED" Resolution #C-482 }IDved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, Deconded by Con. Bell. THAT the Tmll1 Engineer's Report relative to St. Joseph's Church Parking Lot be approved, and information requested be foruarded to the Separate School Board. "CARRIED" Resol\.!tion 4fC_L,.fJ3 Hoved by Con. Prout, neconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the Tmm Engineer I s Report relative to the erader, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution 4fc_L,.[jL:. 110veG by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the report of the Clerk-Adwinistrator relative to arcna \.,aohroom al tor ationG, be approvedo "CARRIED" RCDolution #C-435 Hovc;(~ by Con.. Hooper, seconded. by Con.. Prout.. THAT the Committee Report relative to the appointment of a fire maintenance ii:l.an, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-486 Hoved by Dept..ty Reeve Stephen, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the report of the Clerk-A~~inistrator regarding the To'\'ffi Engineer's memo relative to gas company.s excavations, be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Proposed Construction Projects 73rd Annual Ontario Municipal Assoco Convention C.L.O.C.A. Minutes Fire Department Report pouee", to be requested to install large hydrants - 7 - ~lution fFC-I:.fj7 Moved by Cono Bell, seconded b7 Reeve Dykstrao THAT the To~m Enginccr1s report regarding proposed construction projects, be approved and that the design work be continued llith 50 that the Harks get under T,,-TUY in 1972. "CARRIED" Resolution 1ftC_l:.88 Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Allin. TI~f the Clerk-Administrator's report on the 73rd f,nnual Ontario Hunicipal Association Convention be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution fPC_l:.89 fIDved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Report of minutes of August 2L:.t~1 meeting, be approvcdo "CARRIED" Re so lu tion 'J~C-L:90 Haved by Cono Cobb.:4J., seconded by Cono Allin<> THAT the Fire Department Report ior the months of July and August, 1971, be epproved. "CARRIED" Resolution fPC_l:91 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Fire Chief, through the Clerk-Administrator request the Public Utilities Commission to install large hydrants as suggested by him in his report. "CARRIED" . . . Garbar;e Dump To Be Covered Statement Of Accounts August 1-31 Statement Of Accounts September 1-7 Statement Of Lccounts Capital Fund Statement Of Accounts Reserve Fund o - (.) - Resolution #C-I,92 Movce by Cono Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the r;arbage dump be covered by the Horks Department every Saturday afternoon.. "CARRIED" Resolution 4tC_I,.93 Haved by Cor:... PrOtlt, seconded by Cono Hooper.. TliAT the Statement of Accounts ror the period of August 1st to 31st, 1971, in the amount or $352,737.8l,. be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution 4tC-I:.9l:. l1ovcc.1 by Con.. I-Ioopcr, seconded by Con.. Prout. THAT the Statement of Accounts for the period of September 1st to 7th, 1971, in the amount of $19,966.09, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-495 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the Statement of Accounts, Capital Fund, in the amount or $651,.22, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-496 Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, Gccondcd by Reeve Dykstra.. THAT the Statement or Accounts, Reserve Fund, in the amount or $39,006.85, be approved. "CARRIED" - 9 - . Resolution lFC-/,97 Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. By-LaY! No.. 71-26 THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Lau No. 71-26, being 2. by-l[!.~'? to authorize the iSGUC of debentures in the principal wnount of $100,000.00 for the purposes referred to in Schedule "An, and that the said by-law be nOH read a first timco "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-/,9G Hoved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Allin. By-La" No. 71-26 THAT the second reading of By-Lm" Ho. 71-26, be approved. "CARRIED" Reoolution :fftC-Q-99 . 110ved by COD. Allin, seconded by Con. Cobban. By-Lm-, No. 71-26 THAT the third and final reading of By-Lau No. 71-26, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-500 110ved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Allin. By-La" Noo 71-27 THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 71-27, being a by-law to licence &ilUeement machines, and that the said by-lm7 be now read a firot time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-501 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. By-LaY! No. 71-27 THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 71-27, be approved. "CARRIED" . . . . - 10 - Resolution #C-s02 Moved oy Con.. Hooper, seconded by Con.. Prout. By-LaH No. 71-27 THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 71-27, be approved. "CARRIED" (Reeve Dykatn: objected to the above resolution) Resolution #C-s03 Haved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con.. Bell. By-Lm' 1'100 T&\T leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 71-20, being Cl by-1m'7 to authorize tho execution of an agreement for carrying out studies relating to the physical condition of the Dunicipality, fu,d that the Gaid by-law be now read a first time.. 71-28 "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-sOI: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dykotra. By-La,.] No.. 71-28 THAT the second reading of By-Lm.] No. 71-28, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-sOs Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. By-Law No.. 71-28 THAT the third and final reading of By-Lm; No. 71-28, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-S06 Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded ~)y Con. :.Uin. By-Law No. 71-29 TrlAT laave be granted to introd'-ice By-Lal'] Po. 71-29, being oS. by-1m., to authorize the construction of a sidewalk on Scugog Street, and that the said by-law be nO'i'i read a firnt ti.ac.. tlCARRIED" - 11 - . Resolution #C-507 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cobban. By-La" No. 71-29 THAT the second reading of By-La" No. 71-29, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-508 110vcd by Cono Cobban, seconded by Con~ Allin", ny-Law No. 71-30 TIlAT leave be granted to introduce By-Lm' No. 71-20, being 2- by-lmr to CliTIcnd By-Lm' Eoo 1587, and that the aaid by-1m; bt.: nOl"! read n first ti:.:m", "CARRIED" Resolution #C-509 110vec by Con. Prout, Gcconccd by Con~ Hooper", . By-Lm' I.To", 71-30 THAT the Decone reading of By-Law No. 71-30, be e.pprovcd", "CARRIED" Resolution #C-510 Movce Ly Cano }boper, seconded by Cano Prout", By-Lal" no. 71-30 TtU,T the third and final reading o~ By-Law No. 71-30, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-511 ~bvcd by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con", Bello By-Lm' No. 71-31 THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Lau No. 71-31, being .2. by-1m', to authorize the conotruction of certain works ao Local Improvcmcnto under the Loc&l Improvement Act, and that the said by-lair bo nOI-' read a first time. "CARRIED" . , . . . By-Lml No.. 71-31 By-Lml No. 71-32 By-Lm" No. 71-32 Resolution Relative to Niagarc Region Conservation Authority Increased Levy - 12 - Resolution #C-51Z Moved by Con. Cobccn, seconded 0Y Reeve Dykstra.. THAT the secono rending of By-Lm-! Ho.. 71-31, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-513 }'loved by Con. Bell, sccoadctl by Reeve Dykstra. THtlT leave be grmtcc:. to introduce By-LCl~7 Ho. 71-32, being 0. by-1m'! to authorize the conntruction of a s.onitnry om",Y on Haverly Roed, Coleman Street, Chapel Street and King Street Heet, as 0. loco.l improvement, under the provicionc of the Local L~provcment Act, and tho.t the said by-law be now reo.d 0. first time. "ClIRRIED" Resolution #C-5l~ Moveci by Con.. Cobb,~, seconded by Con. Allin.. THAT the oecond rending of By-Law No. 71-32, be o.pproved. "ClIRRIED" Resolution #C-515 Movc~ by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Bell.. mlERill\S the follouing reoolution peseed by the City of St.. Cathcrincc c~d endorccd by R2gional Municip21ity of Niagara; CiticG of Barrie, Belleville, Brant:.:ord, Chatha~, Corn~lcll, Kingston, Kitchcncr, North Bay, ~1cn Soun2, Sts Thomas, SLrrnin, Stratford, Sudbury and Headstock, ;;'7[,~O Gubr.1ittcG to the 1971 Convention of the Ontario ~funicipa1 ~scociation and recommended by the said convention for suboiscion to the Provincial CaLinct in the l..ssociationls .::.nnual bricE; l1WlIEREf.:;.S the Niagarn Rcgionnl Conocrvation il.uthority has dcterDinecl the.t its levy for 1971 \1ill be incrc8.Gcd by lO~ per cep ita or 20'7.; AND j'lHEREi\S it appears that under the legislation ao it now cxiatc the limitation on expenditures made by the Authority io detcrQined by it nubject only to the approval of the Einistcr of projects undcrtc.kcn, and that the municipalittclJ involved, .except to the: extent of their representation on the Lathority, cnn excrcilJc no control over such expenditures except to the npportionment of the same relative to benefits received; . . . . 1971 Road Paving Tenders Opening Of Tender Bennett PQving Tender Accepted Thanks To Horticu1 tura1 Society - 13 - NOH THEREFORE be it resolved that the Government of Ontario be petitioned to unclcrtc::.l:e G rcviC';; of the legislation applicQtlc to the Conservation AetDorities in the Province of Ontario vith particular reference to the control of total c}:pcnditurcs as -';-1011 as specific projects, their orgm1izo.tion['~l stri..lcturc .nnt'. their 2ccountability to the texp Dyer; tI NO;} THEREFORE be it rC801~lcc1 tho:t the Honourable Wm. G.. Davis, Primo Hiniotcr of Ont[',i.:to, 1:;12 advisc:.d thc.t this Council endorses the Baid r~solution and furthermore that it be rcco,~l;Jcndcll that "the lcgiole:.tion opacify ['~ Ill.'J.xir:lUfll percentage o~: increase 1lhich the Conser-vatian Authority may levy iror::. one yeor to mlothcr anc furthermore that a copy of thic rCGolution be sent to Nr" Alex Carruthcl'C, M.P.P. for the riding. "CARRIED" The Clerk-Aclll1inictre.tor advised that only one tender had ~een received for the 19;1 road paving" Resolution #c-516 rroved by Con. Prout, seconde~ by Con. Hooper. T1L\T tho tender be opened. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-517 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the tender ox Bennett Paving in the amount of $83,751.00 bo accepted subject to all the necessary approvals being received from the Ontcrio Municipal Boord. "CARRIED" Resolution ~C-518 MOV~G by Cono Prout, seconded by Cono Allin" TII.l\.T 0. letter of npprcciGtion be Dent to the Horticultural Society for their finc 11orl-,:: in f:1cint.:::.ining the floucr bodo on the various municipel properties" "C.i>.RRIED" , . . . . DOJnagc. To Sideualkc By Contractors CoLoO",CoAo Flood Plain Lands N2.intcnance Of Christmas Lighta Chamber Of Commerce 110e ting Repairs Necessary To Tm.m Hall Building - l~ - Resolution #C-5l9 l10ved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Cono Allin... T~T the Building Inspector inveatigate possible damage to municipal sidc'Hall::.c by building contractors in Tatm and take any necessary action. "CARRIED" Renolution #C-520 Haved by Reeve D:rkstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen... THi\T the Clcrk-1\.Jministrotor rcc:.ucst e reply from C...LoOoCoA.. to a letter 'dritten to them on July 15th, 1971, relative to flood pl~in landoo "CARRIED" Nayor Hobbs reported on hiG ('.if:;:iculty in arranging a meeting ui th the Chamber 0:( Cornr,1crcc rcgording the cost of ~cpairing the XmUG lighting SyctCffio Recolution ifC-52l Moved by Reeve Dykstrc, seconded by Con. Hoopero THAT Meycr Hob~s con~inuc to try to set up meeting Hith the Char::1!Jer of C01Tlr.1crcc. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-522 l.....lOVCC'~ by Reeve Dyk.strn, seconded by Con... Allin... THAT a committee of tHO be appointed to meet >rith the Building InGpector and Clerk-Administrator to investigate 't.fhat repairs lli"1.d ncccsqary 1;.Tork .;:lI'C required to the T01'ffi Hall and report back. to Council. "CARRIED" The Mayor appointed Councillors Bell and Cobban. . . . C.P.R. Cross ing Tax Collectors Convention Adjournment - IS - Resolution #C-523 Hoved by Con.. I-looper) seconded by Con.. Prout.. THAT a letter be 11ri tten to the C. P.;C. regarding the state of the crossing at Scugog Street and also the overhe['~d bridge on Highuay 2 and railing.. "CARRIED" Resolution 1f:C-52L:. Moved by Con. lboper, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the request of Hr. Bruce Collins, Treasurer, to attend the T~x CollectorG Association of Ontario Convention from September 12th to September l~th, be concurred 'I'd tho "CARRIED" Resolution #C-S25 Hovec~. by Con" Hooper,) seconded by Cono Prout.. THAT the meeting be adjourned.. "CARRIED" u.~ ?Jd;b C/ Mayor ' (: I 1~pl // 'VeW lerk . . . C.L.O.C.A. Administration Costs ADDENDUM TO MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 7TH. 1971 Resolution #C.468(a) Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the letter dated August 9th, 1971, from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority regarding collection of levy for Administration Costs, be concurred with and the Town's portion of the levy amounting to $1,502.00 be paid. "CARRIED" g '~ - -~YO'R /M~ {: i: j j (u/' \,.,,,<'1 ...,. CLERK