HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1971 ;. . . . Bo>nnanville, Ontario Council Minutes District Health Unit re Private Sewage Disposal CoL.O.CoA. re Ontario Regulation 108/71 Bowmanville Revised Official Plan REGULAR 11EETll'1G October 4th, 1971 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on the above date in the Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Ivan H. HDbbs Robert Dykstra George Stephen James A. Bell E. Derry Hubbard Donald 1-1. Allin I1rs. Olive Cobban l1aurice Prout Kenneth Hooper / Resolution #C-526 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the minutes of a meeting of Council dated September 7th, 1971, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-527 Moved by Con. -.Allin, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT Council concur with the latter from the l1edical Officer of Health regarding by-law for lot approval for private sewage disposal. (see By-L~l No. 71-36) "CARRIED" Resolution #C-528 110ved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the representatives of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be requested to attend the next Council meeting to discuss Ontario Regulation 108/71; fill, construction and alteration to watercouroes. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-529 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. THAT the revised draft of the Official Plan of the Bowmanville Planning Area be adopted by Council and necessary action taken to have it approved by the l1inister. "CARRIED" . . . CoLoO.CoA. re Apportionment of Levie s Sto John Ambulance re Grant Bo'lffianville Planning Board re Survey of Scugog Street Wo Hale re Garbage Disposal Tm"" of Whitby re Storm Damage Relief Fund - 2 - Resolution #C-530 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the three letters dated Septel:1ber 16th, 1971, from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority regarding the Tmm's share of further capital improvements to the Long Sault Conservation Area, the Enniskillen Conservation Area and the Heber Do,,,,, Conservation Area, at the respective costs of $101.00, $201.00 and $158.00, be concurred ,.!ith and the levies paid, subject to CoL.D.CoA. being ~dviaed that future capital projects carried out within the To,m of Bomnanvillc should be ch~q>e.j ~c ~~e participating municipalities on the equalized assessment factor. Resolution lftC-531 "CARRIED" Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Cono Hubbardo Tt~ Council approve of the request of St. John Ambulance Association for a donation in the muount of $100.00 for the year 1971. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-532 Hoved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Cono Bell. THAT Council concur "ith the letter dated September 13th, 1971 frOCl the B01'ffi1anville Planning Board that a survey be undertc~en on Scugog Street from the CoPoRo crossing north to the forks of Scugog and Middle Road, with regard to eatablishing Scugog Street as a arterial road. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-533 Moved by Con. tboper, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. THAT the letter from W. Hale Disposals dated September 8th, 1971, be referred to the Committee of the ,fuole and Hr. Hale requested to appear. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-534 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter dated September 13th, 1971 from the To,m of ,fuitby relative to the ,nlitby Storm Damage Relief Fund, be received and filed. "CARRIED" . . . San ta Claus Parade Col!lr:littee re 1971 Parade Project S.rl.E.E.P. Separate School Board re Parlmay Crescent Ontario Building Officials Association Convention European Local Government Study Tour - 3 - Resolution #C-535 Moved by Con. Allin, secondec by Con. Prout. THAT Council concur uith the letter dated September 8th, 1971, fro!" the Santa Claus Parade Committee and the requests detailed therein~ "CARRIED" Resolution #C-536 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated September 10th, 1971, from Project SoWoZoEoPo, be received and filedo "CARRIED" Resolution #C-537 110ved by Con. I~oper, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. TI~T the letter dated September 21st, 1971 from the Separate School Board regarding Gchool bus using ParI,,',ay Crescent, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-538 Moved by Con., Hooper, secondec. by Con", Prout" THAT the Building Inspector be autilOrized to attend the conference of the Ontario Building Officials Association at Belleville on October 19th to 21st, 1971. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-539 Moved by Con. lboper, seconded by Con. Prout. Tlu\T the cornmur.ication dated September 2nd, 1971, from the Ontario Municipal Association regarding the European Local Government Study Tour, be received and filed. "CARRIED" . . . Hrit Of 3e:mmons re Fish & Chip Trucks Dept. Of Transportation & Communications re Overhead Bridge Sports Lottery re Sale of Tickets Armistice Cenotaph Service Becas Release - 4 - Resolution #C-540 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT Council concur llith the action of the Clerl(-Administrator of passing the Hrit of SUiTIDons to the Tm.m Solicitor for his attention. "CARRIED" Resolution iftC-5!:.1 Haved by Reeve Dykstra, occonclcc. b:~ Con. Bello THAT the letter da-tee September 23rd, 1971, from the Department of Transportation & Communications TN'ith attachlJentG, 8cdresscd to the Railuny Transport Cormnission, with regard to the proposed replacement of the overhead bridge on High'\1ay 412, be rccr::livcc1 end filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-542 i'loved by Con. Prout, seconded 1y Con. Hooper. THAT the request contained in a letter dated September 30th, 1971, from Sports Lottery be concurred with, and permission be gral1ted to sell tic!oets in this municipality. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-5t:.3 Hoved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THP...T Council concur l"li th the. l~cq1..1est containeci. in the letter ented October 2nd, 1971, from the Royal Canadian Legion anc that the Clerk-Administrator be requested to make arrangements for the Armistice Cenotaph Service on November 6th, 1971. "CARRIED" Resolution iFC_5t:.t, MOVGC by Cono Prout, seconded ty Cono Hubbardo THAT the HClyor and Clcrl~-Adrnini8tre..tor be authorized to sign D. Releaoc in connection 11i th tl1e Bocao property, uhich \'lao authorized by Resolution 1ic-9 on January l:.th, 1971. "CARRIED" . . . Chief Of Police Request To Attend Conference Animal Con tro 1 Report Police Report Recreation Repor t Health Unit Report Great Pine Ridge Heeting - 5 - Resolution #C-545 }~ve~ by Cono Hooper, seconded by Con.. Prout~ THAT no action be taloen relttive to the request of the Chief of Police ror authority to attend a conference at DelevTare, Ontario on community relations and administr[~tion of justice.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-546 Haved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve DyI~s tr a.. THAT the Animnl Control Report for the month of August, 1971, be npprovcd. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-547 l1bved by Con. Bell, neconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the Police Report for the month of August, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution IPC-5Li.G 110ved by Con. Bell, seconded by Depute,' Reeve Stephen. THAT the Recreation Spring & Suwmer Report be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-549 Movce by Con.. nIl in, seconded by Cono Cobban.. THAT the Health Unit Report for the month of July and Auguot, 1971, JC approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-550 Moved by Con. lfuoper, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Clerl,-Adr:linistrator I s report regarding the Great Pine Ridge Meeting, be receiveG and riled.. "CARRIED" . . . Hinister Of Hunicipal Affairs re Ool:..oPoAoDoSg Presentation To The Hinister Of l1unicipal Affairs Tm'ffi Engineer 1 s Report rc lYe s t Be ach Ro ad Building Inspector's Report TOIm Hall Repairs - 6 - Resolution #C-55l 110ved by Cono Cobban, Gccondcd by Cono Bello TI1i\T the report of the l:ayoraT1d the Clerl~-Administrator relative to the joint meeting or Darlington and Bowmanville regarding tho> brio>f to be submitted to tho> Minister of Municipal Afiairs, be approvedo "CARRIED" Resolution #C-552 Haved by Con", Hooper, seconded by Gono Prouto THAT the Eo.yor &"1Q Clerl:-l..di;1inistrctor b(~ authorized to !~akc the presentation of the brief to the Minister of Hunicipal Affaire in conjunction \lith rcprcoentativcs appointed by the TOlmship or Darlington Councilo "CARRIED" Resolution #C-553 Haved by Reeve DyI::strc., scconc:e:d jJ"] Cono Bello THAT z con~ittce of two bC appointee to consult with the Engineer and report back to the next Committee of the Hholco "CARRIED" The H"yor appointo>d Councillor Hubbard and Councillor Cobban. [{esolution f,fC-55L:. }IDvcd by Cono Prout, seconded by Cono Hoopero Tr~T tho> Buildin~ Inspector's Report for the month of August, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-555 Moved by Con. Hooper, so>conded by Con. Prout. THAT the Committee Report rcgzrciing TOlffi Hall repairs, be referred to the Cor,1I!1ittee of the \<1hole. "CARRIED" . . . Verbal f:.eport On Fire Alam SYGtem Heverly Gardeno Report Sal t-Sand Spreader Hunicipal Tax Collector's Assoco Convention Report St~tcment Of Accounts By-Lall Ho. 71-33 - 7 - Councillor I-hoper, Chf'.irman or the Committee on fire alam system, reportee verbally that the Committee hoped to report to the next meeting. Resol~tion #C-SS6 Moved by Con. ~11in, seconded by Cono Prout. THAT Council concur uith the Clcrk-f.l.dmini~tratorrs Report relative to the T01m Engineer I s ",emo on Waverly Gardens, regarding the planting of trees t1ithin the subdivision as required by the Agreemcnto Resolution #C-S57 "CARRIED" Movc~ by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. TH!~T the To~m Enginecrfn report regarding the salt-sand sprender, be approve do "CARRIED" Rcoolution #C-553 Moved by Dcpet:,~ r..ccvc Stephen, Gccondcd by Reeve Dylcstru. THAT the Trcnsurcrfa report relative to the Municipal Co11cctor1n Aosocintion Convention, DC approvcd~ Tn.."":: "CARRIED" Resolution #C-559 HoveL' by Con. Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. T}U~T the SLntcment of Accounts ror the p~riod of September 1st, to September 30th, IS'71, in the amount of $212,L;.7l:.BB, be approve<l Gubject to the referral of cheque nu",ber 2757 to the Corilioittee of the Hhole and also Cl'equo Number 2773 for D report by tho To~m Engineer regarding over e:~pcndi turc~ "CARRIED" Resolution #C-560 110vcd by Con~ Bell, seconded oy Deputy Reeve Stephana Ta~T leave be grc~ted to introduce By-Law Noo 71-33, being a by-Ia\'! to :Lequire the Olmere "CO rence privately-ouncG outdoor ouirJ.lning pools, a.'1d that the said by-Iml be nOl! read a firat timc~ "CARRIED" . . . - 8 - Resolution #C-561 Hovae by Con.. Allin, seconded by Cono Cobban. By-Lall Ho. 71-33 THAT the necond reading oc By-La" No. 71-33, be approved> "CARRIED" Resolution #C-562 . }bved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Bell. By-Lml Hoo 71-33 THAT the third and final reading of By-Law Noo 71-33, be approvcc. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-563 Novoc oy Con... Prout, Gccondcd cy Cono HaapCLa By-Lm. No. 71-3/:. THAT lcc_vc '00 grontcd to introduce B~7-Law Hoo 71-34., being [l by-la! to authaizc tl"".cc construction of road couotructioil. OP.. certain strc::cto in the Toun of Bo~~anvillc, end that the oaid by-l~l be nO~l read e firot tiL1Co "CARRIED" Rccolution #C-SGL;. }bved by Conn Ebopcr, ~econded by Cono P~outo lly-La" No> 71-3l: THAT the second reading of By-Lml Ho> 71-3L,., be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-565 Hovcd by Con.. Bell, secon0cd by Cona Cobl.Jano By-Law go... 71-35 TrU~T leave be Gr&~ted to introG~cc By-Law GOo 71-35, being oS. by-lc:':? "to provide: for e1:emption of farm lands from .taxatior~ for ccrte.in expcn{HturCG, mld that the said by-1m: be nou read a first tLnc.. "CARRIED" RCDoletion #C-566 l~vc(~ by Cono Allin, Gcconclc2 by Cono Cobban.. B:1'-Latl Ho. 71-35 THAT the cecond reading of By-Lau No.. 71-35, be approved.. "CARRIED" . . . - 9 - Resolution #C-567 I'loved by Con~ Allin, oecondcc1 by Con.. Cobban... By- Lm-, No.. 71-35 TrU~T the third Qnd final reading of By-Law Noo 71-35, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-568 ~iovcd by Con.. ~~llin, sccon0.cd by Con" Cobban.. . By-Lm" 11]0.. 71-36 THP..T ICE-vC be grc.ntcG to introduce By-Lall No.. 71-36, being c_ l)~r-lmJ to provic~c for the inspection and approval of building loto in respect to their suitability for the installation of privc.tc oC\lcragc syctemo, and that the said by-Io:;! be nOH roae: a firet time.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-S69 Hoved by Con. Cobban, "econdee! by Con. Bell. B~l'-La't\1 No. 71-36 THAT the second rending or By-Li:lI 110. 71-36, be approved. "CARRIED" Reso1~tion #C-569 Haved by Con.. Prout, sccondcc~ by Con.. Hooper.. By-La" He.. 71-36 THAT the third and final rending of By-Law No. 71-36, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-570 Moved by Con.. }boper, occondcd by Con.. Prout.. By-Law' No... 71-37 Tr~T leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 71-37, being c. by-l.:.':'~ to declare certain t.llX registration lands to be required uy the T01'm of Bo~~nnvillc for its O'ffi purpoGGo, end that the acid bY-La: be now read n ~irst timc~ "CARRIED" . . . By-Lau ITo.. 71-37 By-Lee'!;.; Ho.. 71-37 Department Of High.",ys Subsidy Resignation Of LCo Hillinrd l'iceting r2 Resignation Of P. C. Hillinrci Police Constable Replacement - 10 - Resolution Ifc-571 NoveL by Reeve Dyb3tra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen.. TI-L:\T the ::Jcconti rcadinz of By-Lm, ITo.. 71-37, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-572 Haved b:l Deput:l Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dyl,;;:strc.... TI-Il:..T t!'!.c third and fin().l renGing of By-La';.'l No.. 71-37, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-S73 Haved b~'" Con.. Dell, seconded by Con.. Co bo<:tn 0 THAT applicatioi1 tc wE_de to t~lC l>cpartment of Highueys of Ontnrio for pc~cnt of Iutcrli~ Subsidy for the period of January 1st, 1971 to September 30th, 1971. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-57( Haved oy Eccvc Dyl:.:stra, seconded by Con", Hooper.. THl..T 'the rccignc.tion of Conot.z.blc 11.. S.. Hilliard be acccpteda "CARRIED" Resolution #C-575 }~vec by Reeve Dyl~Gtrn, seconded cJ Deputy Reeve Stcphcno TH!).T the Chief of Police JC :.~cc:ucstccl to attend the Cor:ffi1ittcc oI the Hholc Reotins wi.d Lluke a report relative to Constcble Hil1i~rdrG rcoign2tion ana a180 thct Constable Hilliard bo requcctccl to attend L: GV2ilablc. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-576 l1ovc~ ~y Carlo Hooi)cr, scconc1c( b}"' Con" Prout... THAT the Clerk-Administrator be Given authority to advcrticc for Tcplac~cnt of police constable, if nccccs~ry" "CARRIED" . . . Tenders Opened Salt Tenders County Council Report Comoi ttee Established re County Council's Proposals Heeting :'lith C",LoO"CoAo Area HunicipalitiCG - 11 - " Resolution #C-577 l10vcd by Con.. Prout, socor:.c.cc1 by Con.. Hooper.. THAT the tcndcrG for supply of calt be opened.. "CARRIED" The tonclerQ ~'7c:rc CD follm-lB: DOT:ltnr Ch01Jicc.l G Li:-i.li tee. Can.:::cli2!l SnIt Compony Limited. Iroquoia 8~lt Company LiwitcG $15.% per ton $15.36 per ton $15.36 per ton R 1. ,"c c 7" coo Uc~on * -}~ l1ov2d 'by Reeye Dy.l:otyc:, occondcG by Deputy Reeve Stephen", THAT the tenders be rcfGrrcd to thc TOvffi Engineer for a rCpOTt. l1GliRRIEDlt Reeve Robert Dyl.:stra repartee. on tho lo.st mGcting of County Coencil. Resolution #C-579 pbVCG by Con" ~llin, Gccondcc by Con.. DelIo TIli~T n comnittec of Reeve Dykotra, Deputy Reeve Stephen, t:1C CIC1'I-:-i~dministrator end the Tm'm Engineer, meet and submit their report mld recoru~lcndQtions to c future Council moeting uith regarc~ to the County Council1s proposals regarding the connecting link and County road agrccments ~~C that the cOL~ittcc also be given power to act before the next Council meoting if ncccssary~ "CARRIED" Resolut.j on :lFC-50D Haved b::," ~ec~~~c Dyl(.strn, seconded by Con.. Allin.. THAT tuo ,nc:C"!oc:i:"G of Council be .:.ppointccl, 1,7i tll the Clcrk- AcJminictrator, to cet up a !'J,ceting of the elected reprcocntntivcs of municirnliti.CG in the Central L<J.lcc Ont2TlO ConGcrv2tion Authority 2Yca ~or the purpose of 8tucyin3 the ConGcrvation Act 'b,~ith the intention of Qakiug ~ prcccn"ation to the approprintc Cabinet Miniotcr.. I'CARRIED" The Mayor appointeG Councillor Prout and Reeve Dykotrao , . . . -~ Dl~ ainage Pro bIei;; !Ir. Tilkock COEll:1i ttco To Investigate Acljournmcmt - 12. - ~ir. Tillcocl: "ppearcd befor" Council relative to a flooding problem on hie propertyo Resolution #C-5Dl Novee by Con. Allin, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. TWiT L cO!~loittec be appointed to 1001: into the matter Hi th the: TOim Engineer and report 'Jo.ch:,. The Hayor appointed Con. Allin ""ct Cobban. Rcoolution #C-582 "CARRIED" Moved by Cano Hooper, Dccondcc by Cono Prout.. Tlli\T the Qccting be ~djourncda "CARRIED" ,~~~c~;{/~- 7;Uh ,/ Mayor Clerk