HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1971 (Special) ,~ . . . --;. .... SPECIAL MEETING November 15th, 1971 Bowm8ftville, Ontario Council Minutes Ontario Regulation 108/71 Conservation Authorities Act CoL.DoC.A. Cranberry Marsh Project C.L.O.C.A. Levy Re Cranberry Mar sh Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on the above date in the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs Robert Dykstra George Stephen Donald W. Allin Mrs. Olive Cobban Maurice Prout Kenneth Hooper James A. Bell E. Derry Hubbard Absent: Councillor Resolution IC-633 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. TIlAT the minutes of a meeting of Council dated November 1st, 1971, be approved as printed except Resolution 1C-594, which should also include reconsideration of Lamers Brothers Subdivision proposal on Franklin Park, Scugog Street. "CARRIED" Messrs. T. Tozer, D. Smith, E. James and R. GiD~. of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority appeared before Council at its request, relative to the administration of Ontario Regulation 108/71 which deals with the fill, construction and alteration of watercourses. Mr. Tozer explained various aspects of the Regulation to members of Council and Planning Board and answered various questions. The delegation then left the meeting. Resolution IC-633A Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. TIlAT the discussion of the Cranberry Marsh project as tabled by Resolution IC-603, be now discussed. "CARRIED" Resolution IC-634 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. TIlAT the Clerk-Administrator be instructed to notify the Secretary of the Ontario Municipal Board and the Secretary of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority that it is dissatisfied of the apportionment with regard to the project for the acquisition of the Cranberry Marsh Conservation Area in the amount of $2,920 and does apply for a review of the apportionment by the Ontario Municipal Board. "CARRIED" . . . }l> Future Of Local Government In Oshawa Area Bell Canada Application For Rate Increase Objection To Bell Csnada Application For Rate Increase Advertising On Zamboni Machine Zamboni Advertising - 2 - Resolution #C~635 110ved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated November 1st, 1971, from Mr. William F. H. Mcadams, Director of Planning, C.O.J.P.B., with enclosed Brief to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, be received for information and noted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-636 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter dated November 5th, 1971, from Bell Canada together with enclosed application for rate increase be received and filed. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-637 I'JOved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT this Council object to the application for rate increase by Bell Canada and that the Association of Ontario Mayors & Reeves be requested to take action in this regard. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-638 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT Council concur with resolution contained in letter dated November 9th, 1971 from the Recreation Director relative to advertising on the Zamboni ice machineo "CARRIED" Resolution #C-639 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. THAT the foregoing resolution be amended to provide that the original advertis~s be given first choice. "CARRIED" . . . Brief ro Nunicipal Government Select Corrnni t tee On Election Lmls Select Committee On Election La\'ls Select Committee On Election L8-';'18 Select Committee On Election Laws o - .~ - Resolution #C-6{~ Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen.. THAT the le'cter elated October 29th, 1971, from Nr. Dalton Bales, Minister of Hunicipal Affairs, relative to the Oshaua Area Municipalities' Briefs on Regional Government, be received Qua filed.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-641 V~ved by Con. !boper, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the Nayor and Clerk-Ad..1inistrator be authorized to prepare n brief ror submission to the Select Committee at a meeting on December 7th, 1971, relative to a letter dated Nove8ber 10th, 1971, from the Ninister of Municipal Affairs. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-642 Naved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Prau t. THAT the Nayor, members of Council and the Clerk- Administrator be authorized to attend the meeting if at all possible.. "MOTION LOST" Resolution iftC-6L:3 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT wotion iftC-6L,l be reconsidered. "CARRIED" Resolution Iftc-6L:.L: Moved by Con. Iboper, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT Resolution #C-6L:l be adopted and any member of Council who so desires, Gubmit ~ffiQents to the Mayor and Clcrl::-Ac1r.linistrator.. "CARRIED" . . . Select Committee On Election Laws CoWoRoCo Request For Vieeting re Water Filtration Plant Catch Basin Clean-Out Purchase Of Land From Mrs. Lodge For Dump Purchase Of Police Uniforms - l,. _ Resolution #C-645 ~loved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allino THAT Resolution lfrC-64l:. be amended to provide for the appointment of tuo members of Council to the Brief Committee.. "CARRIED" The Hayor appointed Councillors Gebban and Prouto Resolution ifrC-6l:6 J~ved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT Council concur Hi th the letter dated November 12th, 1971 from the Ontario Water Resources Commission and that a meeting be set up as soon as possible. "CARRIED" Resolution lfC-6l,7 ~loved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prouto T~\T the report and recommendations of the TO\lIl Engineer relative to clean-out of catch basins by a suction unit at an estimated cost of $1,500, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution lFC-6l,8 Moved by Reeve Dykstrc, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THt1..T Council concur <Hi th the request of !-irs. Lodge as contained in report dated November 9th, 1971, of the Clerk-AWninistrator and that the solicitor be advised to agree to pay the extra sum of $400 for the required casements.. "CARRIED" Resolution ifrc-6l:.9 ~ved by Gen. }loopr, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT Council concur with the reco"mendation of the Special Gemmittee to accept the tender of Sainthill- Levine for police uniforos. "CARRIED" . . . Elgin Street Road Construction Pur chase Of Tires For Fire Truck Chief Of Police Request re Seminar Chief Of Police Request ro S.:ninar - 5 - Resolution #C-650 ~nved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Cono Allin. THAT the report of the To,m R~gineer dated November 9th, 1971, relative to Elgin Street retaining wall and road construction, be tabled for future considerationo "CARRIED" Resolution #C-65l Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT tenders be c211cd for the purchase of tires for the fire truck end the.t the l1c:.yor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Clerk-Administrator open the tenders and mal~e purchase and furthermore that the tenders specify Canadian made tires.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-652 Moved by Con. HoopEr, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT relative to the request of the Chief of Police dated November 10th, 1971, to attend Seminar in Peterborough "lith four HoC.O. I", the Chief only be sento "I.IOTION LOST" Resolution #C-653 ~bved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Con. Cobban. THAT the Chief and one HoCoO. be authorized to attend and bring back report for information of Police Deparu-nent. Recorded Vote: Reeve Dy-kstra Deputy Reeve Stephen Councillor Allin Councillor Cobban Councillor Prout Councillo~ Hooper Mayor Hobbs Yea Yea Nay Yea Nay Nay Nay "MOTION LOST" . . . - 6 - Resolution #C-650 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded 1y Con. Allin. \.lin ter Horks Incentive THAT Council concur >lith the report dated November 15th, 1971, as submitted by the Special Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-655 }bved by Cona Pro~t, seconded by Con" Hoopcra Statement Of Accounts TH1~T the Statcmc;nt of Accounts for the period of November 1st to November 15th, 1971, in the amount of $100,302.62, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-656 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cobban. By-Law No. 71-40 THAT leave be granted to introduce By-LmV' No.. 71-Lt.o, being 2.. by-12-i7 to amend By-Lm'l Hoo 71-31, being a by-1m';- to authorize the conDtrtlction of certain Horks under the Local Improvement Act, and that the said by-lau be now read a first th.1c" "CARRIED" Resolution #C-657 110vcd by Con" Ihopcr, seconded by Con" Prout.. By-Law No. 71-40 THAT the second reading of By-La" No. 71-40, be approved. "CllRRIEDtI Resolution llc-658 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout. By-Law No. 71-41 THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law Ho. 71-1:.1, being a by-1m', for the regulation of traffic, and that the said by-1m., be nm'l read 0. first time;> "CIIRRIED" . . . - 7 - Resolution #C-659 MOveL by Deputy Reeve Stephen, Dccondcd by Reeve Dykctrao By-Lml No" 71-1,.1 THAT the second Teading of By-Lc.ll iJo. 71-41, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-660 MOved by Cono Cobban, seconded by Con.. Allin. By-Lali No. 71-41 THAT the third and final reading of By-Lali No. 71-1'1, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-661 Moved by Con. Cobban, secondec by Con. Allin" By-LaH i!o" 71-42 THAT l~c.ve be granted to introduce By-Law No. 71-1,2, being a by-lm'l to &-:1cnd By-Lau Ho" 1587 as amended, and that the said by-1m} be nOH read a first tiJile", "CARRIED" Resolution #C-662 Movc(-: by Con" Lllin, sccondccl0~r Con" Cobban" By-Lau No. 7l-{,.2 THAT the second reading of By-Lc." No. 71-42, be approved" "CARRIED" Resolution #C-663 l~ved by Con. Allin, oeconded by Con. Cobban. By-Lali No. 71-42 THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 71-42, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution ifj:C-66L~ Moved by Con" Prout, seconded by Con" Hooper. By-Law No. 71-22 Tr~T the third and final reading of By-Law No. 71-22, be approved.. "CI,RRIED" . . . v .i\.i."::Ias Holiday School Crossing Guard Thank-You For Diaries il.l-nendmcn t iN; To Official Plan . Ad j ournmen t " - , - Resolution #C-663 Moved oy Con. Hooper, sccond"d q,' Con. Prout. TI-Ii)..T the r..on-unioncd staff be granted Friday, December 2!~th, and Nand,;!.y, DeCCidbcl.' ?7th in lieu of Christmas Day and Boxing Day ,,,hich fnll on Saturday and Sunday respectively in 1971, and friday, December 31ot, in liell of He,;; Ycrn:1 G Day, and that the Hunicipal Office be closed on these date a and proper notice be placed in the loc~l paper. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-6E9 Iviovccl by Con., Prout, a::.condcd by Con.. Hooper.. THAT the Police; Officer r!.t Liberty Street crossing be repleccd 'b:' L'. crossing guard as of December 1st, 1971, and that thu Chief of Police be requested to use the officers thus replaced on foot patrols on King Street I dur.-jng tnn rim... 1'"1-1.,+ t1:lB) ,JOUlcl hd~":" 13eeR ".....fPBQQ 9R C:l"'I<::~;""'g rl11t-; nc- "CARRIED" Resolution #C-670 Novce. by Con.. Prout, seconded b)T Con.. Hooper", THAT a letter of thanks be sent to ~rr. Walter Frank for the 1972 diarics presented to members of Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-67l NOVC(l. by Reeve Dykatra, seconded by Con", Hooper", THAT a cOlmoitee. of 2 ,.lith thc j'layor go to OoW.R.C. and Hc,~l th Uni.-t to try to c.::pcditc approvc.l of <1ncnc1-:1cnt 1f:t:. to Official Plan and that. Nr.. Alex Carruthers, 1.LP"P" be requested to c.ttcnd the meeting", "CARRIED" The Mayor appointed Councillors Allin and Cobban. Resolution #C-672 Haved by Reeve Dykstra, occondccl by Con.. HoOpC.T" THAT the: Llccting be adjournc(j,.. "CARRIED" rl. . . ~ / ~../.L ~ '. / 1l.:::zL7 . - . ~"'"'- ::;"'--7 .. / MAYOR lJL ,~~ "'" / . .