HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1971 ,. , . . . REGULAR MEETING December 6, 1971 Bowmanville, Ontario Special Council Minutes CoLoOeC..A. re future capital projects apportionment Street Lighting Requests Bo>nnanvi lIe Planning Board re Lamers Subdivision Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on the above date in the Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs Robert Dykstra George Stephen James Bell Donald ,I. Allin ~laurice Prout Kenneth Hooper E. Derry Hubbard Mrs. Olive Cobban Absent: Councillor Resolution #C-673 fuved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council, dated November 15th, 1971, be approved as amended. (Reselution #C-669) "CARRIED" Resolution 4fC-674 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con.Prout. THAT the letter dated November 4th, 1971, from C.L.O.C.A. relative to the apportionment of future capital projects, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-675 fuved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Bell. THAT the lettem dated November 16th, 1971 from Mr. and Mrs. Piper, 60 Mearns Avenue and the petition from residents of Fourth Street requesting improved street lighting be referred to the P.ll.C. for a report on the need. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-676 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the letter dated November 17th, 1971, from the Bowmanville Planning Board regarding conditions applying to the approval of the Lamers Subdivision, be received for information of Council. "CARRIED" ,~, . . . Ontario Housing Corp. re 21 Senior Citizen Units Canadian Federation Of Mayors 6< Reeves re Membership C.E.A.N. Investments re sale of road allowance C.,O..J.,P.B.. Submission to ~Iinis ter Of Municipal Affairs Mr. A. Swain re Town property rental Resolution #C-677 ~bved by Con. Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the letter dated Nove8ber 17th. 1971. from Ontario Housing Corporation relative to construction of 21 senior citizen units, be concurred with.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-678 llived by Reeve DyI(stra. seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the letter dated llovember 19th. 1971. from the Canadian Federation of Mayors & Municipalities. regarding membership. be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-679 Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen. seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter from C.E.A.N. Investments. Oshawa Limited. regarding sale of part of road allowance north of Concession Street. be referred to the Planning Board for report and recommendations.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-680 Moved by Reeve Dykstra. seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the letter dated November 26th. 1971. from Mr. Wm. F. H. McAd&Js. Director of Planning. C.O.J.P.B. enclosing copy of letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairo. relative to proposed Metropolitan Borough. compooed of Pickering T01ffiShip. T01m of Ajax and Village of Picl~cring, be concurrcci llith. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-68l Moved by Con. Hooper. seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the requeot contained in a letter dated November 25th. 1971. from 11r. A. Swain to rent Town property for fish and chip wagon and sale of Xmas trees be not granted. - "CARRIED" 2 ; . . . , . :..~, Proctor & Redfern re proposed 17ater filtration plant Police Seminar Hr. J. Mallery re request for taxi licences Kins"1en Club re Senior Citizens Chriotmas Lights Tour Community Sports Centre Reso lntion lFC-632 Moved by Reeve Dyl,stra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the letter dated November 23rd, 1971, from Proctor & Redfern relative to proposed construction of a water filtration plant, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-683 Moved by Reeve Dyl:stra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the Chief of Police and an officer be authorized to attend a Seminar at Peterborough as per the Chief's memorandum dated Hovember 20th, 1971. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-634 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the request of "oc. John Mallery, 15 Frank Street, for t,ro taxi licences be granted subject to meeting the customary TO'In requirements, which includes premises of operation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-685 MOved by Con~ Prout, secon~cd by Cono Hooper. TP~T the request or the Kinsmen Club contained in their letter or Hove8ber 29th, 1971, relative to senior citizen's tour of Christmas lights, be granted and that the police be notified. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-6G6 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter d~ted November 29th, 1971, from ~fussrs. K. Shackelton and D. Masterson, be received for information and that any member of Council who wishes to attend should do so.. "CARRIED" 3 . . . United Counties Of Northumberland & Durham re county roads in urban municipalities Cable T.V. re Tm;m Hall Cable cast C.O.J.P.B. YC Tovml s Zoning By-Law Revision Payment C.O.J.P.B. rc Town 1 s Haverly Road Study Payment Animal Control Report Resolution #C-687 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the letter dated November 26th, 1971, from Mr. R. Eilinunds, the Counties Engineer, be referred to the ColPI.1ittee consisting of Reeve Dykstra, Deputy Reeve Stephen and the Clerl:-A(~]iniGtrator and Town Engineer t to tal:e action and if necessarj' appeal directly to the MiniDter of Transportation and ComEmnications under Section 55 of tho Public Transportation and Highl'1ay Improvement Act, a~d that the nattcr of the status of Scugog Road [llGO be referred to the same committee., "CARRIED" Resolution #C-688 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the request of Cable T.V. dated December 3rd, 1971, to ins tell cable in the Toun Hall for Cablecast be concurred '\lith subj eet to the cOfilpany promising to make good any possible daraages and to ....,ithdra,'J" the equipment at any time on the request of the Corporation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-689 Moved by Reeve Dykstra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the letter dated December 1st, 1971 from C.O.J.P.B. regarding paynent of expenditures on the Town's Zoning By-La'i1 revision be concurred Hith and the amount of $1, lSl;.. 20, be paiel. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-690 Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. THAT the lettec dated December 2nd, 1971, from the C.O.J.P.B. regarding payment of expenditures on the Waverly Road Study, be concurred uith and the mnount of $1,211.42, be paid. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-691 Moved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dykstra. THAT the Animal Control Report for the month of November, 1971, be approved. "CARRIED" 4 . . . Po 1 ice Report Committee Report re fire alarm 1971 Construction Programme Report L & L Tools Drainage Problem Report Report of meeting \'lith area I:mnicipalities in C.L.OoC.A. area Heal th Unit Report Resolution #C-692 Moved by Con. Bell, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Police Report for the month of October, 1971, be approved, and request that future reports show number of hours on foot patrol.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-S93 Moved b] Con.. Hoop(~r t 8GconclC!c~ OJ Con.. Prout.. THAT the Committee Report .elative to the fire alarm, be ilpproved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-69( Moved by COD.. Allin, secon~cc by Con.. Bell.. THAT the Enginee.'. Report regarding the 1971 construction programme, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-695 Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THl.T the COL~ittee Report .elative to L & L Tools drainage problem, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-696 Moved by Reeve Dykstril, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen. THAT the Cle.I:-AdL,inistrator's Report relative to the meeting held uith representatives or Councils of municipalities in the CoL..O..C..A.. Area, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-697 Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Prout. THAT the Ileal th Unit Report for the month of October, 1971, I)C approved.. "CARRIED" 5 . . . C"O"J"P"B" 1,.2nd ~bnthly Report Staff Changes Report Fi ve Year Capital Forecast Report Building Inspector's Report Statement Of Accounts By-La;, No. 71-1,3 Resolution #C-6SG MOved by Con.. Prout, secondeci by Con.. Hooper.. THAT the 42nd ~bnthly Report of the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-699 Ynved by COD.. Hoopc~, scconecd by Con.. Prout.. TR~T tho conriQcntial report o{ the Clerk-Administrator relative 'to staff changco, bC': app;:'ovcd, and a letter of thanks be forunrdcd to Hrs.. Hirst for her services to the TmrD" "CARRIED" Resolution #C-700 lbved by Con. Bell, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Clerk-Administrator's Report relative to the 5 Year Capital Forecast, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-701 MJved :)y Deputy Reeve Stephen, [lcconded ~ Reeve Dykstra" THAT the Building In8pecto,,' D Report for the months of October and ITovcf.1bcr, 1971, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-702 tl'iOVCC by Reeve Dyl~stra, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stephen" THAT the Statcncnt of Accounts for the period of November 15th to Ilovembe" 30th, 1971, in the aTJOunt of $1,13,811.87, be: appl.-ovccl.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-703 Yovcd by Con.. Dell, seconded by Con. Allin.. THAT leave oc [';rantc;d to introduce By-Lat'l No.. 71-L:.3, being 2. by-lap to a'TIend By-Lm! ilo. 1761, and that the said by-la'(~ be nou reael a fi:;.~st time. "CARRIED" 6 . . . Resol"tion 'fiC-70t:. Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Bell. B;r-Lavl No. 71-43 THAT the second reading of By-La" No. 71-1:.3, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #e-70S Haved b~7 Con", PI-out, ~JCcondcd by Con.. Hooper.. By-Law No. 71_1:3 THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 71-43, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-706 Moved by ConG 11Oopcr, sccondec oy Con.. Prout.. By-La" Ho.. 71-44 THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Lm1 No.. 71-L.ll:., being a hy-lm~ to regulate the ter,1porary closure or OCCUP1ll1cy of highways in 'the TOFn of Bo"lIllanville, and that the said by-luH be no'.: read a first time.. "CARRIED" Resol~tion #C-707 !1oved by Deputy Reeve Stephen, seconded by Reeve Dy!,stra. By-Law Eo.. 71-"". THAT the second reading of By-Lau No. 71-1,.4, be approvedp as runended. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-70S tbved by Con.. Prout, secondcL by Con.. Hooper.. Ily-Law No.. 71-44 THAT the third and final reading of By-Lm, No. 71_1:1:., be approved as &ucnded.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-709 fuved by Con. Alli.n, secondee' by Con. BelL By-Law 1-]0.. THAT lenve be gl'anted to introduce By-Lm. No. 71_1:.5, being a by-l~J to authorize the construction of a storm se"er on Prospect Street, and that the said by-la" be now read a firct tinco 71-45 "CARRIED" 7 . . . By-LmV' Ho.. 71-L:5 By-La.. no.. 71_3L,. Negotiating Cori1'T1i t tee re Pol ice Association requests Councillors' Absence Adjournment Resolution fC-7ID Moved b~:.. Con. Allin, seconded :)y Con.. Bello THAT the eecond reading of By-Lm, Ilo. 71-L,.5, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-711 --- Haved o~/ DC::Pl'.ty Reeve Stc~hcn, oeconcled by Reeve Dyl::strao THAT the third and final reading of By-Lm, No. 71_3L>, be approved., "CARRIED" Resol~tion #C-712 ~bvcd oy Con.. Hooper, sccondc~ by Con.. Bell.. TH!~T the negotiating corn:nittce be authorized to have capieo of the Police Association requests circulated to mccbers of Council.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-713 l-loved by Con.. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Dykstra.. THAT the abeence of Councillors Hubbard and Cobban from the meeting be excused. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-71( Moved by Con. Prout, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT "che :.~.cc.ting be adjourned.. "CARRIED" L- f~ .:- " .,/~ , ~ Mayor Clerk 8