HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1974 ... t, .~ . . ~ Council Minutes Roll Call Council Minutes Cancellation, Reducation and Refund of Taxes ''Hr. D. Thompson re Building Permit TOWN OF NEWCASTLE October 21st, 1974 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held in the Newcastle Town Hall at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, October 21, 1974. Mayor Rickard called the meeting to order and led in prayer. Members absent were as follows: Councillor Lyall - On Holidays Councillor Tink - At a Conference Councillor Wearn - Death in Family Resolution #C-74-ll4l Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Council Minutes dated October 7th, 1974, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll42 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT the list of Tax Refunds under Section 636(a)-(7) of the Municipal Act as submitted by the Treasurer, be approved. "CARRIED" Mr. Denis Thompson appeared before Council relative to construction of his home, which he had colIIDenced without a building permit. Resolution #C-74-1l43 Moved by Con. . Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Building Inspector be given power to act to permit Mr. Thompson to perform the minimum amount of work to prevent the heaVing of the basement during the winter, but not to allow any framing above basement level, provided that the applicant's Solicitor provides a legal guarantee, which would relieve the municipality of any legal liability for possible damage to the building, all of the foregoing to be without prejudice to the Town's legal position. "CARRIED" -'" . Council Minutes . Disposition of Correspondence . tt ---- - 2 - -------.. October 21st, 1972+ Resolution #C-74-ll44 110ved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT the following disposition of correspondence as suggested by Mayor Rickard, be accepted:- (1) Ministry of Transportation and Communications dated October 4th, 1974 re 1974 Supplementary Subsidy Allocation, be referred to the Public Works Committee. (2) l1rs. R. Johnson of R. R. #3, Bowmanville dated October 4th, 1974 re improving the lighting system for the area, be referred to the Public Works Committee. (3) Ministry of Natural Resources - Division of Mines dated October 7th, 1974 re Gravel Pit Application, be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee. (4) W.G. Dallas Real Estate Limited dated October 9th, 1974 re Proposed Plan of Subdivision for the Village of Charlesville, (Haydon) in the former Township of Darlington be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee. (5) MacKinnon, McTaggart, Barristers and Solicitors re Trillium Ceramic Tile Manufacturing Inc. dated October 10, 1974, be referred to the Finance Committee. (6) Mr. Allan Lawrence, H.P. Northumberland-Durham dated October 9th, 1974 re Public Tenders for the Supply of salt, be received for information. (7) Ontario Municipal Board re Appeal from a Decision of the Durham Land Division Committee - Wetherup, be received for information. (8) Ontario Municipal Board re Appeal from a Decision of the Durham Land Division Committee - Louws, be received for information. (9) Toronto IJea Transit Operating Authority dated October 11th, 1974 re Report of Meeting, be received for information. (10) Croll & Godfrey dated October 11th, 1974, re Site Plan Agreement Plan 701, be referred to the Finance Committee. (11) The Peterborou~-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle P",man Catholic Separate School Board dated October 15, 1974, be referred to the Finance Committee. Continued...... october 21st, 1974 , Council Minutes (1') .......,'" rub11' Ut11it1" ....1..100 dot.. O,t.bO< 11, 191', "".",' ,,"v,,-" L1m1'" Si" ".. W._t "on 701 be referred to the Finance Coltlllittee. , (1') "",,,M Loke On""" "",..,,0<1" """""" _t.. .f ",.t1n, ..", O,..bot "", 191', "" ",,1'" f.' "".....,,,,,," (14) ontario Hydro re 'Long Range Planning of the ElectriC power system' be received for information. _ 3 - .. .. Resolution *c-74-114i - Moved by Con. 1\11 in , seconded by Con. Robbs. T1\;\T Council concur ,~ith the requests of Branch 178 of the Royal canadian Legion as contained in their letter of october 11th, 1974 and that the Clerk be authorised to order ,~eaths for the services in Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono and Ne'ltonville and along with Councillor Entwisle make arrangements for local services. "cARRIED" Armistice Services !.esolutiOn 4FC_74-114~ }loved by Con. 1Jobbs, seconded by Con. Allin. THl\T Council concur with the request of Mrs. E. RietmUller, as contained in her letter dated october 14th relative to the memorial stone for the grave of her late husband and that the details be worked out with councillor Entwisle and that the letters from Stafford Monuments and Mr. H. G. Rietmuller also be tru<en into consideration. "CARRIED" . Cemetery Memorials Resolution *c_74-ll47 - 110ved by Con. 1Jobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. T111\T the letter dated october 15th, 1974 from Milani &. Milani 1Joldings Limited relative to the proposed Subdivision 'lest of Bo"7lllanville, be referred to the Planning 1\dvisory Committee. "CARRIF Milani &. Milani re Bowmanvi11e VleSt Subdivision Resolution *c-74-ll48 - }\oved by Con'. 1\11 in , seconded by Con. Robbs. THl\T the letter dated october 17th, 1974 from Hilani Ibldings Limited relative to draft pl, subdivision in the former Village of Newcas' referred to the Planning 1\dvisory Committ~ ~ Milani &. Milani re Subdivision Village of Newcastle , . . , Council Minu tes Solandt Connnission A.M..Oo re Bell ~_ Telephone --., '-Rate s Conununity Services Colllllittee Report Public Works Conmittee Report October lOt 74 Finance Committee Report October 15/74 - 4 - October 21st, 1974 Resolution #C-74-ll49 }Ioved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs. Tlli\T the letter dated October 7th, 1974 from the Solandt Connnission and "Evaluation of Alternative Routes" be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74_ll50 Moved by Con. Lulin, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the letter dated October lSth, 1974 from the A.M.O. regarding Bell Telephone rate increases, be referred to the Finance Connnittee. "CARRIED" .. -1l..esolution 4tC-74-llSl Moved by Coho Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Report of the Community Services Committee Chairman relative to meeting held on October 7th, 1974, be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll52 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. T11\T the Public Works Committee Chairman's Report relative to meeting held on October 10th, 1974, be adopted with the clarification that the apecial Garbage Pick Up mentioned in Item 8 refers to the Bowmanville area only. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll53 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT the Finance Committee Chairman's Report relative to meeting held on October 15th, 1974, be adopted as amended. "CARRIED" .. Council Minutes . Personnel Committee Report October 18/74 Finance Committee Report October 18/74 Swinming Pool . ~ - 5 - October 21st, 1974 Resolution #C-74-ll54 Moved by Con. Robbs, seconded by Con. Allin. THt~ tho Personnel Co~~ittee Chairman's Report relative to meeting held en October 18th, 1974, be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-1155 "__"0..'- Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconeed by Con. Entwisle. Tli\T the Fina~ce Corr~ittee Chairman's Report relative to meeting held on Octcber 18th, 1974, be adopted subject to the word "project" in Line 3 of item one be':J.g changed to l!conceptll.. "CARRIED" Mr. Merrill Dro>rrl appeared before Council with regard to the nml DI.1imm;.ng pool to be financed by the Service Clubs. Hr. Brm<Il submitted an amended Agreement, which had been drmm up by the Clubs' solicitr bearing in mind the Town Solicitor's letter of October 18th, 1974. Resolution lFC..74..n56 --~-~-- ._....- Hoved by Con. Entwisle, seco~ded by Con. Hobbs. THAT Council go into CorDfili ttee to discuss the propos cd Agreement. "CARRIED" Resolution fe-74-ll57 Hoved by Con. Hobbs, secondod by Con. Entwisle. TK~T the Committee rise. "CARRIED" Roso lU.!ion~L-74-l1:5G lbved by Con. Hobbs, se~ondcd by Con. Entwisle. THAT the Agreement with the Service Clubs be am^:J.ded to the satisfaction of the Mayor and Clerk. "CARRIED" , . . . Council Minutes SwilllIlling Pool Suspension of Rule 33 By-Law No. 74-76 By-Law No. 74-76 By-Law No. 74-76 - 6 - October 21st, 1974 Resolution #C-74-1159 }Joved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Treasurer's action in issuing a purchase order for the pool be concurred with. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-1160 Hoved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. Tlucr the service clubs be commended for their initiative and generosity and that the thanks of Council be extended by a letter from the Town Clerk. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-1161 Hoved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT Rule 33 of procedure be suspended for the balance of the meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-1162 Hoved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THtJ leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 74-76 being a by-law to establish certain one foot reserves on Registered Plan 700 as a public highway and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-1163 Noved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. lbbbs. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 74-76, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-1164 Hoved by Con. Ent,dsle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 74-76, be approved. "CARRIED" , . . . Council Minutes By-Law No. 74-77 By-Law No. 74-77 By-Law No. 74-77 By-Law No. 74-72 By-Law No. 74-72 By-Law No. 74-72 - 7 - October 21st. 1974 Resolution #C-74-ll65 Moved by Con. Allin. seconded by Con. Hobbs. Tlli\T leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 74-77. being a by-lm1 to authorise the entering into an Agreement with certain Service Clubs in thc TO'1n of Newcastle for the construction of e Public S.,imming Pool. and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll66 lloved by Con. Allin. seconded by Con. Hobbs. T~ the second reading of By-Law No. 74-77, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll67 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THI\.T the third and final reading of By-Law No. 74-77. be approved. "Cl.RRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll68 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THI\.T By-Law No. 74-72. be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll69 I'loved by Con. Entwisle. scconded by Con. Hobbs. TIL^.T the second readin3 of By-Law No. 74-72. be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll70 Moved by Con. Entwisle. scconded by Con. Hobbs. THI\.T the third and final reading of By-Law No. 74-72. be approved. "CARRIED" '. , . . . , '.. Council Minutes - 8 - October 21st, 1974 Resolution #C-74-ll71 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs. Notice re Cnnine Control TlU\T the ChnirmllIl of the Community Services Committee llIld the Clerk be authorised to plnce n Notice in the paper regnrding hours of the DoS Pound and other pertinent informntion. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-l172 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Staff Pnrty TlU\T an nmount of $300.00 be nllowed to defray the expense of the Stuff purty. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll73 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin. ,Name of Municipality TlU\T the Mayor and Clerk be nuthorised to initiate nction of hnving the name of the municipality chllIlged to the "Area Hunicipnlity of Newcnstle" and that the names of the To>mships, T01-m, Village and Hamlets be retained for postnl and similnr purposes and thnt the public be invited to COL1ment. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-1174 HovC!d by Con. Hobbs, sC!conded by Con. Entwisle. Xmas Greet ings THAT Xmns Greetingc to Citizens be placC!d in the papC!rs and that four dozen Christmas Cnrds be ordered in the nnmC! of the Hayor and Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-l175 ImvC!d by Con. Entwisle, secnndC!d by Con. Hobbs. Adjournment THAT the meeting be adjourned nt 4:15 pom. I "CARRIED''''''''''''' ,1./ ," v' [).F G.B. Rickard M ~'~..L,/ Mnyor ' 7 J. H. McIlro Tmm Clerk , , ... .~ . ~ Council Minutes Armistice Services Cemetery Memorials Milani (. Milani re Bowmanville West Subdivision Milani (. Milani re Subdivision Village of Newcastle - 3 - October 21st, 1974 (12) Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission dated October 17, 1974, re Morsyd Investments Limited Site Plan Agreement Plan 701, be referred to the Finance Committee. (13) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Minutes of Meeting dated October 2nd, 1974, be received for information. (14) Ontario Hydro re ILong Range Planning of the Electric Power System' be received for information. Resolution #C-74-1145 Moved by Con. .Il.11in, seconded by Con. Hobbs. Tfu\1' Council concur with ~]e requests of Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion as ntained in their letter of October 11th, 1974 and th t the Clerk be authorised to order ,;reaths for the services in Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono and Ne"tonville and along with Councillor Entwisle make arrangements for local services. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll46 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin. TH.Il.T Council concur with the request of Mrs. E. Rietmuller, as contained in her letter dated October 14th relative to the memorial stone for the grave of her late husband and that the details be worked out with Councillor Entwisle and that the letters from Stafford Monuments and Mr. H. G. Rietmuller also be tal,en into consideration. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll47 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Tl~T the letter dated October 15th, 1974 from Milani (. Milani Holdings Limited relative to the proposed Subdivision west of Bo,nnanville, be referred to the Planning .Il.dvisory Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-ll48 Moved by Con~ .Il.llin, seconded by Con. Hobbs. TH.Il.T the letter dated October 17th, 1974 from Milani (. Milani HOldings Limited relative to draft plan of subdivision in the former Village of Newcastle, be referred to the Planning .Il.dvisory Committee. "CARRIED"