HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/01/1974 -' . . ~ .. '.~ . Council Minutes Finonce: Committec Report July 25/74 Finnncc Committee Report Aug. 1/74 By-Low No. 74-60 Rule 33 By-Lml No. 74-60 '..'Oim OF llEHCA3TLE August 1st, 1974 Hinutes of 0 Special HeetinG of Council held in the Bo'Hnanvillo Council Chn.L1bcrs at 8: 15 porn. on Thursuay, ~0L~nt 1st, 197~. All HeLlbero uere prOGen'Co Rcnolution )'!~C_7L~..837 Noveu by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Wearn. Tlli\.T the ?incncc Co~:n.1itt(;Q Chuir:-aa.n's Report of meeting held on July 25.th, 1971:, be adopted. "CARRIED" ~lution :,',~C_74_G8C l0veu by Con. Tink, se:conded by Con. Hobbs. 'I'lu:..T the FinD.l\CC Comni ttcc Chairman 18 Report of meetinG held on AUGust lot, 197[,., be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution ~C_74_889 Hoved by Con. Hobbs, ceconded by Con. Wearn. TIIAT By-L""] No. 71,.-60, "- by-1m' to adopt the estimates of all Q12LW required durinc the year and to strike the rateD of taxation for the year 1974 be introduced and read a first tD~co "CARRIED" Resolution ~',~C_7L~_G90 Hoved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Lyull. TIUG ~ulc 33 of the Procedure Rules be sUGpendcd for the balance of: the Qcctinc:... "CARRIED" Resolution ~,~C... 7l~.-G91 lbved by Con. Tinl:, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT "he cecond reudin~; of IIy-La'" No. 74-60, be approved. "CARRIED" ~ - Council Minutes . By-Law No. 74-60 Adjournment . . - ? - August 1st, 1974 Resolution #C-74-892 Hoved by Con. fellin, secondeu by Con. Lyall. THAT the third reading of Dy-Law No. 74-60, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution .~;~C-74-G93 Moved by Cono Lyall, Gccondcu by Con", Tink.. THLT the Treaaurel' be congr"tulated for his ,;ark on the coopilation of the DuuGet. "CARRIED" Reaolution #C-74-894 Noveu by Con. Hobba, seconded by Con. Wearn. THAT the oecting be aujourned. "CARRIED" Go Be> 11~yor RiCkard~;:( ~, /,/ / ~ 1\ J. H. McUro Clerk ., ~..... y. <...