HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/28/1973 .. ';. - . . Bowmanville, Ontario Council Minutes Canadian Mental Health Association HoOoPoE.. Industries CoLoOoC"A.. re Cranberry Marsh REGULAR HEETll'lG December 28th, 1973 Minutes of a Regular Meetins of Council held in the Council Chambers in "the Co....trt Buildin? on December 28th, 1973, at 7:00 p.m. Present: f'-layor Reeve Deputy Reeve (~uncillo:.:: Ivan H. Hobbs James A. Bell i:.-:iau:L ice Prou t Lm',Tcnce Co Mason, Q..C. Dcnalc1 W.. Allin Hor:e.n Allison Face_l Chant U:C'. Olive Cobban 1-11"0.. Leola F.. ThrsDher Resolution 4,!:C_79l:.....73 Hovee: jy Dep-~ty Reeve Pro,_,t, seconded by Con. Allin. TEAT tI,e uinutes oE a ueetin~ of Council dated Dece~iller 3rJ, 1973, be approvcQ as printed.. "CARRIED" ReGol'..'.tion ;j;'~C- 795-73 Hovee: JY Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. Tlli\T the letter Gated Noveooer Canadian f1ental }~ealth LGGociation be referred to 1971: CoLncil of the for conoic1.eration at buo.;:et time.. 1973, from the regarding donation Town of Newcastle "CARRIED" .r.<eso~tion .::C-796-73 j'bved by Deputy ~eeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison. TI-li\.T "the letter dated Decer:lber 1st, 1973, from H.O..P.E.. Indu..stl'iec regardin~) financial assistance, be received anti filed~ "CARRIED" Recolution ~C-797-73 ~~ved ~y Deputy Reeve Pro~t, .seconded by Con~ Allison.. THAT Council concur '",,1-::1-.. t~:.e letter dated December 12th, 1..973, from Central La1-:e Gntario Conservation Authority rezardin~ interest pa~llent in connection with Cranberry i'ar oh and t:,at the ai;IOent 00' $162.00 be paid. "CARRIED" < . . - . . C"L"O..C"Ao r" Outstanding Levies Mr. John L. r'h;E~ven re Museum Roof Repairs Huseum Roof R~pairs :Museum Roof Repair s Building Inspector I s Report - 2 - ~e801Dtion fC-79G-7}~ HOVGCi i;y Dc~pety Recle Pro...."~t, seconded by CondO Chant. ~tU~T tt~ letter datec Dcc~ilocr 7th, 1973, from the C.-:.:n":':i..-cl ::",a::e 0ntBzio ConceTvEl"t.ion Authority re~~arding A(\-,!ini.r';::;_'at~on l.evy 0:2 Cl,602.00 and Haintenance ~evy of $911,,00 fOT 1973 be ~eceived and that these levie3 be p",-id.. "CARRIED" l.\.:~Gol\:!.i:.ion ;,~.r:C_799_73 .-----.._-_._--------~. ~oveG by Deputy Reeve Pro~t, seconded by Con. Allison. THi,T the letter dated Dece~ber 11th, 1973, from fill'. John 1.. 1:'1cE't.ren rezardinc, IJ8yment for Museum roof :repai.L's ~)e received anti that the amount of $2,023..02 be paid.. "MOTION LOST" ~ol:"~iOn.{IC-800-73 110vt;,:: by Con.. Haoon, secondec by Reeve Bell" THAT no fu.l~ther action be ta::en with regard to Mro McElien'~ account, accept that Mr. McEwen be advised that the prev~ouo o~fer is still open. "MOTION LOST" Revolution :jf~C-801-73 - - HoveC', ~~,:y Con.. Allin, cecon'_~G(. by Con.. Allison. TEl..:' t:'...~ !lwtt.cr of: i'~:LD IicI;-;;1en f c account be referred to ti:e ne~'7 TO'\ffi of He'i-rc[;.ctlco "CARRIED" ~e~~uti?n }c-802-73 Eoved by ~on. Allin, cecondc<l ;'y Deputy Reeve Prout. THi:.r the Buildin'o, Inspectol-' G Report for the Month of Novel11ber, 1973, "e approved.. "CARRIED" , . . . By-Law Enforcement Off icer' s Report Planning Board Secretary's Report Planning Board Secretary I s Report Dr. J.. Rundle's Request for Rezoning Town Engineer's Report re Traffic By-law " - ~ - n 1 -' . .ne no" 73 ~~,-_::...on.2r -0 .J- HOVG(: by Ree~!e Bell, eeconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.. ~1{AT the By-LIDJ Enrorceoent O~;icerfs Report for the lionth o~ Povember, IS'73, be approved.. "CARRIED" ~}esol'l+..!on ./1;(' 301, 7':" :..\. _'-'......1.. ~ .il....- ','- -', l1ove~l by Con.. Allison, Gecon(',8cl by Con. Chant.. T-;:::'1;.T t>e 'Plnnning 3oarC't SecreJ.:r.ry's Report dated Dece:;;beI:' 17th, 1973, relative to the proposed Durham ChrtEtian Hi~:;1:1 :Jehool, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-G05-73 Nove0. by Con.. Nason, aeconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.. T}~T the Plannins Board Secretary's Report dated Decenbe:::- 17tb, 1973, re2:o.rd.in~_ letter from Ix. R. earr~thers re1ati~e to the proposed Durh&n Christian Hi;::;h School, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resol~tion #C-306-73 Hoved 1.':~1 Con.. Thraoher, sc:conded by Con. Cobban. TIL.~;.T the PlanninG Board 3ecretary' s Report dated Dece2ber 17th, 1973, relative to Dr.. J.. Rundle's request. for rezonin::::: on !'l2.rtin Road South, be approvec.. "CARRIED" Councillo:.': J.'lac.on abct.s.inct.:. Reoolutlon 'ifc-fJ07-73 -- Haved b~;- Con. Co~)1an, ceCOnL~e(-~ by Con. Thrasher. TELT the To~m Enginee~~.ts rteport d.ated December lith, 1973, relative to aoen&nent to By-Law No. 1784, a b~l-la1;q for the re?,ulation of "traffic, be approved. "CARRIED" , . . . Clerk- Adlninistrator 's R"port C.LoOoC.A. ?'''~....q,tes Stp.tement of Accounts '3.1.:0. Supplementary Statement By-Law Noo 73-68 By-Law NOa 73-68 _ 4 - Resolution #C-808-7; i-loved b-y Cono Chant, seconQed by ConOl Allison.. THA.T the Cler1_~_Administratorl G Report dated December 21st, 197=:, rela.tive to the Inc1u.cl:rial Commission Report, Le approved.. "CARRIED" ~esolution #c_809-73 l..'Iov'3c: by Deput;,r Reeve F-,~'o;.':t, ~;econded by Gona Allino TI-lAT tL_c EinuteG of a nectin::; of the Central Lake Ontario ConGervation Authority dated December 6th, 1973, be received anu file~o "CARRIED" nesolution #C_810_73 ..-----'.- }bved by Gono Allin, oeconded by Deputy Reeve Prouta TI~~T t~e Statement o~ Accountc in the amount of $1:61,~lgo09 and the [3upplehlentary Statement in the amount of $163, 099,,l~6, be approved.. llCARRIEDll ReGol~tion ffiC_Gll_73 ~---------~. l"1ove(~ by I~eeve Bell, seconCec1 by Deputy Reeve Prout.. THf)..'J.' lea-,.e be z,rantcd to introduce By-La'\-, No.. 73-68, beins n by-1m? to au.thorize th.e borrowing of $25,000 1.".pon. deoentul:.."es to'Vlordc tl-~e cost of repairs to the roof of the Bourlian;r:_lle Eemorial Arena, and that the sai0 oy-la~ be now reaQ a first time.. "CARRIED" Resol~tion ;C_812_73 ~- . lioved by Con.. He-son, ::;Gconcle(l OJ:. Con.. Allin.. 'I'HAT the second reaclin~, of: vy-Law No.. 73-68, be approved.. "CARRIED" - . . . - 5 - .~_~~i_<?E__iftC~813-_",-~. Haved by Con.. Cobban, seconde6 by Con.. Thrasher.. By-Law No. 73-68 TI-li..'r the thirc;, and final reading of By-La", No.. 73-68, be approver1" "CARRIED" ~e801ution;~-G14-7~ HO'Jed hi COD.. Chant~ secon(:e'.". 'J)"' Con.. Allison.. By-Law No. 73-69 TrIA! leav~ be 0rantec to introLuce By-Law No. 73-69, bein;; 11 by-1m" to authorize the borrowing of $706,000 u.pon ceoentur\; to'ivard the coc.t of construction of a uatel- fil t7:ation plant~ anCt that the said by-law be no\-; rene', a fi:cGt tL'.e.. "CARRIED" Resolution ;i;'<~-815-73 ------._. Haved C,";7 Con... Thrasher, oeconc:ed by Con.. Cobban.. By-Law No. 73-6S THLT the second rea':tinL of By-Law No.. 73-69, be approve(~-.. "CARRIED" Resolution :i/:C_316_73 "-_.~._.- ..~----'-~' l:loved by DepTty Reeve Prou'::, seconded by Con.. Allin... By-Law No. 73-69 1'1-1.[.'-7 t:l--..G thirc~ and final rcadin:~ of By-Law No.. 73-69, be. approvet1,. "CARRIED" }!,i')201:1~ion 1~C-81]-73 Hove," ',,:,'y Reeve Bell, oeconded '0:/ Deputy Reeve Prout.. By-La\< No. 73- 70 'I'E!.:..T t:-:e oI:ce:...~ of JJul':-,::';eo8 Gl-a:1Di;', Securities Limited oatecl. DcceL,ber 2Gth, 1973, l'c:=llrc1ing the issue of $731,000 cLeben-:':'u..-es be accepte~~, and that leave be 2rnnte(~ to intror:'.uce By-Lm'! Noo 73-70, being a b~~-lat-'{ .to conooii..la';':e certain 'oy-lm'lc and to provide for the iasue oE one serieo of ,:eben'c.ures in the amount of $731,000 in Canadian I'un(.s, anc. that the said by-la" be no,:} reaci a first -:':'~"meo "CARRIED" -- . . . _ 6 - .Resol~n 11/:~ 73 Hoved Con" Allin, oecont:.c0. by Deputy Reeve Prouto By-Law No. 73- 70 'l'H/,:.c "the second reacin 0:::: E.>"Lau No.. 73-70, be appl'ove!:io "CARRIED" Resolution fC_G19_73 ~_~._____.,._____~A _._,_~~~- Uove~~ "by Con.. h.115.80n, cccon(~e,:1- by Con.. Chant.. By-Law No. 73-70 TIU..r.c ';_:11e t.h:.rd anci. final reaciin~:. of By-Law No.. 73-70, be approve'~~,,, "CARRIED" Resolution ~C-820-73 hoved by Con.. Haoon, ~econL~ed ~.'y Deputy Reeve Prout. By-Law No. 73-71 TE;:":T :_CD.~.le ;-:-e '-~rantc<: to int:t.~o:":..lce By-Law No.. 73-71, bein~: a lly-lm.:r to eci.:ablic;:-~ ['.. Park, and that the caid b-:.1-1817 be nOV7 rend 8. ~irGt -time... "CARRIED" ~~CGoh'.-d_on 1k ..JZl-73~ l'love;::" t7 Con.. Cobban, GCconC;.8C, ~y Con" Thrasher:.. By-Law No.. 73-71 TE/.T the second reaclin:3 oJ: By-I,m} NOD 73-71, be eT)prOvei~o "CARRIED" ='.ecoL:t:..on .,'/:C-C?2-73 - -----.~._--- NOV:3c:. ty Con. ThraGhcr, 8econC::e(~ by Cono Cobbano By-Law Noo 73- 71 J.!l....:.T ~i;_e third and final r2ac.in~, of By-Law No.. 73-71, I.:,e appro'led" "CARRIED" P.e_so l_ll.:t COE!. !IC-_81.:~:.2]. l"love(: Ly Con... Cb.ant, 8eCOn(~e(:' Con. All ison. By-Law No. 73-72 TH.:~'.:.; leave ~Je granteD 1.:0 introduce By-Law No... 73-72, :1ein~; eo by-1ao to B:iT1en\~' By-Ln.,;'] No.. 1784 a by-law for the reS'l1.1ation of traffic, ane:. "that the said by-law be nuu ref!.d c. first t.L.1eo "CARRIED" -- . .' = . . - 7 - :lesolu-l:ion :f/;C_32L~_73 Hovec':. b~T Depu'c.y Reeve Prout, aeconded by Con.. Allin.. By - Lm' No. 73-72 TEL':.'.!.' -::.he oeconc' readin;3 c:2 D~/,-l.JalJ No.. 73-72, be ap:.::rove(~.. "CARRIED" U), 1.' .',r.C no') 7' ._~:::::2..C: - ~J. t2-~-'-:'!'_ - V L co:_:_--!.. Loved b:-: .:'.C:(~Ve D(:.ll, ceCon ;'" 1::7 Deputy Reeve Prout.. By-Law No. 73-72 '1""!.T'1' ..I.d.i~~ t.~lC third and final rea,'in..' of By-Law llo. 73-72, 'be C:::Y:1ro'-/cco "CARRIED" Resol~tion 0c-826-73 -- --------- ---~.- -',~ --. 110ved by Con.. Allin, occo~deci ~7 Con. Mason.. By-Law No. 73- 73 THliT lef:.ve be z.ranto<'. to int:roduce By-Law No.. 73-73, ~)ei.n~. [l. ~,y-law to e:;:ten(~- t:1e construction period for 'l'rl.:-'d~ll ForDin:~ Lh..ii.ted, anti. that the said by-law be nO,"7 rec(~ n first tL:wo "CARRIED" " .., . .11.n O?-, 73 .;_~c; ~~~on 'i.~v- U _ I - HoveL:, Con.. ~11iGon, 3ccon~e0 by Con. Chant.. By-Law No. 73-73 THL:.T -the Dccond readin~' o~ Dr-Lm"l No.. 73-73, be e.pproved.. !1CARRIED!! J.eDolution :j:":(~-e28-73 l'lovecl 1::-',:: Con.. U.~l3on, CeCO'!1.Clec: by Deputy Reeve Prout.. By-Law No. 73-73 TII1\.T the thirc\ an.:l :~~,nQ.l ~I..~ec..j.in,~ of By-Law No.. 73-73, be appTove,~.. "CARRIED" ~ 1 . "c 029 -. _~~~?-.Y t l'?.~-=-,!_-.':_~~ !love(J b-:/ Con.. Cobban, secon.~'e'J. L)Y Con... Thrasher" By-Law No. 73-74 TH.AT lea-Ie ~:C Lranted t.O introduce By-Law No.. 73-7tJ..., beins a ;,:-law to amen", B)-Lau Noo 73-36 (sale of lan;_~G to Penuest Development Corporation Ltd..) and "C.llet tl1e Gaid 'by-1m) ~)e n01::! read a first time. "CARRIED" . . By-Law No. 73-74 By-Law No. 73-74 . Clerk- Administrator re Salary in Lieu of Vacation Snow Shovelling and/or S ending of Sidewalks . Police Officers n v - =(eso1-" tion 1.~C...C30-73 BoveG ~-, -,-,' "0 ;:::ono ThrfiShel", ceconGe(' by Con. Cobban. Tl-U~T t~"e eecon(~ reac1in;.' of By-LatV' NOe 73-74, be approved.~ "CARRIED" Resolution JC-C31-73 --~.._- ,-- ~.*_._----- l'.ove": b~- 8on" 8hant, 8eCOn(~eQ ijy Cone> Allison.. '~n~AT thC"~ thil*d and iina3. l~e;::~(~in;:-~ of By-Law Noco 73-7t.~, lx'.: fl.pp~:'ovecl.. "CARRIED" Resolution ~C-83?-73 . . l'k::ved 'uy !>::::puty ::eeve Prout, ceconded by Reeve Bell.. TI:-I1\.'':;'''I l!~:.eTeac Clcr~:-AcL1inictrato'i' Jo M.. McIlroy has not: iJeen cc~)le t.O tal:e al:;" 0:::: h_i.c. annual vaca-::'ion :Eor 1972 :.;ccr.ucl?_ of t;~c ezt4~.?. \'7oZ"~:. in connection 'lHith the electi.on, Dtcerin~~ Cori1;:,:ittee and Committee of the new Co~ncil of tho TO'ffi of Nowcaotlc. Therefore, be it reeo 1 ved~~le:: liIr.. UcIlroj! be Dc.ld one 1;'1eek \;; extra salary in lie~ of vacation.. "CARRIED" RGcoh.rtion ;,;~C-333-73 l.love(~ >y '=:ono T~1ra8her, seconde(~ by Deputy Reeve Prout.. TE,LT it. be recoI~m-len...iOG t~:c-;: t:.w by-la'V-ls reearding sn01" 8bo;lel1in~j and/or 8anC:ij.n~~ 0::: ci'_~el,;ralk8 be amended to pi'ovi2e that the r:lunic~PQlit~- uill carry out the service rather t:;.an t.hc propert::,'c O"1:,mer or occupant and that t>'ic rG.coiTI-dcnc1ation be :fo:r\Je.rr~ed to the Council of ':.:i'12 TO\'m of He1;-Jcao-::.lco "CARRIED" :a.c801ntion ',;~C-83L~-73 HOV0(~ b~T Con... Thro.Dhe:;.~, cccont~cd. by Con.. Cobban.. 'l'F~L':2 -the To\'m of Boi'n;;anvi.lle Council present Police C:22ic8i'S ::o:c DOlv.ll.:m'lillc CC.~) onc".3eo .end flashers at the en(~, o-E the yea::- aue; tllat. E:.n:r extra badges or flashers be present.cd to t~'~e Bo-u~;:a.nvillc Nuseumo "CARRIED" . .} .0 .. ..' .. Adjournment - 9 - ~Gol:!.:.tJ:..o~~ :i:~C-_8}5-2?: l'.:oV(~j_~ y Deputy Rc~eve Proet, seconded by Con", Chant", TIL.:.T t~lC Lleetine; be a:~~'rOurnc.,- Ivan be> 1-10: l)S ~~-_. v l<iaj'OT "CARRIED" :L/':; ~l/~/~ h.. LcIlro' Cler~'~_::"\.~iTIinistrat r . ------ --