HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1973 . _It 1 ## . . BowmanviUe. OntariO Council Minutes Special Meating Minutes List of Applications re Taxes P.U.c. 1974 Electrical Budget REGULAR MEETmG December 3rd, 1973 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held in the Council Chambers in the Court Building on December 3rd, 1973, at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs James A. Bell Maurice Prout Lawrence C. Mason, Q.C. Donald W. Allin Normen Allison Paul Chent Mrs. Olive Cobban Mrs. Leola F. Thrasher Reoolution #c.. 745-73 Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Con. Allin. THt.'l' the minutes of a meeting of Council dated November 5th. 1973, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #c-746-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. THA'l' the minutes of a Special Meeting of Council dated November 9th, 1973. be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution ~C-747-73 Moved by Con. Mason, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THA'l' the list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes as presented by the Treasurer, be approved. "CARRIED" There were no deputations made by enyone with regard to this list. Resolution #C-748-73 Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Con. Allison. THA'l' the letter dated November 22nd.' 1973, from the Bowmenville Public Utilities Commissioner relative to Electrical Budget for 1974, be referred to the Council of the Town of Newcastle. "CARRIED" ---- . - . , P.u.c. re Remuneration for Conmhsion Members Bowmanville Baseball Association M.T.C. re Peti tion Concerning Highway No. Two Mr. Donald Stover re Parking - 2 - Resolution #C-749-73 ~ved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Con. Allison. THl,T the letter dated 110vember 22nd, 1973, from the Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission relative to remuneration for Commission members be referred to the Council of the Town of Ne~lcastle. "CARRIED" Resolution ffC-750-73 Moved by Con. Allison, seconded by Reeve Bell. THAT the letter dated November 15th, 1973, from the Bowmanville Baseball Association be received and that the Clerk_Administrator be requested to send a letter to the Developer suggesting that if he paid the $200.00 it would be good public relations. "CARRIED" Mr. Brant was present during the d1ecussion of th1e item. Resolution #C-75l-73 1'Ioved by Con. Mason, seconded by Con. All1eon. THAT the letter dated November 19th, 1973, from J. J. HcNamec, District Construction Engineer of the Ministry of T-.:ansportation and Communications, be referred to the new To,-m of Newcastle aI'ld that the Town Engineer check the muddy water situation on the bridge ao mentioned in the petition from the residents of the Haver;' Road area. "CARRIED" Resolution fK;.. 752-fl l'Ioved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THAT the letter dated November 20th, 1973, from Mr. Donald Stover, employee of the Board of Education, regarding parking privileges, be received and filed. "CARRIED" . , . . Society of Industrial Accountants re Dinner City of St. Catharinea re Water Levels on Great Lakes Bus Service on Waverly Road Area Barber & Kelly re J. Brown Quit Claim Deed _ 3 - P~solution #C-753-73 Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated Novenber 23rd, 1973, from the Soc:iety of Industrial Accountants of Ontario regarding dinner on November 6th, 1973, be received for information and any member on Council who wishes to attend do so at their 0>111 expense. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-754-73 Moved by Con. Mason, seconcied by Reeve Bell. !iU,T the letter dated November 23rd, 1973, from the City of St. Catharines and enclosed resolution regarding water levels on the lower Great Lakes systeu, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution IC-755-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT the letter dated Noveuber 26th, 1973, from the County Board of E(~ucation, relative to the discontinuance of the temporary bus service in the Waverly Road area, be received and filed. "CARRIED" P~solution #C_756_73 Moved by Con. Mason, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THAT the letter dated November 22nd, 1973, from Barber and 1(elly, Solicitors, regarding closing of laneway and deeding to Mr. .Jac!, Brown, be received and that the necessary action be taken to close the lane in the regular manner end conveying the lend to edjacent mnlers, the cost to be assessed to the purchasers. "CARRIED" Mr. .1. Brown wes present during the discussion of this item. . . . Muscular Dystrophy Csmpaign Mr. T. Vanderende re Transfer Taxie Licences Waste Disposal Site South of Highway 401 Bus Service in the Waverly Road Area Memorial TIospital re Signs _ 4 - Resolution #C_757-7~ 'Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. THAT the letter dated November 26th, 1973, from the Volunteer Fire Department relative to Muscular Dystrophy Csmpaign he received and that the permission to canvas be granted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C_75S-73 l1aved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Chlll\t. THAT the application dated ilovember 26th, 1973, from Mr. Thomas Vanderende, regarding the transfer of six licences from Pabs Cab be B1'ented and the necessary licences issued by the Clerk_AUninistrator "CARRIED" Resolution ~C~1~9-73 'Moved by Con. Allin, seconded b:{ Deputy Reeve Prout. THt,x the letter dated November 28th, 1973, from the Ministry of the Environment relative to the Disposal Site South of Highway 401 be concurred with and that the site be closed according to the request of the Departme!".t end that suitable notice be placed in the local pc.per. "CARRIED" Resolution #C_760_73 __,..-J-.......=.. -._,..-~, .-..-.-".^~~--- Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison. THIS the letter dated November 8th, 1973, from Mrs. H. l1cl;night relative to the discontinulll\c:e of the school bus in the ~laverly Road area, be referred to the Board of Education. "CARRIED" Resolution #C_761-73 .,......~........ .., l'loved by Reeve Bell, seconcied by Con. Allison THAT the letter dated November 29th, 1973, from the Memorial lbspital tltanl:inz Council and staff for the prompt installation of hospital quiet zone signa, be received and filed. "CARRIED" .....- , t . . Revision of Zoning By-law to Conform with the Official Plan BowmanvUle Museum re Repairs to Roof Dr. J. D. Rundle re Rezoning of His Property Lorraine Court re Change of Name - 5 - Resolution #C_762_73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. lolason. THAT the offer contained in the letter dated November 23th, 1973, fro~ Proctor & Redfern of~ering planning consulting at an estinated cost of 02,000.00 with connection to P::a8e III of Zoninz 3y-18'1 iIDlenclment be accepted and aho that the letter dated Decer,li,er 3rd, 1973, from M. H. ;;ilpatriclc Associates Limited and the letter dated Dece",ber 3rd, 1973, from I:cnicipal Planning Consultants on the SNoe matter, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution 1.~_763_73. Moved by Con. 11aaon, seconded by Reeve Bell. THAT the letter dated Nov~"ber 30th, 1973, from the Secretar,' of the Bomnanville l1useum regarding bill for roofinz repairo, 11r. J. McEwen, be received and that without prejudice an offer of $1,800 be made to Hr. McEwen to settle tile account. "CARRIED" Resolution #c-764-73 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT ti,e letter dated December 3rd, 1973, from Dr. J. D. Rundle requestinz a Zoning change on his property on Hartin Uoad, be referred to Planning Doarci.. "CARRIED" Dr. J. Rundle was present c;m:in:; the discussion of thic i t~.m. Resolution ~C-765-73 Moved by Con. Mason, oeconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THAT the letter dated December 3rd, 1973, from Strike, Strike & Van Nest regarding Lorraine Court chan3e of name be received and the former Resolution No. C_70l_73 be rescinded and that no further action be telcen on this matter. "CARRIED" - t . . Deed for Rotary Park Trillium Cer a'1lics Ltd. Police Report By-Law Enforcement Officer's Repor t Building Inspector's Report - 6 - Resolution #C_766_73 ~-_..._-_.-....._- 11ovcc1 by Con. Mason, seconded by Reeve Bell. TIlI,T tl"e letter dated Decenber 3rd, 1973, from Strike, Strike Eo Van Heat encloaing certified copy of the deed for Rotary Park be received and filed and the relative (~cuments placed in the J:fJunicipal Valt. "CARRIED" ReoolutioI}.. tC_767_73 Moved by Reeve Bell, oecon,;ec1 by Con. Allin. THl,T the letter dated Decenber 3rd, 1973, from Stril,e, Strike Eo Van Heot rec:a;:ding the Option to T-..:illiurt.l Cer81nico Ltd., "ae received and that the necesoory by-la'\'l be m..:b::1itted to Council. "CARRIED" ~lution #C-76C-73 Moved b] Con. 1..11100n, seconCec1 :)y Con. Chant. THLT the Police Report for the Month of October, 1973, he approved. "CARRIED" ~o_o_luti~ 1.;e;-76J-73 110ved by Con. Hason, oeconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. TIlLT the By-Law Enforcement Officer's Report for the Month of October, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-770-73 Hoved :'y Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT the Building Inspector's Report for the Month of October, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" , ~ . . - 7 - Resolution #C-77l-73 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison. Street Lighting THAT the Committee Report dated November 14th, 1973, regarding Street Lighting, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-772-73 110ved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison. Street Lighting Highway No. 2 THAT the To~n of Bowmanville be responsible for 50% of the cost of ne~l street li:::hts on Highway No. 2 be~1een Hartin Road end Scugog Street as per Drm1ing No. , and ~1ill also be responsible for 100'7. of all future coste including the power bill. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-773_73 Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Thrasher. School Children in Waverly Gardens THl.T the Clerk-Administrstor's Report dated November 26th, 1973, relative to sc;1oo1 children in Waverly Gardens, be approved. "CARRIED" ~solution ffiC-774-73 Moved by Con. Thraaher, seconded by Con. Cobban. Anti- Littering Campaign TFU,T the Comruittee Report dated November 27th, 1973, regarding ilnti-Littering Carupaign, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-775-73 Moved by Con. Thrasher, seconded by Con. Cobban. Town Engineer's Report THAT the To~m Engineer's Report dated November 27th, 1973, relative to Highway No. 2 traffic control, be approved. "CARRIBD" , . . Animal Control Report Flying Dutdunan M:>tel Proposed Shopping Centre Durham Chr htian High School Durham Christian High School n _ u - ~eGolution #C-776-73 -- . Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Thrasher. Tlll~ t~e f~imal Control Report for the Month of October, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #c-777-73 ------- --- Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT ti,e nanning Board Secretary's Reports dated November l6tb, 1973, and November 30th, 1973, re3ardin3 the proposed replac~aent and addition to the Flying Dutch!nM H)tel, be concurred with. "CARRIED" Hr. J. Bourke ,'las present durin::; the discussion of this item. Resolution JC-778-73 I'loved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT the Planning lloar<i Secretary's Report dated llov"",oer 15th, 1973, ;:e~ardin~. proposed shopping centre on Simpson Avenue and ;-7.ing Street, be approved. "CARRIED" ~eso1ution ~C-779-73 1'Iovcd oy Con. J.laeon, sc-:oncied by Deputy Reeve Prout. Tl'IAT t],e Planning lJoard Sccretary's Report dated November 19th, 1973, relative to a request to rezone for proposed Durham Q1ristisn High School, be approved. "CARRIED" nesolution #C-780-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. THA1' the Planning lloard Secretary I s Report dated ilovember 30th, 1973, relative to rezoning for proposed Durham Christian Hi::;h School, be approved. "CARRIED" - . . . Mr. J. Brown re Plan of Subdivision Town Eng meer' s Report re Gill Property Statement of Accounts By-Law No. 73-66 By-Law No. 73-66 - 9 - Re~~'tion #C-781-73 110ved by Deputy R~cve Prout, seconded by Con. Mason. THAT the subdivision plan of Nr. Jack Brown, mentioned in the report of the Planning Board Secretary, dated November 30th, 1973, be reconunended for approval. "MOTION LOST" 'Hr. J. I!rmm was present during the discussion of this itertl.. Resolution #C-782-73 }Ioved by Reeve Dell, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Town Engineer's Ileport dated November 30th, 1973, regarding Resolution #C-693-73, relative to }~. Gill's property on Xing Street West, be approved. "CARRIED" Ilesolution #C-783-73 !.Ioved by Deputy Reeve Prou.t, seconded by Reeve Bell. THAT t;,e Statement of Accounts ;;or the period of November 1st to November 30th, 1973, in the amount of $593,186.98, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-784-73 !1oved by Con. Hason, secondeG by Deputy Reeve Prout. TllAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 73-66, being a by-law to authorize the destruction of certain records of the Corporation, end that the said by-l8'1 be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-785-73 }loved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 73-66, be approved. "CARRIED" ! . - 10 - R2solution #C-786-73 By-Law No. 73-66 Moved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant. T1IAT the third and final readin~ of By-Law No. 73-66, be approved. "CARRIED" E~lution #C-788-73 Moved by Con. Chant, seconded bJ Reeve Bell. By-Law No. 73-67 THI.>' leave be :;ranted to introduce By-Law No. 73-67, beinz a by-law to authorize the granting of an Option to purchase lands to Trillium Ceramic Tile Manufacturin~ Inc. for the establishment of industry, and that the said by-1m, be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-789-73 . Hoved UjT Reeve Bell, seconded by Con. Allison. By-Law No. 73-67 Tl~cT the second readin~ of By-Law No. 73-67, be approved. "CARRIED" Re~ion #0-790-73 11Dved by Cono Allin, seconded by Con. Chant. By-Law No. 73-67 TU'cT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 73-67, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #0-791-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison. Mayor's Chain of Office THAT the Mayor I s Cilain of Office be handed to the Clerl,-Ack.linistrator after the last Council meeting of tile Town of Bownat1ville to be placed in a case and hune in the Bo~nnanville To>m Hall, but if the Town Hall be moved fron t::is bUilding, then the chain be handed to the Bo'~"anville Museum. . "CARRIED" ~ . Christmas Greetings Adjournment . .. Seal - 11 - Resolution i'C-792-73 Nover) ~JY veputy f\.eeve Pro''..:.t, neconded by Con.. Allison.. TELT ti~e um_ioal i,_leooa:~e of Chriotmas Greetings to the citizens of the Toun oe placed in the local nel7Gp ap er.. "CARRIED" ~~s~lution ;fc-793-73 Uovec1 'by Deputy Reeve Lcout, seconde.d by Con. Allison. ~;2/~ L'~~/ "/ /' THi':.T the L1eetin~ be adjoti.rnc~ci. "CARRIED" Ivl'lt! H. 110"0- '""'.i .J.. llobbG;/~"'.' /2-2"1 1__.- _ J.. 1-1.. IlcIlro~r -----...............--.--'- Cl cr T.:-/_d,'l.in::" str star , ~