HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1973 ..~ . . . Bowmanville, Ontario REGULAR HEETmc November 5th, 1973 Hinutes of a Regular Heeting of Council held in the Council Chambers in the Court Building on NovcQber 5th, 1973, at G:OO p.m. Present: Hsyor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs James A. Bell ~laurice Prout La",rence C. Hsson, Q.C. Donald W. Allin NorQan Allison Paul Chant Hrs. Olive Cobban Hrs. Leola F. Thrasher Resolution #C-673-73 Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. Council Minutes THAT the minutes of a meeting of Council dated October 2nd, 1973, be approved as amended. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-674-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. Special Meeting Minutes THAT the minutes of a Special ~~eting of Council dated October 16th, 1973, be approved as amended. "CARRIED" Request for Walkway on Martin Road South Hr. Ralph Tukker represented the petitioners before Council. Reoolution #C-675-73 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT this 30tter be referred to the Town of Newcastle Council for review ",ith regard to sidewalks. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-676-73 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. Oshawa & District Credi t Counselling Service re Grant THAT the letter dated October 22nd, 1973, from the Oshaua & District Credit Counselling Service requesting a grant, be received and filed. "M:lTION LOST" J . . . - Oshawa & District Credit Counselling Service re Grant Mr. C. J. Vermeulen re Subdivisions CoL.a.C.Ao re Municipal Levy O.M.E.R.S. re Increase in Basic Pension Street Lighting - 2 - Resolution #C-677-73 Moved by Con. Mason, seconded by Con. Cobban. TlU\.T Council make a srant of $l,oO.OO to the local Chamber of Commerce to be used for the purposes indicated in the letter, and that the municipal policy be amended to this extent. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-670-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the letter dated October 11th, 1973, from Mr. C. J. Vermeulen reearding subdivisions, be held for further inforlJation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-679-73 !1Oved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. THAT the letter dated October 3rd, 1973, from the Central Lalee Ontario Conservation Authority, be Concurred with and the Municipal levy in the amount of $616.00 be paid. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-680-73 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THAT t~e letter dated October 15th, 1973, from O.MaE.R.S., regarding increase in basic pension, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-68l-73 !loved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. WITH regards to the letters from Allin Cable Reels Limited and !11's. Fred Simpson of 78 Little Avenue, relative to street lightinZ, a Committee of two be appointed to meet with the Clerk-Administrator and TOtlIl Engineer to study this matter and report back to the next Council meetine. "CARRIED" The l~yor appointed Councillor Allin and Reeve Bell. . . . CNIB re Donation Senior Citizens Units Mr. G. Almond re Request To Hook Up to Sewage System Ontario Sewer & Watermain Contractors Association Decision_ Making Process of Municipal Governments Swartz & Swartz re Easemen t - 3 - Resolution ~G-6g2-73 110ved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT the request dated October, 1973, from Campaign Chairman of CNIB, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-683-73 J.fuved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT Resolution #C-523-70 passed on September 8th, 1970, be illDended to provide for forty Senior Citizens Units instead of thirty-three units. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-68l~73 110ved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT this be handled under Reports. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-685-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter datcd October 26th, 1973, from the Ontario Sewer & Watermain Contractors Association, regarding tenders, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-686-73 Ihved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THAT this l~latter be handled under reports. "CARRIED" Resolution IC-G87-73 Ibved by Con. Mason, seconded by Con. Allison. TltAT the letter dated October 25th, 1973, from SHartz & Suartz, regarding J. Schwarz easement, be handled under By-la1.'s. (ny-Law No. 73-63) "CARRIED" J , . . . Ministry of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs re Delegation of Power s Mr. B. Germa, MoP..P., re O..M..E..RoS. News Release re O..MoE.R.S. Northumberland & Durham County Board of Education - l} _ Resolution #C-688-73 110ved by r.eeve Bell, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated October 1st, 1973, from Mr. H. I. MacDonald, Deputy Minister or Treasurer, be received and filed. Resolution #C-689-73 Moved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT this natter be tabled and considered at the ne~:t meetinn of the Committee of the Whole. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-690-73 110ved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. TI~T the letter dated October, 1972, from Mr. Bud Germa, M.P.P., Sudbury re~arding O.M.E.R.S., be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-691-73 Ibved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Con. Allin. TI~T the lTeue Release Erora the Ministry of Treasury Economics and Intergovernnental Affairs, be received and filed. "CARRIED" Mr. Alan Strike, Trustee of the Board of Education, appea~ed before Council rcgarciinz this matter. Resolution ~C-692-73 110ved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT Council concur \'lith ;:he letter dated November 2nd, 1973, from the Board of Education and arrange a deputation to attend the next meeting of the Coli1l1Ji ttee of the Hhole. "CARRIED" . . . - 5 - Resolution JC-693.73 MOveJ by Dep~ty Reeve Prout, ceconded by Con. Allin. Mr. Donald Gill THJ,T the letter dated November 3rd, 1973, from Mr. Donald Gill, 141 Kins Street West, be referred to the To,lt\ Engineer to report back to the next meet in;?, of Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-694-73 Moved by Con. Nason, seconded by Con. Allin. Schwarz Easement THAT the letter dated November 5th, 1973, from Strike, Strike & Van Nest, regarding Schwarz easement be dealt with under By-laws (By-Law No. 73-(3). "CARRIED" Rcoolution #C-695-73 ~bvecl by Con. Mason, oecondec by Con. Allin. Building Inspector 's Report THAT the Duilding Inspector's Report for the Month of September, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-G96-73 1'1oved ~,y Con. Allin, aecondeci b:t Con. Allison. By-Law Enforcement Officer's Report TI-lf:o.T t'i1e By-Lal! Enforceraent Officer '8 Report for the Honth of 3eptelaber, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" ~_e~olution #C-697-73 110ved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant. Police Report TPJ,T the Police Report for the Month of September, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" . CoOoJ..PoB.. Account Closing of Road Allowance . Mr. B.J. Henderson Street Name Duplication Po li ce Chief's Report . An imal Control Report - 6 - Resolution #C-698-73 I-loved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allison. TF~T the Planning Board Secrctaryls Report relative to the Advisory Service Account, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-699-73 Neveu by Cono Cobban, scconced by Con.. Thrasher. THAT the Planning Board Secretary's Report regarding Part Lot 9, Concession 1, West Side of Mearns lwenue, BcJ,{'lTnnnville, be approved.. "CARRIED" ReGolution #C-700-73 I-bved by Con. Thrasher, Geconclecl by Con. Cobban. THAT the Planning Board Secretary's Report regarding vrr. B. J. Henderson of 59 Ontario Street, be approved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-701-73 l'iovcc. by Reeve Bell, Gccondec. by Deputy Reeve Prout. TIY~T the Pla~nin~ Do~~ci Secretary's Report regarding Street i.J<'3JL1c D-eplication, Lorra:i.ne Court, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-702-73 I-bved by Deputy Reeve Prout, Geconded by Reeve Bell. THAT the Police Chief'c TI.cport dated October 12th, 1973, rc;'.urd:;.nz, the purchnoc illld installation of an craer[;ency electrical p0'i1er syotem, be referred to the ReGional Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-703-73 l'bved by Con. Nason, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THAT the Animal Control Report for the Month of September, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" . CoL...OoCQA.. Minutes Clerk- Administrator I s Report . To>m Engineer's Report re Mr. G. Almond Sewer Connection Town Engineer's Report re Tender for Truck W.H. Martens Name of Industry . - 7 - . "' 70' 7" Resolut1on ;rC-:- '"l--.J I'vved by Con.. Allin, secondeD by Con. Allison. THAT the Central Lal:e Ontario Conservation Authority minutes of: a meetin~ helc on October 4th, 1973, be received and filed :Cor information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-70S-73 ~bvcd by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant. TFj,T the Clerk-Administrator's Report dated October 30, 1973, re~ardinc Decioion-Ha!:ing Process of Municipal Governments, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-706-7J j'bved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT the 7mm Engineer I c Re7}0rt dated October 30th, 1973, reJa::-dins a rcquc8t frorJ l"'Ir. George Almond for a ~anitary seuer connection to the Beau Valley trtlnL Deller, be approved subject to t1r. Almond paying all coste.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-707-73 ~lovcc1 b:>, Con" CobJnn, ceco!l(~c(', :.::y Con. Thrasher. TPillT .the To~m Ensincer I s Conf iden t ial Report, d.::!.tcd October 30th, IS?3, 'l.~clative to the tender {or a neu Hod;:8 Depart-aent trud:, be approved.. "CARRIED" ~ecolJtion ~:C-708-73 ffuved by Con.. Thrasher, ceconded by Con. CobbanG TIM.T Nl~.. \1.. 11.. l'lartcna, uho is establishing an induotry in tile To,'m of Bm.'mal1ville, be permitted to une the ncme of IBo~r:lanvil1e Crane Manufacturing Ltd. I for his ne" Company. "CARRIED" Q - u - . Reoolution #C-709-73 l~ved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. Arena Petty Cash Fund THAT the Treaourer's Report "!!ted October 31st, 1973, rcgarc1inr; the Arena petty caGh fund, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution ~C-710-73 ~bved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. Noise on Streets Adjacent Hospital Ta\T the TOlm En~incer'G Report dated November 1st, 1973, re~ardin3 resulation of noise on streets adjacent to Meworial Hocpital, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-7ll-73 ~Iovcd by Con. Hason, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. . Rer.loval of Parking Meters THAT the TDI'm Engineer I s Report dated November 2nd, 1973, re[;urdinfj r~T.loval of pi;.rlting meters in the vicini.ty or Kin13 Street an0. Division Street, be approved.. "CARRIED" Reoolution #C-7l2-73 ~bved by Con. Cobban, oeconded by Con. Thrasher. Health Unit's Quarterly Report TliAT the Haliburton I~\Tnrtha Pine Ridge District Health Unit'c Quarterly aeport, be received and filed for inrormatiouo "CARRIED" Reso 1 ut ion }C-713-73 Hoved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allison. Treasurer's Report TIu,r the Treasurer'o Report reGarding list of application for cancellation, reduction O~ zefund of taxes, be approvcdo "CARRIED" . . . . - 9 - Resolution 4fC-71l}-73 Vroved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison. Statement of Accounts THAT the Statement of l:.ccounts for the period of October 1st to Octobe~ 31st, 1973, in the amount of $2L:,2,098.2.1, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-715-73 tbved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant. By-Law No. 73-60 THAT leave be gran'ted to introduce By-Law No. 73-60, beins a by-lmr to cx:.""!:2nd Dy-Lmi Ho. 1784 a by-la\'T for the J:e::::ulntion o:t.: trllffic, and that the said by-1m'! be UOH read n l:irst tine" "CARRIED" Resolution {,~C-716-73 IJDved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allison. By-Law No. 73-60 THAT the second reading of By-La>< No. 73-60, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution iC-717-i3 lbved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Thrasher. By-Law No. 73-60 TIL\! '<:he third and final reading of By-Lal< No. 73-60, be approved" "CARRIED" Resolution i'C-718-73 tbved by Con. Thrasher, seconded by Con. Cobban. By-Law No. 73-61 TI1\T leave be granted to introduce By-Lal< No. 73-61, beinS " by-le."1 to mnend By-La" No. 72-39, being 10. by-la 17 to cotasl ish and ranintain a Petty Cash Fund, and that the said By-Iall be nOIl read a first tirLle.. "CARRIED" - 10 - . ~eool~tion }C-71~-73 ~bvecl by l~eeve Bell, aeconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. By-Law No. 73-61 THAT the ceconc1 rea,'j,n~, 00: By-:..a" No. 73-61, be approved. "CARRIED" ~~CC21l~:ti_o_n 1rC-]12=,.?~~. I-b1XBt:, Deptl~Y Ree~ve P:....-Ol~:t, oeconderl by Reeve Bell. By-La., No. 73-61 THt.'1.' the tl~ir(~ and finol readinc of By-Law No. 73-61, 'Se approved. "CARRIED" n~"01',1--'on -f!.C -,''''' 7' !:~'::-~_:::~::.:'-.:~_.2c..._~_...~;..~__~'. r1ovec: ;~y Con.. r1asons seconded uy Deputy Reeve Prout.. . By-Law No. 73-62 TIu.\.T le.?ve be Gronted to int;:'oo.uce By-Law No.. 73-62, boin~; a b:7-1su to c.cti1orise the sale of .. 702 acres of ind'..!strial lanG to Ik:l't-J'lne.nville t-lorehousing Limited pursuant to Option, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Recolution :i:':C-722-7~; ihvec oy Con. hl1in, aeeonded oy Con. Al1ioon. By-Law No. 73-62 TUt.T the oeeond reading of By-Law No. 73-62, be nppro7ed.. "CARRIED" ," lo,t' <!.C 72" 7~ ...C:SO...L~ ,.Lon w - ...)-..2- By-Law No. 73-62 howed Ly Con. ,,-llison, Gceondcc by Con. Chant. Tl1AT the t;,irc1 an6 find !:eCldcnz, of By-Law No. 73-62, be npproveC::.. "CARRIED" . I . . - 11 - RC:Jolution .;',~C-72L:-73 ~bved by Con. Chant, oeconde{ by Con. Allison. By-La,., No. 73-63 TEAT len-'.rc be grnntccl to intro(!uce Dy-La'Vl No", 73-63, lJein8 Q by-L:ru to exp:cop:cio.tc drainnge easement in connection ~'!ith HilS'i:rD.:"~ Subc;iviBion, and that the GCl.i(~ by-1m? :)c nou ycact a first tif.!1e" "CARRIED" rrc:Jolution 0c-725-73 Bovee by Cono Co~)ban, seconded by Con. Thrasher By-La'lo)' No. 73-63 TnL.! the second readin;.: of By-Lm., No.. 73-63, be npp:rcve(~.. "CARRIED". ~eDolution #C-726-73 By-La., No. 73-63 l'lovcd by Con.. Thrasher, seconded by Con.. Cobban.. THAT the third and final readin~j of By-Law No. 73-G3, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution ~C-727-73 ~bvcc by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.. By-Law No. 73-64 TIUiT leave be Granted to introduce By-Law No. 73-64, bein8 n by-lnw to decicctc onc foot reserve strip at l.Jest cnd of Saunders Avenue o.s a Public Street, and tha.t the ao.id by-Iau oe nOIl read a first time, and th['..t legnl cost:; be charged to the subdivider. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-720-73 By-La., No. 73-64 fbVCG by Deput7 Reeve Prout, ceconded by Reeve Bell~ Tfu\.'I' the second readinG of: By-Lm'l No.. 73-64, be o.pproved.. "CAlillIED" . - 12 - Resolution #C-729-73 l.bve(~, by Con.. HaGan, Gecondec.l DY Con. All in. By-Law No. 73-64 THAT the third and ~'-nal reading of By-La,., No. 73-61,_, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-730-73 HovecJ by" Con.. Allin, 8ccondc(', by Con.. Allison.. By-Law No. 73-37 TIL\T the third and final readin::=; or By-Law No.. 73-37, be approved.. "CARRIED" Rcoolution #C-731-73 MoveG by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant. . By-Law No. 73-42 TI~,T the third and final readins of By-Law No. 73-42, be approved. "CARRIED" Rc Go 1" tion ':"C-7 32- 7 3 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, "eeonded by Reeve Bell. Tender s for New Truck TllAT the tenders be opened.. "CARRIED" There \.]crc three tenderc as Iollo,'ls:- HacDone.lt" FOL-d Roy Hichols Hatara Ltd. Cm.:un Pontinc-Euick I~tdo 15,191.44 18,722.63 17,124.28 Resolution #C-733-73 ~bvec by Con.. AlliBon, cccondcd by Con.. Allin.. TltJ\T the tender be auarc:cd to COlHlfi Pontiac in the ~Jount o~ $17,124.28, beinc Q diesel truck. "CARRIED" . . . . - 13 - TI.eaolution ~;~.C-73L~_73 I~vcd by Con.. Allin, seconded by Con. Chant. Salt for Win ter Control TH.:'...! the tenders be opened.. "CARRIED" The t'2.n(lel~[; 'tIere ac :(0110'./':'::- DO:~j-:::ar Cile.aicals Linitccl Cano~inn SGlt Coopany Ltd. ISP Icroquois SuIt Pro~ucts $lL,.648 14.648 14.658 rrc~olut;on #C-735-73 - - tIoved b~T ItecvG Bell, Gccondcd by Con. Mason... TEAT t.Ile tlro 10i, tcnc.\cro be pla.ced in a hat and ba.11o"tcu" "CARRIED" 'i'hc CODpnny d:;:Q'\lTl fl~O:'.1 the hnt pas DOG/tar ChCf.l_ic.:ll:::: Liui.tod an(~ 'i!['.8 tllUr:: m'larded the tender.. Resolution <':C-73G_73 ~1o-J"cd by Deputy Reeve Prout, Gcconded by Con.. Allison.. Repairs to Animal Control Shelter T}U~T the tenders be opened. "CARRIED" The tenl:ers "'Tere as 20110ue:- Bo F.. J>1o[1.cO \folding Pot-to Entcrpriocs Ltd.. $1,463.55 1,399.75 RC801ution PC-737-73 tbvc~ by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con... Allin... THAT t:ll8 tender be m",rdce to Potto Enterprises Ltd. in the mnount of $1,399.75. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-738-73 'Bovee'! ;)7 Itceve Bell, Gcconc1ecl by Con... Mason.. By-Law No. 73-59 THli..T D:l-La17 No... 73-59 be c":-c1cncled to provide that the option be on "the l.:ntl to t:l1c H0st rather than to the SO<.lth and ~il['.t the option be :(or tHO yearG instead 0;: one jrcur" "CARRIED" , - 1/, - . l:c:sol1..!tion ,P:C-739- r:~ ..,------~_.- _.----_..............~----......-....- l'bve(~ SondO Lllin, sccondec Deputy Reeve Prout. AdjoUl.nment TI-l{"T tr.12 'wctiIl(; te o.djourneLlo "CARRIED" .~~,.'- '/rz 7/* Ivan U. 110 ':,bs Hnyor J. ;.;. UcL:co Cl crI.:-LJJ.,Liniotrator . . , .~ 'I "../ V l.A.,A/" .- / / '/