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Bowmanville, Ontario
Petition re
Martin Road
South Speed
Lirni t
October 2nd, 1973
Hinutes of a Regular 1'1eetinr of Council held
in the Council Chambers in the Court Building
on October 2nd, 1973, at 8:00 p.m.
Present: {.ja~"or
Deputy Reeve
Ivan H. Hobbs
James A. Bell
Ha\2rice Prout
L~~rrence C. Mason, Q.C.
Donald W. Allin
Norman Allison
Paul Chant
llrs. Leola F. Thrasher
HI'S. Olive Cobban
Absent: Councillor
Resol~~on #C-620-73
Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.
THAT the minutes of a l1eeting of Council dated
Sept~uber 4th, 1973, be approved as printed.
Citizens from the Martin Road South area presented
a petition to desisnate speed limits of 30 miles
per hour on the new County P.oad.
Reoolution #C-62l-73
l1bved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.
THicr Hartin P",ad from Scugo3 P.oad to Highway 401 be
siL'tIecl 30 lniles per hour by the County, but failing
that the To~mrG Engineer be instructed to post the
Hr. D. Com/ay appearecl for Hr. Nario Veltri with the
request that occupancy permito be issued for houses
built in the oubdivicion even though the services are
not con~lete as provided in the subdivision agreement.
He indicatecl that the roads were gravelled, but lacked
~solution #C-622-73
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT no action he taken at this time.
D' /mgelo Homes
From Wil-Swar
Hr. Henderson
59 Ontario St.
re Construction
of Garage
- 2 -
lk. Lllcn Berk, Solicitor for lrr. D'Angelo, appeared
before Council in connection 'lith Item No. 9 of
Resolution #C-623-73
--- -
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Reeve Bell.
TIU,T Item No. 9 of Correspondence be dealt with after
I'rr. Berl: I s presentation.
lk. Berk addressing Council indicated that Hr. ['Angelo
he.d purchased 150 loto from 11li.lswar, but could not
proceed with construction as building permits were
not available ouing to the problem of obtaining the
drainage encement fror~l lir. Joe Schwarz. He urged
Council to take action towards the obtaining of the
Resolution JC_62l~73
lbved by Con. Macon, seconded by Con. Allison.
T}U~ the whole matter of the Subdivision and Hr. Berk's
letter be referred to the next ;:.'leeting of the Cormnittee
of the 11hole Hith the Toun Solicitor and Town Engineer
in attenG;mce and that this matter be placed first on
the Az.endE'.o
}k. Henccrnon of 59 Ontario 8treet appeared before
Council rc0ardins conotruction of a garage on his
property which diG not appear to conform with the
Zoning By-leu.
llesolut:iEP_ 1i:c-625-7~
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allin.
Tl~_T thia matter be referred to the next meeting of
the Planning Board with recormaendation that a change
be made to the ZoninS By-leu with reference to
Hr. Henderson's situation.
re Project
P.UClC. re
UoA..W. re
Sell Lottery
Tickets in
Life Insurlll\ce
Mrs. P. Godsmark
re Proposed New
Shopping Mall
- 3 -
" 1 . .".,... t:.06 7"
~~_ut2;2P--2i~,,:,-O/, - ~)~
l~veG by Deputy Reeve Prout, 8cconded by Con. Allison..
THAT the letter dated Jepteober 7th, 1973, from Central
Lake Ontario Conservation Authority regarding Project
SHEEP, be received and fileu.
Resolutl..o!} 1'l'c..-:E1::J2
l'hved by Con. Mallon, ceconded by Con. Allin.
TWiT the request of the Public Utilities Cormnission to
finance a0ditional funds re~uired for the construction
of the 12" watermain l:iet<men Division Street and
Haverly H.oad, be approved..
~esolution #C-628-73
Movee by Con. Allin, ceconded bJ Con. Allison.
THAT Council concur '.Ji th tho request of the Canadian
U.L.H. Council to oell lottery tickets iu Bowmanvillc
nnder Provincial Licence !Jo. 137199.
Rctlolui:ion ,/J.C-629-73
l1ove1.~ by Con. Allin, seconded ~'Y Deputy Reeve Prout.
THAT the letter dated September 8th, 1973, from the
Canadian Foresters Life Insurance Society regarding
Drug Action Cormnittee be referred to the Recreation
Director for his co"]ffients.
Resolut12r'. !fC-630-73,
J10ved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison.
THtX the letter dated September 15th, 1973, from
Mrs. Patricia Godsmarl, regardinl; the proposed new
Shoppinr; Mall be received .Cor information and a
copy referred to the Planninr; Board.
- 4 -
Resolution #c-63l-73
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell.
Canadian Ski
re Grant
THAT the letter dated September 11th, 1973, from the
Canadi= Sl,i t.osociation regarding grant, be received
and filed.
Reoolution #C.632-73
Moved by Con. Mason, oeconded by Con. Allin.
Gas Company
re Increased
THAT the letter dnted September 18th, 1973, from
Consumers' Gns Company regarding application for
increaoed rates, be received and filed.
Resolution #C_633-73
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, oeconded by Cor. Chant.
St. John
re Training
THAT Council concur uith the request of the St. John
Ambulance as contained in their letter of September 18th,
1973, regarding the use of accoIllllOdations for the
Training Course.
Reoolution #C-634-73
Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.
THAT the letter dated September 18th, 1973, from the
Solicitor General regarding Fire Prevention Week,
be received and an advertisement placed in the local
Resolution #C-635-73
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Chant.
Santa Claus
THAT the request of the Santa Claus Parade as conteined
in their letter of September 25th, 1973, be concurred
with and the various Town Departments notified accordingly.
Morrow and
Goodman re
Merrill D.
Brown re
LlIDd Donated
by Rotary
Hoopi tal
re Excessive
Auto Noise
Mr. Les Piper
re Permission
to Tr ap on Town
- 5 -
~colution ':"'C-636-7~
110ved by Con. Haoon, seconded by Con. Allison.
TIllS the letter dated Septe,,,ber 25th, 1973, from Pivnick,
I'brrm', and Goodman regardins the closing of street
ellowances be referred to the Planning Boord for a
Rcoolution #C-G37-73
Moved by Con. Lllin, seconded oy Con. Allison.
THAT the letter dated Sept~aber 26th, 1973, from
l1errill D. Brmm, Surveyor, be concurred with and that
the land donated by the r~tary Club be accepted and
ell necescary actionc be taken to implement thiso
Resolution 111:C_638_73
~bved by Reeve Bell, ceconcted by Con. Allin.
THAT the letter dated SepteLlber 27th, 1973, from the
Memorial Ibspital re8ardin~ exceosive auto noise on
streets adjacent to the Hocpital, be referred to the
Engineer to consult with the fuopital and report back
to Council.
Resolution #C-639-73
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison.
TI~,T Council concur with the letter dated September 28th,
1973, from the Bowmanville Police Association and that
representatives be invited to attend the next Committee
of the lfuole meeting.
Reeolution JC-640-73
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison.
TW.T Council concur with the request of Mr. Les Piper
to trap on To>m property for the coming season.
Museum Board
re Funds for
Proj ects
Under the
of Lamb Street
- 6 -
Rcoolution #C-641-7~
tbved by Con. Mason, seconded by Reeve Bell.
THf,T the letter dated October 2nd, 1973, from the
Musemn BoDrd, be received nnd that additional funds
be made available as requested to finance the
replacement of the ':>Oiler in the Museum.
Resolution #C-642-73
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison.
THAT the Clerl,-Administrator make application to the
Canadian Manpower regardin3 any project under Local
Initiative Program after consulting with Department
Hecda recardin3 list of projects.
Resolution #C-643-73
Moved by Con. ~llin, seconded by Con. Allison.
;'IHERE.AS Bessrs. Hiemstra nnd Shea, the owners of lands
adjoininr; that part of LeWD Street running northerly
from Concession Street to the Canadian Pacific Railway,
have applied to Council to have that part of Lamb
Street 17in2 bet"een their properties closed and have
agreed to pay the coots in connection therewith.
NOH THK1EFOrrE DE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
Corporation of the To.m of Do.~anvil1e that the Town
of Bo~lD1anville m&~e application to the Judge of the
County Court of the United Counties of Northumberland
and Durh",a pursuant to the Re3istry Act for an order
closinc that part of Lamb Street lying northerly of
Concession Street anJ southerly of the Canadian Pacific
Railway runnin3 between lot 1 in Block 3 and lot 5 in
Blod: 2 according to Hannin2s Plan of the To~m of
Bowmanville, and that the Hayor and Clerk be directed
and authorized to sign all documents in connection with
the said application.
- 7 -
Resolution #C-644-73
Moved by Con. Mason, seconded by Con. Allin.
Closing of
Streets on
Short Farm
T:1l:IEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of
Bo~nnanville is desirous of closing certain lanes and
streets as shown on the Smart Estate Plan of lands in
TO~Tnship Lot 9 in the Broken Front Concession lying
easterly of Simpson Avenue.
tlml TYiliREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the
Corporation of the Toun of Bo~nnanville that the Town
of Bo~mlanville make application to the County Court
Jud[;e of the County Court for the United Counties of
Northumberland and ~urham for an order closing the
follo~Ting streets ClOd lanes as S~Tn on the Smart
Estate Plan of Subdivision of part of Township Lot 9
in the Broken Front Concession in the Town of
Bowmanville in the County of Durham made by L. H. Short,
P.L.S., dated the 4th day of May, 1858;
1. Smart Avenue running southerly from the Canadian
National Railway rightOo()f-uay to the north limit of
Second Street.
2. .Armour Avenue running southerly from the Canadian
National Railway right-of-way to the extension easterly
of the south limit of Fourth Street.
3. Lll that part of Fourth Street running easterly
from Simpson Avenue to f..noour Avenue.
4. Lanes undesignated by nane, letter or number running
southerly from the Canadian National Railway through
nocks S and R to Fourth Street.
5. Lane undesignated by nsme, letter or number running
easterly from Simpson Avenue and immediately south of
Canadian National Rail,qay rightOo()f-way to Armour Avenue.
6. Third Street running easterly from Simpson Avenue.
7. Lane undesignated by name, letter or number running
southerly Zrom Third Street along the eastern side of
Block G to Second Street.
O. Second Street running easterly from Smart Avenue to
the west limit of Mearns A"lenue.
9. Lane undesignated by name, letter or number running
southerly from Second Street tlurough Block B a distance
of 290 reet.
10. Lane undesignated by nm}e, letter or number running
southerly from Second Street through Block C to the
southern limits of Lots 6 and 12 in Block C.
Town Engineer's
Report re
Purchase of
Snow Plow
- 8 -
11. Lane undeoignatec1 by na:~let letter or number running
westerly from 11ea:.rns Avenue alons the oouthern boundaries
of Lots 6 nnd 12 and the lane in Block C.
12. Unnamed street running southerly from Second Street
be~.een Block n and C to First Street.
Resolution #C-645-73
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allin.
TrV,T the Building Inspector'o Report for the Month of
August, 1973, be approved.
Resolution #C-646-73
Moved by Con. Mason, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.
TlY,T the Police Report for the Month of August, 1973,
be npproved..
Reoolution ;-;~C_61,,7_ j'3
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.
Ttu~ the By-Law Enforc~2ent Officer's Report for the
Ibnth of Auguot, 1973, be approved.
Reoolution #C-6~n-73
Ibved by Con. Allison, oeconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Animal Control Report for the Month of August,
1973, be approved.
Resolution #C-6/~
11Dved by Con. Chnnt, secondod by Con. Allison.
Ttu,T the To,m Engineer' 0 r(oport dated September 20th,
1973, regarding the purcllese of an underchassis
Gnaw plow, be approved.
, .
Planning Board
Report re
Mr. Venneulen
Town Engineer's
Town Engineer's
Report re
Report re
Report re
- 9 -
Resolution #c-650-73
Moved by Con. Thrasher, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the Planning Board Secretary's Report dated
Septe3ber 18th, 1973, relative to C. J. Venneulen's
property on Waverly Road, designated Park Land, be
Resolution #C-65l-73
Moved by Con. Thrasher, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the Tmm Enllineer '8 Report dated September 26th,
1973, regarding the proposed residence for Dr. & Mrs.
John Rundle, be approved.
Resolution #C-652-73
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.
THAT the To~m Engineer's Report dated September 27th,
1973, regarding a sprinkler system for cenotaph lawn,
be approved.
Resolution #C-653-73
110ved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allin.
THlJ the Building Inspector's Report dated September 28th,
1973, regarding his attendence at the Ontario Building
Officials Association's Annual Conference, be approved.
Resolution #C.654-73
110ved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.
THAT the Committee Report regarding littering in the
T01~ of Bo.naanville, be approved.
, ,
Promotion of
D. McFeeters
58th Monthly
Report re
Dog Pound
Report re
Janitor Service
at Library
""port re
Roof Repair
at Police
- 10 -
Reo,lution #C-655-73
Moved by P-eeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.
Tlucr the Police Chief's Report relative to promotion
of D. McFeetero, be approved.
Resolution #C-656-73
Moved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board's 58th
Monthly Report, be received and filed for information.
Resolution #C-657-73
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison.
Tl~T the Report dated October 2nd, 1973, from the Town
Engineer be received and that tenders be called for
carrying out the work ",'C the Dog Pound.
Resolution #C-658-73
Moved by Deputy Re3ve Prout, seconded by Con. Allin.
TliAT the Clerk-A~inistrator's Report dated October 2nd,
1973, regarding janitor service at the Library, be
received and the ccntractor,I~. Clare Mutton, be signed
for thirty dayc, the matter to be further discussed at
the next Committee of the Whole.
ResolutioL #C-659-73
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout.
TP~T the Report dated October 2nd, 1973, from the Building
Inspector regarding roof repairs at the Police Building
be received and that Mr. J. Hilliams offer to carry out .=
the repairs for 9400.00 be accepted.
- 11 -
Resolution #C-660-73
Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allison.
Accoun ts
THAT the Statement of Accounts for the period of
September 1st to Septenber 30th, 1973, in the
amount of $369,167.48, be approved.
Resolution #C-66l-73
Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Con. Mason.
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 73-59,
being a by-law to authorise the sale of 1.355 acres
of industrial land and a one year option of
approximately 1.53 acres of industrial land to
W. Martens, and that the oaid by-law be now read a
first time.
Resolution #C-662-73
1'Ioved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 73-59, be
Resolution #C-663-73
110ved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 73-59,
be approved.
Resolution #C-664-73
Moved by Con. Mason, seconded by Con. Allin.
Petition for
SubSidy on
Expendi tures
THf,T the Mayor and Clerk-Administrator be authorised
to sign a petition for Suboidy on Roads Expenditures
made to Autust 31st, 1973, ao follows:-
Construction Maintenance Total
Roado or Streets $3,942.51
Bridges and Culverts 827.70
Total Expenditure $4,770.21
.. . , -~
for the
on Base
Line Road
and Culvert
on Jackman
- 12 -
Resolution #C-665-73
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, oeconded by Con. Chant.
THAT the tenders for the Sanitary Sewer and Watermain
on Base Line Road and the 84 inch culvert on Jackman
Road be opened.
There I'Tere nine tenders for the Sanitary Sewer and
five tenders for the culvert including two late
tendero from Aprile ContractinG Limited, which were
received late (4:30 p.m. instead of 4:00 p.m.).
rrccolution #C-666-73
!1Oved by Deputy Reeve Prout, oeconded by Con. Allin.
TIU,T the late tendero be received with the others.
The tendero were sa followc:-
Sanitary Seuer and l1atermain on Baseline Road
Dunedin Constructiono~..o...........oo..$29,087.30
Korean Limited COntractors..c....e...... 35,034.50
)C~prile Contracting L~ited............o. 26,159.00
Angellotti Contractins Limited.......... 26,905.00
vka. Hollingsworth & Son................. 29,050.00
Dasmar Construction Limited............. 44,146.00
G. Co RowanD & 8ons.c..co....oo............o 29,509..16
Harnden & l:in[; Construction LiLoi ted..... 36,711.74
Ongradc Construction...................... 26,509.05
Jackr,an Road Cl1lvert Replacement
l~rGan Limited COntractors...............$43,579.75
X Aprile Contracting Limited.............. 38,509.85
l::,agellot'ti Contracting Limited..o....... 47,720.00
[~. Hollingsworth & Son..o............oo 53,032.50
Dagmar Conotruction Limited............. 42,127.35
Resolution #C-667-73
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison.
THAT the tenders be referred to the Town Engineer
to report on them regarding specifications.
\ ,/,JIlo
~ 13 -
TIle To>m Engineer checked out the tenders and reported
back (lith the recommendation that the following tenders
be accepted, subject to being checked out as to the
performance of the Contractor:-
Oanita::-y ~ewer end Hatenaain - Aprile Contracting
Limited - $26.159.00.
Jaclm,an Road Culvert Replacement _ Aprile Contracting
Limited - $38,509.85.
Resolution #C-668~73
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Reeve Bell.
TPJcr the Engineer's recommendation be adopted.
Resolution #C-669-73
Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison.
TRtcr the salaries of the Cro8sing Guards be increased
by $10.00 per month retroactive to September 1st, 1973.
Resolution #C-670-73
110ved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison.
Tl~T the meeting be adjourned.
Ivan M.
) , ~'"
Ibbbsd~"C~, >::3 ~?
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J. N. HcIlro