HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/22/1973 , ,I , . . . Bowmanville, Ontario Council Minutes Committee of the Whole Dali Developments Incorporated Subdivision Agreement (Former Agar Property) REGULAR MEETING May 22nd, 1973 Minutes of a Regular Heeting of Council held in the Council Chambers in the Court Building on Hay 22nd, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. Present: Hayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs James A. Bell Maurice Prout La'~ence C. Mason, Q.C. Donald W. Allin Norman Allison Paul Chant Mrs. Olive Cobban Mrs. Leola F. Thrasher Absent: Councillor Resolution #C-357-73 Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THAT the minutes of a meeting of Council dated May 7th, 1973, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-358-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. THAT the minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, dated M~y 22nd, 1973, be approved. "CARRIE')" 11r. Jmneo D. Service, Solicitor, appeared before Council relative to the signing of a Subdivision Agreement for the former Agar Property. The Subdivision Agreement on this property was authorised by Council by By-L.",., N". 72-44 passed on October 2nd, 1972. Mr. Service requested that Council enter into a Subdivision Agreement for the same property with his clients Dali Developments, who have now acquired the property. Reeolutio~ #C-359-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT the Agreement be signed with two amendments as recommended by the Engineer regarding the acquiring of the easements for drainage and $250.00 sur-charge for Building Permits issued prior to services being completed as in other recent Agreements. "CARRIED" ';) . . . Loyal Orange Lodge Church Parade Improved Water Services At Hollingshead & Foundry Use of Library by Art Group Memorial Ho sp i tal Mrs. E. V. Hoar request for Improved l~alking Conditions on King Street - 2 - Resolution #c-360-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. THAT Council approve of the request of the Loyal Orange Lodge to hold a Church Parade in Bowmanville on June 17th, 1973, and that the Police be notified. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-361-73 Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THAT the copy of a letter dated May 11th, 1973, from the Public Utilities Commission to Hollingshead regarding improved water services, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-362-73 Moved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THi\T the letter dated l1ay 21st, 1973, from Mrs. Eileen Van Nest be received and that the Art Group be permitted to meet in the Library building. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-363-73 ,. Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Chant. TlUcr the letter dated l1ay 27th, 1973, from Memorial Hospital regarding In-Service Volunteer Programme, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-364-73 110ved by Con. Mason, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. T1~T the letter dated May 10th, 1973, from Mrs. E. V. Hoar be received and, provided the area is on public property work be carried out as requested. Resolution #C-365-73 Moved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Allin. ~T this matter be referred to the Engineer and report back to the next Council Meeting. "CARRIED" . . . Canada Week Opening of MJseum for 1973 Encroachment on Ontario Street Memorial Arena and Canteen Offer to Purchase Old Fire Hall - 3 - Resolution #C-366-73 110ved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT the letter from Canada Week Committee relative to celebration of Canada Week be held in abeyance to next Committee of the >fuele. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-367-73 110ved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Chant. THl.T the letter from the Bo.rmanville Museum be received and it be recommended that as many Members of Council who find it possible, attend the opening of the 1973 Museum Season on Thursday evening the 24th of May. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-368-73 Moved by Con. Mason, seconded by Reeve Bell. T&\T the letter from Strike & Strike dated May 17th, 1973, regarding encroacl~ent on 82 Ontario Street be dealt with favourably and considered under By-laws. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-369-73 Moved by Con. Mason, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the report dated May 10th, 1973, from Thorne, Gunn and Company relative to the BoHmanville Memorial Arena and canteen be received and noted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-370-73 110ved by Con. Cobban, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. THAT the Offer to Purchase the old Fire Hall for $23,000 as contained in the letter dated May 16th, 1973, from Hr. A. L. 11atthews be accepted. "M:>TION LOST" . . . - 4 _ Resolution #C-371_73 Offer to Purchase Old Fire Hall Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allison. THAT Mr. Veltri be given an opportunity to make another offer for the old Fire Hall. ""07ION LOST" Resolution #C-372-73 rbved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allison. TIit'.T the letters from Hr. Hatthews and Mr. Veltri be referred to a Special Cormnittee to report back to the next Council ~ketin8. "CARRIED" The Mayor appointed Deputy Reeve Prout, Councillor Allison and Councillor Cobban. COUNCILLOR Mi..sm ABSTAINED FRO!>! VOTING ON RESOLUTION #C-370, C-371, AND C-372. R~ution #C-373-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Cobban. CoL.OoC.A. SHEEP Program TIUlT the letter dated "my 16th, 1973, from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authorities regarding the S~TEEP Progrron be received and thot it be recommended that priorities for l.ork program should be 1. Lake Front Clean Up and 2. Creel: and Creek Valleys. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-374-73 110ved by Con. Moson, seconded by Con. Allin. Recreation Director's Report THt.T the Recreation Director's Report regarding duties of the Arena rWnager in Refrigeration Plant, be received for infonnation. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-375_73 Haved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Chant. Trea.surer's Report THAT the Treasurer's Report relative to Commercial and Business Assessment comparison between 1971 and 1972, be received for information. "CARRIED" - 5 - . Resolution #C-376-73 110ved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant. Planning Bosrd Secretary t s Report THAT the Planning Board Secretary's Report regarding building and zoning by-laws, be approved. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-377-73 110ved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allin. Police Report THAT the Police Report for the month of April, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-378-73 Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allin. Treasurer's Report re 1973 Budget THAT the Treasurer's Report relative to the 1973 Budget, be approved. "CARRIED" . Resolution #e-379-73 Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allin. Town Engineer's Report THAT the To,m Engineer's R2port regarding No Parking regulation on Duke Street from Park to Base Line, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-380-73 Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. Building Inspector t s Report THI.T the Building Inspector's Report for the Month of April, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-381-73 110ved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. . Animal Control Report THAT the Animal Control Report for the month of April, 1973, be approved. "CARRIED" . . . - Police Meal Allowances Town Engineer's Report Statement of Accounts By-Law No. 73-29 By-Law No. 73-29 - 6 - Resolution #C-382-73 Moved by Con. ~mson, seconded by Con. Allin. TH/.T the Police Meal Allowances, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-383-73 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the TO'lO Engineer's Report relative to request for supplementary subsidy on Prospect Street storm sewer, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-384-73 110ved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the Statement of Accounts for the period of }fuy 3rd to May 15th, 1973, in the amount of $49,050.39, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-385-73 ~~ved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 73-29, being a by-law to authorize the construction of road paving on certain streets in the Town of Bcwmanville, and that the said by-law be now r ~d a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-386-73 l1:wed by Con. Cobban, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 73-29, b. approved. "CARRIED" . . . . - 7 - ~lution #C-387-73 Moved by P.eeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. By-Law No. 73-30 THl,T leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 73-30, being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1973, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" RGsolution #C-388-73 By-Law No. 73-30 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 73-30, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-389-73 110ved by Con. Mason, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. By-Law No. 73-2G THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 73-30, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-390-73 110ved by Con. Mason, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. By-Law No. 73-31 TIL\T leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 73-31, being a by-lal'! to allow an encroachment on Durham Street, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-39l-73 By-Law No. 73-31 lbved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 73-31, be approved. "CARRIED" . . . . n - u - Resolution #C-392-73 i10ved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. By-Law No. 73-31 THf,T the third and final reading of By-Law No. 73-31, be a.pproved.. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-393-73 Moved by Reeve Bell, seconded by Deputy Reeve Prout. Offer to Purchase Ronald C. Deeth Limited THAT the Offer to Purchase two acres of Industrial Land of the former Stevens property on Base Line submitted by Ronald C. Deeth Limited, at the price of $14,000, be accepted subject to deletion of the conditions regarding hydro supply and Department of High.lays Permits. "CARRIED" P~solution #C-394-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. Offer to Purchase Mel-Ron Construction Ltd. THf,T the Offer to Purchase two acres of Industrial Land of the former Stevens property on Base Line submitted by Mel-Ron Conotruction Limited at the price of $14,000 be accepted subject to deletion of the conditions resarding hydro supply end Department of Highways penuits. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-395-73 Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Con. Allin. By-Law Enforcement Officer THl,T the By-Law Enforce~ent Officer be requested to submit a "bnthly Report on parking tickets issued instead of the Police Department "CARRIED" Resolution #C-396-73 -- Moved by Deputy Reeve Prout, seconded by Reeve Bell. Adjournment THf.T the meeting be adjou ~.~;~ ~./}~ ( Ivan M. Hobbs, Mayor / J. Clerk-Administrator