HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/1975 (Special) e- 7' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Special Meeting of Council, Thursdq, December 18, 1975.3:20 p.m. Hampton Munioipal :Bu1ld1Ili;. Present: MaiYor G. B. R1ck~ Councillor I. M. Hobbs Councillor H. B. Tink Councillor X. E. Iqall Absent: Councillor Anne Cowman Councillor X. Entwisle Councillor D. Allin Clerk J. M. MoD.roy,A.M.C.T. ~r R1~, in bis opening 1"""......", stated this speoial meeting was oalled to receive end consider a reOOlllllle1ldation from the Publio Woms Comm1 ttee with respeot to the reoently completed Road Needs Study. .) All1lOintment of Aot."", Clerk. Resolution No. 8.C.-1-75 Moved by Counoillor Hobbs, seconded by CO'lJ"ftfllor ~l, That H. Best be appointed 88 Acting-- Clerk: for this meeting. "CARRIED" 2) Adoption of Road Need Study RepOrt. Resolution No. 8.C.-2-75 Moved by Councillor Tink, seconded by Councillor Hobbs, That the Road Needs Study Report 1976-1985, 88 prepe:red end presented by the fi:m of Totten Sims Hubioki Assooiates end recommended by Resolution No. R.N.-32-75 of the Teabn10ial C0- ordinating Committee Road Needs Study, be adopted by this Couno1l. "CAl'IJ/TIl!I\" . . Speoial Meetirlg of Counoil, December 18, 1975, conti.nued- 3) DiB~bution of Copies. .: .\. Pa6e 2 Resolution No. S.C.-3-75 Moved bY Counoillor Robbs, seconded by Counoillor TiDk, Whereas Totten Sims Rubioki Assooiates have supplied 150 oopies of the Road Needs Study Report at a cost of $2,612.00 Now be it therefore resolved that i) 40 copies be retained in stock for future requirements ii) 49 copies be available for purohase at $20.00 per copy, iii) 61 copies be distributed, at no cost, to the following- Ministry of Trensportation and CollllllllDioations - 15 . Ma;vor and Members of Council Region of Durham- Commissioner of PlRnni"g and Developosnt Commissioner of Pu.blio Wo:t'ks Chief of Polioe Department Reads-(Town of Newcastla) Clerk Treasurer Building PlAnning Public Works Library Board (Town of l~ewcastle) Boards of Education High Schools Conservation Authorities - 7 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 10 - 2 - 4 - 2 Onterio Provincial Police(Newcastla Detachment- 1 . Neighbourhood Municipalities Total for disbursement --- "CAllJ/Tlm" ...:...l1.. 61 . , Speoial Meeting of Counoil, Deoember 18, 1915, oontinued- 4) Adjournment Resolution No. 8.C.-4-15 Moved by Counoillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Jqall, That this meeting de now adjou=. "CARlUED" Meeting adjourned accordingly a.t 3:40 p.m. ..tl:l-..An (} L'o Aoting-Clerk . . Q. g.~J: .~a::L~ MaiY'or Pees 3