HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/1975 (Special) . . .. Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council called to meet with officials of Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. and others to discuss the operations of the Company. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber 132 Church St., Bo'~nville, at 7'30 p.m. on Monday, September 22, 1975. Members of Council present were; Councillor Ann Cowman Acting Chairman Councillor D. W. Allin Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs Councillor Kenneth E. Lyall Councillor H. Bruce Tink Town Clerk J. M. McIlroy was Secretary. Others present were: Mr. G. F. Colborne, General Manager, Refining, Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. Mr. S. E. Frost, Health Physicist Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. Mr. T. D. Armstrong Ministry of the Environment Mr. P. Hughes Ministry of the Environment Mr. G. B. Knight Atomic Energy Control Board Mr. J. Holliday Leighton & Kidd, Consulting Engineers for the Town. Mr. Sean Casey, Energy Probe had intended to be represented but called later to apologize that his representative was unable to attend because of illness. Various members of the public were also in attendance. On a motion by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Lyall and duly carried, Councillor Cowman was appointed Acting Chairman of the meeting. The Chairman outlined the purpose of the meeting, which was mainly to get information on the Company's operations of dumping waste material on its property in the Town of Newcastle. Mr. Colborne made a slide presentation showing the history of the Company since the nineteen twenties and outlined the various waste materials disposed of and the effect on human and animal life. }rr. Knight addressed the meeting and outlined the function of the Atomic Energy Control Board in relation to the Company. It appeared that there had been some problems in the past, which have been corrected. Mr. Holliday also spoke and asked questions on behalf of the Town. Mr. Colborne and Mr. Knight answered various questions posed by members of Council and the audience. . . . Special Meeting - 2 - September 22, 195. One of the questions was as to why Port Granby was used and the answer was that it was quite a "hole in the ground" and there was no appreciable run-off. Mr. Colborne stated that the Company had an option on 100 acres to the North of the present site, but it would probably not be used as the present site should last thirty years. He also stated that the Company would keep Council advised of any future plans in this Municipality. Mr. Murray Payne indicated that the operation was undesirable and why were the waste materials not shippped back to Saskatchewan. Mr. Colborne said that only 4 lbs. per ton of ore mined was brought to Port Hope for processing and that it would be most uneconomical to ship the waste back. Another member of the audience asked if the method of disposal used was the best possible means. The answer was in the affirmative but improved methods were always being looked for. Another question asked of Mr. Knight was it because Pollution Probe had been looking into the matter that made the Atomic Energy Control Board take action. Mr. Knight assured that the Board is continually reviewing the situation. Mr. Holliday indicated that he was satisfied with the steps taken by the Atomic Energy Board in this regard. On a motion by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Tink, the meeting was adj ourned. J. 11. }lcIlroy, Secretary.