HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/15/1975 . . . Council Minutes Roll Call Council Minutes Community Services Committee Report Kirby Public School Committee of the Whole Report TOWN OF NEWCASTLE September 15th, 1975 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council held in Court Room No. 2 in the Police and Fire Building, Bowmanville on Monday, September 15th, 1975 at 1:00 p.m. Mayor Rickard called the meeting to order and lead in prayer. Present were: Mayor Councillor Garnet B. Rickard Donald W. Allin Mrs. Ann Cowman Kenneth E. Lyall H. Bruce Tink Kirk Entwisle Ivan M. Hobbs (Attending Police Convention) Absent: Councillor Resolution #C-75-1024 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT the Council Minutes dated September 2nd, 1975 be approved as amended. "CARRIED" It _was noted that on the Recorded Vote on Page 2 Councillor Tink voted "Yea" instead of "Nay". Resolution #C-75-1025 Moyed by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT the Community Services Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on September 2nd, 1975 be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1026 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded Con. Allin. TIlAT the Board of Education be advised that Council has no interest in the purchase of the old Kirby Public School. "CARRIED" Resolution #C.75-1027 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tink. TIlAT the Committee of the Whole Chairman's Report of meeting held on September 8th, 1975, be adopted as amended. 1'CARRIEDn . . 4' Council Minutes Full Time Fire Fighter Finance Cotmnittee Report Planning Advisory Cotmnittee Report - 2 - September 15th, 1975 Resolution #C-75-l028 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT Item No. 4 of the Committee of the Whole Report be tabled and discussed under Mew Business. "CARRIED" Resolution 1C-75-1029 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT the Finance Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on September 8th, 1975, be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l030 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT the Planning Advisory Cotmnittee Chairman's Report of meeting held on September 8th, 1975 be adopted as amended. "CARRIED" Councillor Cowman opposed. Resolution #C-75-l03l Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT Item No. 2 be tabled pending clarification from Mr. Howden and Mr. Best. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1032 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT Resolution Ip-14l-75 be added to the above mentioned Report. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Animal Control Report Building Progress Report Town Clerk's Confidential Report Applications for Cancellation Reduction or Refund of Taxes Planner's Report re Secondary Plans - 3 - September 15th, 1975 Resolution #C-75-l033 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT the Animal Control Report for the month of August, 1975 be received and filed for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l034 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT the Building Progress Report for the Month of August, 1975 be received and filed for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l035 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Town Clerk's Confidential Report dated September 15th, 1975 relative to the promotion of H.G. Wight to Chief Building Inspector as of January 1st, 1976, be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l036 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT Council conCur with the list of applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes as presented to Council on September 15th, 1975, as amended. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l037 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT the Planner's Report regarding Town of Newcastle Secondary Plans be held in abeyance until after the Regional presentation on September 22nd, 1975. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes P1anncr's Report re Newtonvill e Study Ontario Home Renewal Program Mr. Marchant re Closing of Road Allowance - 4 - September 15th, 1975 Resolution #C-75-1038 Moved by Con. Co.nnan, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT it is recommended that Mayor Rickard call a private meeting of Council, of members only, after September 22nd, 1975 to decide how to proceed with regard to the above mentioned reporto "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1039 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the Planner's Report dated September 12th, 1975 regarding "he Newtonvi11e Study be tabled until the next meeting pending a report from the Chairman of the Planning ALvisory Committee. "CARRIED" Mr. M. Lakose1jac of the Ministry of Housing addressed Council with regard to the Ontario Home Renewal Program. Resolution #C-75-104C Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Co.nnan. THAT Council take steps to institute the Ontario Home Renewal Program within this municipality and that a subcommittee be formed to make recommendations to Council with regard to the administration. t.CARRIED" Mr. Marchant appeared before Council regarding his application to close the road allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Concession 2, in the former Township of Clarke. Resolution #C-75-1041 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the matter be referred to the Public Works Committee. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes C.L.O.C.A. Purchase of Valley Lands in Bowmanville Creek Public Works Committee Report Bowmanville West Community Project - 5 - September 15th, 1975 Mr. Brian Howard of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority appeared before Council with regards to the purchase of valley lands in the Bowmanville Creek. Resolution #C-75-l042 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT the purchase of the land be approved in principle and C.L.O.C.A. be advised to proceed with Councils co-operation and that C.L.O.C.A. report back with more information prior to proceeding with the purchase. Recorded Vote Councillor Allin......ooo....yea Councillor Cowmanoo..........yea Councillor Lyall.............Nny Councillor Tink..............yca Mayor Rickard..............!.yea "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l043 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Report of the Chairman of Public Works Committee for the meeting of September 11th, 1975, be adopted. "CARRIED" Mr. Conroy DoI-l$On appeared before Council regarding Milani and Milani BoWTaanville West Community Project. Mr. Dawson requested that the Regional Works Commissioner be authorised to provide information to Municipal Planning Consultants with regard to the study which they were conducting. Resolution #C-75-1044 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT Council COnCur with Mr. Dawson's request. Resolution #C-75-l045 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT the foregoing Resolution be tabled until after the Regional presentation of the Official Plan on September 22nd, 1975. l1CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Mr. R. Amyotte re Rezoning Designation of Correspondence - 6 - September 15th, 1975 Mr. Amyotte addressed Council regarding his business. Resolution #C-75-1046 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT the Planning Department be instructed to take steps to rezone the area bet"een Bowmanville and Darlington-Oshm.", line and from the lake to One half mile north to Industrial. Resolution #C-75-1047 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the foregoing Resolution be tabled until the next meeting of Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1048 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT Mr. Amyotte be invited to attend the next Committee of the }lliole meeting to discuss his matters in camera. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1049 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Allin. THt.T the designation of the correspondence by the Town Clerk be concurred with. "CARRIED" 5. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education dated September 3rd, 1975 regarding svlimming facility adjacent to the Bo,.manville High School, be received for infor.nation. 6. Durham Regional Health Unit dated September 4th, 1975 regarding complaint of Mr. and Mrs. White relative to T&M Mink Farm, be received for information and a copy sent to Mrs. I~ite. 7. Mrs. Mary J. Walker of Hampton dated August 26th, 1975 regarding equal pricing of dog licences be received for informntiono 8. Ontario Municipal Board dated August 26th, 1975 regarding Decision of an appeal by Gordon Baker from a Decision of the Land Division Committee, be received for information. 9. M.B. Kelly, Barrister and Solicitor dated September 8th, 1975 regarding tax refund for John W. Watson, Block A, Plan 659, Darlington, be referred to the Committee of the I~ole. Council Minutes . . . - 7 - September 15th, 1975 10. Ontario Municipal Board addressed to Mr. T.C. Stephenson of Orono regarding Order of an appeal of a decision of the Land Division Committee be referred to the Committee of the Whole with a Report froIn the To>rn Planner. 11. Port Darlington Marina Hotel dated September 3rd, 1975 regarding street signs to advertise Hotel, be referred to the Public Works Committee. 12. W. Kay Lycett, Q.C. dated September 9th, 1975 regarding proposed closing of public road between Lots 26 and 27 in the 5th Concession, Clarke, be referred to the Public Works Committee. 13. Ministry of Housing dated August 28th, 1975 addressed to the Regional Clerk regarding interest-free loan to assist in the construction of water and sewage facilities, be referred to the O.H.A.P. Steering Committee. 14. Joseph J. Giddens, '~chitect and Planner, dated September 5, 1975 regarding proposed development of Part Lots 9 & 10, Cone. 2, Bo>nnanville, be referred to the O.H.A.P. Steering Committee. 18. Mrs. Gail deVries, 143 King Street West, Bo~nnanville dated September 8, 1975 regarding official name to road at the west end of Town, be referred to the Planning Advisory Committea. 19. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Clerk's Department dated August 29th, 1975 regarding Official Plan Amendment #67 for 1927 Investments Limited, be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee. 20. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Clerk's Department dated August 29th, 1975 regarding Official Plan Amendment Application #68, Waverly Heights SubdiVision (Oshawa) Ltd., be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee. 21. The Regional Municipality of ulrham - Clerk's Department dated ceptember 2nd, 1975 regarding Official Plan Amendment Application #69 Waverly H~ights Subdivision (Oshawa) Ltd., be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee. 22. Ministry of Transportation and Communications dated September 5th, 1975 regarding up-to-date report On the status of proposed Hign.lay 407, be received for information. 23. Mr. Barry Armstrong, 246 Lakeshore Dirve, North Bay dated September 5th, 1975 regarding excessive traffic noise levels on Church Street, Bo>nnanville be referred to the Regional Police and Parking Enforcement Officer. 24. Ronald F. Worboy, Barrister and Solicitor dated August 29, 1975 regarding George and Helen Lavender severance agreement, be referred to the Committee of the Whole with the Flanner to report. 25. The Regional 11unicipality of D~rham - Works Department dated September 10th, 1975 addressed to Mr. A. Tesse1aar of 52 West Beach Road, Bo,nnanvil1e regarding proposed addition to water pollution control plant, be received for information. 26. Ministry of Housing - Plans Administration Division dated September 9, 1975 regarding Burketon Hills Developments, be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee. . . . Council Minutes Ontario Home Renewal Program Milamar Developments Limited Road Allowance Closing City of Oshawa Zoning By-Law Bowmanville West Community Project Memorial Park Tag Day - 8 - September 15th, 1975 Resolution #C-75-1050 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Co.101an. THAT the letter dated August 29th, 1975 from the Ministry of Housing regarding Ontario Home Renewal Program, be received for informationo "ClIRRIED" Resolution #C_75_1051 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the letter dated August 27th, 1975 from Ralph S. Jones, B.A. regarding closing of road allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Concession 2, in the former Township of Clarke, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1052 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Co,~an. THAT the notice of application to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the City of Oshawa for approval of Zoning By-Law No. 102-75, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1053 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated September 8th, 1975 from Milani & Milani Holdings Limited regarding Bowmanville West Community Project 'Development Structure for the Town of Newcastle' be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1054 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the request of the Memorial Park Association to hold Tag Day on the 17th and 18th of October, be concurred with. "CARRIED" . . . Council Hinutes C..L.O..CoA.. Purchase of Valley Land in Bo,omanville Creek City of Osha"a Notice of Hearing Disposition of Correspondence Hinistry of Housing re Senior Citizen Units - 9 - September 15th, 1975 Resolution #C-75-1055 Hoved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cq.,man. THAT the letter dated Sept~~ber 10th, 1975 from Central Lake Ontario Conservat~on Authority regarding no>nnanville Creek Valleyland acquisition, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l056 110ved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT the City of Oshawa Committee of Adjustment's Notice of Hearing, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l057 ~bved by Con. Lyall, seccnded by Con. Tiw,. THAT Resolution No. C-75-l049, be rescinded. Reccrded Vote Councillor Allin..oo.oo.........Nay Councillor COwnan..............oNay Councillor Lyall..oo.............yea Councillor Tiru~..o..oooo..oo.oyea Mayor Rickard.....oooooo...ooNay 1~10TION LOST" Resolution #C-75-105G 110ved by Con. Lyall, seccnded by Con. Allin. RESOLVED that the Ministry of Housing be requested to provide rental housing accommodation on a geared-to-income basis for senior citizens in the Town of Newcastle, such rental housing accommodation to be comprised of 67 one-bedroom units, and one superintendent suite, as indicated in the survey of need and effective demand dated August, 1975. The Corporation of the }mnicipality of Newcastle hereby undertakes and agrees to ccntribute 7~ per cent of any annual loss arising out of the operation of naid senior citizen housing. 'lCARRIED'! . . tt Council Minutes Mr. Beaucage re Unopened Road Allowance Subdivision in Newtonville Mr. & 11rs. Rcmmington By-Law No. 75-64 Third Reading - 10 - September 15th, 1975 Resolution #C-75-1059 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the letter dated September 15th, 1975 from Mr. Fred Beaucage regarding the unopened road allowance in Lots 26 and 27, in the 9th Concession of Clarke, be referred to the Public Works Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1060 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated September 15th, 1975 from }furray Payne regarding Subdivision in Newtonvi11e be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1061 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tink. THtJ the letter dated September 14th, 1975 from Ted and Maureen Remmington be referred to the Committee of the Whole. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1062 }loved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the third reading of By-Law No. 75-64, be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1063 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the third reading of By-Law No. 75-64, be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes ~linistry of Transportation & Communications re Subsidy Conformity of By-Law No. 75-27 Conformity of By-Law No. 75-48 Conformity of By-Law No. 75-66 - 11 - September 15th, 1975 Resolution #C-75-l064 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT petition be made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for interim payment under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made in the year 1975 in the amount of $974,271.00. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1065 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that By-Lm. No. 75-27 passed by Council on the 7th day of April, 1975 is in conformity with the Official Plan of the former To,rnship of Darlington in force at this date and also with the District Plan of the To>rn of Newcastle, adopted by Council on the 21st day of April, 1975, but not yet approved by the Minister. "CARRIED" Councillor Cowman opposed. Resolution #C-75-l066 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that By-Law No. 75-48 passed by Council on the 16th day of June, 1975 is in conformity ,fith the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington in force at this date and also with the District Plan of the TO'lIl of Newcastle, adopted by Council on the 21st day of April, 1975 but not yet approved by the Minister. "CARRIED" Councillor Co>nnan opposed. Resolution #C-75-l067 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that By-Law No. 75-66 passed by Council on the 19th day of August, 1975 is in cOnformity with the Official Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville in force at this date and also with the District Plan of the Town of Newcastle adopted by Council on the 21st day of April, 1975 but not yet approved by the Minister. Cant inued... o. . . .. Council Ninutes Gatehouse Holdings Limited Full Time Fire Fighter Orono Museum - 12 - September 15th, 1975 Recorded Vote Councillor AllinoooooooooooooYea Councillor CowmanooooooooooooNay Councillor Lyal1oooooooooo...Nay Councillor Tinkoooooooooo....Yea Mayor RickardoooooooooOOOOOOftYea "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1068 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated September 10th, 1975 from C.W. Potter be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning for the Region of Durham with a request that he look into this unusual proposal and if he sees fit advise either or both Gatehouse Holdings or this Council on what further step to take. "CA.'lliIED" Resolution #C-75-l069 Moved by Con. Cmnnan, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT Item 4 of Report No. 2 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l070 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT Item 2 be referred back to the Committee of the Whole to report why the fireman is being hired and what his duties will be. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-1071 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT Resolution #F-276-75 regarding the holding of budget funds to the Orono Museum be rescinded. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minu tes Adjournment , - 13 - September 15th, 1975 Resolution #G-75-1072 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Covnnan. THAT the Orono Museum be granted the balance of their budget without waiting for their Provincial grant. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-l073 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:15 p.m. "CARRIED" .~ J .M. McIlro Clerk L-/V'.t.-,...-o/ ?/< .// ".^~..,.- /"..