HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/23/1975 (Special)
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Wedneo~, July 23. 1915; 7:30 p.m.
Cour oillor K. Iqall
Co,: .:.cillor A. Cowman
Councillor K. Entwisle
CouncUlor D. Allin
Ma:yor G. Rickard (attended at 7:35 p.m.
Councillor B. TiDk: (attended at 7:45 p.m.
Solicitor Mr. E. McNeely
ChieC Building Inspector - Mr. C. Wa=en
fir>.nniTlg Director - MI:. Geo. Howdlln
11.;--law Enforcement Officer - Mr. H. Best.
In the temporar,y absence of the Ma:yor, Councillor Iqall asswned the
In the absence of the Clerk, H. Best was appointei BS Secretary fer
the meeting.
The Ohairman, in his opening remar)<:s, stated that this meetine had
been called to further consider and discuss the matters relatin€;
to Mr. John Lip~'s application for severance of la.'1de in lot 14,
Concession B in the former Township of DaxliIlgton.
Ma;yor Rickard oocupied the Chair at 7,'35 r.m.
A plan of BUrY'ey prepared by M. D. Brown, 0.1.S. and registered
in the registry offioe on July 30, 1974 all plan No. 10R387 was
placed on displa;y.
This plan illustrated those parcels of' lar>d subject of an application
for severance by Mr. John Lipta;v, Sr. in the early part of 1974 and
"a-ranted by the Land Division Committee (LD 166/14) on Ma.Y 6, 1914
t9sether with those lande subject of an application for severance
by Mr. Steven Lipt83' on January 13, 1915.
It was noted that a final decision had not been handed down in
#'~1Ont of~. ~....,..,..,..,....... ... ..,.l......,,.~... "'"nlicationll
, S):~ Meeting. Jt'~_:J 23. 1975, continued-
Page 2
!tesolution No. S.H...-1-l5.
Moved by Councillor Entwisle, seconded b:r Ooo''''''i1'__.c--~p,
Whereas the L. nd Division Committee granted a severance to Mr. John
LiI?;l:~ in 1974 and
'Whereas The Town 0:" Newcastle had amllle opportunity to oppose
gr:oanting of sr"cll Sf. 7erance but failed to do so
Therefore it is r"collJlllended to Council that it is inequitable to
oppose the granting of a building permit to Mr. John Lipt~ on
the lands so severed.
Messers Howden, Warren, McNeely and members of Council spoke to
the mo', .
Resolution No. S.M.-2-7l)
lloved by Counoillor Entwisle, seoonded by Counoillor CO'illllan,
That resolution No. S.M.-1-15 be ~1i.thdrawn.
Resolution No. S.M.-3-75
Moved by Counoillor Cowman, seconded by Counoillor Entwisle,
Be it recommended to Counoil that Schedule A, Key Map 9 of By-law
No. 2111 be amended by designating a oertain portion of the
travelled road (Maple Street, Haivdon) in lot 14, Conoession 8,
Darlington as an improved road within the meaning of seotion 4(f)
of By-law No. 2111 and smendmen.,s thereto, subjeot to the
following condition,
( 1) that the owner of land abutting the subjeot portion of the
road: oonvey. to The Town of Newoastle, without charge,
suffioient lands to provide for a 66' road allowanoe.
Those oertain portions of Maple Street being more speoifically
described as followo-
COIIIIIIenoing at a square iroll bar m,,:,oki"'g the northerly limit
of that portion of Maple Street already widened to a width
of 66' and extending northerly a distanoe of 1066.48' to a
point indioating the IlOrth limit of frontage of the proposed
b-..tilding lot.
and fUrther
That at such time as the aforementioned lands a:I:e conveyed
to The Town of Newoastle, a by-law be ane.oted to designata
a oertain portion of the landa so conveyed for the purpose
of a publio higilwlw and described as follows,
".ttiJ, rk.......~"lg" JW ~3. tm. 00fttinued-
Paee 3
Extending 150' north of a 9qU8.1:e 5.ro:l bar. said iron bB;l;.
being 916.48 feet north of a S.l.B. wIl1ch ~ ma.rlal the
northerly limit of that portion of Maple Street aJ.rea.d;y'
widened to a width of 66 feet.
The foresoing portion of the meeting ooncluded at 8:45 p.lIi.
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