HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/02/1975 . . . Council Minutes Roll Call Council Minutes May 20/75 Community Services Conmittee Report May 20th and June 2nd, 1975 Public Works Conmittee Chairman's Report May 22nd, 1975 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE June 2nd, 1975 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held in the Bowmanville Council Chambers on Monday, June 2nd, 1975 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Councillor Garnet B. Rickard Donald W. Allin Mr s. Ann Cowman Kirk Entwisle Ivan M. Hobbs Kenneth E. Lyall II. Bruce Tink Mayor Rickard called the meeting to order and led in prayer. Resolution #C-75-603 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT the Council Minutes dated May 20th, 1975 be approved as read. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-604 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT the Community Services Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on May 20th, 1975 be adopted together with the addendum dated June 2nd, 1975. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-605 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT Item No. 2 of the Addendum be tabled. ''MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-75-606 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT the Public Works Conmittee Chairman's Report of meeting held on May 22nd, 1975, be adopted. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Conmittee of the Whole Chairman's Report May 26th, 1975 Finance Conunittee Report May 26/75 Town Clerk's Report re By~Law Amendnent Applications - 2 - June 2nd, 1975 Resolution #C-75-607 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Committee of the W1101e Chairman's Report of meeting held on May 26th, 1975 be adopted as amended. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-608 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT Item No. 1 of the Report be amended to provide that Leighton and Kidd be requested to advise how the grant from the Government would be spent if it is received. Recorded Vote Councillor Alli~..............oNay Councillor COwman...............yea Councillor Entwisle.............yea Councillor Hobbs................Nay Councillor Lyal1................Nay Councillor Tink.................yca Mayor Rickard...................yea "CARRlEI!" Resolution #C-75-609 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Finance Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on May 26th, 1975 be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-6l0 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Alli~ THAT the Town Clerk's Report regarding applications for amendments to Zoning By-laws, be received for information. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Town Clerk's Report re Newcastle Swinuning Pool Town Clerk's Report re Insur ance Tenders June 20th! 75 Director of Public Works Report re Centralisation of Municipal Facilities - 3 - June 2nd, 1975 Resolution IC-75-61l Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the To,rn Clerk's Report regarding the Newcastle Lions Swimming Pool, be received and Agreements signed. "CARRIED" Mr. Sam Cureatz was present and addressed Council with regard to the possible deeding of a piece of land to the Town by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education to 1egalise the situation of the pool on the lot. Resolution #C-75-6l2 Moved by Con. EntWisle, seconded by Con. Coonnan. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorised to sign and receive all Deeds and Easements to facilitate and expedite the construction of the Newcastle Lions Swinuning Pool. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-6l3 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Town Clerk's Report regarding the opening of Insurance Tenders on June 20th, 1975 be concurred with and that two Councillors be appointed to the Committee along with the Clerk and Treasurer. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-6l4 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT Councillor Tink and Councillor Hobbs represent Council in thi s regard. I'CARRIEDII Resolution IC-75-615 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Tinlt. THAT the Director of Public Works Report regarding the proposed centralization of all Municipal Facilities be received and filed for information. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Planning Advisory ColIllllittee Minutes May 12/75 Planning Advisory Conunittee Report May 26/75 Town Planner's Report re Part: Lot Control Mr. C. J. Munday 145 High Street - 4 - June 2nd, 1975 Resolution IC-75-6l6 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Planning Advisory Conunittee Minutes of a regular meeting dated May 12th, 1975, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-6l7 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Planning Advisory Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on May 26th, 1975, be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution IC-75-6l8 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Report of the Planner regarding Part Lot Control which wae tabled at the last meeting be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-6l9 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Town Planner I s Report regarding Part Lot Control be adopted. "CARRIED" Mr. C.J. Munday appeared before Council to complain about the building of a house at the corner of High Street and Vanstone Court, which appeared to be in contradiction of the Zoning By-laws and also about the litter, etc., caused by the builders and other matters. Resolution #C-75-620 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the Building Inspector check the legality of the building permit in question with the Town's Solicitor and report to the next meeting of Conunittee of the Whole and that the builder be advised that if he proceeds it will be at his own risk. "CARRIEDtt . . . Council Minutes Recess Delegation SchickedllllZ Developments Ltd. Ontario Hydro Microwave Repeater Station ME'. Gleiberman re Construction Materials - 5 - June 2nd, 1975 Resolution #C-75-621 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the Acting Chairman of Works arrange for a Report to be prepared and considered by his Committee regarding mud and dust, lot levies and stop signs. The subject of complaints by ~lr. Munday. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-622 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT there be a ten minutes recess. "CARRIED" ~. Hugh Macklin, Mr. Schickedanz and ~. Macklin Senior appeared before Council relative to their proposed development in the North East portion of the BowmanvUle area. Resolution #C-75-623 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the presentation be referred to the O.H-A.P. Steering Committee. "CARRIED" ~. Don Fraser of Ontario Hydro addressed Council relative to the proposed Microwave Repeater Station, which arc scheduled for this area, and also answered questions of members of Council regarding the project. ~. Gleiberman appeared before Council relative to dwellings proposed to be built in the Waverly Gardens Subdivision which arc in contravention of By-La>l No. 67-13, Town of Bowmanville. Resolution #C-75-624 Moved by Con. Entwiole, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT this matter be referred to the Chief Building Inspector for recommendation as to an amendment to Bowmanville By-Law No. 67-13. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes G.R. W. Construction Site Plan Agreement Newcastle Fire Hall M. Tomina Land Severance - 6 - June 2nd, 1975 Mr. Gleiberman also spoke about a problem regarding the Site Plan Agreement with G.R.W. Construction. Resolution #C-75-625 Moved by Con. Co_man, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT this matter be referred to the Planner for a Recommendation to &~end the Site Plan Agreement. "CARRIED" District Chief Fred Glanville of the Newcastle Fire Department appeared before Council relative to the proposed new Fire Hall in the former Village of Newcastle and presented a petition of 1,086 signatures. Resolution #C-75-626 Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT Resolution #C-75-530 of May 5th, 1975 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-530 reads as follows:_ "THAT steps be taken to take immediate action to construct a new Fire Hall for the former Village of Newcastle on the land owned by the Town nQrth of the existing Fire Hall." The Resolution was lost en the following recorded vote: Councillor Allinooo~ooooo...o..Nay COuncillor Co~~a~oooo.......o..Nay Councillor Entwislc............yca Councillor Hobbo..oo........oo.Nay Councillor Lyall...............yca Councillor Tink...........oo...Nay Mayor Rickard.......oo.........Nny Mr. Hoar of the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce also spoke in favour of building a new Fire Hall and submitted a letter from the Ch&~ber of Commerce to that effect. Mr. J. Robinson appeared before Council with regard to the rezoning of Mr. rQmina's land by By-Law No. 75-27. -, . . . Council Minutes M. Tomina re Land Severance Mr.. K. Van Nest re Veltri and DIAngelo Adjournment - 7 - June 2nd, 1975 Resolution #C-75-627 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT Item No.6 of the Planner's Report of May 20th, 1975 be accepted in principle, which reads as follows:- "Rezone the land to R2 and attach no conditions" and that the Planner be instructed to submit an amending By-law to the . next Council meeting to zone the land as Rl and recommend to the Land Division Committee that a Site Plan Agreement be a condition of oeverance. "CARRIED" Mr. Kingsley Van Nest appeared on behalf of Mario Veltri and D'angelo Homes regarding buildings which has been wrongly staked out in Waverly Gardens and asking that Council do not appeal against any Committee of Adjustment Decision to allow the variance. Resolution #C-75-628 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Hobbs. THAT the matter be referred to the next meeting of the Committee of the Whole with Mr. Warren in attendance. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-75-629 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the meeting be adjourned to 7:00 p.m. on June 3rd, 1975. "CARRIED" G.B. Rickar Mayor - ~ ~,/~- v.JLf/ . J.M. McIlro Clerk