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Council Minutes
Rev. G. Corvers
& Rev. W. Oakes
Delegation re
Sunday Sports
Day Care
March 3rd, 1975
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held in the
Ilowmanville Council Chambers on Monday, March 3rd,
1975, at 7:00 p.m.
Present were: Mayor
Garnet B. Rickard
Donald W. Allin
Kirk Entwisle
Ivan M. Hobbs
Kenneth E. Lyall
H. Bruce Tink
A. D. Wearn
Resolution #C-75-230
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. ~wisle.
THAT the Council Minutes dated February l7th, 1975, be
approved as read.
Rev.G. Corvers and Rev. W. Oakes appeared on behalf of
the Bowmanville Ministerial Association to discuss the
former Town of Bowmanville by-law regarding Sunday Sports
and how it affects the Sunday morning opening of the
Bo~nnanville Arena. There was a lenghly discussion on
the matter.
Resolution #C-75-23l
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall.
THAT the Reverend Gentlemon be thanked for their
presentation and that Council proceed to the next item
on the Agenda.
Resolution 1C-75-232
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Wearn.
THAX the Sunday Sports By-law be referred to the Community
Services Committee to seek advice of the Solicitor for
Resolution #C-75-233
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Wearn.
THAT Mr. D. Johns the Regional Social Services Commissioner
be heard regarding proposed Day Care Centre in Bowmsnville
Council Minutes
- 2 -
March 3rd, 1975
Mr. Johns spoke relative to a letter dated March 3rd,
1975 from the Assistant Regional Solicitor with attached
Site Plan of the proposed Day Care Centre on Church
Street, Bowmanville.
Resolution #C-75-234
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tink.
TliAT the Site Plan of the proposed Day Care'Centre on
Church Street be approved regarding parking and landscaping.
Recorded Vote:
Councillor Allin..ooo........Nay
Councillor Entwisle...oo.....Nay
Councillor Hobbs.............Nay
Councillor Lyall.............yea
Councillor Tink..............yea
Councillor tiearno............ Yea
Mayor Rickard................Ney
Resolution #C-75-235
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the foregoing resolution be amended to provide that
the site plan be referred to staff for recommendation.
Recorded Vote:
Councillor Allin.............yea
COuncillor Entwisle..........yea
Councillor Hobbs.............yea
Councillor Lyall.............Nay
Councillor Tink..............Nay
Councillor Wcarn.............Nay
Mayor Rickard................Nay
Resolution #C-75-236
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT Regional Council be requested to execute its obligation
to locate the Day Care Centre in the Town of Newcastle in
accordance with legal authority.
Mayor Rickard ruled that this resolution was not acceptable
to settle the question or resolve the situation.
Council Minutes
Day Care
Road Allowance
Between Lots
16 & 17, Conc. 5
- 3 -
March 3rd, 1975
Resolution #C-75-237
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Wearn.
THAT the Chair's ruling be sustained.
Resolution #C-75-238
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
THAT the Site Plan be referred to Staff and subject to
thcir approval and subject to the approval of the Mayor,
Chairman of the Planning Advisory Committee and the To.m
Clerk, the Site Plan be approved and forwarded to Region.
Resolution #C-75-239
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT Mrs. Chamberlain, 66 King Street West, Bowmanville
be heard.
Mrs. Chamberlain requested that Council direct that
there be all year maintenance on the road allowance between
Lots 16 and 17, Concession 5 in the former Township of
Clarke. This request was also made to the Public Works
Committee on February 27th, 1975 where no action was taken.
Resolution #C-75-240
~fuved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall.
THAT Mrs. Chamberlain's request be concurred with.
Resolution #C-75-241
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the matter be referred back to the Public Works
Committee for further review and report and that the
Solicitor be asked for his opinion.
Resolution #C-75-242
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT there be a five minute recess.
Council Minutes
Town Clerk's
Repor t re
Petition for
Street Lighting
of Correspondence
- 4 -
March 3rd, 1975
Resolution #C-75-243
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Lyall.
THAT the To,ro Clerk's Report dated February 25th, regarding
the installation or street lights in the Kendal and
Newtonville areas be received for information.
Resolution #C-75-244
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Wearn.
THAT Item 5 and 6 of Correspondence be deleted as they arc
dealt with in Item 2 of the Public Works Committee
Chairman's Report of February 27th, 1975.
Resolution #C-75-245
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Wearn.
THt.T the disposition of correspondence as recommended by the
Clerk be adopted.
3. Durham Regional Heruth Unit dated February 14th, 1975
regarding fee for processing septic tank applications
be received for information with a copy to the Plumbing
DepartmGnt and Trcasurcr~
4~' The Regional Municipality of Durlwm _ Clerk's Department
dated February 18th, 1975 regarding road widening project
on Taunton Road, be received for information.
7. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Clerk's Department
dated February 19th, 1975, regarding Bowmanville West
Community application for Amendment to the Official Plan,
be received for information with a copy to the Planning
Advisory Committee.
8. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Clerk's Department
dated February 20th, 1975 regarding Bo,~anville West
Community application for Amendment to the Official Plan,
be received for information with a copy to the Planning
Advisory Committee.
9. The Consumers' Gas Company dated February 26th, 1975
regarding Firm Service Contract be referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
10. The Canadian Transport Commission dated February 19th, 1975
regarding crossing of To,ro Road in the Town of Newcastle
Mileage 151.43, Belleville Subdivision, be referred to the
Public Works Committee.
Continued.".. .
Council Minutes
Region of Durh=
Land Division
Committee re
Stephen Liptay
Resolution re
TV Transmission
from Town of
Deep River
D. & M.
re Beauvalley
Ontario Housing
- 5 -
March 3rd, 1975
12. Canadian Transport Commission dated February 19th, 1975
regarding Crossing of Town Road in the Town of Newcastle,
Mileage 285.05 Kingston Subdivision, C.N.R., be referred
to the Public Works Committee.
13. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority regarding
Minutes of meeting dated February 13th, 1975, be received
for information.
15. Ministry of Culture and Recreation dated February 15th,
1975 regarding Ontario Lottery Corporation, be received
for information.
16. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re Annual Meeting
held on February 13th, 1975, be received for information.
Rcsolution #C-75-246
~~ved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT Council concur with the decision of the Regional
Land Division Co~ittee dated February 3rd, 1975 regarding
Stephen Liptay and that the Planning Staff be requested
to present a proposal to the Planning Advisory Committee for
recommendation as to implementation.
Resolution #C-75-247
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
THAT the letter dated February 12th, 1975 from the Town of
Deep River relative to Bell Canada TV Network be
received for information.
Resolution #C-75-248
~fuved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall.
THAT the letter dated February 26th, 1975 from D. & M.
Consultants regarding Beauvalley Estates Subdivision be
referred to the Planning Advisory Committee and Committee
of the Whole.
Resolution #C-75-249
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the letter dated February 25th, 1975 from the Ontario
Housing Action Progr=rne be referred to the Housing Action
Technical Committee.
Council Minutes
MoToC.. rc
Highways 35/115
li.T.C. re
Highway 35/115
Speed Zoning
Graffex Ltd.
Hestern Auto
Connnuni ty
- 6 -
Harch 3rd, 1975
Resolution #C-75-250
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Ent"dsle.
THAT Council concur with the letter dated February 17th,
1975 from the Ministry of Transportation & Corranunications
regarding parking ban on HighmlYs 35 and 115.
Resolution #C-75-25l
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Lyall.
THAT the letter dated February 27th, 1975 from the
Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding
speed zoning on Highways 35 and 115 be referred to the
Public Horks Corr@ittee.
Resolution #C-75-252
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the letter dated February 27th, 1975 from Croll and
Godfrey, Solicitors, be received and that the Clerk be
requested to submit a by-1m, for Council's consideration
to implement the request contained in the letter.
Resolution #C-75-253
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
THAT the Community Services Committee Chairman's Report
regarding meeting held on February 17th, 1975 be adopted
as amended..
Resolution #C-75-254
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Hearn.
THAT Item 1 of the Report be referred back to the Committee
for recommendation..
" Clill.RIED"
Hith regard to Item 7, on a question by Councillor Hobbs it
was the understanding of Council that lot leVies for Parks
purposes and funds in Park Reserves would be expended in
the former municipalities in which the money was collected.
Council Minutes
Committee of the
Whole Chairman's
Report of
February 24/75
Finance Committee
Chairman's Report
February 24/75
By-Law No.
- 7 -
March 3rd, 1975
Resolution #C-75-255
tloved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the Committee of the Whole Chairman's Report regarding
meeting held on February 24th, 1975, be adopted as amended.
Resolution #C-75-256
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT Item 6 be amended to provide that the Solicitor ,./Culd
be instructed to take all possible stcpo to enforce the
Town's legal position with regard to the Mi~laoh case.
Resolution #C-75-257
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the Finance Committee Chairman's Report regarding
meeting held on February 24th, 1975 be adopted.
Resolution #C-75-258
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the Town Clerk's Report regarding By-Law No. 74-84
be referred to the Chairman of the Planning Advioory
Committee and Planner for comment.
Resolution #C-75-259
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. f~lin.
THAT Council approves of a total amount of $22,000 for
additions to kitchen and equipment in the Newcastle
Community Hall carried out in 1973 and 1974, subject to
Provincial Grants of $4,750.00.
Council Minutes
Town Clerk's
Report re Road
Personnel Committee
Chairman IS
February 27/75
Public Works
Chairman's Report
February 20/75
---" .:
- 8 -
March 3rd, 1975
Resolution #C-75-260
Moved by Cono Wearn, seconded by Cono Tinko
THAT the Tm'ln Clerk's Report relative to a break down showing
the gross expenditure and subsidy for roads, be received
for informationo
Resolution #C-75-26l
Moved by Cono Hobbs, seconded by Cono Tinko
THAT the Personnel Committee Chairman's Confidential Report
regarding meeting held on February 27th, 1975, be
Resolution #C-75-262
Moved by Cono Hearn, seconded by Con. Tinko
THAT the Public Works Committee Chairman's Report
regarding meetings held on February 20th, 1975 and
February 27th, 1975, be adopted as amended.
Resolution #C-75-263
Moved by Cono Lyall, seconded by Cono Entwisle.
THl.T the last paragraph of Item 3 of the above report
be stricken and the matter held in abeyance until an
agreement is errived at with Home Smith regarding the
purchase of the loto
Resolution #C-75-264
Moved by Cono Hearn, seconded by Cono Allino
THAT the Report of the Public Horks Committee be further
amended by adding the following recommendations:-
1. Alma Street, Hampton
THAT Alma Street, Hampton be closed in its entirety and the
allowance for road so closed be offered for sale to the
owners of abutting lands in accordance with the provisions
of the Municipal Acto
Council Minutes
Committee of the
Whole Chairman's
February 28/75
Finance Committee
Chairman's Report
February 28th/75
Planning Advisory
Chairman's Report
February 14/75
Community Services
Committee Chnirmants
March 3/75
- 9 -
March 3rd, 1975
2. 1975 Roads Schools
TTh\T the Director of Public Works recommendation that
Mr. Fred Bro,;n be authorised to attend one of the
Roads Schools be approved.
Resolution #C-75-265
~bved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tink.
T&\T the COffiQittee of the Whole Chairman's Report regarding
meeting held on February 28th, 1975, be adopted.
Resolution #C-75-266
Hoved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the Finance Committee Chairman's Report regarding
meeting held on February 28th, 1975 be adopted.
Res lution #C-75-267
Hoved by Con. Entl<isle, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Planning Advisory Committee Hinutes of "-
Special Meeting held on February 14th, 1975, be
received for informatiooo
Resolution #C-75-268
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entl<isle.
THf.T the Community Services Committee Chairman's Report
regarding meeting held on March 3rd, 1975, be
Resolution #C-75-269
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Lal< No. 75-15,
being a by-lal< to repeal By-Lal< No. 75-14, being a
by-lal< to authorize speed limits on certain highl<ays
under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the TOI<n
of Newcastle, and that the said by-lal< be nOl< read a first
Council Minutes
Rule 33
- 10 -
March 3rd, 1975
Resolution #C-75-270
rbved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Tink.
Tl~T Rule 33 b0 suspended for the durQtion of this meetingo
Resolution #C-75-271
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
THl,T the second reading of By-Law No. 75-15, be approved.
Resolution #C-75-272
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 75-15,
be approved.
Resolution #C-75-273
110ved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Ent"isle.
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-La" No. 75-16,
being a by-lml to authorize repairs to the Dog Pound,
and that the said by-la" be no" read a first time.
Resolution #C-75-274
}bved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
THAT the oecond
be approved.
reading of By-Law No. 75-16,
Resolution #C-75-275
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Ent"isle.
THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No_ 75-16,
be approved.
Council Ninutes
Tile Drainage
Rental of
- 11 -
March 3rd, 1975
Resolution #C-75-276
Moved by Con. Hearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 75-17,
being a by-law of the Corporation of the To>rn of
Newcastle to authorize the construction of certain
works as Local Improvements under the Local Improvement
Act, and that the said by-law be now read a first time.
Resolution #C-75-277
Moved by Con. Hearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 75-17, be approved.
Resolution #C-75-27U
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the third reading of By-Law No. 74-91, be approved.
(Bowmanville P.U.C. Capital Expenditure $50,000).
Resolution #C-75-27~
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the third reading of By-Law No. 74-31 passed on
the 18th day of November, 1974, be and is hereby rescinded.
Resolution #C-75-280
Moved by Con. Hearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the Prescott Property in Hampton, which is being purchased
for road widening purposes, be rented on n ninety dcys notice
basis at a rental to be set by Council until it is required
to be demolished for road construction.
Council Minutes
Resignation of
Councillor A. D.
- 12 -
March 3rd, 1975
Resolution #c-75-281
Moved by Con. Wcarn, seconded by Con. Tink.
THi,T an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation
and Communications for the 1974 Highway Improvement Suhsidy
on a total expenditure of $1,236,210.54.
Mayor Rickard read a letter from Councillor Hearn of his
resignation from Council as of March 15th, 1975 for health
Resolution #C-75-282
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
Tfu\T Councillor Wearn's resignation be accepted with great
Mayor Rickard advised that Mr. Ve1dhuis, one of Council's
representatives on the Ganaraaka Conservation Authority
wished to present a slide showing to Council.
Resolution 4FC-75-283
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
Tfu\T ~rr. Ve1dhuis slide show be presented when convenient.
Resolution #C-7l~284
Moved by Con. Hbbbs, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:40 a.m.
G. B. Rickar
J. M. McItro