HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-09 Minutes NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY JANUARY 9, 2018 7:00 PM Present: Brian Reid Tom Hossie Kate Potter Meaghan Vandenbrink Patrick Bothwell Leo Blindenbach Regrets: Councillor Corinna Traill Paul Davidson Suzanne Land Absent: Jim Cleland Delegation: Rod McArthur Staff Present: Peter Windolf 1. AGENDA MOVED: by Patrick Bothwell SECONDED by Kate Potter THAT : the agenda for January 9, 2018 be accepted with the following additions; -Spring clean-up 2018 -Move the delegation of Rod McArthur to the beginning of meeting CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Tom Hossie SECONDED by Meaghan Vandenbrink THAT: the minutes of August 29, 2017 be approved CARRIED SWNA January 2018 minutes 2 3. DELEGATION Rod McArthur submitted a January 4, 2018 letter to request a plaque in memory of his wife Melanie, a long time member of the SWNA Committee who passed away in the fall. Rod attended the meeting to personally make the request. Following his delegation the committee approved the following motion; MOVED: by Kate Potter SECONDED by Brian Reid THAT: The SWNA Management Advisory Committee supports the request for a memorial plaque in memory of Melanie McArthur with the final location and wording to be determined through consultation between Rod McArthur and municipal staff. CARRIED Rods request letter will be a correspondence item at the January 22 General Government Committee. He will attend the meeting but does not wish to appear as a delegation. 4. UPDATES Monarch Tagging On Sunday September 10 a Monarch Tagging event organized by the SWNA committee was held at the Port of Newcastle waterfront and the SWNA. This was a citizen science initiative to fulfil a key objective contained in Clarington’s Mayors Monarch pledge. Over 100 people participated to capture, tag, and record data on 250 migrating monarchs. In total 487 monarchs were tagged over a two week period. The tagging data has been provided to Monarch Watch. Three of the tagged monarchs have already been reported as re-captured. One at the SWNA, one in Whitby, and one in Oregon Ohio, located on the west tip of Lake Erie. The project was a huge success as both a citizen science initiative and a community event enjoyed by many residents. The committee agreed that it will be worthwhile host another tagging event in 2018, on Saturday September 8. A May 2018 planting event will be arranged should OPG offer more plants to augment or expand the nectar planting beds. Highway of Hero’s Tribute Planting On Saturday October 21 the committee coordinated a planting project south of the Cobbledick Parking lot in conjunction with the Highway of Hero’s Tribute project. Thirty one people participated to plant two hundred native trees in 3 gallon pots. The planting pits were pre-drilled by Lloyds Landscaping. The planting went smoothly but if done again the vegetation should be cut prior to planning to make it easier to dig or auger planting pits. SWNA January 2018 minutes 3 SWNA Trail Construction project After the flooding in the Wilmot Creek valley finally receded the project was completed with asphalt paving the week of October 20. Fall Clean-up On November 4, twelve people participated in the annual fall clean-up. It was noted that there was a little more trash to pick up this year than last. Approximately 14 bags of trash were collected which were picked up by Operations Department. 5. ACTION ITEMS Great Lakes Atlantic Salmon Restoration presentation More than a century after Atlantic Salmon were last seen in Lake Ontario, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), together with other partners, are working to bring Atlantic Salmon back to the lake. Atlantic Salmon were one of the first fish species in the Great Lakes wiped out by human activities. Decades of rehabilitation and pollution control improved the health of the watersheds, and years of research by MNRF and others demonstrated it was possible to restore Atlantic Salmon to the tributaries of Lake Ontario. On Thursday February 22 at 7:00 PM the SWNA Committee will be hosting a public presentation at the Newcastle library to educate the public about the Great Lakes Atlantic Salmon Restoration project. This free event will be advertised on SWNA social media platforms and at municipal facilities. Soper Creek Wildlife Event Soper Creek Wildlife is a local group that rescues animals and does educational sessions. The committee is interested in hosting a public event, themed around urban wildlife, on-site on Saturday June 9 from 10:30-Noon. Meaghan Vandenbrink will follow-up to determine their availability, what live animals they would be able to bring, and what the cost would be for a 1-1.5 hour event. Pollinator Event The SWNA committee will investigate hosting a presentation about Pollinators at the Diane Hamre Recreation Complex in Newcastle. Tom Hossie and Brian Reid will investigate to see if any expert speakers on pollinators would be available for a late April event. The event could possibly be followed by a bio-blitz at the SWNA for local brownies and scouts. 6. OTHER BUSINESS Spring Clean-up SWNA January 2018 minutes 4 Leo Blindenbach discussed the 2018 Spring Clean Sweep project to be held at the SWNA, Port of Newcastle and Bond Head. The date will be Saturday April 21. The committee will register the SWNA as a location for our Operations Department to supply bags. The clean-up will be followed by a community BBQ at the Newcastle Town Hall. 5. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Kate Potter SECONDED by Tom Hossie THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 8:50 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday February 20 at 7:00PM in 3C Notes prepared by: P.Windolf