HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-12-14 MinutesNewcastle BIA MINUTES December 14, 2017
www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Marni Lewis, Donna Wood, Helen Vatandoust, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Tracey Yates, Janeen Calder, Catherine Peterson, Greg Lewis Regrets: Karen Bastas 1. Attendance taken. 2. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. 3. Approval of November Minutes:
 Motion to accept: Helen Vatandoust Seconded: Catherine Peterson 4. Business Arising from Minutes: The question was raised “is the BIA in favour of the Rudell commercial space?” We were going to request that the Municipality keep us in the loop of any future commercial applications in Newcastle. 5. Council Report - Wendy Partner n/a 6. President’s Report: n/a 7. Treasurer’s Report: As of the end of November our balance is $61,064.15 our annual budget was $30,000.00 and we have spent $40,000.00 There was a $6600 banner expense (Canada Day and Harvest Festival) There will be an Executive budget meeting in January to discuss 2018 budget. We need a treasurer for January 2018. We are asking business to volunteer a book keeper to help for an hour/month with the BIA finances. 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: You are responsible for shoveling and salting your sidewalks in front of your business. Hire someone or make sure you stay on top of it to avoid slip and falls on your property. Advertising: The Facebook Page and website are reaching thousands of people. Make sure you go and like the Village of Newcastle Facebook page. All the BIA 2018 events are going to be advertised in the Clarington Tourism Events booklets. Donna Wood will be the main contact for events in 2018. Special Events: a) Santa Parade – The approx. cost of the parade this year was $5500.00 b) Santa Breakfast – the event broke even, there were more people than last year, lots of volunteers, social media helped with the numbers. 9. CBOT: Greg advised us that CBOT can’t get quorum at their meeting, no BIA Directors were attending the 7am meeting. They were finding it hard to vote on items. CBOT has decided to attend the BIA meetings to stay up to date on different events in each community. This will start in the New Year. 10. Chamber News: n/a 11. CIP: The boundaries are proposed to change. 12. New Business: The possibility of a tree lighting for December 2018 was brought up. Janeen Calder is going to inquire about this being a new BIA event. 13. Next meeting, AGM January 9th, 2018 6:00pm 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Catherine Peterson, seconded by Helen Vatandoust