HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1978 (Special) . . . -- TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Special Council Meeting October 4 1978 Minutes of a special Council meeting held on Wednesday, October 4 1978 at 7:30 p.m. in Court Roan 1. Present were: Mayor Garnet B. Rickard fran 9:45 p.m. Councillor funald W. Allin Robert Dykstra R.Bruce Taylor Edward R. Woodyard 'Ibwn Clerk, J. M. McIlroy Absent: Councillor Alfred Gray Jasper W. Holliday Also present: A. C. W. Guiler, Town Manager J. Dunham, Director of Public Works In the absence of Mayor Rickard, Acting Mayor E. R. Woodyard assumed the chair. The Chainnan advised that the purpose of the meeting which had been advertised in the local paper was to discuss the Traffic Operations Study for downtown Bowmanville which deals with traffic operation deficiencies. Mr. Babbs of the consulting firm was in attendance to present the study and answer any questions. The meeting was thrown open to the audience and Council for questions. Mr. George Webster indicated concern about losing parking spaces on the street without more off-street parking being provided. Mr. Babbs agreed that additional off-street parking must be provided to :implanent the study but this would require another study. Con. Dykstra advised that the parking study was not done at this time because funding was not provided by M.T.C. Con. Taylor asked how much conjestion to the downtown area could be absorbed before business would actually be hurt. Mr. Babbs answered that this was hard to say at any particular point but it is a definite fact that at a particular point business is discouraged. . Special Council Meeting -2- October 4 1978 . Mr. Harrmond posed four questions as follows: 1. What are the warrants necessary for a traffic light at TEmperance and Church Streets having regard to rElllOving the stop signs at Silver and Division Streets? 2. Is there any proposal to provide a route from Waverley Gardens to the new Mall at the east end of Town? 3. Would the 4 - 6 p.m. traffic ban be a good thing as some people wish to shop at these hours? 4. $113,600 is the cost of implEmenting the study. How was this affected by the King Street reconstruction? Mr. Babbs replied as follows: 1. The warrants are laid down by the M.T.C. and warrants must be satisfactory to obtain a subsidy, however, the Town could put in the lights on its own at the cost of $20,000. 2. This is a valid point but beyond the Terms of Reference. 3. This would be hard to evaluate. 4. Councillor Allin advised that there was no relationship between the downtown reconstruction costs and the study. Mr. Art Hooper asked if there \\UUld be widening only at Liberty and King Streets. Mr. Babbs replied, Yes, but on Liberty Street only. Mr. Hobbs indicated that many years ago Church Street was considered for four lanes fran Scugog Street to St. George Street making Church Street a through street. He asked if this was considered in the study. He also was of the opinion that if King Street was narrowed to 42 feet as per the plans, that is 21 feet each way, that this would appear too narrow. He also asked if there would be five sets of lights fran Simpson Avenue to Martin Road. Mr. Babbs answered that Church Street was considered as a four lane street to take traffic fran King Street. However, this is major reconstruction requiring property acquisition etc. and would be a five-year project. He stated that improvEments were needed now. He also indicated that King Street was recommended as a 44 feet road but M.T.C. would only subsidize 42 feet. He indicated that the signals fran Simpson Avenue to Martin Road would be co-ordinated and the underground cable was being installed now. . Mr.Van Nest asked if metered parking was considered east of George Street and also was the speed of cars east of George Street considered. Special Council Meeting . H/,K . . -3- October 4 1978 Mr. Babbs answered that east of Church Street appeared to be too far fran the shopping area at present and that the speed is an enforCEment problEm and not part of the study. Mr. A. Strike asked if a one-way street systEm would maintain the parking space on King Street. Mr. Babbs replied in the affirmative except at the intersections. Con. Allin asked if there was consideration making Division and Temperance Streets one-way. Mr. Babbs replied that indications were that these streets were operating satisfactorily on the two-way system. Con. Allin asked if no left-hand turns were considered on these streets. Mr. Babbs said that this would not be required if curb parking was rEmOved for 100 feet fran the intersection but could also be accomplished if necessary by an advanced green signal. <MI. Dykstra enquired about a signed by-pass for through travellers. Mr. Babbs said it would be difficult to ascertain how many through travellers came through town without an extended study, that is, knowing where travellers are caning fran and where they are going etc. Mr. Hobbs asked if the Terms of Reference of the study could be read to the audience. Con. Dykstra outlined the Terms of Reference or intent of the study being to improve traffic flow in the centre core, volume of traffic etc. and with minor repairs make the traffic flow more smoothly and rEmOve congestion, and the cost of the study was $7,800. Mr. Webster asked how seriously was Queen Street considered as a one-way easterly. Mr. Babbs replied that in his experience most ccmnunities have found one-way streets beneficial. Mr. Pogue asked about large trucks double parking on the main street for unloading etc. and also bus stops. Mr. Babbs replied that loading Zlmes could be established in no-parking areas but bus stops were another matter which would have to be worked out with the bus companies. Con. Allin asked if the 100 feet set-back from the intersection could be reduced. Mr. Babbs said it could be from a minimum of 50 feet to a maximum of 100 feet but 75 feet, 80 or 90 would be more acceptable. Mr. Swan asked why Church Street is not chosen as a one-way street through Town as it is already widened from Scugog Street to Division Street. Special Council Meeting -4- October 4 1978 . Mr. Babbs replied that the access to Church Street from Scugog is difficult because of left turn fran King Street to Scugog and also the angle of the turn fran Church Street. Mr. Joe Nolan said that Church Street seans roore desirable because it is wider and has business prEmises and parking. Mr. Babbs repeated his point about turning fran King Street to Scugog Street. Another gentlEman raised the point of the residential aspect of Church Street and also the Senior Public School as opposed to Church Street with its businesses etc. Mayor Rickard, who had joined the meeting during the discussion, indicated that Council was trying to project future problEmS and did not want to do anything now which could cause roore problEmS in the future. His Worship took over the chair at this point. Bank of M::mtreal Parking Resolution #C78-1325 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin THAT ItEm #18 on page 6 of the study be implemented and that Council approach officials of the Bank of Montreal with a proposal for the redesign of their parking lot providing for a one-way entrance fran King Street and a one-way exit to Temperance Street between the Bank of Montreal building and the War MEmOrial. . "CARRIED" Section 3.4 of the study Resolution #C78-1326 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra THAT section 3.4 of the study be discussed at the next meeting of Council and that anyone who wished to speak at it be heard. IfCARRIED11 Adjournment Resolution #C78-1327 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:45 p.m. '/~0"'. /~ ~. G. B. Rickard. ,~"... -" .,..~;ac...>. Mayor . J & v '-----::7 J. M. McIlroy ~ (; ____ Clerk 7 ____ t>