HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1978 . <:buncH Minutes . . Roll Call Agenda Ctmnittee of the Whole Courtice Fire Hall TOWN OF NEWCAS'll.E loBy 1st, 1978 Minutes of a l"'!i".1Ilr meeting of Council held in Court Roan No. 2 at 1:00 p.m. on M:>nday, loBy 1st, 1978. Present were: loByor Garnet B. R:ic.ka.rd <:buncillor Dol:ald W. Allin Robert Dykstra Alfre.i Gray Jasper W. Holliday R. Bruce Taylor Edward R. Woodyard - until 3:25 p.m. Albert Guiler, Town Manager J.M. McIlroy, Town Clerk Resolution #C-78-612 M:>ved by (bn. Taylor, seconded by Cbn. Woodyard. '!HAT the follOWing Agenda as subnitted by the Town Clerk be approved:- 1. Cburtice Fire Hall 2. By-Law No. 78-33 re Victoria & Grey - Sign 3. Resolution re Market Value Asse-nt, etc. 4. Eldorado Nuclear Limited. 5. District Plan 6. AdjOUl"Illlellt . "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-6l3 M:>ved by (bn. Taylor, seconded by (bn. Woodyard. '!HAT the meeting go into O:mn1ttee of the Whole. , 'CARRIED" Mr. John Hubick1 of Totten, Sims & Hub1cki presenied his proposal regarding design and tendering for the Courtice Fire Hall. . . . O::luncil Minutes By-Law No. 78-33 (Sign By-law) - 2 - l4I;1.y lst, 1978 Resolution #C-78-615 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Dykstra. 'lliAT Totten Sims & HOOicki's Concept Plan for the Courtice Fire Hall be approved, subjectto conformillg with Zoning By-law regulations and that they proceed with schedule as per Mr. HOOicki's Report and that the Ccmnittee proceed with documentation for O.M..B. approval. I tCARRIEl)l I Councillor Holliday took no part in discussion or voting on this lIX>tion because of a possible "Conflict of Interest". Rerolution #C-78-616 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con, Allin, 'IHAT the second rearling of By-law No. 78-33 be lifted fran the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #(;-78-617 libved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. 'lliAT By-law No. 78-33 be amended by changing the figure 15 feet to 25 feet in the second paragraph. ttCARREID' , Resolution #C-78-6l8 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Dykstra: 'lliAT the second reading of By-law No. 78-33 be approved as amended. 'lCARRIED" Resolution #C-78-6l9 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. 'lliAT the third and final reading of By-law No. 78-33 be approved as amended. Recorded Vote Cbuncillor Allin........Nay COuncillor Dykstra..... .Yea Councillor Gray... . . . . . .Yea Councillor Holliday. . . . .Nay Councillor Taylor.......Yea O:>uncillor Woon:"lXd.... .Nay Mayor Rickard...........Yea "CARRIED" O>uncil Minutes . Camera Eldorado Nuclear . . Preparation of District Plans Resolution #PD-l81-78 - 3 - May 1st, 1978 Resolution #C-78-620 M.wed by 0:)0. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard. '!HAT the meeting be in camera. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-621 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Allin. 'lHAT the meeting be open. "CARRIED" Councillor Woodyard left the meeting at 3:25 p.m. Resolution #C-78-622 l.bved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Taylor. '!HAT a letter be drafted by the 'Ibwn Manager and Solicitor and addressed to the Federal Ministers of Energy and Environment outlining the history of the 'Ibwn' s actions to date regarding the proposed Eldorado Refinery and "..kil1g for a Report of the Envirom!ental Assessnent Panel to the Minister, and also indicating that the 'Ibwn woo.ld consider having the Refinery, but not a dunp site, subject to a suitable agreanent being arrived at; the draft to be subnitted for Councils consideration at the neKt reeular meeting. Recorded Vote Cou~.cillo.c Allin...... .Yea O:>uncillor Dykstra.... .Nay O>uncillor Gray........Yea O>uncillor Holliday... .Yea O:>uncillor Taylor. . . . .. Yea Mayor Rickard......... .Yea "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-623 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Holliday. '!HAT the following Report of O>uncillor Dykstra, Cba.i.Iman of the Planning & Developnent Omnittee, and Mr. Guiler, Town Manager, he adopted:- "We reccmnend to O>uncil that proposals for the preparation of District Plans be requested fran the following Planning Consultants:- 1) Greer and Galloway 2) LB.!. Group 3) Proctor & ROOfern Group 4) Philli!,~ T"l1~n"ing and Eneineering 5) Totten Sims & Hubicki b) G. Hodgins & Associ",1;es 7) Clayton 'Research Assoc. Ltd. " "CARRIED'f . . . Council Minutes Adjournment - 4 - May 1st, 1978 Resolution tIC-78-6?A lOOved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the meeting be adjourned at 4:25 p.m. t'CARRIED" ~.d'~~/ / ...---? ~. ~-------- G.B. Rickard Mayor