HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-12-06 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee December 6, 2017, 6:30 P.M. MAC Meeting Room 1A If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea-Lea Latchford Andre O’Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen Maureen Reed Councillor Partner Also Present: Andrea Nicholson – Accessibility Coordinator Faye Langmaid - Manager of Special Projects, Planning Services Regrets: Sally Barrie, Jacqui Watchorn The meeting was called to order at 7:40pm. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by Andrea O’Bumsawin That the minutes of the meeting of November 1, 2017 be approved. Carried 2. Presentation (a) King Street Parklet Faye Langmaid reported on the proposed King Street Parklet development. A Public Information Centre was held November 7, 2017 and was attended by Tim Van Leeuwen and Andrea Nicholson who provided input on improving accessibility. Faye also reported that Durham Region Transit and Go Transit were contacted after the Public Information Centre to inquire about the possible installation of a transit shelter and was informed that a transit shelter will not be installed at the parklet location. Committee members requested that the development include space for a mobility device beside benches, firm surfaces, and low vegetation to enable an unobstructed view when seated in a wheelchair. (b) Community Improvement Program Grants Faye Langmaid presented information regarding the Community Improvement Program (CIP) grants available to Newcastle, Bowmanville and Orono BIAs. The Clarington Accessibility - 2 - December 6, 2017 Advisory Committee Page 2 of 5 CIP grants currently include matching grants for upgrades to Building Code, Heritage Facade, Signage. Types of grants and grant amounts vary by BIA. A new Accessibility grant is being proposed for making accessibility improvements. CIP Grant applications will be accepted in January, and will be awarded after the CIP program and budgets have been approved by Council. The Committee supports the Accessibility grant. (c) Sidewalk Patios and Streateries Faye Langmaid reported that Council approved a pilot project to permit restaurants in downtown Bowmanville and Newcastle to use on-street parking as the sidewalk and/or patio for patrons to eat and drink outdoors. Faye reviewed the requirements of the restaurants and the Municipality. One restaurant in Bowmanville and one restaurant in Newcastle have expressed interest in the project. Construction of the seasonal sidewalks will comply with Integrated Accessibility Standards for Design of Public Spaces. The Committee requested that the barrier-free on-street parking spaces be unaffected by the project. The sidewalk patios will be on the Planning and Development meeting agenda for the January 8, 2018. 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Change in meeting room and day for January – April 2018 The Committee discussed alternate meeting dates for January –April to accommodate Committee members’ schedules. Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen That the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting dates be changed to the first Thursday of the month for January – April 2018 meetings Carried Andrea Nicholson informed the Committee that Meeting room 1A will be unavailable for the next few meetings due to relocation of staff during second floor renovations and an alternate room will be listed on each meeting agenda. . (b) AAC membership The Committee discussed attendance at meetings and number of members permitted on the Committee permitted. Andrea Nicholson referred the Committee to the Committee’s Terms of Reference which covers Committee Composition and Absences. Moved by Tim van Leeuwen, seconded by Andre O’Bumsawin Clarington Accessibility - 3 - December 6, 2017 Advisory Committee Page 3 of 5 That a request be made to the Municipal Clerk to post for one additional Accessibility Advisory Committee member. Carried (c) Delegation to Council for International Day of Persons with Disabilities On behalf of Council, Councillor Partner thanked Andre O’Bumsawin for presenting to Council on International Day of Persons with Disabilities on November 27, 2017. 4. New Business (a) 2017 Accessibility Annual Status Update preparations Andrea Nicholson requested input from Committee members for the Annual Status Update. The Committee identified accomplishments to highlight in the Accessibility Annual Status Update. Andrea will prepare the 2017 Accessibility Annual Status Update and bring to the next meeting. (b) January Meeting date The meeting date was discussed under new business. (c) Dementia Friendly Communities Andrea Nicholson reported that Alzheimer Society of Durham Region (ASDR) requested a delegation to present to the Committee on Dementia Friendly Communities. The Committee agreed to have a presentation in February or March 2018. 5. Regional Update (a) Regional Accessibility Advisory Committee Andre O’Bumsawin reported that at the November Regional AAC meeting, the Region conducted user testing on their updated website. Regional Committee members were provided with a laptop for testing purposes. The testing was helpful in identifying areas of the website that were not functioning as expected. Andrea Nicholson read an email update from Sally Barrie stating that Patricia Rundle who was a past member for Clarington AAC and a present member of Regional AAC has recently retired. Pat was a true advocate for accessibility and her passion, personal experience and wisdom were valuable to the Committees and the Community. Clarington Accessibility - 4 - December 6, 2017 Advisory Committee Page 4 of 5 (b) Metrolinx-Durham Region Transit (DRT)Accessibility Public Meeting Andre O’Bunsawin and Tim Van Leeuwen attended the public meeting on November 27, 2017 and reported that the meeting was informative and provided an opportunity to see new bus designs. Tim advocated for more bus shelters. Andre reported that new bus designs have a lift that restrains wheelchairs from the sides. Andre provided feedback on the accessibility features of the new bus designs. Andre O’Bunsawin raised concerns regarding ride bookings being refused by DRT. 6. Other Business (a) Autism Durham Councillor Partner reported that Autism Durham requested a delegation to present to the Committee. The Committee agreed to have a presentation. Councillor Partner will provide the contact information for Autism Durham. (b) Audio quality in Council Chambers Councillor Partner reported that the sound quality in Council Chambers is poor making it difficult to hear what people area saying and requested the Committee write a letter to Council to request that improvements be made. The Committee Chair deferred this item to January 2017 Agenda. (c) Consultation of AACs Andrea Nicholson reported that the Municipal Clerk received correspondence from Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) indicating that under Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, the ADO must review the standards of the Act. The Directorate believes that a fulsome review of Accessibility Advisory Committees is warranted at this time and is moving forward with a consultation of the Accessibility Advisory Committees, including an online survey and focus groups. The consultation will begin in January 2018 and will be conducted over approximately 5 months. The goal of the consultation is to learn more about the work of AACs, what conditions are required to make them successful and how the Directorate might better support Committees going forward. The Municipality of Clarington will be contacted by The Strategic Council (a market research firm) with more information. Clarington Accessibility - 5 - December 6, 2017 Advisory Committee Page 5 of 5 7. Date of Next Meeting Thursday January 4, 2018 at 6:30 pm MAC Meeting Room 3C (new room) 8. Adjournment Moved by Maureen Reed, and seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 8:07 pm. _________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary