HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/13/1978 . . . Council Minutes Roll Call Council Minutes Council Minutes Conununity Services Conunittee Report Finance & Administration Conunittee Report TOWN OF NEWCASTLE February 13th, 1978 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held in the Bowmanville Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 13th, 1978. Present were: Mayor Councillor Garnet B. Rickard Donald W. Allin Robert Dykstra Alfred Gray Jasper W. Holliday R. Bruce Tayl?r Edward R. Woodyard Resolution #C-78-184 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the minutes of the Council Meeting held on January 30th, 1978 be approved as read. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-l85 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the minutes of the Council Meeting held on February 1st, 1978 be approved as read. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-l86 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the Community Services Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on January 30th, 1978 be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-187 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the Finance and Administration Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on February 6th, 1978 be adopted, except for Items No.1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 10. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-l88 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT Item No. 1 of the foregoing Report be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes - 2 - February 13th, 1978 Resolution #C-78-189 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAI Item No.2 of the foregoing Report be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-190 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT Item No. 5 of the foregoing Report be approved. . Resolution #C-78-l9l Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT Item No. 5 of the foregoing Report be amended to provide for four extra spaces instead of six. Resolution #C-78-l92 Moved by Con. HOlliday, seconded by Con. Gray. THAT t~e foregoing Item No. 5 be amended to provide that the ~paces be on the East side.of the Building instead of the West side. Resolution #C-78-l93 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the foregoing Item No. 5 be referred to the Town Manager to Report back to the next m,eting. "CARRIED" Fesolution #C-78-l94 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday. THAT Item No. 6 of the foreg0i~g Report be referred back to the Finance and Administration Committee for more detailed information and that this be reported back to the next Council Meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-195 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT Item No. 7 of the foregoing Report be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Planning & Development Committee Report Town Manager's Report re Interchange at Holt Road & Hwy. 401 - 3 - February 13th, 1978 Resolution #C-78-l96 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT Item No. 10 of the foregoi~g Report be approved. "CARRIED" NOTE: Councillor Taylor took no part in discussing or voting on this Item because of a possible "Conflict of Interest". Resolution #C-78-l97 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the Planning and Development Committee Chairman's Report of meeting held on February 6th, 1978 be adopted except for Items 2 and 5. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-l98 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT Item No. 2 of the foregoing Report be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-l99 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT Item No. 5 of the foregoing Report be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-200 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the Town Manager's Report dated February 2nd, 1978 regarding the proposed Interchange at Holt Road and Highway 401 be approved. Resolution #C-78-20l Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the foregoing Resolution be amended to provide that if a full interchange is constructed prior to 1987 it be at the cost of Ontario Hydro. "MOTION LOST" . . . Council Minutes Building Progress Report Director of Public Works Report re Traffic Operations Study Meeting re Special Study Area 13 Meeting Committee of the I" a - 4 - February 13th, 1978 Resolution #C-78-202 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT Item No. 2 of the foregoing Report be amended to provide that the words "and or traffic" be inserted after the word "development" in the third line. "CARRIED" On being put to a vote Resolution #C-78-200 was duly Carried as amended. Resolution #C-78-203 Moved by Con. HOllicay, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the Building Progress Report for the Month of. January, 1978 be received and filed for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-204 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the Memorandum dated February 9th, 1978 of the D '.rector of Public Works be adopted and Totten Sims Hubi~ki be cvrnmissioned to carry out a Traffic Operations Survey for the Town of Newcastle at an upset price of $7,800 and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary agreement. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-205 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT a Special Meeting of Council be called for 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 3rd, 1978 to meet with Officials of the Regional Planning and Development Committee to discuss the land use of Special Study Area 13 as designated on the Regional Official Plan. "CARRIED" Councillor Dykstra left the meeting at this point - Time 8:30 p.m. Resolution #C-78-206 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the meeting go into Committee of the Whole to receive delegations. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Mr. James Robinson re Bowmanville Week Miss P. Clark re SEAP Darlington Ms. D. Boden re Energy Fair Recess Disposition of Correspondence - 5 - February 13th, 1978 Mr. Robinson appeared on behalf of the Jaycees to seek Council's permission and co-operation regarding "Bowmanville Week 78" to be run by the Bowmanville Jaycees from Saturday, June 30th to Saturday, July 8th. Miss Peggy Clark addressed Council regarding the Darlington Generating Station and left some material with the Town Clerk for the information of Council. Ms. Dorothy Boden addressed Council regarding Energy Fair sponsored bySEAP Darlington. This will be on April 8th, 1978 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Bowmanville High School. It was directed that Ms. Boden's submission be on the Agenda for the next meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee. Resolution #C-78-207 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the Committee rise. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-208 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT there be a ten minute recess. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-209 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the disposition of correspondence as recommended by the Town Clerk be adopted. "CARRIED" 6. Ontario Municipal Board dated December 13th, 1977 regarding City of Oshawa Restricted Area By-Law 15-77 be referred to the Planning and Development Committee. 7. St. George's Anglican Church received February 7th, 1978 regarding Mrs. H. Hobbs operation of a Nursery School in Parish Hall of St. Geor~='s Church, be referred to the Planning and Development Committee. 8. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Minutes of Meeting held on January 24th, 1978 be received for information. Council Minutes . . Bowmanville Jaycees re Bowmanville Week . City of Stratford re Illuminated Headlights - 6 - February 13th, 1978 9. Ministry of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs regarding procedures for dealing with emergencies which are beyond the resources of the local municipality, be received for information. 10. Ontario Hydro regarding Newsbriefs re Lennox to ~herrywood Transmission Line be received for information. 11. Ontario Municipal Board dated January 27th, 1978 regarding Decision of an appeal by Herbert F. Gibson from a decision of the Co-'~ittee of Adjustment, be received for infonnation (A4l-77). 12. Ontario ~;'lnicipal Board dated January 27th, 1978 regarding Decision of an appeal by Herbert F. Gibson from a decision of the Land Division Committee, be received for information (A42-77) . 13. Ontario HU11icipal Board dated January 27th, 1978 regarding Decision of an appeal by Herbert F. Gibson from? decision of the Land Division Committee, be received for information (B207 - 77) . 15. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Clerk's Department dated January 27th, 1978 regarding By-Law No. 5-78 Imposing Regional Levy, be received for information. 16. The Corporation of the City of Oshawa regarding Notice of Application to the Ontario ~1unicipal Board for approval of Zoning By..Law No. 14-78, be received for information. 19. Strike & Strike dated February 9th, 1978 regarding Veltri Complex, 68 King Street East, Bowmanville Sanitary Sewer Levy, be referred to the Finance and Administration Committee. 20. Strike & Strike dated February 7th, 1978 regarding further dedication of Burk Court, Registered Plan 708, Eowmanville, be referred to the Public Works Committee. Resolution #C-78-2l0 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. ;,llin. THAT the request of the Bowmanville Jaycees be approved and that the Community Services Committee be empowered to act as a liaison with the, cTaycees to resolve any problems, subject to all necessal'Y permits bebg obtained by the Jaycees and also subject te the J&ycees cleaning up the park when the project is finisheJ. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-2ll Moved by Con. Tay~or. seconded by Con. Gray. THAT the letter dated January 30th, 1978 from the City of Stratford r0gardir.g use of headlights from November 1st to March 31st, be referred to the Public Works Committee to Report to Council. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes County of Grey re Education Costs Regier a '. Works re Marwood Industrial Development Regional Planning re Rej ect Heat Project Bell Canada re Rate Increase Ontario Hydro re Severances - 7 - February 13th, 1978 Resolution #C-78-212 Moved by Con. Tayl r, seconded by Con. HOlliday. THAT the letter uatea January 23rd, 1978 from the County of Grey regarding education costs be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-213 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated January 31st, 1978 from the Regional Works Department be referred to the Planning and Development Committee to Report to Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-214 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard. Tt~T the letter dated January 27th, 1978 from the Regional Planning Commissioner regarding reject heat project, be received for information in view of Item No. 5 of the Planning and Development Committee Report of February 6th, 1978. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-215 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday. Tt~T Notice dated February 1st, 1978 from Bell Canada regarding request for increase in rates be referred to the Finance and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-216 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the letter dated February 2nd, 1978 from Ontario Hydro regarding severances as a result of the Lennox to Oshawa transmission Line be referred to the Planning & Development Committee. "CARRIED ft . . Council Minutes Consumers' Gas Franchise City of Oshawa By-Law 15-77 By-Law No. 78-8 Suspension of Rule 33 Ey-Law No. 78-8 By-Law No. 78-8 - 8 - February 13th, 1978 Resolution #C-78-217 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Holliday. THAT Council concur with the letter dated January 27th, 1978 from Aird, Zimmerman & Ber1is regarding Consumers' Gas Company Franchise. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-218 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the Ontario Municipal Board Notice of Hearing on March 6th, 1978 regarding City of Oshawa By-law 15-77 be referred to the Planning Department to report to the Planning and Development Committee at its next meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-219 Moved by Con. HOlliday, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 78-8 being a by-law to authorize a Franchise Agreement between the Corporation and the Consumers' Gas Company, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-220 Moved by Con. HClliday, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT Rule 33 be suspen(el for the duration of the mEeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-221 ~loved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Taylor. T~\T the second reading of By-Law No. 78-8 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-222 Movei by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 78-8 be approved. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes By-Law No. 78-9 By-Law No. 78-9 By-Law No. 78-9 By-Law No. 78-5 By-Law No. 78-5 By-Law No. 78-5 - 9 - February 13th, 1978 Resolution #C-78-223 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 78-9 baing a by-law to authorize the sale of Part of Smart Avenue lying between Highway 401 and the Base Line in the Town of Newcastle (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville) to an abutting owner and that the said by-law be now read a first time. "CARRIED" ~esolution #C-78-224 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 78-9 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-225 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Taylor. T' AT the third and final readin!, '.of By-Law No. 78-9 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-226 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 78-5 as amended by deleting Clause 4 be considered. , "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-227 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 78-5 be approved as amended. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-228 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 78-5 be approved as amended. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes North-South Arterial Rd. East of Bowmanville Standing Committee Vice- Chairman Meeting with Minister of Housing re Courtice Heights Adjournment - 10 - February 13th, 1978 Resolution #C-78-229 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Gray. THAT the matter of the Town Planner's Report regarding North- South Arterial Road East of 30wmanville be tabled to next meeting. "CARRIED" Resoluiton #C-78-230 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Allin. T'lAT each Standing Committee be advised that it is Council's wish that they appoint a Vice-Chairman. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-23l Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the Mayor be requested to seek a meeting with the Minister of Housing relative to grants payable for Courtice Heights Subdivision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-78-232 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Holliday. THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p.m. "CARRIED" G.B. Rickard Mayor u~ ,,,,j::2 . . J .M. ,V.cIlroy Clerk