HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/1976 (Special) . . . " ... Special Council Meeting TOWN OF NEHC1,sTLE October 6th, 1976 Roll Call Region of Dur ham Official Plan >'"'1 I I I \ Minutes of a Special Council Meeting held in the Committee Room at Bowmanville To;~ Hall on Wednesday, October 6th, 1976 at 7:30 p.mo Present were: Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs, Chairman Councillor Donald W. Allin Councillor Ann Cowman Councillor Kirk Entwisle Councillor Kenneth E. Lyall Town Clerk J.M. McIlroy Absent: Mayor G.Bo Rickard .. attending Orono P.U.C. Meeting. The meeting was called to consider thw ?lanner's Report on the Region of Durham Official Plan. Resolution #C-76-1134 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Allin. nucr the following information be conveyed in ,'rriting to Ms. M. Bergman, Senior Planner of the Ministry of Housing:- "This Council would like to bring to your attention certain aspects of the Region of Durham Official Plan which in the opinion of Council reflect its wishes but have been omitted and other aspects, which seem according to the Town Planner, vezy cloudy in relation to the To;vn of Newcastle. Therefore Council requests that you give careful consideration to the attached Planner I s report: and the following previous decisions of Council as contained in Resolutions #C-75-986, lFC-75-937, #CW..lf48_76, lFCW-472-76, 'iFCW-473-76 and 'iFCH-474-76." Recorded Vote Councillor LyalloooooooooooYca Councillor COwman......oo..yca Councillor Allin.o.o.o.....Yea Councillor Entwisle........Nay Councillor Hobbs...........yea ~. --, A; - "t:'er,.(......L,_~ l<nA-'ltA.J.~' f... , ') ~ .>........~L;;, / c 0' f~ . ).;.. '. /I "CARRIED" Resolution #C-76-1135 -'-.--- Moved by Con. Co;.man, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT the question be put. "CARRIED" . . . . ~ - >... Special Council Meeting - 2 - Resolution #C-76-ll36 October 6th, 1976 Adjournment Moved ~y Cor Lyall, seconded by Con. Ccwman. THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m. "CARRIED" G.B. Rickard Mayor ~.~. /' ,~;;> $~,<!,,- J.M. McIlroy Clerk / .- ....../' " &(..~.