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Council Minutes
Sept. 7/76
Sept. 14/76
Sept. 16/76
September 20th, 1976
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held in the
Eowmanville Court Room No.2 at 1:00 p.m. on Monday,
September 20th, 1976.
Mayor Rickard called the meeting to order and lead in the
Lord's Prayer.
Present were: Mayor
Garnet B. Rickard
Donald W. Allin
Ann Co~nnan
Kirk Entwisle
Ivan M. lbbbs
Kenneth E. Lyall
H. Bruce Tink
Resolution #C-76-l004 (a)
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the Council Minutes dated September 7th, 1976 be
approved as read.
Resolution itC-76-l005 (a)
Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Council Minutes dated September 14th, 1976 be
approved as read.
Resolution #C-76-1006 (a)
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Cowman.
THAT the Council Minutes dated September 16th, 1976 be
approved as read.
Resolution #C-76-l007 (a)
Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Community Services Committee Chairman's Report
of meetinga held on September 7th and 14th, 1976 be adopted
as amended.
Council Minutes
CoUlni ttee
- 2 -
September 20th, 1976
Resolution #C-76-1008(a)
Moved by Con. Co"llllan, seconded by Con. !hbbs.
THAT It en No. 1 of the foregoing Report be amended by
adding the words "and that a building agreement be signed
with the Board of Education"and that the word "partially
be inserted before the word "funded".
Councillor Lyall opposed.
Resolution #C-76-1009 (a)
Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. !hbbs.
THAT Item No. 3 of the foregoing Report be tabled to the
next meeting for clarification by the Clerk and Fire Chief.
Resolution #C-76-1010
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT Item No. 12 of the foregoing Report be amended to
provide that it be subject to the availability of ice
Resolution #C-76-1~
Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. !hbbs.
THAT Item No. 13 of the foregoing Report be amended to
provide that the words "and any other property within
the municipality" be inserted after the word property.
Resolution #C-76-1012
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the Pub1 ic Wr-rks Connni ttee Chairman I s Report of
meeting held on September 9th, 1976 be adopted.
Council Minuteo
Conuni t tee
of the
- 3 -
September 20th, 1976
Reoolution #C-76-1013
Moved by Con. Lyall, oeconded by Con. Hbbbo.
THtJ the Finance Comitttee Chairman'o Report of Meeting
held on September 13th, 1976 be adopted ao amended.
Reoolution #C-76-l014
Moved by Con. Lyall, oeconded by Con. Entwiole.
THAT Item No. 8 of the foregoing Report be amended by
deleting the wordo in the fourth line beginning with the
word "but" and ending .lith the word"time".
Recorded Vote
Councillor Allin..o.o.......yes
Councillor CO~~an.o...oo....Nay
Councillor EntwiGle.o...oo.~Yea
Councillor Hobbc............Nay
Councillor Lyal1............Yea
Councillor Tink.............Nay
Mayor Rickard...............Nay
Reoolution #C-76-l015
Moved by Con. EntHiole, oeconded by Con. Allin.
THAT Item No. 8 of the foregoing report be referred back
to the Finance Committee for futher otudy.
Reoolution #C-76-l0l6
Moved by Con. Allin, aeconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the Committee of the Whole Chairman'o Report of
meeting held on September 13th, 1976 be adopted ao ame ded.
Reoolution #C-76-10l7
Moved by Con. Entwiole, oeconded by Con. Allin.
THAT Item No. 5 of the foregoing Report be amended ao folloHo:-
After the \'/Ord "Development" inaert the worda "other than
infilling" and the word "Subdiviaion" be Gubotitute by the
lrord "oecondaryll.
CouncU Minuteo
Town Clerkto
Report re
Toad Hall
D. G. S.
_ t, _
September 20th, 1976
Resolution #C-76-10l8
Moved by Con. Lyall, oeconded by Con. En~qiole.
THAT Item No. 5 of the foregoing Report be referred back
to the next Committee of the Hhole meeting.
Reoolution #C-76-l0l9
110ved by Con. Entwiole, oeconded by Con. Ilobbo.
THAT Reoolution #C>~438-76 be lifted from the table.
Reoolution #C-76-l020
Howd by Con. Ent"iole, oeconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Croooing Guard be removt>d from Waverley Road and
that the parento of the children be advioed that ito economically
infeaoible to have a guard at thio location for three children.
~oolution #C-76-l02l
Moved by Con. IIobbo, Geconded by Con. Lyall.
THAT the foregoing Reoolution be tabled to the next meeting
for further information.
Reoolution #C-76-l022
Movod by Con. Ilobbo, oeconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Tmm Clerk'o Report dated September 15th, 1976
regarding Toad Hall Equitieo Condominiumo be adopted
and the neceocary letter of clearance be iOGued by the
Recolution #C-76-l023
Moved by Con. Allin, oeconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the minuteo of a meeting of the Liaison Committee for
the Darlington Generating Station dated September 10th,
1976 be adopted.
Council Minutes
Demolition of
Bell Canada
No Smoking
- 5 -
September 20th, 1976
Resolution #C-76-l024
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the Building Progress Report for the month of
August, 1976 be received for information.
Resolution #C-76-l025
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall.
THAT the Personnel Committee Chairman's Report dated
September 20th, 1976 regarding increase for Mrs. H. Ovenden,
be approved.
Resolution #C-76-l026
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
THAT Council concur with the report of the Chief Building
Inspector dated September 17th, 1976 regarding the demolition
of the Bell Canada Building.
Resolution #C-76-l027
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT there be a ten minute recess.
Resolution #C-76-l028
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the "No Smoking" rule be suspended to the end of
this meeting.
Resolution #C-76-l029
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the disposition of correspondence by the Town Clerk
be concurred with except for Items 10, 12, 16 and 17.
Council Minutes
D. Moffatt, M.P.P.
re Vincent Greco
Tax Penalty
Santa Clll11s
- 6 -
September 20th, 1976
7. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Clerk's Department
dated September 7th, 1976 regarding Monthly Report of the
Durham Housing Bureau be received for information.
8. Ontario Municipal Board dated September 2nd, 1976 regarding
Decision of the Board from an appeal by the Region of Durhan
from a Decision of the Land Division Committee (Buma), be
received for information.
9. Darlington Cemetery Board minutes of meeting dated June 22nd,
1976, be received for information.
11. Ministry of Housing dated August 30th, 1976 regarding safety
of children. in mu1 ti-storey buildings, be referred to the
Committee of the Whole with Chief Building Inspector to
13. Ministry of Transportation & Communication dated September 10,
1976 regarding educational programmes related to the high~lay
field be referred to the Public Works Committee.
14. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Clerk 's Dep artment
dated September 13th, 1976 regarding By-Law No. 173-76
being a by-law to amend By-law No. 56-76 to levy against the
area municipalities the sums required during the year 1976
for the purposes of the Regional Municipality of Durham,
be rece:Lved for information with a copy to the Town Treasurer.
18. Ontario Municipal Board dated September 14th, 1976 regarding
decb ion of the Board in the matter of an appeal by the
County of Peterborough from Report of the lIrbitrators
with respect to the Golden Plough Lodge, be received for
Resolution #e-76-1030
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT no action be taken with regard to Mr. Moffatt's letter
of September 8th, 1976 relative to Mr. Vincent Greco as it
has been dealt with previously by Finance Committee and Council
and that a copy of the previous action be sent to Mr. Moffatt.
Resolution #C-76-l031
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the request of the Bowmanvil1e Santa Claus Parade to hold
a parade on Saturday, November 20th, 1976 be approved and the
cooperation of the Police Department and Works Department be
requested and also that the Town's Works Garage be available
to prepare the Santa Claus Float for the parade.
Council Minutes
Santa Claus
Parade re
Booster Button
Mrs. Mary Vans
re Condition
of Bowmanville
Consumers ·
Gas Company
re Franchise
- 7 -
September 20th, 1976
Resolution #C-76-1032
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT Council concur with the request of the Santa Claus
Parade to hold a Booster Button Blitz on Saturday,
November 13th, 1976.
Resolution #C-76-1033
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the letter dated August 20th, 1976 from Mrs. Mary Vans
be received for information and a copy be sent to the
proprietor of the Bowmanville Zoo.
Resolution #C-76-l034
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Cowman.
THAT the letter dated September 14th, 1976 from The Consumers'
Gas Company regarding franchise agreement be referred to
the Committee which was appointed to deal with the matter.
Resolution #C-76-l035
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT Mr. Fagan representative of the Consumers' Gas Company
be heard.
Resolution #C-76-l036
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
THAT Resolution #C-76-1034 be tabled.
Council Minutes
Kinsmen Club
re Tag Day
Public Fire
- 8 -
September 20th, 1976
Resolution #C-76-1037
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the action taken by Resolution #C-75-999 be rescinded.
Recorded Vote
Councillor AllinoooooooooooooYca
Councillor Entwisleooooo~ooooNcy
Councillor Co~~anooo...o..oooYea
Councillor HobbsoooooooooooooYea
Councillor Lyall...ooooooooo.Nay
CouQcillor Tink.ooooo....ooo.Yea
Mayor Rickardooooooooooooooo.Yea
Resolution #C-76-1038
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Ent,'lisle.
THAT the motion to table Resolution #C-76-1034 be lifted.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Allinooooooooooo..Yea
Councillor Entwisle.o.oooooooYea
Councillor Cowman.o.oo~.o.oooYea
Councillor Hobbsoooooooooooo.Yca
Councillor Lyal1..oooooooooooYca
Councillor Tink.ooo..ooooo...Yea
Mayor Rickardooooooooooooooo.Yea
Resolution #C-76-1039
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the request of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club to hold
a two day tag day in Bo'lD1anville on October 15th and 16th
1976 for Cystic Fibrosis be approved.
Resolution #C-76-1040
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Cowman.
THAT the letter dated September 8th, 1976 from the Public Fire
Protection Survey Services be received for information.
Council Minutes
Garbage Service
Village of
Port Darlington
Marina Hotel
re Light
Planning Dept.
re O.P.A. 111
and 112
Santa Claus
Parade re
- 9 -
September 20th, 1976
Resolution #C-76-1041
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the letter dated September 8th, 1976 from the Garbage
Service Committee of the Village of Newcastle be referred
to the Public Worko Committee and the Garbage Committee be
advised of this and also that no or new collection service
has been added by the Town since January lot, 1974.
Resolution #C-76-1042
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the request of Port Darlington Marina Ibtel in their
letter of September 14th, 1976 regarding light for their
sign be approved, subject to approval of the Public Utilities
Commission and that there v,ill be no cost to the municipality
and also that the approval of the Director of Public ~lorks
be obtained.
Resolution #C-76-1043
MOved by Con. Entwiole, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the letters dated September 13th, 1976 from the Regional
Planning Department regarding Official Plan l~endments 111
and 112 be received and the Clerk be inotructed to advise the
Region regarding the Secondary Plan Studies in progreso or
proposed and that additional time be requested for the Council
to report back to the Regional Planning Department.
Resolution #C-76-1044
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
THAT the added request of the Santa Glauo Parade Committee
regarding new Santa Glaus Parade building be referred to
the Community Services Committee.
Council Minutes
Newcastle Village
& District Arena
Newcastle Village
& District
re Commitment
Lions Club
James D. Service
re Future Road
- 10 -
September 20th, 1976
Resolution #C-76-1045
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the letter dated September 20th, 1976 from the Newcastle
Village and District .~ena Funding Organization be received
for information and those members of Council who are able to
attend the meeting on September 24th at 7:30 p.m. in the
Council Chambers in the Village of Newcastle.
Resolution #C-76-1046
Hoved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the letter dated September 20th, 1976 from the Ne,.castle
Village and District Funding Organization advising that it
is committed to the necessary funds required for public
subscription for $30,000 to repair and open the Newcastle
Hemerial i\rena for the 1976-77 Season.
Hesolution #C-76-l047
110ved by Con. llobbs, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT Council concur with the request to raffle a 110nte Carlo
automobile costing $5,500 by the Lions Club of Bowmanville.
Resolution #C-76-lC48
Moved by Con. Co'<man, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
THAT the letter dated September 20th, 1976 from James D. Service
regarding KSW Developments etc., be received and that Mr. SerVice
be advised that Council is in process of a Secondary Plan for
the Village of Newcastle and that Council will advise the
Consultants of the contents of his letter.
Mr. P. Hartin and Hr. J. Balfour of M.M. Dillon Limited appeared
before Council regarding Secondary Studies for Bowmanville,
Newcastle and Courtice.
Councl1 Minutes
Pa1nting of
on Water
- 11 -
September 20th, 1976
Resolution #C-76-1049
Moved by Con. Ent"isle, seconded by Con. Cowman.
THAT M.M. Dillon be engaged to carry out the first stage
of the Courtice Area study for the fee of $8,500 to be
completed by October 31st, 1976.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Allinooooeo.....yea
Councillor CO~nnaneoo.o.....yca
Councillor Entwisle..ooG...Yea
Councillor Hobbs.o.........Nay
Councillor Lyall...........Nay
Councillor Tink...oooo.....Yea
Mayor Rickard.......ft......Nay
Councillor En~isle "as excused at 5:15 p.m.
Councillor Cowman "as excused at 5:30 p.m.
Resolution #C-76-1050
Moved by Con. !Iobb" , "econded by Con. Tink.
THAT Resolution #C-76-990 be lifted from the table.
Resolution tFC-76-1051
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. !Iobbs.
THAT Resolution #e-76-990 be rescinded.
Resolution #C-76-1052
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the name "Bowmanville" be painted on the "ater tank
in Bowmanville as part of the Maintenance Program.
Council Minutes
of Rule 33
- 12 -
September 20th, 1976
Councillor Tink was excused at 5:30 p.m.
Resolution #C-76-l053
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of the meeting.
Rcsolution #C-76-l054
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT leave bc granted to introduce By-Law No. 76-54 being
a by-law to provide for the licensing and registration of
dogs and for regulating the running at large of dogs, and
that the said by-law be no" read a first timc.
Resolution #C-76-l055
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the second reading of By-Lm. No. 76-54 be approved.
Resolution #C-76-l056
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT Sections 5(2) and (3) of By-Law No. 76-54 be amended
to provide for the payment of $3.00 court costs over and
above the $10.00.
Resolution #C-76-l057
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 76-54 be
approved as IJIIlcndcd.
Resolution #C-76-l058
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 76-55 being
a by-law to designate a certain portion of a Registered
Plan as not being subject to Part Lot Control, and that the
said by-Ia" be no" read a first and second time.
Council Minutes
Funding of
- 13 -
September 20th, 1976
Resolution #C-76-l059
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 76-55 be
Resolution #C-76-l060
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 76-56 being
a by-law to amend Zoning By-La., Number 2111 of the former
Township of Darlington (Car cone) and that the said by-law
be now read a first time.
Resolution #C-76-l06l
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the second reading of By-L,,,,, No. 76-56 be approved.
Resolution #C-76-l062
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT By-Lm. No. 76-56 be tabled to t~ next meeting and
referred back to the Planner for amendment.
Resolution #C-76-l063
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall.
THAT in vie., of the former action taken relative to Item 4
of the Community Services Committee Report of September 7th,
1976 that a retirement policy be instituted consist with the
action taken over the last two and a half years.
Resolution #C-76-l064
Moved by Con. fubbs, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Mayor be authorized to call a public meeting regarding
funding of Bo.nnanville Arena at 8:00 p.m. on September 29th,
1976 in the Bowmanvi11e Court Room.
Council Minutes
- 14 -
September 20th, 1976
THAT the following apology as requested by Mayor Rickard was
oubmitted in Hriting by Councillor Lyall.
"Dear Mr. Mayor:
In a lull during Council meeting this afternoon following
discussion of the Consumers' Gas Company matter, I referred
to the Canadian petrolium industry as a 'miserable lot of
thieving bastards'.
Thio phraoe was used in connection with the present day to day
rip-off that the Canadian people are enduring at the hands
of the petrolium industry in the matter of costs of gasoline,
heating oils and other petrolium products.
I apologize to Council for I should not have referred to the
Canadian petrolium industry in such a manner without inclUding
the word 'unprincipled'.
Kenneth E. Lyall
Councillor "
Resolution #C-76-l065
Moved by Con. Hobbo, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
G. B. Rickard _ .
.3 7~
J .M. I1cIlro