HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-11-01 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee November 1, 2017, 6:30 P.M. Council Chambers If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea-Lea Latchford Andre O’Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen Sally Barrie Maureen Reed Councillor Partner Also Present: Andrea Nicholson – Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Jacqui Watchorn Meeting was preceded by “Celebrating Accessibility in Clarington” event where the AAC recognized organizations/business they nominated for the Durham Region Accessibility Award for Clarington.The event was attended by Mayor Foster, Councillors Cooke, Hooper and Partner, Anne Greentree (Clerks) Gord Wier (Emergency and Fire Services) Stephen Brake (Operations) and David Crome (Planning) and representatives from the nominated organizations/businesses: TJ and Jessie Sheehan (Enniskillen General Store) Rev. Brotherton and Steve Coles (St. Paul’s United Church), Brad MacIlroy (Three-Six Kitchen & Lounge) and John Walsh (The SNUG). The meeting was called to order at 7:40pm. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by Sally Barrie That the minutes of the meeting of October 4, 2017 be approved. Carried 2. Presentation There were no presentations. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - November 1, 2017 Advisory Committee Page 2 of 3 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Delegation to Council November 27, 2017 – International Day of Persons with Disabilities Andre O’Bumsawin reported that he is preparing for the presentation to Council and will include information about the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Andre requested input form Committee members. The Committee agreed that he should be including information about the November 1 recognition event. If members have other suggestions, they may be emailed directly to Andre or to Accessibility Coordinator. Andrea Nicholson and Shea-Lea Latchford plan to be in attendance at the delegation. (b) Flag Raising on Friday Dec 1 for International Day of persons with Disabilities The Accessibility Coordinator presented various options for the flag raising. The Committee agreed to request that the Mayor speak to International Day of Persons with Disabilities at a flag raising. Committee members were encouraged to attend the flag raising. At the request of the Committee, the Accessibility Coordinator will make the request to the Mayor’s Office on behalf of the Committee. 4. New Business (a) Metrolinx and Durham region Transit Accessibility Public Meeting Accessibility Coordinator provided information on the joint Metrolinx/Durham Region Transit Accessibility Public meeting on November 27, 6:00-9:00pm in Whitby (Abilities Centre). Metrolinx requested that anyone interested in attending register in advance. AAC members were emailed the information. 5. Regional Update Andre O’Bumsawin reported that at the most recent Regional AAC meeting, Durham Region presented an update on the redevelopment of their website. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - November 1, 2017 Advisory Committee Page 3 of 3 6. Other Business (a) King Street Parklet Public Information Centre The Accessibility Coordinator informed AAC about a Public Information Centre being held on Tuesday November 7 in Council Chambers. Council approved funding for the redevelopment of the 20 King Street Landscaping which will include tree replacement, additional seating and a shelter. The public are invited to attend and provide feedback on the proposals for the streetscape. The Accessibility Coordinator forwarded details to AAC members by email. (b) Change of regular meeting day for January - April Maureen requested a change in meeting as her work schedule has changed for the January – April. The committee discussed possible options and proposed meeting on the first Monday of the month for January-April and requested the Accessibility Coordinator seek clarification regarding the process for changing meeting times. 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday December 6, 2017 at 6:30 pm MAC Meeting Room 1A 8. Adjournment Moved by Tim Van Leeuwen, and seconded by Sally Barrie That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 8:04 pm. _________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary