HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/2017Final rinC114gton Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: November 13, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Samantha Gray, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at sgray(a.clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of General Government Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a General Government Committee meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net CIarifl#oII Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: November 13, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 1 Call to Order 2 New Business — Introduction Members of Committee are encouraged to provide the Clerk's Department, in advance of the meeting, a copy of any motion the Member is intending to introduce, (preferably electronic) such that staff could have sufficient time to share the motion with all Members prior to the meeting. 3 Adopt the Agenda 4 Declaration of Interest 5 Announcements 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 6.1 October 23 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of October 23, 2017 Page 5 Minutes 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Public Meeting A Street Name Change is Proposed Page 12 Applicant: Municipality of Clarington Report: PSD -081-17 8 Delegations 8.1 Marilyn Morawetz, Jury Lands Foundation, Regarding Designation of 2020 Lambs Road, Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 8.2 Donna and Catherine Roka, Regarding Request to Name a Street after Joe Roka 8.3 Paul Jefferson, Regarding Report PSD -082-17 An Application by South Bowmanville Limited to rezone the lands to facilitate the creation of two additional lots for the construction of single detached dwellings Page 2 CIarifl#oII Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: November 13, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 8.4 Eddy Chan, Director, Land Development, Delpark Home, Regarding An Application by South Bowmanville Limited (Delpark Homes) to Rezone the Lands to Facilitate the Creation of Two Additional lots for the Construction of Single Detached Dwellings 8.5 Jane McFarlane, Associate, Weston Consulting, Regarding An Application by South Bowmanville Limited (Delpark Homes) to Rezone the Lands to Facilitate the Creation of Two Additional lots for the Construction of Single Detached Dwellings 9 Communications - Receive for Information 9.1 Municipality of Memo from David Crome Regarding Designation of 2020 Clarington Lambs Road, Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 10 Communications— Direction There are no Communications for direction. 11 Presentations 11.1 Faye Langmaid, Regarding PSD -080-17 Designation of 2020 Lambs Road, Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD -081-17 Renaming of the North Portion of Port Darlington Road to Page 14 East Shore Drive and of a Portion of East Beach Road to Port Darlington Road 12.2 PSD -082-17 An Application by South Bowmanville Limited to rezone Page 23 the lands to facilitate the creation of two additional lots for the construction of single detached dwellings 12.3 PSD -083-17 Proposed Alteration to a Designated Heritage Property Page 38 (The Walbridge House), 483 King Avenue East, Newcastle 12.4 PSD -084-17 Request to Name a Street after Joe Roka Page 45 12.5 PSD -085-17 Delegation by Mr. Stan Przysienzny Page 3 CIarifl#oII Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: November 13, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 13 New Business — Consideration 14 Unfinished Business 14.1 PSD -080-17 Report PSD -080-17, Designation of 2020 Lambs Road, Page 51 Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 [Tabled from the October 23, 2017 Planning and Development Committee Meeting] 4-.2 StGtt Stan DrwcieZRy, RegaridiRg DeyelopmeRt OR Lambs LaPage 52 DrcYwcieZRY Trrzrr� 15 Confidential Reports 15.1 Verbal Report Potential Land Acquisition 16 Adjournment Page 4 Clar*wn Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, October 23, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: A. Allison, R. Albright, D. Crome, J. Gallagher, S. Gray, R. Mciver, C. Pellarin 1 Call to Order Councillor Neal called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 New Business — Introduction There were no new business items added to the Agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD -188-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Foster That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of October 23, 2017 be adopted as presented. Carried 4 Declarations of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 5 Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #PD -189-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Mayor Foster That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on October 2, 2017, be approved. Carried - 1 - Clar*wn Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: 2103386 Ontario Inc. (Halminen) and Lousiville Homes Ltd. Report: PSD -076-17 Bob Russell, Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. No one spoke in opposition to or in support of the application. Michael Fry, Planner D.G. Biddle and Associates, spoke on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Fry stated that the applicant held a public information session on September 28 2017. He was present to address the comments from the meeting specifically the traffic from construction. He identified that the best route for the construction traffic would be through the Given Road entrance to Rudell Road, which is a signalized intersection at King Street, providing better safety and better access, limiting the construction vehicles into existing neighbourhoods. Mr. Fry stated that the heritage building has been severed and will not be included in the planned subdivision application. 7.2 Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: Newcastle Funeral Home Ltd. Report: PSD -077-17 Brandon Weiler, Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. Robert Perry, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Mr. Perry wrote a letter outlining his concerns, and stated that the report does not reflect his concerns. He stated that he has been living in the area since 1975 and would not have purchased the home if they knew this use would be in his neighbourhood. Mr. Perry added that there is a potential risk and no benefit to the residential neighbourhood, only personal gain for the owner. He stated that the owner of the Newcastle Funeral Home also owns Morris Funeral Home in Bowmanville. Mr. Perry provided quotes from the Newcastle Funeral Homes website and advertising. He stated that he is not comfortable with the process happening in his neighbourhood, which has not attained approval in 7 of 10 provinces in Canada. James Astleford, local business owner, spoke in support of the application. Mr. Astleford stated that he supported that application. Theresa Vanhaverbeke, local resident, spoke to the application. Ms. Vanhaverbeke stated that she is concerned that there might be a smell or chemicals in the air due to the process. She stated that the process does not bother her, and if there are no air quality issues, thenshe is in support of the application. -2- Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Ron Warne, local resident and land use planner, spoke in support of the application. Mr. Warne stated that the facility has been serving the community for more than 20 years, and is providing a cutting edge angle on the business. He stated that this is something that will help the community. Mr. Warne added that the proposed use will keep business and money in the community. He stated that the proposed use is an accessory use and represents the wave of the future and that it has been approved by the Province. Mr. Warne added that there is no anticipated impact on the community infrastructure and no impact on the existing land uses. He concluded by stating that the application is not recommending any physical changes or site plan changes. Dave McManus, local resident, spoke to the application. Mr. McManus expressed that the funeral home has been a great neighbour in the community. He mentioned that there has been an issue with parking in the area but not too often. Mr. McManus stated that he was concerned with the traffic in and out of the funeral home but believes it has been addressed in the report. He stated that he was concerned with the storage of the chemicals onsite. Mr. McManus expressed his concern with the sewage, and if we are sure that it won't back up. He would like to know if that problem has been addressed. Trevor Charbonneau, owner of Newcastle Funeral Home, spoke to the application. Mr. Charbonneau, addressed the comments and concerns made by local residents. He stated that he has researched the process of bio -cremation also known as alkaline hydrolysis for a long time. Mr. Charbonneau, mentioned that, after reviewing all of the information and scientific data, he decided to make a significant investment, so the community can have a choice alongside burial and flame cremation. He highlighted the benefits of the proposed process: environmental benefits where the process uses 90% less energy than flame based cremation; has zero emissions; no smoke stack: no noise; no odour; and no risk of burning the building down. Mr. Charbonneau, stated that he understands not everyone will choose this method but it is important that customers have a choice. He stated that this process is aligned with the Municipality of Clarington's Priority Green Clarington initiative. Mr. Charbonneau, expressed that there are financial benefits for the people that choose this process, it is more affordable than flame based cremation, and does not require the resident to purchase a casket. He commented on the traffic concerns and that he anticipates reduced traffic with the implementation of this process. Mr. Charbonneau, stated that this process will also afford them more control and security over the process, as most crematoriums are shared with up to 50 different funeral homes. He stated that the effluent going down the drain is safe and sanitary. Mr. Charbonneau, mentioned that the machine is on a UPS (uninterruptable power supply), making sure everything closes and shutdown to a safe position in the event of a power outage, and the funeral home has backflow preventers installed on the water lines to prevent any cross contamination. He stated that the machine regulates the effluent to bring it within a proper ph level that is required by the Durham Region Sewer By-law and decreases the temperature so it is in line with the Regions requirements. Mr. Charbonneau, added that the effluent is harmless and does not damage pipes or the infrastructure. He stated that this process has been going on in populated areas for 22 years and waste water treatments have been accepting this discharge and there has been no incidents reported to date. Mr. Charbonneau, stated that there is no DNA, and -3- Clar*wn Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 that nutrients, amino acids, soaps that are broken down and sterilized. He concluded by stating that the Ontario Ministry of Labour recently completed an emission and occupational health and safety report on the technology and process, and everything came back clean with zero risk to the operator and environment. 7.3 Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited Report: PSD -078-17 Cindy Strike, Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. No one spoke in opposition to or in support of the application. Bryce Jordan of GHD, was present on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Jordan stated that this application is completing the neighbourhood that is already approved. 8 Delegations 8.1 Peter Zakarow, Regarding PSD -079-17 Recommendation to Add 282 Liberty Street, Bowmanville to the Municipal Register Peter Zakarow advised the Municipal Clerk's Department, prior to the meeting, that he would be unable to attend as a delegation. 9 Communications - Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications— Direction 10.1 Request from Gerry Mahoney for an Exemption from the Two Year Freeze on Making an Application to Amend the Clarington Official Plan Resolution #PD -190-17 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo That Communication Item 10.1, Request from Gerry Mahoney for an Exemption from the Two Year Freeze on Making an Application to Amend the Clarington Official Plan, to permit Mr. Mahoney to file an application requesting that the Clarington Official Plan be amended to allow a non -abutting surplus farm dwelling severance at 4548 Lakeshore Road; and Clar*wn Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 That, by granting permission to Mr. Mahoney to make an Official Plan Amendment Application, Council is in no way expressing any opinion regarding the planning merits of the Application or any related application. Carried 11 Presentation(s) No Presentations 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD -076-17 Development Applications by 2103386 Ontario Inc. (Halminen) and Louisville Homes Ltd. for 263 Single Detached Dwellings, a Range of 132 to 142 Street Townhouse Dwellings, and 105 Link Townhouse Dwellings in Newcastle Resolution #PD -191-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PSD -076-17 be received; That the applications to amend the Neighbourhood Design Plan, Clarington Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning submitted by 2103386 Ontario Inc. (Halminen) and Louisville Homes Ltd. for a range of up to 510 residential dwellings continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -076-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 12.2 PSD -077-17 An application by Newcastle Funeral Home Ltd. To Amend the Zoning By-law to Permit Alkaline Hydrolysis, a Flameless Form of Cremation, within an Existing Funeral Home at 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle Resolution #PD -192-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report PSD -077-17 be received; That the By-law, attached to Report PSD -077-17, be approved; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -077-17; and Council's decision; and -5- Clar*wn Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -077-17 and any delegations be advised of council's decision. Carried 12.3 PSD -078-17 An Application by Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to Permit the Development of 23 Single Detached Homes in Newcastle Resolution #PD -193-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report PSD -078-17 be received; That the proposed application for Rezoning ZBA 2017-0028 and proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision S -C 2017-0007 continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -078-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 12.4 PSD -079-17 Recommendation to Add 282 Liberty Street, Bowmanville to the Municipal Register Resolution #PD -194-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report PSD -079-17 be received; That 282 Liberty Street North be added to the Municipal Register with the description provided in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -079-17; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -079-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 12.5 PSD -080-17 Designation of 2020 Lambs Road, Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 Resolution #PD -195-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report PSD -080-17 be received; Clar*wji Planning and Development Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 That Council state its intention to designate the property including six buildings at 2020 Lambs Road under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, in accordance with the statement of significance (Attachment 1); That the Clerk prepare the required Notice of Intention to Designate pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act; That, depending on the response to the Notice of Intention to Designate, the Clerk either prepare the necessary by-law or report back to Council on objections received and refer the designation to the Conservation Review Board; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -080-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Motion Tabled (See following motion) Resolution #PD -196-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the foregoing Resolution #PD -195-16, be tabled to the November 13, 2017, Planning and Development Committee meeting. Carried 13 New Business — Consideration There were no New Business Item to be considered under this Section of the Agenda. 14 Unfinished Business 15 Confidential Reports There were no Confidential Reports scheduled under this Section of the Agenda. 16 Adjournment Resolution #PD -197-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Mayor Foster That the meeting adjourn at 8:35 PM. Chair Carried -7- Deputy Clerk Clarington Notice of Public Information Centre Notice of Public Meeting A street name change is proposed The Municipality is seeking public comments before making a decision on a proposal to rename a portion of Port Darlington Road and a portion of East Beach Road in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood. Proposed Street Name Change in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood Through an Environmental Assessment for a new road accessing the Port Darlington Neighbourhood, it was determined that to attain optimal road alignments and street, the portion of Port Darlington Road south of Lake Road and north of the south boundary of the Hydro One Corridor would be renamed to East Shores Drive. This portion of Port Darlington Road will seamlessly align with the above Drive. The Drive will extend south to the east -west portion of Port Darlington Road that is near the Lake Ontario shoreline. To facilitate the development of the Port Darlington West Subdivision a portion of East Beach Road will be renamed to Port Darlington Road. An extension of East Beach Road providing access to houses on the Lake Ontario Shoreline will continue to be named East Beach Road. It is proposed that the two street name changes would become effective June 1, 2018 or at such time as the revised road network is completed. Address: Port Darlington Road and East Beach Road, Port Darlington Neighbourhood i jb ortion of Port Darlington Road e Renamed to East Shores Drive r o Legend Y \ East Beach Road Property o New Connection to Addresses To Be Amended Port Darlington Road •ro - o _. 0 East Shores Drive C_ Retain as Portion of East Beach Road to be Port Darlington Road Renamed to Port Darlington Road �T New Port Darlington Road Retain as WL P East Beach RoadJ. PLN 25.1.55 Public Information Centre: Statutory Public Meeting The Applicant will be hosting a Public Information I Clarington Council will receive comments on the Centre on: Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Place: Bobby C's, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, 70 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville applications on: Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Municipal Administrative Centre Council Chambers. If you cannot attend the Public Information Centre or Statutory Public Meeting and wish to receive additional information, please contact Bob Russell, Planner 2, at 905-623-3379, extension 2414, or by email at brussell ,clarington.net File Numbers: PLN 25.1.55 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act The personal information you submit will become part of the public record and may be released to the public. Questions about the information we collect can be directed to the Clerk's Department at 905- 623-3379, extension 2102. Accessibility If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats of this document or other accommodations please contact the Clerk's Department at 905-623-3379, extension 2109. Appeal Requirements If you do not speak at the public meeting or send your comments or concerns to the Municipality of Clarington before the by-law is passed, you will not be entitled to appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board and you will not be able to participate at a hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do to. Per: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services I:\^Department\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEM\PLN Planning Files\PLN 25 Municipal Numbering and Street Names\PLN 25.1.55 Port Darlington Road to East Shores Drive or Alternative\Public Notice\Notice of PIC and Public Meeting_10'17'2017.docx Clarington Planning Services Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning & Development Committee Date of Meeting: November 13, 2017 Report Number: PSD -081-17 Resolution: File Number: PLN 25.1.55 By-law Number: Report Subject: Renaming of the North Portion of Port Darlington Road to East Shore Drive and of a portion of East Beach Road to Port Darlington Road Recommendations: That Report PSD -081-17 be received; 2. That the By-law shown in Attachment 1 be passed to: a. rename a portion of Port Darlington Road to East Shore Drive, from Lake Road to approximately the south boundary of the Hydro One Corridor, specifically, where the remaining portion of Port Darlington Road intersects with East Shore Drive; and b. rename that portion of East Beach Road to Port Darlington Road, between the southern terminus of the current Port Darlington Road and the to -be -constructed portion of Port Darlington Road within the Lakebreeze development; 3. That property owners, business and residential tenants receive a goodwill payment recognizing the inconvenience and time associated with the street name changes as identified in Section 4 of Report PSD -081-17 and that the reasonable costs associated with the replacement of the sign at 57 Darlington Boulevard be paid; 4. That the costs associated with the goodwill payment and sign replacement be recovered from the developer of the Lakebreeze development through the subdivision agreement; 5. That a copy of this report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Durham Regional Police Service and the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department; and 6. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -081-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -081-17 Page 2 Report Overview The development of the Port Darlington Neighbourhood and the partial redesign of its road network lead to corresponding adjustments regarding specific road names and their exact extent. Notification of the October 25, 2017 Public Information Centre at Bobby C's and the Planning and Development Committee Meeting was mailed to all affected property owners and surrounding community. The Public Information Centre and tonight's meeting have provided opportunity for public comment 1. Proposal 1.1 Council, at their Meeting of October 10, 2017, passed a resolution authorizing staff to take appropriate steps for the renaming of Port Darlington Road to East Shore Drive, from Lake Road to the south boundary of the Hydro One Corridor, specifically, where the remaining portion of Port Darlington Road intersects with East Shore Drive. Council had earlier authorized staff to take steps regarding renaming a portion of East Beach Road including the re -addressing of local properties on East Beach Road. 2. Background 2.1 Engineering Services Department has been undertaking an Environmental Assessment for this new road. In July 2016, five optional alignments for this new road were presented at a PIC. The alignment scenarios all provided for realigning West Beach Road to connect with East Shores Drive with a roundabout at Port Darlington Road. Alternative 1 is shown in Figure 1 below. "M 1 Figure 1 — Environmental Assessment Alternative 1 — July 2016 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -081-17 Page 3 2.2 After further study, a new and preferred alignment was determined that provided for an alignment along the south side of the corridor rather than the north side. The revised alignment was to accommodate concerns of Hydro One to avoid high voltage towers but it also minimized the impacts on private property, impact on wildlife habitat, provided better traffic flow and means fewer changes to the intersection with West Beach Road. The revised alignment incorporates a continuous route from Lake Road through the hydro corridor and into the plan of subdivision. The southerly segment of Port Darlington Road connects at a T intersection on the curve. (See Figure 2 below). =------- ------ LEGEND CN Rail o — -- — — - - — New section of Port Darlingtc 4 Proposed Waterfront Trail •-----• Property Lines ------- Proposed Road Right -of -Way Nest Beach Road a 14 _ Port Darlington Marina Hydro One Corridor ,l New Lakebreeze Community �a Figure 2: Environmental Assessment - Recommended alignment —February 2017 2.3 The new alignment has resulted in a reconsideration of the street names for the area. 3. Public Information Centre 3.1 Notice of Public Information Centre and this Public Meeting was circulated first class mail to all property owners south of Highway 401, north of Lake Ontario, east of Bowmanville Creek and west of the Lambs Road alignment, including the Port Darlington Marina Villas Condominiums townhouses. 3.2 Staff attended a Public Information Centre at Bobby C's on October 25, 2017 to provide information on the proposed changes and to get input from affected property owners and tenants. Approximately 20 residents, some of whom were directly affected attended. The opinions of the residents were: x Cost to property owners for street name change is much greater than the goodwill payment; Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -081-17 Page 4 x A business owner indicated his costs would be much higher due to the need to change the sign on his building; x Traffic backup at Liberty/Lake Road intersection could be alleviated by directing truck traffic to Bennett Road once Lake Road and Port Darlington Road intersect with Bennett Road; x The CN Railroad crossing at Port Darlington Road will be extremely congested; and x One household on East Beach said a change of their address was unnecessary as they pick up their mail deliveries. The amount of money and time to make the change is insulting. The change of address will not help with traffic produced by Kaitlin Developments and a right hand turn onto Lake Road will not solve the traffic problem at the Liberty Street interchange and at Bowmanville's other north -south routes. Portion of Port Darlington Road m r. to be Renamed to East Shore Drive °na/ R ail,.,.. r a I New Connection to Port Darlington Road �f'v' iaY401 Nrghw�Y4p1 Legend East Beach Road Property Addresses To Be Amended } I I East Shore Drive Retain as Portion of East Beach Road to be Port Darlington Road ^ Renamed to Port Darlington Road New Portion of Port Darlington Road MaInk AA as Retain as East Beach Road PLN 2 Figure 3: New Street and Address Changes. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -081-17 Page 5 4. Proposed Street Name and Street Address Number Changes 4.1 From a street -naming perspective, not changing the name of any part of Port Darlington Road is somewhat similar to the current situation for Waverley Road. Staff believe it is better for the continuous route, which will carry the majority of the traffic into the new neighbourhood, to have one name. It is also important that Port Darlington Road be maintained as the road that passes through the historic Port Darlington. It is thus proposed that the north end of the existing Port Darlington Road from Lake Road to the Hydro Corridor be renamed East Shore Drive connecting through the hydro corridor to the street within the Lakebreeze plan of subdivision. The segment of the proposed renaming is shown on Figure 3. 4.2 The renaming of a connecting portion of East Beach Road that was constructed to facilitate the new waterfront park to Port Darlington Road is to allow for a continuous use of Port Darlington Road across the Bowmanville waterfront from the Bowmanville Creek to Bennett Road. The street renaming results in address renumbering for less than ten properties. To have an optimal numbering sequence, the re -numbering will be finalized after registration of the Lakebreeze plan of subdivision. 4.3 The timing of the two above-mentioned street name changes and related street address number changes is anticipated to be June 1, 2018 but, ultimately should be at such time as the revised road network is completed. 5. Goodwill Payment 5.1 Four residential properties and three industrial properties, plus tenants would be affected by the street renaming. In previous street naming situations, the Municipality has offered a "goodwill payment" to affected property owners and tenants. The payment is recognized as not covering the actual costs, but is a goodwill gesture. The current goodwill payment is as follows: x Business and Institutional Owners and Tenants $200.00 x Residential Owners and Tenants $75.00 5.2 The preliminary estimate of the number of properties affected by the street name changes, based on the recommended payment rate would be approximately $2,000, depending on the number of tenants. The costs of this payment would be recovered from the developer. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -081-17 6. Discussion Page 6 6.1 There was little opposition to the actual street name change itself but significant concerns were raised with respect to the traffic, impacts of development and the costs and inconvenience associated with the street name change. 6.2 A number of the concerns raised by residents are with respect to traffic volumes, turning movements and congestion at the certain intersections. These matters were considered at the time of the approval of the plan of subdivision and appropriate traffic studies were undertaken. In addition, the Environmental Assessment has examined the means of best means of conveying traffic into and out of the new residential neighbourhood which has led to the continuous curvilinear road design. The purpose of this report is strictly to deal with the road renaming. 6.3 With respect to the cost and time associated with the street name change, it should be noted that once approved and before the effective date, the Planning Services Department notifies numerous agencies and utilities, including Canada Post, of the street name and address changes. This will alleviate to some extent the inconvenience for residents. Nevertheless, it is acknowledged that there will be inconvenience and time required for residents and businesses to change their addresses. The changes can be made gradually (such as at the time of driver's licence renewal) and the Canada Post provides for a transition period. The street name and address changes are contemplated to occur around June of 2018, which also allows time for the transition and notification. 6.4 The property at 51 Port Darlington Road has no business name but uses the address as the building identifier for the tenants that operate out of this building. This is a unique situation. It is recommended that the reasonable costs of replacing this sign be covered by proponent of the Lakebreeze subdivision. (Figure 4) .... il "I 51. jr 14. oil Figure 4: Business premises showing signage Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -081-17 Page 7 6.5 The renaming proposed allows for Port Darlington Road to be retained along the old port's east edge and be extended across the waterfront to Bennett Road, joining the new residential community with the historic port are and reinforcing the neighbourhood's identity. The renaming of the north portion of Port Darlington Road to East Shore Drive provides for a continuous street name for the new curvilinear arterial road extending from the Lake Road to the waterfront. While it may take some time for residents to adjust to the renamed road, over the longer term it will be more readily understood and less confusing. 7. Conclusion 7.1 It is respectfully recommended that the proposed street name changes be approved and that staff be authorized to recover from the developer of the Port Darlington Lakebreeze Subdivision the goodwill payments as outlined in this report. 8. Strategic Plan Application Not applicable. Submitted by: David Crome, MCIP, RPP, Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: z4VA� Andrew C. Allison, B. Comm, LL.B CAO Staff Contact: Bob Russell, Planner II, 905-623-3379 ext. 2421 or brussell(@clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1- Renaming to East Shore Drive and Port Darlington Road By-law DC/B R/C P/tg Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -081-17 The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Heather Finlay, Durham Planning & Economic Development Sue Sartain, Durham Regional Police, c/o Durham Region I.T. Kevin & Lucia Taylor Gary & Sandra Madill Jake Teeninga, Classic Touch Cabinets Campeau Bus Lines Bantams Steel Tiller Steel Inc. Jo-anne McNevin Dave Durbin & Liola Limeback Tim & Esther Carlton Bill Sims Neeve Wilkie James Richard Hawken & Carole Maher-Hawken Bark Hawkins Kreps & Judith Kreps Hawkins I:\ADepartment\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEM\PLN Planning Files\PLN 25 Municipal Numbering and Street Names\PLN 25.1.55 Port Darlington Road to East Shores Drive or Alternative\Staff Reports\PSD-081-17 Recommendation Report.docx Attachment 1 Municipality of Clarington to Report PSD -081-17 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By -Law No. 2018 - being a By-law to amend municipal street names in the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it expedient to amend certain municipal street names in the Municipality of Clarington; Now therefore be it enacted as By-law for the Municipality of Clarington, as follows: 1. Change the name of the portion of Port Darlington Road to East Shore Drive, from Lake Road to the south boundary of the Hydro One Corridor, specifically, where the remaining portion of Port Darlington Road intersects with East Shore Drive; 2. Change the name of the portion of East Beach Road to Port Darlington Road, between the southern terminus of the current Port Darlington Road and the to - be -constructed portion of Port Darlington Road within draft plan of subdivision S -C-2013-0002; 3. The effective date of this by-law is June 1, 2018. BY-LAW passed in open session this 20th day of November 2017. Adrian Foster, Mayor Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Clarftwn Planning Services If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the $ FF H V V L E L am9Q5-&23x3379 &xtR2 R U G L Q D W R U Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: November 13, 2017 Report Number: PSD -082-17 Resolution Number: Report File Number: ZBA 2016-0023 By-law Number: Report Subject: An Application by South Bowmanville Limited to rezone the lands to facilitate the creation of two additional lots for the construction of single detached dwellings Recommendations: That Report PSD -082-17 be received; 2. That the application to amend the Zoning By-law submitted by South Bowmanville Ltd. be approved and that the Zoning By-law contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -082-17 be passed; 3. That the boulevard area shown in Attachment 2 to Report PSD -082-17 be declared surplus and be sold to South Bowmanville Limited for the sum of $2.00 and that such lands be consolidated with Lot 32, Lot 61 and Lot 62 as shown in Figure 6 for no additional fee; 4. That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; 5. That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -082-17 and Council's decision; and 6. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -082-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 Report Overview Page 2 It is recommended that the application to rezone the rear portion of the lot known as 46 Mill Lane, Bowmanville, to permit the creation of two residential building lots fronting onto Terry Crescent be approved. 1. Application Details 1.1. Owner: Michelle Pigeon and Jimmy Blondin 1.2. Applicant: Weston Consulting on behalf of South Bowmanville Ltd. 1.3. Proposal: To rezone the lands to facilitate the creation of two additional lots for the construction of single detached dwellings 1.4. Area: 968 square metres 1.5. Location: 46 Mill Lane, Bowmanville (see Figure 1) 1.6. Roll Number: 181702001015600 1.7. Within Built Boundary: Yes Figure 1: Subject lands and surrounding area Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 Page 3 2. Background 2.1 On September 11, 2017, a Public Meeting was held to consider the subject application. The applicant is seeking to rezone the rear portion of the property known as 46 Mill Lane in Bowmanville from Urban Residential Type One (R1) to Urban Residential Exception (R2-54) to accommodate the proposed severances shown in Figure 2. Lot 48 `mss Lot 49 Crosswinds Subdivision Overland Flow Channel�o Lot 50 Boundary <'� Lot 53 � Lot 51 54 Mill Lane Lot 54 Lot 52 c Lot 55 U 50 Mill Lane Lot 34 Lot 33 Lot 56 c� Severed Lot 61 Retained Lot 46 Mill Lane Severed Lot 62 42 Mill Lane Lot 30 Lot 31 Lot 32 40 Mill Lane N 38 Mill Lane zea 2017-0000 Figure 2: Proposed Lots 2.2 Concurrent applications were submitted to the Durham Land Division Committee in 2016. These applications were considered premature and were tabled at the January 16, 2017 meeting. Approval of the proposed Zoning By-law amendment would allow these applications to proceed. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 2.3 A number of studies were submitted and circulated for comments. x Planning Justification Report x Stage 1 Archeological Assessment x Environmental Site Assessment x Functional Servicing Report and Stormwater Management Report x Tree Preservation and Arborist Report 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Residential lot with registered plan of subdivision 40M-2599 South - Existing residential rear yard East - Existing single detached dwelling on proposed retained lot West - Terry Crescent and residential lands under development Page 4 3.2 The subject lands are located towards the north end of Mill Lane in Bowmanville, an older residential lane located west of West Scugog Lane. Lots on Mill Lane tend to be larger and wider than typical subdivision lots, as these are serviced with private sewage systems. Frontages on the north -south portion of Mill Lane range from approximately 15 metres to 47 metres and lot areas for the same portion range from approximately 705 mZ to 3,900 mZ. The proposed retained lot would have an area of approximately 1,035 mZ and frontage of 24.38 metres. 4. Provincial Policy 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement Municipalities shall encourage opportunities for intensification and redevelopment in urban areas where this can be accommodated taking into consideration the existing character of the neighbourhood and existing infrastructure and public service facilities. This application conforms with the Provincial Policy Statement. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The subject lands are located within the built-up area of Bowmanville. A significant portion of new growth is to be directed to the built-up areas through intensification where existing municipal water and wastewater services are or will be available. This application conforms with Growth Plan policies. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 5. Official Plans 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan Page 5 The Durham Region Official Plan designates the lands Living Areas. These lands shall be used predominantly for housing purposes and shall be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas. This application conforms to the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the lands Urban Residential. The predominant use of lands designated Urban Residential shall be for housing purposes. This application proposing to allow two additional single detached dwellings within the built up area conforms to the policies of the Clarington Official Plan. 6. Zoning By-law Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands Urban Residential Type One (R1). The R1 zone allows single detached dwellings based on 15 metres of frontage and 460 mZ lot area as well as semi-detached dwellings with 18 metres of frontage and 560 mZ of lot area. The retained parcel with the existing dwelling complies with the R1 zone provisions, however the proposed severed lots do not. The proposed R2-54 zone would allow for the two lots. 7. Summary of Background Studies 7.1 Planning Justification Report A Planning Justification Report was not required however one was submitted with the application. The Report concludes that the proposed rezoning would facilitate efficient and compatible infill development within a built-up area of Bowmanville and represents good planning. 7.2 Environmental Site Assessment Phase One and Two Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) reports were submitted in support of the rezoning application in June, 2017. Potentially contaminating activities were identified both on the site and immediately adjacent to the site including former orchards and an above ground heating oil storage tank. Three boreholes were drilled on the subject parcel and appropriate samples collected for analysis. Results of the analysis are within the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change standards range for residential property use. The Phase Two ESA report concludes that there is a low level of concern from an environmental perspective and that the property is suitable for the proposed residential use with no further testing required. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 7.3 Tree Preservation Plan Page 6 Several trees near the property lines of the subject property are listed for removal as part of the adjacent Crosswinds subdivision development. Tree number 53 (Black Walnut) on the Tree Preservation Plan, which is located near the southwest corner of the subject property is proposed to be removed due to grading and construction impacts. The plan has been revised to show the cedar hedge along the southern property line of 46 Mill Lane. The applicant's arborist has submitted a letter stating that it is not feasible to retain this hedge. 7.4 Archaeological Assessment The Archaeological Assessment of the subject property was conducted by the shovel test pit method at five metre intervals across the proposed severed portion of the lot where no structures existed. No archaeological finds were encountered during the course of the fieldwork conducted in August, 2016. The assessment report concludes that the proposed lots raise no concern of impacts to archaeological resources. 7.5 Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report Storm drainage from the new subdivision is directed to the storm sewer system under West Scugog Lane and outlets to the Jackman Stormwater Management Facility. Major storm events would result in overland flow directed to West Scugog Lane, ultimately discharging to the Bowmanville Creek at Longworth Avenue. Historically storm water has drained from north west to south east across the subject lands. The proposed lots would have split drainage due to grading constraints and not all stormwater would be captured on site. Capturing a portion of stormwater from the proposed lots and directing it to the sewer will improve the existing conditions. Sanitary sewer and water supply connections for the proposed lots will be via Terry Crescent to the west. As 46 Mill Lane currently has a septic system in the rear yard, the sanitary sewer is being extended south on Mill Lane allowing the existing dwelling to be connected so that the septic system can be removed. The dwelling is already connected to municipal water supply. 8. Public Submissions 8.1 Six residents spoke in opposition to the application at the Public Meeting. No one other than the consultant's applicant spoke in support. Concerns expressed by residents at the Public Meeting and subsequent Planning and Development Committee meeting include the following: x Drainage swales, particularly on lot 32 x Overland flow of storm water from development south onto Mill Lane properties x Possible impact of development on adjacent septic systems x High ground water table in the general area x Current disruption due to construction x Lot premiums charged for lot 32 and 56 in Crosswinds subdivision Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 Page 7 8.2 Additional concerns have been raised about the Crosswinds subdivision development such as tree preservation, lot grading and disposal of rocks. Clarington Engineering is aware of these concerns and they are being addressed through the inspection and complaint process. 9. Agency Comments 9.1 Regional Municipality of Durham The Region notes that the concurrent land division applications are premature until this rezoning has been approved. The Phase One and Two ESA reports submitted in support of the rezoning are generally acceptable though the final review will be conducted by the Region through the Land Division process when it resumes. The Region requires that a Regional Reliance Letter and Certificate of Insurance be submitted to accompany the ESA reports. The Region has reviewed the Archaeological Assessment submitted and requires that a copy be provided to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport for their review and clearance letter. If the clearance letter is not received prior to approval of the rezoning, the Region recommends that a Holding (H) provision be placed on the zoning until the letter is received. The Durham Works Department note that all servicing related matters will be addressed through the Land Division applications. 9.2 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority does not have any objection to the rezoning application to facilitate the creation of two additional lots. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority recommends that the lots be included in the engineering plans for the adjacent subdivision and that detailed grading should be submitted to ensure that the grading is coordinated with the subdivision. 10. Departmental Comments 10.1 Engineering Services The Engineering Services Department generally finds the most recent grading and servicing plan to be acceptable. Engineering requirements will be captured and secured for through the development agreement that would follow as a condition of approval of the Land Division process. 10.2 Emergency and Fire Services No objection to the proposed rezoning. 10.3 Building Division No objection to the proposed rezoning. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 Page 8 11. Discussion 11.1 Overland flow of storm water from the development lands south onto Mill Lane properties will be reduced below pre -construction levels by the grading work and the storm sewer system that is being installed in the Crosswinds subdivision. The subject lands will be graded and serviced to tie into the subdivision development alleviating an additional area where overland flow current drains south easterly. Possible impact of development on adjacent septic systems due to a high ground water table and overland flow is minimized by the implementation of the approved grading and servicing plans as shown on Figure 3. 1 I__ E Sh) R 40 iT PRE -DEVELOPMENT AREA BOUNDARY OF e'- SURFACE WATER° DRAINAGE TO MILL LANE a 5�A 43 44 45 u 46 y I 9 }1942.x r .. 47e!� .-. .� t41 + 488.4 � 14 I 13 12 r 11 10 A! r 3 r. 2- r� b rm sr }5 rn Fm rm I rm so r`o Fm sf F� ro FA R 52:''?F 1 I__ E Sh) R 40 iT PRE -DEVELOPMENT AREA BOUNDARY OF e'- SURFACE WATER° DRAINAGE TO MILL LANE a 5�A 5315 &OGRE•/r/• r 4 -nii - V t 5 \ , ,�0 1. Ilk a��3Tr�■,}, � , LU r� d144 V POST -DEVELOPMENT AREA OF SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE TO MILL LANE Figure 3: Pre and post development drainage areas 11.2 While a small portion of the area that has always flowed in a south easterly direction towards lots on Mill Lane will continue to do so, the majority of the land and water will be directed by the storm sewer system to the Bowmanville Creek. Staff from Planning Services and Engineering Services recently met with Robert Tompkins and Dawn Wheeler to discuss grading and drainage in light of what has previously been approved in 43 44 45 u 46 y I 9 }1942.x r .. 47e!� .-. .� t41 + 488.4 � 1 X40 + 40 �e�39 y+ 1 r'q 50g �+ • E �S37 R. R 52:''?F 5315 &OGRE•/r/• r 4 -nii - V t 5 \ , ,�0 1. Ilk a��3Tr�■,}, � , LU r� d144 V POST -DEVELOPMENT AREA OF SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE TO MILL LANE Figure 3: Pre and post development drainage areas 11.2 While a small portion of the area that has always flowed in a south easterly direction towards lots on Mill Lane will continue to do so, the majority of the land and water will be directed by the storm sewer system to the Bowmanville Creek. Staff from Planning Services and Engineering Services recently met with Robert Tompkins and Dawn Wheeler to discuss grading and drainage in light of what has previously been approved in Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 Page 9 the Crosswinds subdivision and what is recommended for approval through this application and the subsequent Land Division application. All plans and supporting documents were available for their review at that meeting. 11.3 The tree preservation plan identified a Walnut tree at the rear of 46 Mill Lane. It has been revised to show the hedge along the property line between 42 and 46 Mill Lane. The tree and hedge are identified on Figure 4.The applicant's arborist has also provided further comments in support of removing the Black Walnut tree located near the southwest corner of the 46 Mill Lane property. Based on the proposed grading and previous pruning of the Black Walnut tree, the arborist recommends removal of the tree and the hedge. Staff have received correspondence from Robert Tompkins of 42 Mill Lane stating his agreement that this tree and the hedge should be removed by the developer at their expense. While Staff support retaining trees and hedges where possible, it does not appear to be feasible to do so in this case. ri kms. ■ `. •fir Mill Ln Figure 4: Black Walnut Tree and Cedar Hedge 11.4 In addition to the issues raised about grading, drainage and trees, Committee members expressed significant concern about the potential that some purchasers in the Crosswinds subdivision had been provided information that led them to pay inappropriate lot premiums. Following the Public Meeting of September 11, 2017, the Committee passed a resolution requiring "that the owners attend the next Planning and Development Committee meeting of October 2, 2017 to address questions raised". The owner provided a letter to Committee members prior to the meeting of October 2 to address the lot premiums that were paid by purchasers in the Crosswinds subdivision and Eddy Chan, Director of Land Development, Delpark Homes and Darren Marks, GHD Limited appeared at the meeting to answer questions. Having reviewed the information provided regarding lot premiums, it would appear that the amounts were commensurate to what Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 Page 10 the purchasers will receive in terms of additional lot depth and, in the case of Lot 32, backing onto open space. 11.5 Committee members also expressed concern about the odd configuration of lots along the south and east sides of Terry Crescent where it makes the corner at lots 32 and 62. This current configuration produces an area in the boulevard that is adjacent to the front yards of both lot 32 and 62, shown as the green rectangle in Figure 5. It is not immediately clear whose responsibility this boulevard is to maintain since it is in front of two lots. Staff have not been able to locate a comparable situation. = DI) Lot 56 Lot 61 Lot 62 Lot 31 Lot 32 o N a ZBA 2016-0023 Figure 5: Existing Boulevard Area 11.6 Typically, lots around a corner such as this would be pie shaped with a narrow frontage and widening towards the rear of the lot. With pie shaped lots there is still overlook of neighbouring driveways, particularly in the road allowance. However, the side lot lines of each lot are deemed to extend to the curb in order to determine responsibility for maintenance in front of an owner's property. In this case, the Crosswinds subdivision was approved at a time when no additional lands were available outside of the limits of the subdivision, hence the square in the boulevard. More recently, the rear of 46 Mill Lane has been made available for development. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 Page 11 11.7 Planning and Engineering staff have reviewed various solutions to help mitigate any confusion regarding boulevard maintenance and the appearance of the driveway from one lot to be in front of another lot. Staff are recommending that the solution illustrated in Figure 6 be implemented by declaring a portion of the boulevard as surplus land and that this surplus land be added to lots 32, 61 and 62 as shown. The red dashed lines in Figure 6 represent the current front property lines of lot 32 (approved), 61 and 62 (proposed). It is recommended that the property line be revised as illustrated by the solid red line, which follows the curvature of the road. Lot 56 Lot 61 I I I Lot 62 I I Lot 31 Lot 32 N 0 o ZBA 2016-0023 Figure 6: Proposed Boulevard Solution 11.8 The solid red line with a west northwest direction between lots 32 and 62 (Figure 6) becomes a side lot line. Staff have notified the applicant and the purchaser of lot 32 to advise them of the recommended boulevard solution. No objection by either party has been stated. As a condition of Land Division, Staff will recommend planting 2 or 3 trees along the proposed side lot line between lot 32 and 62 to screen the driveways of lot 32 and 62 from the front windows of each other's homes. A street tree may also be planted in the boulevard along the extension of that side lot line. Details such as this will be handled through the Land Division process. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -082-17 12. Conclusion Page 12 In consideration of all agency, staff and public comments, it is respectfully recommended that the applications to rezone the lands to facilitate the creation of two additional lots for the construction of single detached dwellings be approved. 13. Strategic Plan Application Not applicable. Submitted by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: Andrew C. Allison, B.Comm, LL.B Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Mitch Morawetz, Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2411 or mmorawetz(a-)-cl ari ngton. net Attachments: Attachment 1 — By4 and Key Map Attachment 2 — Ma S showing lands to be declared surplus The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Robert Tompkins Dawn Wheeler Scott Parsons Theresa Vanderwerf Walter Curr Paul Jefferson Jimmy Blondin M M/C P/tg I:NDepartment\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEMWpplication Files�ZBA-Zoning�2016�ZBA2016-0023 46 Mill Lane\Staff ReportTSD-082-17.docx Attachment 1 to Report PSD -082-17 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law Number 2017 - being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2016-0023; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule `3' to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone" to "Holding Urban Residential Exception (H)(R2-54) Zone"; and "Urban Residential Exception (R2-55) Zone" to "Holding Urban Residential Exception (H)(R2-54) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule `A' hereto. 3. Schedule `A' attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 and 36 of the Planning Act. By -Law passed in open session this day of 12017 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk J:\REPORTS TO CLERKS\Electronic Reports\2 - Signed by CAO\P & D November 13, 2017\PSD-082-17\PSD-082-17 Attachment 1.docx This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2017- , passed this day of , 2017 A.D. I I I I + I I I y I J I I ----------- I I I I I ----------- I I I I I I ----------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - i— j I I I 0) I V• I I ,\ I r � }' Z m Zoning Change From 'R2-55' To '(H)R2-54' Zoning Change From 'R1' To '(H)R2-54' /V Zoning To Remain 'R1' Bowmanville • ZBA 2016-0023 • Schedule 3 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Attachment 2 to Report PSD -082-17 Map showing Lands to be Declared Surplus Clarington Planning Services Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: November 13, 2017 Report Number: PSD -083-17 Resolution: File Number: PLN 34.11.12 By-law Number: Report Subject: Proposed Alteration to a Designated Heritage Property (The Walbridge House), 483 King Avenue East, Newcastle Recommendations: 1. That Report PSD -083-17 be received; 2. That permission be granted to construct a sunroom addition to the rear of the Walbridge House identified as 483 King Avenue East, Newcastle, in accordance with Section 33(4) of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18; and 3. That the Ontario Heritage Trust, the Clarington Heritage Committee, the property owner, and all interested parties listed in Report PSD -083-17 be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -083-17 Report Overview Page 2 The owner of the designated heritage property known as the Walbridge House, located at 483 King Avenue East, Newcastle has applied for a building permit to construct an unheated sunroom addition at the rear of the home enclosing a portion of an existing deck. The Ontario Heritage Act requires the owner of a designated property obtain approval for alterations which have the potential to affect the reasons for designation. 1. Background 1.1 The Walbridge House was built in the early 1800's, it is verified as being in place by 1825 to 1826. It was built by Asa E. Walbridge, a prominent member of the Newcastle Community and one of the founding Directors of the Bond Head Harbour Company. The house is a one and a half storey, five panel front, Georgian style home which exhibits a profile and arrangement of exterior features favoured in the earlier decades of the 19th century. 1.2 There are only 92 known buildings in all of Ontario that are of this vintage. The Walbridge House may be the second oldest house within the historic boundaries of the former Durham County and may be the oldest building in Clarington on its original foundation. Council designated 483 King Avenue East under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act on May 14, 2007. 1.3 On May 30, 2012, Brian and Audrey Jose, descendants of the Walbridge family, purchased the designated home from the developer with the intent of restoring the home for use as a residence. In June 2013, Council approved the owner's application to undertake works relating to the refurbishment of the entire home. The owners have consulted with the Clarington Heritage Committee on the materials and exterior architectural finishes during the refurbishment process. 1.4 On September 27, 2017 the owner applied for a building permit for the sunroom addition. This proposal was not included as part of the refurbishment works approved by Council in June 2013. The drawings for the sunroom proposal were reviewed by the Clarington Heritage Committee at its meeting held on October 17, 2017. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -083-17 Page 3 V r J N CD • �i CHALLENGER CT 3 61� 3- co Subject Property C" N KING AVENUE -EAST c Ln - a h Ln ety 'I% 40 AtQ WILLIAM JOSE COURT � ���_�ac.:- R moi•;-: mow, 1 2 Co W 1 � ..- 82, t3 Co 9 1 — 2 PLN 34,11.12 '� 31 � ■ a Figure 1: Site Map 2. Proposal 2.1 Owner and Applicant: Brian Jose. 2.2 Location: 483 King Avenue East, Newcastle 2.3 Alteration: Adding a single -storey, unheated sunroom to the rear of the existing home by enclosing a portion of an existing deck that currently abuts the rear of the home. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -083-17 f Figure 2: Walbridge House located at 483 King Avenue East, Newcastle 2.4 The owner has submitted plans with the building permit application that shows the proposed sunroom addition (see Attachment 1). 3. The Ontario Heritage Act Page 4 3.1 The Ontario Heritage Act empowers a Municipality to pass a by-law designating a property to be of cultural heritage value or interest. The following features are referenced in the documentation specific to the character of 483 King Avenue East: • The clapboard siding; • The original six over six, four over four, and three over one windows; • The original stone foundation; • The hand hewn logs upon which the ground floor rests; • The six over six sidelights, transom, 39" wide entrance door, and entablature; • The servant's staircase; and • Window casings, interior doors and woodwork, wood flooring, and pole rafters. 3.2 The Ontario Heritage Act stipulates that the owner of a property designated under Part IV cannot alter the property where such alteration is likely to affect the reasons for designation without the written consent of Council. Council is required to consider any application for alteration of a designated heritage property in consultation with its heritage committee. 14 f Figure 2: Walbridge House located at 483 King Avenue East, Newcastle 2.4 The owner has submitted plans with the building permit application that shows the proposed sunroom addition (see Attachment 1). 3. The Ontario Heritage Act Page 4 3.1 The Ontario Heritage Act empowers a Municipality to pass a by-law designating a property to be of cultural heritage value or interest. The following features are referenced in the documentation specific to the character of 483 King Avenue East: • The clapboard siding; • The original six over six, four over four, and three over one windows; • The original stone foundation; • The hand hewn logs upon which the ground floor rests; • The six over six sidelights, transom, 39" wide entrance door, and entablature; • The servant's staircase; and • Window casings, interior doors and woodwork, wood flooring, and pole rafters. 3.2 The Ontario Heritage Act stipulates that the owner of a property designated under Part IV cannot alter the property where such alteration is likely to affect the reasons for designation without the written consent of Council. Council is required to consider any application for alteration of a designated heritage property in consultation with its heritage committee. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -083-17 Page 5 3.3 The Clarington Heritage Committee reviewed the request for alterations to the designated heritage property at their October 17, 2017 meeting. The Committee passed Resolution #2017-40 stating that the Clarington Heritage Committee has no objections to the construction of the proposed sunroom. 4. Staff Comments 4.1 Staff have reviewed the proposal to assess its potential impact on the protected heritage features of the home as listed above. The sunroom will abut the rear wall of the home and will not involve significant alteration to the rear wall of the dwelling. A portion of the exterior clapboard siding will need to be removed in the area where the sunroom roof attaches to the wall however the majority of the siding will remain and be enclosed within the sunroom. 4.2 The proposed sunroom's scale and design is not expected to detract from the overall heritage character of the home. The sunroom will be located at the rear of the home thus the home's street appearance will not change. The majority of the sunroom's exterior surface will be windows or mesh screening and enable a degree of visibility to the home's rear wall siding. There will be portions of horizontal siding at the top and bottom of the screening. Although this siding will not be the same clapboard material as the house, it will be consistent in form and the panels on the sidelights of the front door. 5. Concurrence Not applicable. 6. Conclusion 6.1 Staff support the request for alteration and recommend Council approval. 7. Strategic Plan Application The recommendations contained in this report conform to the Strategic Plan. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -083-17 Submitted by: David Crome, MCIP, RPP, Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: Andrew C CAO Page 6 Allison, B. Comm, LL.B Staff Contact: David Addington, Planner II, Special Projects, 905-623-3379 ext.2419 or daddington@clarington.net Attachment: Attachment 1: Drawing of Sunroom Addition DJC/DA/tg Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision. Brian and Audrey Jose Clarington Heritage Committee c/o Dave Addington Ontario Heritage Trust I:\ADepartment\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEM\PLN Planning Files\PLN 34 Heritage (All Files)\PLN 34.11.12 483 King Ave E Walbridge House Pt\Staff Reports\PSD-083-17.Docx Municipality of Clarington Attachment 1 to Report PSD -083-17 . 1= 1 1 INS MINE ws" _ F LU Q Lill MO , � r� r . 1= 1 1 INS MINE ws" _ F LU Q Lill MO Clarington Planning Services Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: November 13, 2017 Report Number: PSD -084-17 Resolution: File Number: PLN 7.9 By-law Number: Report Subject: Request to Name a Street after Joe Roka Recommendations: 1. That Report PSD -084-17 be received; 2. That the request to name a street after the late Mr. Joe Roka be denied; and 3. That Donna Roka be informed of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Staff Report PSD -084-017. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -084-17 Report Overview Page 2 In response to a request from Donna Roka to name a street in Courtice after the late Mr. Joe Roka, it is recommended that the street name request be denied since it does not meet municipal policy regarding memorial tributes. 1. Background On October 23, 2017 Mrs. Donna Roka submitted a letter requesting that a street be named after her father-in-law, the late Mr. Joe Roka for one of the future subdivisions in the Bloor Street/Trulls Road area. She submitted D letter outlining Mkc-R life and her desire to thank her father-in-law with a road named in his honour (Attachment 1). 2. Discussion There are two policies regarding commemorative street names: a) War Dead and War Veteran Names for Streets; and b) Memorial Tributes Policy (Attachment 2). For members of the community -at -large, the Memorial Tributes policy provides for recognition on an ad-hoc basis by Council "based on the length and degree of service to the community". Mrs. Roka's letter outlines the late Mr. Roka's journey to Canada from Hungary, purchase of land in Courtice in 1930, raising a thriving family of five children and providing a better life for his children and grandchildren. The letter notes he lived a simple yet joyous life before his death in the early 1970s. Mrs. Roka's description is that of a wonderful and humble family man with a similar life to many immigrants to this country. Council's policy is based on the length and degree of service to the community. It is a tribute reserved for a very limited number of people. Staff have not been able to identify service to the community that would meet this description. 3. Conclusion Council's policy is not to recognize through street naming the length of ownership of a property or the kind character of a person like the late Mr. Roka. It is a limited honour to someone who has served the community in a sustained and substantive manner. It is respectfully recommended that Donna Roka's request to name a street after the late Mr. Joe Roka be denied. Municipality of Clarington Resort PSD -084-17 4. Strategic Plan Application Not applicable. by: Submitted David Crome, MCIP, RPP, Director of Planning Services Paae 3 Reviewed by: Andrew C. Allison, B. Comm, LL.B CAO Staff Contact: David Crome, Director of Planning Services, 905-623-3379 ext. 2402 or dcrome@clarington.net List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision is on file in the Planning Services Department. Attachments: Attachment 1: Letter and pictures from Ms. Roka Attachment 2: Memorial Tributes Policy DJC/tg I:\^Department\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEM\PLN Planning Files\PLN 7 Department Responsibilities\PLN 7.9 Street Name General\Joe Roka\PSD-084-17 Staff Report.docx Municipality of Clarington Clarington planning bepartmenL Re: Joe Roka Boulevard Dear neighbours: Attachment 1 to Report PSD -084-17 Donna Roka 2236 Trufls Road Courtice, ON LIE 2192 (905) +434-6665 (705} 277-3331 October 23, 2017 It is with great pride that I respectfully ask that a road be named in tray father-in-law's name, Mr. Joseph Roka, far one of the new roadways being treated In Courtice, ❑ntario off of Trukls Road/Bloor Street area. As a very young man, Mr. Rocca dreamed of coming to Canada for a better life. Leaving his beloved Mother, Father and siblings behind in Hungary in the early 1900s, he made the difficult trek across the Atlantic Ocean through Ellis Island. To this day, his humble name — Joe Roka — is proudly on display amongst the other 12 million immigrants that came through this gateway between 1892-1954 dreaming of a better life. Mr. Roka carne to Courtice in the early 1930s and purchased land on Blaor Street just West of Trulls Road. He came to be known as a mars of honour and his legacy, along with his bride Anna Roka (nee christl) bears witness to a thriving family: five children - Hilda, Irma, Helen, Rudy (my beloved spouse deceased 1983) and Willie and follows down now five generations. He lived over fifty years in Courtice passing away in tate early 1970s having fulfilled his dream of living a simple yet joyous life in Canada and providing a better life for his children, grandchildren and beyond. In tale late 1950s, Mr. Roka gave Rudy and myself property — 2236 Trul is Road — it was the North end of the apple orchard off the Roka farm and It is now shared with my daughter, son- in-law and their growing family. It Is my intention to thank my father-in-law, Mr. Roka, for giving us this wonderland land in Courtice by having a road named in his honour. It has been close to 100 years since Mr. Roka travelled to our beloved Courtice and I ask that you please grant me this wish to honour him with a road in his honour. on the next page, you will see a wedding picture of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rocca circa: 1930 alongside a picture of their gDlden years and a picture of his wife Anna and five adult children. Thank, you for allowing me this opportunity, Respectively, Donna Roka Municipality of Clarington POLICY REGARDING MEMORIAL TRIBUTES (Report Admin -16-98) A) MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: Attachment 2 to Report PSD -084-17 Mayors: recognize past or present Mayors by the naming of a facility. Councillors Deceased During Term of Office/or Deceased in First Term After Leaving Office: may be recognized upon request, by the naming of a street or a park within the Municipality. B) MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE Members of the Community At Large: recognition on an ad-hoc basis by Council, as requests are received, by the naming of any park, street or facility, based on the length and degree of service to the community. C) NATIONAL TRIBUTES/RECOGNITION OF ROYALTY Nationally recognized individuals, such as Terry Fox, and recognition of Royalty through visits to municipally hosted events, may be recognized by the naming of a street, park, or facility. STREET NAMES: The suggestion of any street names will be processed in conjunction with the Planning Department's registry and street naming process. FUNDS: Funds required to implement recognition memorial tributes will be budgeted in any given year that the tribute is anticipated, and otherwise may be drawn from the Unclassified Administration Receptions and Tributes account. INITIATION: Requests will be considered by Council on an as requested basis. Interested parties are to be notified of Council's decision Unfinished Business Item 13.1 Excerpt of the Planning and Development Committee Minutes of October 23, 2017 12.5 PSD -080-17 Designation of 2020 Lambs Road, Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 Resolution #PD -195-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report PSD -080-17 be received; That Council state its intention to designate the property including six buildings at 2020 Lambs Road under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, in accordance with the statement of significance (Attachment 1); That the Clerk prepare the required Notice of Intention to Designate pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act; That, depending on the response to the Notice of Intention to Designate, the Clerk either prepare the necessary by-law or report back to Council on objections received and refer the designation to the Conservation Review Board; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -080-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Motion Tabled (See following motion) Resolution #PD -196-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the foregoing Resolution #PD -195-16, be tabled to the November 13, 2017, Planning and Development Committee meeting. Carried Clat1ngton Memo Planning Services Department If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: David Crome, Director of Planning Services Date: November 10, 2017 Subject: Designation of 2020 Lambs Road, former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 File: PLN At its meeting on October 23, 2017, the Planning & Development Committee tabled Report PSD -080-17 to allow staff and the property owner to refine Schedule "B" of the proposed designation by-law. Schedule "B" sets out the boundaries of the lands to be designated. The property owner wanted the heritage designation boundary to more closely mimic the boundaries as set out in the legal agreement. The boundary in Schedule "B" was suggested by DTAH (our consultant) based on the work outlined in Special Policy Area F (Section 16.7 of the Official Plan) and their terms of reference. They felt the designation boundary should be as similar as possible to the National Designation boundary. As a compromise staff have suggested that the heritage designation could be pulled back to the ring road area and include the Triple Dorm (Building 2) as per the attached revised Schedule "B". This compromise addresses the major landscape heritage feature being the ring road and includes all of the buildings in their context. Any future developments will have to adhere to the architectural guidelines being prepared by DTAH and address their relationship to the heritage designation. David I Crome Director of Planning Services Attachments: Schedule B I:\ADepartment\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEM\PLN Planning Files\PLN 34 Heritage (All Files)\PLN 2020 Lambs Rd (training school)\Staff Report\MEMO_MMC_Re Designation_Nov'10'17.docx The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville ON L1 C 3A6 1905-623-3379 Attachment — Schedule B Schedule B 1 Destroyed by fire 12009) �j Area of Designation 1 Q 1 cn 2 _ + 1 J 4 Flood Plain 36.42 Acres t I � T7� I 1 1 I I I I 1 I N CONCESSION STREET EAST Clarington Planning Services Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: November 13, 2017 Report Number: PSD -085-17 File Number: LD050-52/2017, LD143-146/2017 Report Subject: Delegation by Mr. Stan Przysienzny Recommendations: Resolution Number: By-law Number: 1. That Report PSD -085-17 be received for information; and 2. That Mr. Przysienzny be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -085-17 Report Overview Page 2 This report has been written at the direction of the General Government Committee to respond to the delegation by Mr. Przysienzny with respect to various concerns on Lambs Lane in Bowmanville. 1. Background 1.1 At the November 6, 2017 meeting of the General Government Committee, Mr. Przysienzny of 65 Lambs Lane, Bowmanville appeared as delegation. 1.2 Mr. Przysienzny identified the following concerns: x The narrow width on Lambs Lane and current parking issues; x The number of severances created on the east and west side of Lambs Lane; x The creation of a semi-detached lot on Lambs Lane; x The increased amount of on -street parking as a result of the new homes being constructed; x Safety concerns regarding the interface with pedestrians and traffic as there are no sidewalks on Lambs Lane; x Insufficient information on the Public Notice from the Land Division Committee; and x Snow ploughing on private property. In response, Committee passed the following resolution: "That the delegation of Mr. Przysienzny regarding development on Lambs Lane be referred to the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of Monday November 13, 2017 and; That staff be directed to provide a Report/Memo before the meeting, for all concerns." 1.3 In order to address Mr. Przysiezny's concerns this report provides the history of the Lambs Lane reconstruction, the various applications to the Land Division Committee for land severance. (see Figure 1) The report also discusses on -street parking and public safety on Lambs Lane. Lastly the report comments on the notice requirements of the Land Division Committee and issues of snow ploughing on private property. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -085-17 Page 3 Figure 1- Existing and New Lots on Lambs Lane 2. Lambs Lane Reconstruction 2.1 In April 2016, Engineering Services held a Public Information Centre for the reconstruction of Lambs Lane. The final design was completed in May 2016. The tender was awarded in June 2016 and construction commenced in August 2016. The construction took place in two phases, lower Lambs Lane proceeded first, south from Odell Street to Second Street and the second portion from Second Street to Fourth Street is now near completion. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -085-17 Page 4 2.2 Lambs Lane has a narrow right-of-way width which varies between 7 metres and 10 metres. The road width north of Third Street is 7 metres wide. Through the engineering design process, it was determined that in order to achieve the standard right-of-way width of 18 metres, widenings in the order of 5.5 metres would be required on both sides of the street. 2.3 The acquisition of all the lands required to achieve a wider road width would be difficult, having a significant impact on front yards of existing homes and at substantial cost to the Municipality. As such, the final design of Lambs Lane resulted in the pavement width of 4.2 metres for the entire length of the road, with no sidewalks. Storm sewers were also installed north of Third Street. The extension of a storm sewer created opportunity for infilling on existing large lots. 3. Severances 3.1 Bouma 1 On March 13, 2017, Mr. Richard Bouma applied to the Land Division Committee to sever a lot for one single detached dwelling on the west side, north of 70 Lambs Lane. The creation of the new lot requires the partial demolition of an attached garage on the north side of the existing dwelling. The applications were heard by the Land Division Committee on April 24, 2017 3.2 Bouma 2 There was an existing vacant lot on the east side of Lambs Lane, north of Mr. Przysienzny's property. Following reconstruction of Lambs Lane and extension of storm sewer this lot was eligible for a building permit for single detached or semi-detached dwelling in compliance with the Zoning By-law provisions. Mr. Richard Bouma applied to severe the existing vacant lot to allow for a single detached dwelling lot, and one semi- detached lot. These applications were also heard by the Land Division Committee on April 24, 2017. A further application will be required to split the semi-detached lot once the footing and foundation are in place and surveyed. 3.3 Holland Homes On July 31, 2017, Holland Homes submitted four applications to create three new lots. The two existing single detached dwellings would be demolished and replaced. A total of five new single detached dwellings will be constructed by Holland Homes on the west side of Lambs Lane. The applications were heard by the Land Division Committee on September 11, 2017. 3.4 To summarize, the total number of new lots that will be created through both sets of consent applications, is six, after the semi-detached is divided. Two dwellings will be demolished so there will be a total of nine new dwellings. The vacant lot north of Mr. Przysienzny will be built on with both a single and a semi-detached dwelling which will have two units. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -085-17 Page 5 3.5 Staff supported the applications, since each lot complied with the minimum 15 metres of frontage and lot area requirements specified in the "Urban Residential (R1) Zone" for single detached dwellings and 18 metres of frontage for semi-detached lots, subject to various conditions. The Engineering Services Department, in their comments on the consent applications, did not require road widenings since the road design was approved and tendered with 7 metres right-of—way. Staff comments are attached to this report as Attachment 1 and Attachment 2. 3.6 All Land Division applications were approved by the Land Division Committee. The applicants, Bouma and Holland are in the midst of fulfilling conditions of land division applications. 4. Discussion 4.1 On October 5, 2017, staff from the Planning Services Department and the Engineering Services Department met with Mr. Przysienzny to discuss the land severance applications and to hear his concerns regarding increased traffic, vehicle speed, and parking issues, as well as the snow ploughing and storage by the apartment building lands to the south and damage to his fence. 4.2 Lambs Lane 4.2.1 The Public Information Centre for the reconstruction of Lambs Lane did not show the applications for severance, since the meeting was held in April of 2016, almost a full year before the first application for land severance was received in March 2017. 4.2.2 The road width did not change with reconstruction of the Lambs Lane. A consistent road width is safer and easier to maintain. Furthermore, a narrow road width reduces speed and volume of traffic, although this segment of Lambs Lane is not a through road so volume is less problematic. Given the lack of width along Lambs Lane, a sidewalk was not feasible. 4.2.3 Additional signage will be installed to prohibit parking on either side of the road and to advise drivers that Lambs Lane is not a through street. See Attachment 3. 4.3 Land Severances 4.3.1 The land severance applications were supported by staff as they were permitted it the R1 Zone and each lot complied with the lot frontage requirements and exceeded the lot area requirements. The lots are deeper than conventional 30-32 metre deep lots, ranging between 38 and 40 metres. Greater lot depths allows for the house to be pushed further back from the road allowance and provide more area for outdoor parking on the lot. Staff contacted Mr. Bouma and he has agreed to provide two parking spaces within the garage and 4 outdoor parking spaces for both the semi-detached dwellings and the single detached dwelling. The zoning by-law requires two outdoor spaces. This should eliminate on street parking problems generated by these new dwellings. Holland Homes has not finalized Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -085-17 Page 6 house models on these lots and is undecided on whether to push the homes back to allow for 2 additional parking spaces. 4.3.2 As noted in Section 3.6 of this report, all consent applications have been approved without appeal and the applicants are in the midst of fulfilling the conditions. 4.4 Notice of Land Division Committee The Land Division Committee falls under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham. As required by the Planning Act, notice of the meeting is sent to land owners within 60 metres of the subject property and signs were posted on the property. The notice contains typical information including the applicant, date, time and location of the meeting, the proposal including a conceptual map showing the proposed severances, and contact information. Mr. Przysienzny received notice for both sets of applications and attended both Committee meetings to voice his concerns. Furthermore, Mr. Przysienzny would have received notice of the Land Division Committee decision and had opportunity to appeal the decision. 4.5 Snow Ploughing on Private Property Mr. Przysienzny is concerned with snow ploughing and storage at the apartment building abutting to the south of his property. In the past the snow plough operator has piled snow on the wooden fence between Mr. Przysienzny's property and apartment building. The owner of the apartment building has been responsive to Mr. Przysienzny's concerns and ploughed the snow to the west side of Lamb's Lane. Mr. Przysienzny is now concerned that with new homes planned for the west side of Lambs Lane, the snow plough operator will revert back to piling snow against his fence. The Operations Department has confirmed they have not had complaints or issues with snow storage on Lambs Lane in the past. The apartment building was constructed in the early 1960's, predating the site plan control by-law. Today, areas for snow storage and suitable enclosures for garbage are required to be identified as part of site plan approval, in addition to adequate parking and amenity space. The Municipality does not have a by-law regarding snow storage between private properties. This issue is a civil matter between private property owners and should remain as such. 5. Conclusion 5.1 Staff have received numerous inquiries on the potential for land severance on this section of Lambs Lane for many years. The reconstruction of Lambs Lane and more specifically the installation of storm sewers has made this area desirable for infill development. . No parking is permitted on either side of road. The narrowness of the road and the fact Lambs Lane is not a through road, should result in slower speeds and volumes. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -085-17 Submitted by David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Page 7 Reviewed by: Andrew C. Allison, B.Comm, LL.B Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Cynthia Strike, Principal Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2410 or cstrike clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 — Staff comments on LD 50-52/2017 Attachment 2 — Staff's comments on LD 143-146/2017 Attachment 3 — Proposed traffic signs Attachment 4 — Notice from Land Division Committee The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Mr. Stan Przysiezny CS/CP/tg Clarington Attachment 1 to Report PSD -085-17 REVISED Comments to Land Division Committee Meeting for April 24, 2017 Application No.: LD 050/2017 to 052/2017 AAP licant: R. Bouma Construction Inc. Location: Lambs Lane and Elgin Street, Bowmanville Proposed Use: Lot Creation Description of Application Regarding LD 05012017, 70 Lambs Lane, the applicant proposes to sever a vacant 562 square metre parcel to create a new urban residential lot, retaining a 1,186 square metre parcel with an existing dwelling. Regarding LD 05112017, the applicant proposes to sever a vacant 866 square metre parcel to create a new urban residential lot, fronting on Elgin Street retaining a 1,353 square metre vacant parcel of land fronting on Lambs Lane. Regarding LD 05212017, the applicant proposes to sever the retained lands from LD051/2017 creating a vacant 696 square metre parcel new urban residential lot, retaining a 657 square metre vacant parcel of land. Provincial Policy Provincial Policy Statement The proposed realignment and subsequent lot creation represent intensification within a settlement area, as it will utilize existing services. This is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. Growth Plan The proposed realignment and subsequent lot creation represent intensification within a settlement area and within the built boundary. The proposal conforms to the Growth Plan. Conformity with Official Plan Provisions The subject lands are designated Urban Residential — Low Density. The proposed creation of four low density residential lots conforms to the Clarington Official Plan. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 905-623-3379 www.clarington.net LD 050/2017 to 052/2017 Paae 2 Conformity with Zoning By -Law Provisions LD 050/2017 The subject property are zoned "Urban Residential (R1)". A single family detached dwelling is permitted, on a lot with 15 metres of frontage and 460 square metres for lot area. The proposed lot has sufficient lot area but fall short of the minimum frontage requirements by 0.84 metres. A minor variance will be required. LD 051/2017 The subject property are zoned "Urban Residential (R1)". A semi-detached dwelling is permitted, on a lot with 18 metres of frontage and 550 square metres lot area. The proposed severed lot frontage and area exceeds the minimum requirements. LD 052/2017 The subject property are zoned "Urban Residential (R1)". A semi-detached dwelling is permitted, on a lot with 18 metres of frontage and 550 square metres for lot area. The severed parcel conforms with the zoning by-law. The proposed retained parcel has sufficient lot frontage and area for a single family detached dwelling. Comments The proposed infilling is consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood. There is variation among the lot sizes in the immediate neighbourhood. The proposed lots will have frontages and sizes within the range of existing property frontage widths and sizes. The subject proposal effectively advances the intensification objectives of Provincial policy and the Official Plan and is consistent with the character of the neighbourhood. Recommendations Should the Committee deem it appropriate to approve the application, staff would have no objection, however, would request that, as conditions of approval the applicant be required to: 1. Provide a draft reference plan for review prior to registration and two (2) copies of the reference plan once registered; 2. Pay in full all taxes to the Municipality of Clarington prior to Clarington forwarding the Clearance Letter to the Durham Regional Land Division Committee; 3. For applications LD 050/2017 and LD 051/2017, provide a cash payment to the Municipality of Clarington in lieu of parkland dedication. This payment is equivalent to 5% of the value of the severed parcel. In order to determine the value of the land, the applicant will be responsible to have a land appraisal prepared by certified appraiser, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. Alternatively a current purchase and sale agreement will be used to base the land value; 4. Regarding LD 050/2017, the applicant must demolish a portion of the existing attached garage located on the north side of the dwelling (retained lands) and must LD 050/2017 to 052/2017 Page 3 confirm that the interior side yard setback is a minimum of 1.2 metres from the severed lands prior to clearance of the Land Division application. 5. Regarding LD 050/2017, the applicant will be required to make an application for a Minor Variance to reduce the minimum required lot frontage from 15 metres to 14.35 metres. The Committee's decision shall be final and binding prior to clearance of the Land Division application. 6. The applicant must enter into a consent agreement with the Municipality which includes all requirements of the Engineering Services Department regarding the engineering and construction of all internal and external works and services related to these applications. 7. Every effort must be made to minimize the importing and exporting of material. Should Site Alteration Works be necessary, in advance of the approval of the future consent, a permit is required from the Municipality under Site Alteration By-law 2008- 114, as amended, and from the conservation authority for a regulated area under their jurisdiction. Should Site Alteration Works be necessary, as part of the development process, a Soils Management Report is required prepared by a Professional Engineer and submitted to the Director of Engineering Services for approval. The approval of a permit under the Site Alteration Bylaw or Soils Management Report will require providing information respecting any proposed import or export of fill to or from any portion of the Lands, intended haulage routes, the time and duration of any proposed haulage, the source of any soil to be imported, quality assurance measures for any fill to be imported, and any proposed stockpiling on the subject lands. 8. The following notes must be provided on all site plan drawings: "Respecting all work in the municipal right of way, the contractor is to provide at least 48 hours prior notice to the Clarington Engineering Services Department staff at 905-623-3379." "A Road Occupancy Permit will be required for any work done in the municipal road allowance. Excavation of the road surface is not permitted between December 1 st and April 30th." "All restoration or work done in the road allowance must be completed as per municipal field staff direction." The performance guarantee will not be refunded by the Municipality of Clarington unless the works have been inspected by municipal forces and deemed to be complete and satisfactory." 9. Excavation of Lamb's Lane is not permitted between December 1st and April 30th. An appropriate clause must be included in the consent agreement. LD 050/2017 to 052/2017 Pane 4 10. The applicant must provide a storm sewer servicing plan for the residential lot on Elgin Street. 11 Lamb's Lane will be reconstructed by the Municipality of Clarington in 2017. Storm sewer services will be extended to the proposed lot in conjunction with the reconstruction. The owner will be responsible for the cost of extending and connecting storm sewer services to the severed lot as follows: 250 mm PVC Storm Sewer $313.25/metre frontage x 33.66 metres frontage = $10,544.00 Storm Sewer Connections 2 connections @ $867.37 = $1,734.74 Total Servicing Cost Sewer $10,544.00 Connections $1,734.74 10% Administration $1,227.87 Total Cost $13,506.61 An appropriate clause which notes these costs must be included in the development agreement. 12. The applicant will be required to provide a Master Grading and Drainage Plan that details the configuration of the on-site storm sewer system (minor system) and the conveyance of the overland flow (major system) from this site. 13. The applicant must provide a Grading and Drainage Deposit in the amount of $6,000.00 (3 new dwelling lots x $2000.00 per lot). This deposit will be refunded to the applicant when all grading and drainage work is completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. 14 The applicant is responsible for any costs necessary to facilitate the construction of entrances from the subject property to Lamb's Lane and Elgin Street. The cost of providing connecting accesses may include utility relocation, entrance paving, curb cuts, restoration etc. 15 The applicant will be responsible to provide a Road Damage Deposit in the amount of $3,000.00 (3 new dwelling lot x $1000.00 per lot). 16 The applicant will be responsible to provide a performance guarantee in the amount of the road damage deposit. The deposit will be refunded when all works and restoration have been completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. Any decision with respect to the release of the guarantee will be made at the sole discretion of the Director of Engineering Services. LD 050/2017 to 052/2017 Page 5 17. All works and services must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, provisions of the Municipality Development By -Law and all applicable legislation and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services 18 .That future dwellings on the newly created lots are designed to be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and be subject to Architectural Control." Carlo Pellarin, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review Branch Planning Services Department CS*CP*av April 20, 2017 cc LIDO Legal Clartgton Comments to Land Division Committee Meeting for September 11, 2017 Application Numbers: LD 143/2017 to 146/2017 Applicant: Holland Homes Inc. Location: 60 and 66 Lambs Lane, Bowmanville Part Lot 12, Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville Attachment 2 to Report PSD -085-17 Proposed Use: Creation of 3 new residential lots in the Bowmanville Urban Area Description of Applications Regarding LD 14312017, the applicant proposes to sever a vacant 423.12 square metre residential parcel, Part 2 of the draft 40R -Plan, to be melded with the lands to the north retaining a 653.7 square metre parcel with an existing dwelling to be demolished, Part 1. Regarding LD 14412017, the applicant proposes to sever a vacant 649.6 square metre residential parcel, Parts 2 and 3 on the draft 40R -Plan, retaining a 1927.55 square metres residential parcel with an existing dwelling to be demolished, Parts 4, 5, and 6 . Regarding LD 14512017, the applicant proposes to sever a vacant 642.7 square metre residential parcel, Part 4 of the draft 40R -Plan, retaining a 1286 square metre residential parcel with an existing dwelling to be demolished, Parts 5 and 6. Regarding LD 14612017, the applicant proposes to sever a vacant 643 square metre residential parcel, Part 5 of the draft 40R -Plan, retaining a 643 square metre residential parcel of land with an existing dwelling to be demolished, Part 6. Provincial Policy Provincial Policy Statement The subject property is within the Bowmanville "Settlement Area". Settlement Areas shall encourage opportunities for intensification and redevelopment where this can be accommodated taking into consideration the existing character of the neighbourhood, existing infrastructure, public service facilities and the natural heritage system. The proposed severance applications will promote intensification within the built-up urban area of Bowmanville. The proposed severed lots are appropriate development for the neighbourhood and will efficiently use existing and proposed public infrastructure and services while contributing to the growth targets for the Municipality of Clarington. The subject applications are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. LD 143/2017 to 146/2017 Page 2 The subject lands are located within the built-up area of Bowmanville. The Growth Plan provides a framework for accommodating major growth in settlement areas that offer municipal water and wastewater services, in an effort to build compact and complete communities. The subject.applications are consistent with the Growth Plan. Conformity with Official Plan Provisions Within the Clarington Official Plan both the severed and retained parcels are designated Urban Residential — Low Density. The proposed creation of three new low density residential lots conforms to the policies of the Clarington Official Plan. Conformity with Zoning By -Law Provisions The subject property is zoned "Urban Residential (R1)". A single family detached dwelling is permitted, on a lot with 15 metres of frontage and 460 square metres for lot area. All the proposed lots comply with the minimum lot frontage and lot area requirements. Comments The proposed infilling is consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood. Lambs Lane is an undersized municipal road with a variety of lot sizes and housing forms. The proposed lots will have frontages and sizes within the range of existing property frontage widths and sizes. The creation of three additional residential lots is considered intensification. The subject applications have been reviewed under policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Regional and Clarington Official Plans. The creation of the new parcels would facilitate development for residential purposes in keeping with said policies. The building permits will be reviewed for architectural control and conformity to the neighbourhood. Clarington Engineering Services has no objection to the proposed land severance application, subject to conditions. Recommendations Should the Committee deem it appropriate to approve Applications LD 143/2017, LD 144/2017, LD 145/2017, and LD 146/2017, staff would have no objection, however, would request that, as conditions of approval the applicant be required to: 1. Provide a draft reference plan for review prior to registration and two (2) copies of the reference plan once registered; 2. Pay in full all taxes to the Municipality of Clarington prior to Clarington forwarding the Clearance Letter to the Durham Regional Land Division Committee; LD 143/2017 to 146/2017 Pane 3 3. Provide a cash payment to the Municipality of Clarington in lieu of parkland dedication. This payment is equivalent to 5% of the value of the severed parcels. In order to determine the value of the land, the applicant will be responsible to have a land appraisal prepared by certified appraiser, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. Alternatively a current purchase and sale agreement will be used to base the land value; 4. The applicant must demolish the existing single detached dwelling located at 60 and 66 Lambs Lane and any other accessory structures on the property prior to clearance of the Land Division applications. 5. The applicant must merge Parts 2 and 3 on the Draft 40R -Plan, prior to clearance of the Land Division applications. 6. The applicant must enter into a consent agreement with the Municipality which includes all requirements of the Engineering Services Department regarding the engineering and construction of all internal and external works and services related to these applications. 7. Every effort must be made to minimize the importing and exporting of material. Should Site Alteration Works be necessary, in advance of the approval of the future consent, a permit is required from the Municipality under Site Alteration By-law 2008- 114, as amended, and from the conservation authority for a regulated area under their jurisdiction. Should Site Alteration Works be necessary, as part of the development process, a Soils Management Report is required prepared by a Professional Engineer and submitted to the Director of Engineering Services for approval. The approval of a permit under the Site Alteration Bylaw or Soils Management Report will require providing information respecting any proposed import or export of fill to or from any portion of the Lands, intended haulage routes, the time and duration of any proposed haulage, the source of any soil to be imported, quality assurance measures for any fill to be imported, and any proposed stockpiling on the subject lands. 8. The following notes must be provided on all site plan drawings: "Respecting all work in the municipal right of way, the contractor is to provide at least 48 hours prior notice to the Clarington Engineering Services Department staff at 905-623-3379." "A Road Occupancy Permit will be required for any work done in the municipal road allowance. Excavation of the road surface is not permitted between December 1st and April 30th.11 "All restoration or work done in the road allowance must be completed as per municipal field staff direction." LD 143/2017 to 146/2017 Paae 4 "The performance guarantee will not be refunded by the Municipality of Clarington unless the works have been inspected by municipal forces and deemed to be complete and satisfactory." 9. Excavation of Lamb's Lane is not permitted between December 1st and April 30th. An appropriate clause must be included in the consent agreement. 10. Lamb's Lane will be reconstructed by the Municipality of Clarington in 2017. Storm sewer services will be extended to the proposed lot in conjunction with the reconstruction. The owner will be responsible for the cost of extending and connecting storm sewer services to the severed lot as follows: 250 mm PVC Storm Sewer $182.26/metre frontage x 79.50 metres frontage = $14,489.67 Storm Sewer Connections 5 connections @ $1,055.93 = $5,279.65 Total Servicing Cost Sewer $14,489.67 Connections $5,279.65 10% Administration $1,976.93 Total Cost $21,746.25 An appropriate clause which notes these costs must be included in the development agreement. 11. The applicant must provide a Grading and Drainage Deposit in the amount of $10,000.00 (5 new dwelling lots x $2000.00 per lot). This deposit will be refunded to the applicant when all grading and drainage work is completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. 12. The applicant will be responsible to provide a Road Damage Deposit in the amount of $5,000.00 (5 new dwelling lot x $1000.00 per lot). 13. The applicant will be responsible to provide a performance guarantee in the amount of the Road Damage Deposit and Grading and Drainage Deposit. The deposit will be refunded when all works and restoration have been completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. Any decision with respect to the release of the guarantee will be made at the sole discretion of the Director of Engineering Services. 14. The applicant is responsible for any costs necessary to facilitate the construction of entrances from the subject property to Lamb's Lane. The cost of providing connecting accesses may include utility relocation, entrance paving, curb cuts, restoration etc. LD 143/2017 to 146/2017 Page 5 15. All works and services must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, provisions of the Municipality Development By -Law and all applicable legislation and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services 16. The future dwellings on the newly created lots shall be designed to be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and be subject to Architectural Control. The dwelling elevations will be reviewed to determine compatibility with the character of the existing neighbourhood. This includes, but is not limited to; the height, roof pitch, massing and scale of the proposed dwellings. Carlo Pellarin, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review Branch Planning Services Department AW/ah/jp August 31, 2017 cc: LDO Legal Lambs Ln signage 10 05 2017 Claringtoi 1.1,000 Attachment 3 to Report PSD -085-17 F Slgn 11,11 nr ITA a1,1 CTM 11-12 Enpn=e-I t�Typ= SF -tine Fieh: , --o: i c Series F -t 83 3 79 23 25 -s 140 17 19 �V Relocate Wa-8 checkerboard to west of sidewalk connection, 21 away from any potential snow removal equipment i 70 77 60 58 Install Wa-31 on new post next to existing comm. pedestals 71 -.54 12 10 8 g _.4 2 Veterans Avenue Street Name signs missing Street name signs also missing from Second St 136 L137 134 135 .• 133 132 65131 rM . 128 129 124 63 127 120 125 Relocate existing Wa031 NO EXIT to new post next to existing round post on property line r 142 152 148 156 r e reet ' A 55 ;117 53 51 114 �a 6 49 112 115 110 45 Install custom No Parking EITHER SIDE signs onhydro poles at proper angels in both directions within no more than 50 m spacing (entire Lambs Ln) The Regional Municipality of Durham Land Division Committee 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST LEVEL 4 PO BOX 623 WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 I:( frfI Pi'I � `d_. •-f-'= Attachment 4 to Report PSD -085-17 August 17, 2017 Clarington Municipality MUNICIPAL CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE ST BOWMANVILLE ON L1 3A6 Dear Sir/Madam: Re: Notice of Regular Meeting File Number: LD 144/2017 Related File(s): NIA Name: Holland Homes Inc Location: 66 Lambs Road, B REVIEWED BY \J Original To: Fi 0 Council Direction ❑ GG Direction ❑ PO Dir tion ❑ Council Information ❑ GG Information ❑ PD Information Copy To: ❑ Mayor ❑ Members of ❑ Ward Councillors Council 11 CAD 11clerks L1Communications ❑ Community 12Corporate ❑ Emergency Services Services Services ❑ Engineering LlFinance ❑ Legal Services Services ClOperations VI,,nng Services ❑ Other: ry. Q 7 O 4171`1d" nvil* File 4 � Lot 12, Conc. 2 (See Location Map) Municipality: Clarington Consent to sever a 648.01 m2 vacant residential parcel of land, durham.ca retaining a 1927.55 m2 residential parcel of land with an existing dwelling to be demolished. Durham Region Land Division Committee will meet on Monday, September 11, 2017 at the Regional Municipality of Durham Headquarters in Room LL -C (Lower Level Conference Room). Delegations/public input will be heard beginning at 1:00 P.M. when applications will be considered for decision. If you are interested or have a concern, please attend the meeting or make a written submission. The Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss an appeal of the decision or condition if a written submission is not filed before the Committee gives its decision. To receive the Committee's decision, you must make a request in writing. For further information, please contact the Land Division office. Yours truly, Pamela Aguilera, Assistant Secretary -Treasurer On the day of the meeting, we kindly ask that you please refrain from wearing any scented products such as perfume, cologne, aftershave and scented lotions. The exposure to these products may pose a health risk to our staff. Thank you. If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact "Service Excellence 1-800-372-1102, extension 2583. for our Communities" 100% Post Consumer DURHAM REGION The Regional Municipality of Durham Land Division Committee 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST LEVEL 4 PO BOX 623 WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 I:( frfI Pi'I � `d_. •-f-'= Attachment 4 to Report PSD -085-17 August 17, 2017 Clarington Municipality MUNICIPAL CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE ST BOWMANVILLE ON L1 3A6 Dear Sir/Madam: Re: Notice of Regular Meeting File Number: LD 144/2017 Related File(s): NIA Name: Holland Homes Inc Location: 66 Lambs Road, B REVIEWED BY \J Original To: Fi 0 Council Direction ❑ GG Direction ❑ PO Dir tion ❑ Council Information ❑ GG Information ❑ PD Information Copy To: ❑ Mayor ❑ Members of ❑ Ward Councillors Council 11 CAD 11clerks L1Communications ❑ Community 12Corporate ❑ Emergency Services Services Services ❑ Engineering LlFinance ❑ Legal Services Services ClOperations VI,,nng Services ❑ Other: ry. Q 7 O 4171`1d" nvil* File 4 � Lot 12, Conc. 2 (See Location Map) Municipality: Clarington Consent to sever a 648.01 m2 vacant residential parcel of land, durham.ca retaining a 1927.55 m2 residential parcel of land with an existing dwelling to be demolished. Durham Region Land Division Committee will meet on Monday, September 11, 2017 at the Regional Municipality of Durham Headquarters in Room LL -C (Lower Level Conference Room). Delegations/public input will be heard beginning at 1:00 P.M. when applications will be considered for decision. If you are interested or have a concern, please attend the meeting or make a written submission. The Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss an appeal of the decision or condition if a written submission is not filed before the Committee gives its decision. To receive the Committee's decision, you must make a request in writing. For further information, please contact the Land Division office. Yours truly, Pamela Aguilera, Assistant Secretary -Treasurer On the day of the meeting, we kindly ask that you please refrain from wearing any scented products such as perfume, cologne, aftershave and scented lotions. The exposure to these products may pose a health risk to our staff. Thank you. If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact "Service Excellence 1-800-372-1102, extension 2583. for our Communities" 100% Post Consumer Land Division Application No: LD143-146/2017 Nature of Application: Proposed Severance and Addition of Land Municipality: Municipality of Clarington Address: 60 and 66 Lambs Lane 017 PROPOSED PROPOSED SEVERANCE i LD145/2017 / PROPOSED SEVERANCE j LD144/2017 PROPOSED LD143/2017 PROPOSED SEVERANCE / (DEPENDENT ON ADDITION COMPLETION OF (NORTH) LD143/2017) 0 0 Im m n vn THIRD ST N Legend 0 5.5 11 16.5 22 27.5 �- Subject Land :. Retained Land Metres Parcel This Road not make any beennosestuceE rromaaarigg trofnummy The Revutleoofrreuabilrty I` y re the accurst like termlyatThe Renconin the use of lt.e materials. The Region hereby disclaims all represents(ions and wartanties. Let, Sou MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES; Produced by Durham Region under Lkena with the Cnbrb Ministry of Natural Resources copyright Queen'a Printer far Ontario, 2016 ORTHOPHOTCGRAPHY 2016 provided by is First Baa, Solutions. PARCEL DATA® 4015 MPAC and As mppliers. All rights reserved. Nal a or,, of survey.