HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-14 MinutesBOARD M EET I N G June 14, 2017 Clarington Town Hall 40 Temperance Street, Room IA, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: S. Cooke K. Warren 1. Call to Order: H. Ridge (ED) S. Middleton S. ElhaJeh M. Morawetz S. Cooke called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Middleton ClariiigiRm museumti Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the agenda be accepted as presented with New Business additional item Tobacco. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence: A. Darlison of the BOAA Clarington, sent a request for a letter supporting their application for a funding opportunity through The New Horizons for Seniors Funding for a project called "Life Through the Lens — A Series with Seniors". They want to offer a number of programs and events throughout the community engaging all ages in photography & video workshops, seminars, & field trips organized and implemented by older adults. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board provide a letter of support for this initiative. MOTION CARRIED 5. Announcements: M. Morawetz thanked those who had worked at or attended Doors Open Clarington on Sat. June 101. K. Warren volunteered at the Clarke Museum site for Clarington Heritage Committee (CHC), museum staff also worked at the site along with S. Moffatt as an interpreter at the Kendal Tobacco Kilns. The Board is thanked for their support in approving staff & participation of the Clarke Museum site as part of the DOC 2017 tour. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Board minutes from May 10, 2017 be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: No items for discussion. 8. Executive Director's Report: H. Ridge reviewed the ED report as submitted highlighting items including: oo Young Canada Works summer students have been hired; Quinn McInall in the role of a Summer Program Assistant (started June 12) and Alexandra Geropoulos as a Summer Cataloguing Assistant (started June 12), both for 12 weeks of funding. oo Canada Summer Jobs grant students to be hired still; Youth Grounds & Garden Assistant, starting June 26 with 9 weeks of funding, and Cataloguing Assistant: Clarke Project also to start June 26 with 9 weeks of funding. 0o Board Chair, S. Cooke and Executive Director, H. Ridge met with Leah Bourgeois, Communications Officer with OPG to review programs and services supported by OPG grants and opportunities in future. It was suggested that a new grant application be made prior to end 2017 and then another early in 2018 to get synchronized better with their planning using the calendar year for budgets and allocations. oo Sponsorship letters have been sent out seeking support for Canada Day. Donations received so far include Veridian, Halminen Homes, Hooper's Jewelers, and the Bowmanville Foundry for a total of $700. Expenses of significance include one band for $600 and the horse drawn wagon ride although the $500 fee is generally covered completely through ticket sales to attendees taking part. Food expenses are typically covered through sales so the event usually is not profitable but covers costs. Durham East 4-H Fundraising club will run the BBQ with supplies provided by the museum. The Clarington Historic Concert Band is providing their services in-kind. oo In-kind Donations for the gardens were gathered by garden volunteer Ron Sproule for this summer's plantings. Donations were received from Northcut Elliott Funeral Home, Rekkers Garden Gallery, Prices Country Market, Van Belle Flowers, The Garden Path, Metro Supermarket, Loblaws, and Mosterts Greenhouses. In thanks, support of these generous local businesses would be appreciated. It was suggested that promotion during the Edwardian Teas all summer long and at Canada Day would appreciated. oo The sign in front of the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre had been vandalized early in June. Repair or replacement of the sign was considered. Discussion included whether or not the municipality had insurance to cover something like this, a recommendation to replace as repair can be very expensive, and a reminder that there had been a plan to redo the signs and rebrand all three sites with linked signage so perhaps it was timely to gather quotes and design ideas. oo Summer programs & events include Edwardian Afternoon Teas each Wednesday starting June 14th and catered by the BOAA (they are running a promotion & contest on Facebook), Summerfest outreach display June 17th, Strawberry Social at Trinity United Church with tours of Bowmanville Museum on June 251, Canada Day July 1 St, Summer Camp week I July 17 — 21 and week 2 July 24 — 28. oo Curator - Jennifer Steen has accepted the position and will start once her previous role of Program Coordinator has been filled. The posting for that position closed June 12th oc New exhibits being installed this week include Durham Celebrate Agriculture and the Orono Cornet Band history. oo Helen Schmid's collection was gratefully received May 17th. There was a good article in the Orono Times. A thank you letter is to be sent to Helen and her daughter. oo Program Report was submitted by Jennifer Steen including the summer schedule at the sites as well as rental bookings and outreach opportunities. The museum assisted as a site on Doors Open Clarington on June 10' at the Clarke Museum, the portrait of Mrs. Marr was on display from the archives at the Southwinds (originally the Marr home) site, and with Interpreter Shirley Moffatt assisting at the Kendal Tobacco Kilns. The support was appreciated by the committee and attendees. oo Financial Reports were prepared and submitted for review by Bookkeeper, Irene Locke, including Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Operations 2017-2016, and Statement of Operations Actual vs Budget. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Executive Directors reports including the Financial Reports be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 9. New Business: a) Tobacco History — request by M. Morawetz that H. Ridge be asked to pursue some way of representing and archiving the significant tobacco industry that thrived in Clarington. During Doors Open Clarington preparations, it became evident that there is a gap in recorded history and artifacts in the museum's collections. b) S. Middleton raised concerns that the PA Day program was cancelled due to lack of registration but as participants they were not notified. He commented as well that the phone message was out of date and with time observing the Sarah Jane William Heritage Centre, noted a number of concerns including the condition of the sign and stairs. S. Cooke offered to ask Operations to check these items. c) Job Descriptions — The Curator's position Job Description was updated and reviewed with recommendations, and will remain a management position. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Curator Job Description with revisions be approved. MOTION CARRIED The Executive Director's Job Description was also reviewed and updated. Moved by: S. Elhajjeh Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the Executive Director Job Description be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED d) Salary Grid — reviewed as presented with direction from Municipal HR staff noting that Cost of Living is set by the Municipality and the museum must adhere to that as determined annually. Moved by: S. Elhajjeh Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Salary Grid be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED 10. In Camera: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: W. Woo That: at 8:07 pm in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matter that deals with b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. MOTION CARRIED Discussion followed. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh That: at 8:14pm the meeting move out of camera, returning to Open Session. MOTION CARRIED 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting if required during the summer, will be held Wed. July 12, 2017 at 7 p.m. Location: Town Hall, Room IA if available 12. Adjournment: S. Middleton moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:33 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives