HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-09-19 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting September 19, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Victor Suppan, Filip Aleksanderek, Katharine Warren, Robert Malone, Steve Conway, Councillor Hooper, Peter Vogel REGRETS: Tracey Ali, Paul Davidson STAFF: Brandon Weiler, Faye Langmaid, David Addington DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR P. Vogel nominated V. Suppan, seconded by K. Warren, for the position of chair. K. Warren nominated P. Vogel, seconded by F. Alexsanderek, for the position of vice chair. No other nominations were received. 17.29 Moved by P. Vogel, seconded by K. Warren, THAT V. Suppan be elected chair of the Clarington Heritage Committee. "CARRIED" 17.30 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by F. Alexsanderek, THAT P. Vogel be elected vice chair of the Clarington Heritage Committee. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF AGENDA 17.31 Moved by B. Malone, seconded by T. Taylor THAT the agenda for September 19, 2017 be adopted. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF MINUTES 17.32 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by V. Suppan THAT the minutes of the Meeting of June 20, 2017 be accepted as amended. 11 age "CARRIED" DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Faye Langmaid — F. Langmaid introduced D. Addington as the new staff liaison to the Clarington Heritage Committee. B. Weiler will continue to assist the committee during the transition. The committee members welcomed D. Addington and look forward to working with him. The committee thanked B. Weiler for his work with the committee. BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) — The foundation continues to attend community events, including Maplefest, Bluesberry Festival and Applefest, to promote and educate the public about the history and the efforts to adaptively reuse the lands and buildings. The Foundation's guided walking tours, in partnership with the ACO, have been a big success over the summer months. Over 110 people have participated in the tours with the last tour occurring September 24 at 2pm. Goodyear Property — No news to report Hollingshead Property — No news to report REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Programs — No meeting to report. Orono Community Improvement Program — No meeting to report. Newcastle Community Improvement Program — No meeting to report. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch — ACO had a booth at Bluesberry Festival and have been assisting the Jury Lands Foundation with tours of Camp 30 this summer. The ACO will have a booth at Applefest in October. The Annual General Meeting will be September 25, at the Sarah Jane Williams Centre. Marilyn Pearce will be the guest speaker presenting on Farm Connections Canada 150 Heritage Project which focuses on families in Clarington that have been farming in Durham for 150 years or more. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society — R. Malone reported on Sunday June 25 the society hosted an event for Canada's 150 celebration. The event was well attended and highlighted the history of many of the long standing families in the Newcastle area. 21 Page The society had a booth at the Orono Fair highlighting cooking in the 19th century. The society will be hosting an event for culture days on September 30 at Newcastle Community Hall. The society will also be opening their historical room for the day of October 7 for Harvest Festival in Newcastle. The streetscape and entry signage into Newcastle projects are currently underway which will help the appearance of Newcastle. The LCBO is also currently being constructed, with signage to include a heritage plaque, being constructed along King Avenue. Museum — The museum will be hosting a culture days event at the Clarke Museum September 30 from 11 am to 3pm. The event, called Heritage Day, will have lots of fun events for families. The museum will be hosting spirit walks the month of October and a paranormal event on October 27. Heritage Conservation District — No news to report CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS 282 Liberty Street Site Visit — The owners of 282 Liberty Street North appeared at the Planning and Development Committee on June 12, 2017 to request that the matter of their property being added to the Municipal Register be discussed with them. Council referred the matter back to the Clarington Heritage Committee and requested that the committee meet with the owner of 282 Liberty Street North and report back. The Municipal Inventory subcommittee met with the owners, Mr and Mrs. Zakarow and their son Peter, at 282 Liberty Street North on September 12, 2017. Peter Zakarow, a former chair of the Conservation Review Board, thanked the committee for attending the property, recognizing this wasn't the committee's normal practice, and for their work preserving Clarington's Heritage. The Zakarow's wanted the committee to tour the property and provide additional information for the committee's consideration. The Zakarow's are concerned that if the property is added to the Municipal Register that it would limit future development or demolition of existing out buildings with no heritage value. The Zakarow's indicated they were not opposed to being added to the Municipal Register but would like wording to clearly identify that only the house and one existing out building had heritage value or interest. The concern was that some outbuildings with no heritage value may not be issued demolition permits if the property was added to the Register. The committee and staff indicated that they were not trying to place undue hardship on property owners when adding properties to the Municipal Register. Every attempt is made to clarify the heritage value and potential of a property when describing the property to ensure non -heritage buildings on a property are not impacted 31 Page by the Register. Staff indicated that in this case the house and one out building could be clearly identified. The committee recognized the concerns of the Zakarow's and believe their concerns can be addressed through the wording when adding the property to the Municipal Register. The committee would like the wording included in the Municipal Register to ensure that the house and one out building are protected sufficiently from demolition if such a request came in from future owners or the property. 17.33 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by T. Taylor THAT subsequent to meeting with the property owners and touring 282 Liberty Street North the Clarington Heritage Committee recommends Council proceed with adding 282 Liberty Street North to the Municipal Register. "CARRIED" PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reports: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee — No meeting to report. The subcommittee plans to meet in the coming weeks and report back at the next meeting. Public Outreach and Education Committee — No meeting to report. The subcommittee plans to meet in the coming weeks to prepare a presentation for the Durham Region Heritage Committees event in Whitby on October 28. NEW BUSINESS 505 and 521 King Avenue East — B. Weiler reported that Council approved the rezoning application to permit three single detached dwellings on the lands where the former Toll House currently stands. As part of the approval Council requested that the applicant recognize the heritage of the former Toll House. Staff will be working with the applicant to find the best solution to recognize the Toll House, which may include an interpretative sign. The committee indicated they would assist in putting together wording for the signage and also suggested that if a sidewalk is constructed and embossing or imprinting on the sidewalk recognize the toll location. 483 King Avenue East (Walbridge House) garage construction — The members were circulated the detached garage plans in July. The members reviewed the documents and had no objection to the construction of the detached garage as proposed by the applicant. 41 Page 1350 Courtice Road (Metrolinx GO Project) — B. Weiler reported that consultants for Metrolinx contacted staff about this property's heritage value. The property is a listed as secondary on the Municipal Inventory. As part of the Environmental Assessment process staff believe that a cultural heritage evaluation report would be conducted on this heritage resource even though it is not part of the Metrolinx land but immediately north of the future road right of way. Budget Preparation for 2018 — The committee was asked to consider the projects they would like to undertake in the coming year and the requirements from the Heritage Committee's budget. A budget motion will need to be made at the October meeting. Ontario Heritage Trust Awards — The nominations for the Ontario Heritage Trust Awards are due by September 30, 2017. If the Municipality is the nominator the nomination form requires a motion from Council. The committee felt that Myno Van Dyke should be nominated for the lifetime achievement award. B. Malone indicated that the Newcastle Village & District Historical Society would be willing to act as the nominator for Myno given the time constraints. 17.34 Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by K. Warren THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee supports nominating Myno Van Dyke for the Ontario Heritage Trust Lifetime Achievement Award "CARRIED" National Trust Conference — P. Vogel indicated that provided he was available he would be interested in attending the conference in Ottawa on October 13th and 14th. The committee encouraged and supported his attendance at the conference provided he was available. 17.35 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by T. Taylor THAT up to $1,200 be approved to cover the costs, including travel and accommodation, of P. Vogel attending the National Trust Conference in Ottawa GETR- Changes to the Ontario Building Code — V. Suppan reported to the committee that there is currently a loop hole in the Ontario Building Code relating to protecting cultural heritage non -farms buildings on farms properties. The loop hole has been a problem for many municipalities in Ontario and has led to old farm residences being demolished. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is aware of this problem and has proposed new wording, for the next building code update. 51 Page 407 Response to the Community Value Plan — In August Blackbird responded to the committees comments and concerns in regards to the community value plan proposals required as part of the 407 construction. Blackbird indicated that many of the suggestions would not be integrated into the final design of community entrance features and bridges as anticipated in the Community Value Plan but thanked the committee for their comments and suggestions. Paul Davidson Resignation — B. Weiler reported that P. Davidson had started a new work opportunity that would no longer provide him the time to attend and contribute to the committee. The Committee members were grateful for P. Davidson's contributions to the committee. Next meeting: October 17, 2017, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 61 Page