HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-07 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee June 7, 2017, 6:30 P.M. MAC Room 1A Present: Andre O'Bumsawin (6:40pm) Tim Van Leeuwen Jacqui Watchorn Sally Barrie Councillor Partner Shea -Lea Latchford Also Present: Jeannette Whynot — Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Maureen Reed Meeting was called to order at 6:35pm. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Sally Barrie seconded by Councillor Partner That the minutes of the meeting of May 3, 2017 be approved. Carried 2. Presentation No presentations. 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) ServiceOntario Bowmanville Update The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that some changes had occurred at the ServiceOntario Bowmanville location and people can now enter the facility more freely. Outstanding concerns such as the slope to the entrance, accessible parking space and counter heights were brought up by the Coordinator and Committee members. The Committee was advised that these concerns will be address H G with the Province after more investigation. The Committee was also advised that Council will be passing a resolution that formally asks the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario and the province to investigate the issues at this ServiceOntario location. (b) National Access Awareness Week Summary Shea -Lea Latchford offered a brief summary of the National Access Awareness Clarington Accessibility - 2 - June 7, 2017 Advisory Committee Week events to the Committee. Praise was given to Andre O'Bumsawin who gave a delegation to Council on May 29th. Councillor Partner stated that Council was impressed with the presentation and enjoyed it very much. (c) Snow Clearing Update Tim Van Leeuwen advised the Committee that he met with the Operations Department to discuss his snow clearing concerns in more detail. He stated that it was an excellent meeting and he learned a lot about the challenges of snow clearing. He is looking forward to continuing to work with Operations over the summer and advised that someone from the Operations Department will attend the September meeting to further discuss snow -clearing changes for the 2017-18 season. (d) Multi -Year Plan Survey The Accessibility Coordinator advised Committee members that the survey had been shared directly with a number of key community groups, to the best of the Municipality's ability. It has been shared once a week on social media (Facebook and Twitter) and appears on the home page of Clarington's website. To -date, approximately 44 responses have been gathered and the responses have been varied and interesting. The feedback gathered will be an invaluable part of the multi-year plan update. (e) Durham Region Accessibility Award Nomination Committee members put forward nominees for the 2017 Durham Region Accessibility Award and a discussion about each nominee took place. This year's nominees were: x The SNUG — Newcastle x St. Paul's United Church — Bowmanville x Enniskillen General Store — Enniskillen x Three -Six Kitchen & Lounge — Bowmanville After a ranked ballot vote, the SNUG Newcastle will be put forward for this year's award. All other nominees will be notified and invited to attend a fall AAC meeting where they will be recognized and celebrated. The Mayor and members of Council will be invited to attend, as will local media representatives. 4. New Business (a) Enabling Accessibility Grant The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that the Municipality received an accessibility grant of approximately $17,000 through the Federal Government's Enabling Accessibility grant program. With this grant, the Municipality will be adding audio announcements and Braille to both the MAC Clarington Accessibility - 3 - June 7, 2017 Advisory Committee and Main Branch Library elevators. The goal is to make the elevators "barrier - free" and not just "accessible" The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that the grant is open for applications and that the Municipality will apply for the grant again. It was further stated that the Coordinator will be reaching out to the BIA's and the Board of Trade to let as many businesses know about the grant as possible. The Committee was encouraged to let any businesses they know about the grant because it's a great opportunity to have accessibility upgrades partially paid for. (b) Durham Region Accessibility Award Nominations The Accessibility Coordinator provided Committee members with a copy of this year's call for nominations from the Region of Durham. Nominations will be discussed and voted on at the June 6t" AAC meeting. The Committee was encouraged to think of businesses, organizations and individuals who have never been nominated before. (c) 2017 Ribs and Brews The Accessibility Coordinator encouraged Committee members to attend this year's Ribs and Brews and provide their feedback about the event's accessibility. A lot of effort went into planning this year's event because of its new location. While there were certain site constraints, the organizers worked hard to ensure it was as physically accessible as possible. Any feedback about the event will be used to make improvements at next year's event. Jacqui Watchorn asked if the shuttle bus was accessible. The Coordinator advised that despite efforts to obtain an accessible shuttle bus this year, the organizers were unable to secure one. While the shuttle is not accessible, there is ample accessible parking and is accessible via the DIRT Bowmanville route. Alternatively, people can try and book a specialized service ride through DRT. The Coordinator advised that this is one area of feedback that will be shared with organizers and that should be addressed for next year's event. 5. Regional Update (a) Regional Updates Andre O'Bumsawin provided a brief overview of the last Durham Region AAC meeting. There was a presentation on the Region's Age -Friendly Strategy (2016- 2021). A second presentation came from Durham Region Transit's Eligibility Coordinator. (b) Regional AAC Minutes Regional AAC minutes were distributed to Committee members for their interest. 6. Other Business Clarington Accessibility - 4 - June 7, 2017 Advisory Committee The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that the Province has launched and employment strategy for people with disabilities. Given its length, the Coordinator advised she will send information about the strategy to Committee members via email. In anticipation of the 2018 municipal election, the Accessibility Coordinator asked the Committee if anyone was interested in reviewing election policies or plans to ensure accessibility has been fully considered. Andre O'Bumsawin and Shea -Lea Latchford volunteered to be part of that sub -committee and Tim Van Leeuwen offered to be an alternative if need be. Sally Barrie advised members that the Walk for Mental Health is this weekend and encouraged people to come if they can. Councillor Partner advised members that Doors Opened Kendal is also this weekend and encouraged members to visit and learn more about the Kendal community. 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday September 6, 2017 at 6:30 pm. 8. Adjournment Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin seconded Tim Van Leeuwen That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 8:06 pm. Chair Secretary