HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-18NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD April 18 2017 Council Chambers 7 PM Present Were: Dave Eastman Sierd DeJong Kevin Symak Peter Hazelton Councilor Partner Councilor Woo Regrets From: Shirley Rogers Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary 1. MINUTES Motion by K. Symak, seconded by P. Hazelton That the minutes of March 212017 are accepted as presented. "Carried" 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) Sign In Sheet/New Locks—should have information for next meeting b) AED Training scheduled for May 6 2017 c) Lighting to celebrate Canada 150 outside — D. Eastman is in process of working on this. d) May 27 Operations meeting - K Symak, S. Fogg, D. Eastman, G. Bell e) Floor polishing has been re- scheduled for May 8 -10 f) Oct 7 2017 client has still not paid for this date. Board agreed a letter to be sent stating if payment is not received by April 28 2017 the date will be released. g) April 7 2017 rental — band did not need to set up prior to rental date. h) Rental of parkette on May 27 2017 by Nu -Life Hearing has been permitted through the Operations Dept. as the group wanted to have a Jumping Castle. Appropriate insurance has been requested to cover the event. Board discussed rental of parkette without renting the hall. It was agreed that future requests would be brought to the board for permission. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by W. Partner That the financial report is accepted as presented. "Carried" 4. INVOICES Motion by K. Symak, seconded by W. Woo That the following invoices be paid as presented: Don Holmes $440.70 (welding of 39 chairs) S Fogg $225.00 D DeJong 75.00 P Hazelton $75.00 G Bell $75.00 "Carried" S. CORRESPONDENCE a) Clarington Volunteer appreciation is on April 25, 2017 at NVCH. RSVP's are due at this time. Board members have received their invitations and have responded with RSVP. b) Community Services has scheduled a seminar on May 15 6 — 10 pm at Tyrone Community Hall on Strategic Planning. Attending G. Bell, D. Eastman - P. Hazelton & K Symak have tentatively committed. c) PAD meeting April 20 2017 received for information d) News article regarding the paving of the parking lot on the east side of building from Oct 1 1975 received for information. e) Clarington Blooms committee asking that we "Paint the Town Red" and summit nominations if we wish - received for information. f) Email from member of Horticultural Society Karen Fisher noting planters are showing some rust. It is suggested the urns be painted black to match the benches. The urns were last sandblasted and painted 4 years ago in conjunction with the Garden Project. The urns will be looked at to see if they need retouching. It was noted the urns have always been white, at this time changing the color to black is not being considered. S. DeJong noted history of urns - they were placed in front of building upon its completion in 1923. There were only 4 urns of this type produced — 2 placed in front of NVCH and 2 are in Welcome, ON 6. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT Performed by S.Fogg — received for information, copy will be sent to Operations Dept. Work order to be submitted to Operations Dept. for plumbing issue in front foyer ladies washroom. K. Symak will perform May report with S. Fogg. Updated forms should be used at this time. 7. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY REPORT S. DeJong will work on this with S. Fogg 8. FUNDRAISING Hotel California Concert — Board members thanked fundraising committee for doing a great job. A profit of $7277.00 was made at this event. Discussed holding event in 2018, as well as, possibility of adding a second concert at another time of year. Motion by P. Hazelton, seconded by S. DeJong That Hotel California Band is booked for March 31 2018. "Carried" 9. KITCHEN RENO - Timeline document has been created and given to board members - Updated scope of work - Trillium Grant intake is October 2017 it is felt approval of submission would not be received back in time for January 2018 start date. - S. Rogers and G. Bell will send out letters to community groups for support of project in the form of sponsorship. - W. Partner reported Director of Operations will be attending a conference in April at which time he will gather information on companies to work with for appliances. Paddy's market is an option. - P. Hazelton is still working with K. Rudd's office. Will need paperwork on Historical Designation. - S. Rogers approached Horticultural Society to partner with Board on Trillium grants. P. Hazelton will work with Jeany Barrett if this should be confirmed. - Discussed option of loan from Municipality. P. Hazelton was not able to stay for remainder of meeting due to another commitment. 10. NEW BUSINESS a) Coverage for upcoming supervision — April 30 and May 7 b) April 8 2018 rental has cancelled — they had not e -transferred their deposit as agreed. Secretary contacted them for $ at which time they cancelled. Requested cancellation in writing but to date have not received anything. The date has since been re booked. c) Custodian has asked that board discuss booking the main hall on Mondays — how will we work scheduling of cleaning up weekend event to be ready for Monday event. Discussed looking at a part time cleaner to cover this sort of booking. Board decided that we would take bookings on Mondays. Ask that booking coordinator alert chair if it appears we may need assistance for cleaning. d) Custodian has not scheduled holidays at this time. S. DeJong will discuss and have it for May meeting to plan for coverage. e) Discussed booking of hall on Stat Holidays — after brief discussion this was tabled until May meeting. f) Secretary asked for direction on service we would like to provide to wedding rentals. Discussion followed with decision that if parties would like to have time in hall to plan their event it would have to be scheduled on the evening or Saturday morning that secretary has set up meeting with new clients. g) Bartending - tabled h) Fire Watch Procedures — secretary will obtain UTD information i) Opened discussion to work toward plans to celebrate the Hall's 100' anniversary in 2022 — tabled. j) Members of the board have been approached by members of Historical Society asking if they could use Wi-Fi offered to Auditorium rentals — board members felt it would be best if our clients that have exclusive use of rooms within the hall were responsible for their own Wi-Fi just as they are for their phone lines. k) Custodian S. Fogg has been approached by Bob Malone of the Historical Society to change lighting in their room. He has been instructed to send an email outlining the request in detail. To date no request has been received. 1) S. DeJong had a request from resident regarding the hall installing the new 150th flag. As the board is not aware of an official 150th flag it was agreed we would continue to hang the official Canadian flag. Motion by S. DeJong to adjourn at 8:55 PM Dave Eastman, Acting Chair Gabrielle Bell, Secretary NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD May 16 2017 Council Chambers 7 PM Present Were: Shirley Rogers — Chair Dave Eastman Kevin Symak Regrets From: Sierd DeJong Peter Hazelton Councilor Partner Councilor Woo Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary 1. MINUTES Tabled 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) AED Training — dates for certification will be given to board members to consider for attendance. b) Lighting of front hall for Canada 150 in progress. c) The following will attend Community Building meeting on Saturday May 27 - Steve Fogg, Kevin Symak, Dave Eastman, Gabrielle Bell d) Collection letter sent to permit holder for October 7 2017. Outstanding amount has been paid. e) May 27 tents in parkette requesting permission for two 20x20 tents for their event. Board discussed and decided that nothing bigger 10 x10 tent will be permitted at this time. f) It was agreed urns require a touch up with some spray paint. K. Symak will arrange to have artistic students assist with this project for community hours. D. Eastman will work with K. Symak to supervise students. g) Vacation schedule for custodian July 17 — 23 and December 16 —January 4. Discuss at June meeting to cover garbage, fountain and clock. h) Copy of Fire Watch Procedure added to policy manual. i) Update on main hall decor — K. Symak will be meeting with R. Groen from Operations to discuss install of hardware to raise and lower ceiling treatment. Suggested that for install and tear down that we consider hiring a company to do this for us. Suggested Touch of Glass & Linens. j) NVCH 100th Anniversary 2023 - tabled 3. FINANCIAL REPORT- Tabled 4. INVOICES -Tabled 5. CORRESPONDENCE a) July 22 2017 permit has cancelled — no refund of deposit b) Thank you note from Bonnie of Horticultural Society for our assistance with Daffodil Luncheon — received for information c) Email from Operations Dept. with schedule of upcoming Ontario Trillium Grant program workshop dates — received for information. d) BIA Canada Day Celebration sponsorship — received for information. e) Morris Funeral Home is hosting a community yard sale on June 25 — received for information. f) Municipality of Clarington resolution #GG -225-17 Smoking on Municipal Property received. We will request signage and include on information given to permit holders. Send out notification to all tenants. K.Symak will talk with custodian about cleaning out butt receptacles each morning. 6. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT K. Symak and S. Fogg did this report. Kevin felt the storage areas were all in good shape. Questions —TSSA tag in boiler room is over a year old — how often is this required? Need new tags for fire extinguishers Exit sign needed on west exit from kitchen First aid kit needs to be replenished. This is only for employees we do not supply first aid kit to renters. Custodian S. Fogg will be instructed to maintain first aid kit. K. Symak will work on this with Steve for June as well. 7. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY Information on how to proceed with this is coming from Operations Dept. 8. FUNDRAISING Hotel California concert is scheduled for April 14 2018. The band has been booked. 9. KITCHEN RENO Update from D. Eastman — priced out appliances new $15,163.92 from Dayco Distributing. Email to Fire Chief as to whether we need exhaust hood for convection oven. This would put the budget at $ 70,200.00 without reserve. We will be meeting with F. Horvath to go over changes we have made to scope of work. S. Rogers and G. Bell will send letters for donations to Rotary, Lions and Masons. A grant application to Frank Cowan Company will also be submitted. Shirley has talked with Horticultural Society they would be happy to work with us on a Trillium Grant if needed — P. Hazelton will take the lead. Kitchen is not part of the Historical Designation of building. 10. NEW BUSINESS a) Fans for main hall - tabled b) April 30 2017 rental — Health & Wellness - tabled c) Supervision — G. Bell will email dates needed to be covered. d) Pest control for spraying outside of building and inside for control. e) Bartending - tabled f) Lighting in Main Hall — K. Symak will give direction to replace with LED. Motion by D. Eastman to Adjourn at 9:00 pm Shirley Rogers—Chair Gabrielle Bell - Secretary