HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1977 (Special)
Council Minutes
with Ontario
. relative to
the Darlington
TU'7H or Et:HCASTL;c,
C!Jarcl, 17th, 1977
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council held in
the Bowmanville Council Chambers on ThursdaY5 l~rch 17,
1977, at 9,00 a,~.
Present were~
Garnet B. Rickard
Donald H. Allin
"obert Dykstra
Alfred Gray
R. Bruce Taylor
Edward R. Hoodyard
Councillor J. W. Holliday
Mayor Rickard noted that Councillor Holliday had contacted him
expressing extreme regret that he could not attend this important
meeting owing to a long standing previous commitment.
Mr. R. Gwilliams and Mr. P. Levine of I.B.I. Group, Consultants
and err. John Willms of Greenspan & Vaughan, Solicitors, were also
Mayor Ric!<ard indicated that the Special Meeting had been called to
consider an Agreement with Ontario Hydro in respect of the impact
of the Proposed Darlington Nuclear Generating Station "A".
Mr. Willms, Solicitor also remarked on the Agreement and suggested
that before it was dealt with, Council should rescind Resolution
#C-74-ll89, passed on November 4, 1974.
Resolution #C-77-354
Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. R. Bruce Taylor
THAT Resolution #C-74-ll89 be rescinded
Note: Resolution #C-74-ll89 reads as follows:
"THAT the Clerk reply to the Honourable Minister of Energy's letter
dated October 17th to point out:
1) That there is considerable apprehension in this community about
the proposal to establish a nuclear generating station near
2) That this Council can lend no support to the proposal until
Rydro and the Provincial Government have fully presented the
proposal, and its complete implications, to the public, and until
a referendum of the Town(s citizens demonstrates the public'ls
acceptance of the proposal,"
Council !1inutes
No. 77-14
Suspension of
Rule 33
No. 77-14
By- Law
No. 77-14
-2 -
lA.arch l7~. 1977
Resolution IIC-77-- 355
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra
THAT Council approve of an agreement with Ontario Hydro relative
to the proposed Darlington Generating Station.
Resolution "!C-77-~356
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin
THAT leave be granted to introduce Ry--Law No. 77-14 being a
by-law to authorize the ~~yor and Clerk to sign an agreement on
behalf of the To,'O of Newcastle with Ontario Hydro relative to
the proposed Darlington Generating Station and that the said By-law
be read a first time.
Resolution ffC-77-357
Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Dykstra
THAT Rule 33 of the Rules of O'rocedure be suspended for the
c.uration of the Meeting.
Resolution #C-77-358
Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard
THAT the second reading of c.y-La,.! No. 77--14 be approved.
Recorded Vote
Allin .- Yes
Dykstra - Yes
Gray - Yes
Taylor .. Yes
Woodyard - Yes
Rickard - Yes
Resolution #C-77-359
Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Hoodyard
THAT the third and final reading of By-.Law No. 77.-11+ be approved.
~ Council Minutes
from Ontario
- 3 -
Har ch 17, 1977
Reso~tion Ilc_-: 77-36'1
Moved by Con. Dykstra~ seconded by Con. G~ay
BAT the letter dated'1arcoh 14, 1977 addressed to Hayor Rickard
advising that the Board of Directors of Ontario Hydro had approved
of the Agreerrent, be received for information and acknowledged.
Resolution #C-77-36l
:loved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Gray
TliAT the letter dated March 15, 1977, addressed to )'lliyor Rickard,
by Mr. D. E. Anderson of Ontario Hydro with regard to servicing
industrial land as part of the Darlington project, be received
for information and acknouledged.
Resolution #C-77-362
l10ved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. l,oodyard
THAT the meeting adjourn at 9 50 a.m.
G. B. Rickard
J. M. ,'!cUroy