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Council Minutes
December 13/76
Counci 1
January 3/77
Counci 1
January 10/77
January lith, 1977
Ilinutes of a regular meeting of Council held in Court Room
No.2, Police and Fire Building, Bowmanville, on Monday,
January lith, 1977 at 1:15 p.m.
Mayor Rickard called the meeting to order and lead in the
Lord's Prayer.
Present ",ere:
Garnet B. Rickard
Donald W. Allin
Robert Dykstra
Alfred Gray
Jas'1cr \'1. Holliday
R. Bruce Taylor
Edward R. ~oodyard
Resolution #C-77-57
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor.
T~\T the Council Minutes eated December 13th, 1976 be approved
as read.
Resolution #C-7i-58
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor.
T~~T the Council Minutes dated January 3rd, 1977 be approved
as read.
Resolution #C-77-59
~IDved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Holliday.
THAT the Council Minutes dated January 10th, 1977 be approved
as read.
Resolution #C-77-60
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Planning Advisory Committee Chairman's Report of ~.leeting
held".on December 20th, 1976 be adopted as amended.
Council ~anutes
Report re
Land Division
Ontario Good
Roads Assoc.
Report re
Deeming By-law
Under Section 29
of Planning
- 2 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-6l
Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday.
THAT Item No. 2 of the foregoing Report be amended to provide
that the Region be requested to underwrite the costs of a
District Plan for the development of a hamlet at Solina.
Resolution #C-77-62
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Holliday.
THAT the Town Planner's Report dated January 5th, 1977 regarding
Land Division Committee Decision ~umber LD 168/76 be received
for information.
Resolution #C-77-63
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the foregoing Report be amended by adding the following
"and conditions in the Report be accepted by Council".
Resolution #C-77-64
Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Town Clerk's Report dated January 13th, 1977 regard~ng
Ontario Good Roads Association Seminar for Councillors be
received for information.
Resolution #C-77-65
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Town Planner's Report regarding Deeming By-law under
Section 29 of the PlannIng Act be adopted and the said by-law
be presented to the next meeting of Council.
Resolution #C-77-66
Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Gray.
THAT the foregoing Report be referred to the Planning Advisory
Committee for a report and recommendation.
~. Council Minutes
Town Clerk's
Report re
for Amendment
to Zoning
Statement of
of the
Fire Hall
- 3 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-67
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT the Town Clerk's Report dated January 14th, 1977 regarding
application for amendment to the Zoning By-law of the former
Township of Clarke (Irwin) be received for infermation.
Resolution #C-77-68
Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Holliday.
THAT the Building Progress Report for the Month of December,
1976 be received and filed for information.
Resolution #C-77-69
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THI.T the Statement of Accounts for the Month of December, 1976
in the following amounts, be approved:
Statement of Accounts Payab1e............$ 25,290.03
Statement of Accounts Paid.............. .$1,377,166.26
Statement of Accounts Payable Works Dept.$ 60,983.16
Statement of Accounts Payable............ $ 47,116.35
Resolution #C-77-70
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT Council go into Committee of the Whole to receive
Resolution #C-77-71
Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
T~~T Mrs. Cowman be heard.
Council Minutes
Fire Hall
in Court ice
Mr. Montgomery
re Trailer
Mr. Jeffrey
re Subdivision
at Enniskillen
- 4 -
January 17th, 1977
Mrs. Ann Cowman appeared before Council as a delegation in
connection with the proposed new Fire Hall at Courtice.
Council also considered a letter from Mrs. Cowman in this
Resolution #C-77-72
Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT Council approve in principle the establishment of a new
Fire Hall in the Courtice Area, subject to satisfying
conditions of financing, site and utilities and other satisfactory
conditions and that it be referred to the Community Services
Co~mittee for further study and report.
Mr. Montgomery appeared before Council with the request to
live in a trailer on a neighbours property while repairing
his home adjacent, which was recently damaged by fire.
Resolution #C-77-73
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT Mr. Montgomery be heard.
Resolution #C-77-74
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Gray.
THAT the permission be granted subject to satisfactory agreement
to be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and subj ect to a letter
from neighbour giving necessary permission for four mORths.
Mr. Jeffrey requested an extension of his draft plan of
Subdivision for six months on Part Lot 18, Concession 7,
Resolution #C-77-75
Moved by Con. Allin, se~onded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT Council grant an extension of six months and that the
Ministry of Housing be notified in accordance with their
letter dated November 18th, 1976.
Council Minutes
Mr. Tomina
re Property
at Townline
Road and
Highway No. 2
Mrs. Haight
re Trailer
Mr. J. Fagon
Consumers Gas
Company re
- 5 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-76
Moved by Con. Dykstr~, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT Mr. Tomina be heard.
Resolution #C-77-77
110ved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Gray.
T!~T Mr. Tomina's request for development of his property
be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for an
investigation of Zoning, etc., and recommendations be made
back to Council in this regard.
Resolution #C-77-78
!loved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Holliday.
THAT the foregoing Resolution be amended to provide that the
Planning Department be asked to consider what would be
feasible in the area and submit report to the next Planning
Advisory Committee.
Mrs. Haight appeared before Council with a request that she
be granted permission to reside in a trailer in the Cedarcrest
Beach area while looking for a house to be near her daughter
who resides in the area and is sick.
Resolution #C-77-79
Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THAT this request be referred to the Legislation and By-Laws
Committee with a report from the By-Law Enforcement Officer.
Mr. J. Fagon, Manager of the Consumers' Gas Company in this area,
appeared before Council with a request for a new Franchise for
the entire Town of Newcastle.
Resolution #C-77-80
Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THAT this matter be referred to the Industrial Committee to
consider and report back to Council.
Council Minutes
Mr. K. Lycett
re Hoensch
Mr. Lovekin
re Orono
- 6 -
January 17th, 1977
Mr. Lycett appeared before Council on behalf of Mr. Hoensch
with the request that the matter of By-Law No. 76-69 be
Resolution #C-77-81
Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 76-69 be reintroduced.
Resolution #C-77-82
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
TF.IIT Council go into C'll1lera for ten minutes to discuss the
foregoing Resolution.
Resolution #C-77-83
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Gray.
lliAT the Council proceedings be open.
Resolution #C-77-81 was Carried.
Resolution #C-77-84
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT Mr. Lovekin be heard.
Mr. Lovekin requested that Council authorize the discharge
of the Orono Estates Subdivision.
Resolution #C-77-85
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Gray.
THAT the matter be referred to Mr. Ferguson to report back
on the status of the Orono Estates Subdivision with regard
to possible discharge of same.
Council Minutes
Durham County
Senior Citizens
- 7 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-86
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT the matter of the proposed Senior Citizens Home in the
former Village of Newcastle be reforred to the Legislation
and By-Laws Committee.
Resolution #C-77-87
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Holliday.
THAT the Committee rise.
Resolution #C-77-88
I.loved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT Council adopt the actions of the Committee of the Whole,
Resolution #C-77-89
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT there be a ten minute recess.
Resolution #C-77-90
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT the disposition of correspondence by the Town Clerk
be adopted.
6. Ministry of Culture and Recreation dated December 16th, 1976
regarding endorsement by the Town of Newcastle of a Resolution
passed by the Town of Markham relative to local sports
equipment suppliers, be received for information.
7. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Planning & Development
Department dated December 22, 1976 regarding Planning
Consultant Service be received for information.
8. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes of meeting
dated December 16th, 1976, be received for information.
9. Ministry of Transportation and Communications dated December 7,
1976 regarding Highway 401 at Liberty Street Interchange 75
Signing of Port Darlington, be referred to the Public Works
Council Minutes
- 8 -
January 17th, 1977
10. Orono Hydro Electric Commission dated December 21st, 1976
regarding extra garbage pick up be refp-rred to the Public
Works Committee.
11. Ontario ~IDnicipal Board dated December 22nd, 1976 regarding
decision of an appeal by the Oshawa, Hillsdale & Lakeview
Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses from a decision of the
Committee of Adjustment, be received for information.
13. The Regional Municipality of Durham - Clerk's Department
dated December 13, 1976 regarding Ontario Home Renewal
Program - Rental, be referred to the Legislation and By-Law
Committee. '
A. Mark McBurney, Architect dated December 15th, 1976 regarding
architectural and engineering services, be referred to the
Community Services Committee.
Ministry of Transportation and Communications dated
December 29th, 1976 regarding Municipal Bridges be referred
to the Public Works Committee.
The Canada Permanent Trust Company dated December 31st, 1976
regarding professional and business associations of
Councillor J. Holliday, be received for information.
Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority minutes of various
meetings, be received for information.
Bowmanville Cnamber of Commerce dated December 30th, 1976
regarding request'for grant for Christmas Lighting Decoriations
be referred to the Finance Committee.
Corporation of the City of ~oodstock dated January 4th, 1977
regarding Resolution relative to change in The Fire Department
Act be referred to the Legislation and By-Laws Committee.
The Regional ~llinicipality of Durham - Clerk's Department.
dated December 29th, 1976 regarding installation of Traffic
Lights at the Intersection of Highway #2 and RegiDnal Road 57,
be received for information.
23. Ontario Municipal Board dated January 5th, 1977 regarding
Board Order approving of an application by the Region of
Durham for the construction in the Town of Newcastle of a
new Intake, and modifications to the Bowmanville Water Supply
Plant, be received for information.
24. Ontario Municipal Board dated January 5th, 1976 regarding
Board Order approving an application by the Region of Durham
for the design and purchase of a site for a Booster Pumping
Station in the Sturrock Area in the Town of Newcastle, be
received for information.
25. Ontario Municipal Board dated January 5th, 1977 regarding
Board Order approving of an application by the Region of Durham
for the construction of certain watermains in the City of
Oshawa and Town of Newcastle, be received for information.
26. Ministry of Transportation and Communications dated
January 5th, 1977 regarding 1977 Subsidy Allocation be
referred to the Public Works Committee.
28. Ontario Municipal Board dated December 16th, 1976 regarding
Appointment for Hearing of an appeal by Bethany Sand and
Gravel Limited (Township of Manvers), be referred to the
Town Planner for report to Legislation and By-Laws Committee.
. 21.
Council Minutes
Rural Learning
Regional Health
Unit re Private
W. Kay Lycett
re LD 168/76
& Newcastle
Board of
- 9 -
January 17th, 1977
30. St. John Ambulance received January 13th, 1977 regarding
request for a grant for 1977, be referred to the Finance
34. Ministry of Housing dated January 7th, 1977 regarding
proposed Amendment No. 9 to the Darlington Official Plan
be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee.
37. Lions Club of Bowrnanville dated January 11th, 1977 regarding'
request for payment in lieu of rent equal to the amount
of annual taxes be referred to the Finance Committee.
Resolution #C-77-91
jr.~U ;;'
Moved by Con. ~, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT Councillor Dykstra be authorized to attend the seminar of
the Rural Learning Association on February 13th to 18th, 1977,
if he can find the time.
Resolution #C-77-92
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT the letter dated December 20th, 1976 from the Director
of the Environmental Health Services be referred to the
Building and Plumbing Inspectors for comments regarding time
involved, etc.
Resolution #C-77-93
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THAT Council concur with the request contained in the letter
dated December 21st, 1976 from Mr. Kay Lycett in conformity
with the report of the Planner as per Resolutiom#C-77-62 and
Resolution #C-77-94
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THAT the letter dated 29th December, 1976 from the Chairman
of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education be
received for information.
Council Minutes
Clerk re
Bill 162
Ministry of
Agriculture &
Food re Drainage
Ministry of
Natural Resources
re Beatty
Haulage Ltd.
M.M. Dillon
re Concept
Canada Manpower
Centre re
Trailer in
- 10 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-95
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT the letter dated December 2nd, 1976 from the Regional
Clerk regarding report of the Special Committee on Bill 162
be received for information.
Resolution #C-77-96
Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Allin.
Tli4T the letter from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food
regarding The Drainage Tribunal be received for information
and filed for future use.
Resolution #C-77-97
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Gray.
THAT the letter dated January 6th, 1977 from the Ministry of
Natural Resources regarding increase in tonnage for Beatty
Ilaulage Limited be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee
and Public Works Committee for comments and also that it be
insured that it conforms to the licence.
Resolution #C-77-98
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the letters dated December 20th, 1976 and January 7th, 1977
from M.M. Dillon Limited regarding Concept Plans be referred
to the Finance Committee.
Resolution #C-77-99
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
TIiAT Council concur with the request of the Canada Manpower
Centre to locate a trailer in Bowmanville until the end
of April, 1977.
Council Minutes
for Hearing
Toronto Area
Board re
Annual Meeting
O.M. B. Hearing
re City of
Oshawa By-Law
No. 124-76
Swartz &
Swartz re
- 11 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-l00
Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Allin.
TIIAT the adjournment time be extended for thirty minutes.
Resolution #C-77-l0l
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THAT the Notice from the Ontario Municipal Board regarding
Appointment for Hearing for an appeal by the Town of Newcastle
from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment on application
by Robert and Irene Patenaude be received, and that the Town be
represented at the Hearing by the Planner, Building Inspector
and Solicitor.
Resolution #C-77-l02
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT the invitation from the Toronto Area Industrial Development
Board regarding annual meeting be referred to the Industrial
Committee with power to act.
Resolution #C-77-l03
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Town Solicitor and Planner be instructed to represent
the Municipality at an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing on
February 4th, 1977 regarding the matter of the City of
Oshawa By-Law No. 124-76 which is a change to the Oshawa Zoning
By-law to permit the Construction of a Townhouse development
at Townline Road and Bloor Street.
Resolution #C-77-l04
Moved by Con. ~, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the letter dated January 13th, 1977 from Swartz and Swartz
regarding the Schwarz Drainage Easement be received for information.
Council Minutes
Club Inc.
re Donation
Strike, Strike
& Van Nest re
Schwarz Brothers
Kinsmen Club
re Heritage
Day Proclamation
of Rule 33
- .12 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-105
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT the donation contained in the letter from Strike, Strike
and Van Nest in connection with the Bowmanville Badminton Club
be accepted with thanks and under conditions set out in the
Resolution #C-77-l06
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the letter dated January 14th, 1977 from Strike, Strike
and Van Nest regarding Schwarz Brothers Expropriation be
received for information.
Resolution #C-77-107
i-i ..."1
Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. ~.
THAT the Mayor be authorized to check the legality of a
Proclamation with regard to P.eritage Day as presented by the
Kinsmen Club and if in order to place the Notice in papers.
Resolution #C-77-l08
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 77-4 being a
by-law to permit Motor Racing within Mosport Park, after
1:30 o'clock in the afternoon of the Lord's Day and that the
said by-law be now read a first time.
Resolution #C-77-l09
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT Rule 33 be suspended for the duration of the Meeting.
Council Minutes
(P. Willison)
- 13 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-110
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 77-4 be approved.
Resolution #C-77-111
Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 77-4 be tabled and the
matter referred to the Chairman of the Legislation and By-Laws
Committee to check out with the promoters and report back to
Resolution #C-77-112
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the adjournment time be extended for a further thirty
Resolution #C-77-113
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Halliday.
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 77-5 being
a by-law to amend Zoning By-Law Number 1587 of the former
Town of Bowmanville, and that the said by-law be now read
a first time.
Resolution #C-77-114
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Holliday.
THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 77-5 be approved.
Resolution #C-77-115
Moved by Con. DyLstra, seconded by Con. Holliday.
THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 77-5 be
Council Minutes
of By-Law
No. 77-5
(P. Willison)
of By-Law
No. 76-78
of By-Law
No. 76-52
- 14 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-116
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT the Ontaric Municipal Board be advised that By-Law No. 77-5
is in conformity with the Official Plan of the former Town of
Bowmanville and with the proposed Official Plan of the Regional
Municipality of Durham.
Resolution #C-77-117
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 76-69 be lifted from the
Resolution #C-77-1l8
Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard.
THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 76-69 be approved.
Resolution #C-77-1l9
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the third reading of By-Law No. 76-69 be approved.
Resolution #C-77-l20
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor.
THAT the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that By-Law
No. 76-78 is in conformity with the Official Plan of the
former Town of Bowmanville and the proposed Official Plan
for the Regional Municipality of Durham.
Resolution #C-77-l2l
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Ontario ~tunicipal Board be advised that By-Law No. 76-52
is not in conflict with the Official Plan of the former Township
of Darlington or with the proposed Official Plan of the Regional
Municipality of Durham.
Council Minutes
of Adjustment
Greenspan &
- 15 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-122
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin.
THAT the Notice from City of Oshawa Conunittee of Adjustment
regarding By-Law 3415 be received for information.
Resolution #C-77-123
Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THAT Greenspan & VAughan be retained to do the following:
(1) to advise the Council regarding engaging Consultants to
prepare a comprehensive study of the impact of the proposed
Darlington Nuclear Generating Station on the social and
economic fabric of the Town of Newcastle and to assist in the
preparation of Terms of Reference and to supervise the
execution of the Terms of Reference including meeting with
(2) to hold all necessary discussions with Officials of the
Ministry of the Environment and other Ministries or persons
and to prepare the necessary letter or letters to the Ministry
of the Environment requesting that the Darlington Generating
Station be not exempted from the Environmental Assessment Act.
(3) During the period referred to in 1 and 2 above, generally to
advise Council as requested.
Subject to the foregoing be on the basis of a fee not to exceed
the sum of $5,000 without further consultation with Council.
Resolution #C-77-124
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THAT the matter of snowmobiles using the walkway running south
from Sunnicrest Avenue be referred to the Public Works Conunittee
with suggestion that posts be placed at the entrance to prevent
snowmobiles from using the walkway and also the By-Law Enforcement
Officer be requested to attend the Works Conunittee Meeting after
conferring with the Solicitor if necessary.
Council Minutes
- 16 -
January 17th, 1977
Resolution #C-77-l25
Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor.
Ontario Good
Roads Association THAT Resolution #C-77-22 be lifted from the table.
Seminar for
Councillors "CARRIED"
The following Resolution #C-77-22 was put to a vote and
Damaged House
on Sunnicrest
"THAT all members of Council be authorized to attend the Seminar
for Councillors at the Ontario Good Roads Convention at the
expense of the Municipality if they can find the time."
Councillor HOlliday reported his actions regarding collapse
of a basement floor in a house at 3 Sunnicrest Avenue.
Resolution #C-77-l26
Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. ~iftk.
THAT the Building Inspector should write a report on his
observations, but only after consulting with the Town
Resolution #C-77-l27
Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Dykstra.
THAT the meeting be continued for ten more minutes.
The Mayor apprinted Councillors Dykstra, Allin and Woodyard
on a Committee on local transportation as per Resolution
Resolution #C-77-128
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. T'ylor.
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
G.B. Rickarq...
Mayor .
J.N. McIlroy
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