HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/10/1977 (Special) e.;.. e- . Council Minutes Roll Call Mr. A.A.B. Strike re Werry Subdivision Mr. Morley Watson TOWN OF NEWCASTLE January 10th, 1977 Minutes of a Special Meeting Bowmanville Council Chambers 1977 at 1 p.m. of Council held in the on Monday, January 10th, Present were: Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Garnet B. Rickard Donald W. Allin Robert Dykstra Alfred Gray Jasper W. Holliday R Bruce Taylor Edward R. Woodyard Resolution #C-77-l2 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT Council go into Committee of the Whole to receive delegations. "CARRIED" Mr. A. Alan H. Strike appeared before Council requesting that Council approve of an extension of six months of the draft approval on Mr. Werry's Subdivision, Part of Lot 9, Concession 8, Darlington. Resolution #C-77-l3 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Gray. THAT Council approve of an extension of the draft approval of Mr. Werry's subdivision to July 25th, 1977. "CARRIED" Mr. Morley Watson appeared before Council complaining about the snow dumped behind the arena by the Zamboni Machine, which creates parking problems and also blocked access to the driveway to his house. He asked that the snow be pushed over the embankment to the South more often. Resolution #C-77-l4 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Hclliday. THAT the matter be referred to the Community Services Committee for recommendation to the following Council Meeting. "CARRIED" . . e- Council ~Iinutes Newcastle Village & District Funding Organization C.U.P.E. Local 74 Kirby School House - 2 - January 10th, 1977 Mr. Joe Burney appeared before Council regarding the funding of a new Arena for the former Village of Newcastle and presented a brief. Resolution #C-77-l5 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the matter be referred to the COIT~unity Services Committee to meet with the representatives of the Newcastle Village and District Funding Organization. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-l6 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the Committee of the Whole rise. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-l7 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT Council approve of the actions of the Committee of the Whole. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-l8 Moved by Con. Dyksto'a, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated December 9th, 1976 from Mr. R. 1~itney, C.U.P.E. reF~esentative, regarding the negotiations for the Union Contracts be referred to the Personnel and Property Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-l9 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the Board of Education be advised that Council does not wish to take any further action regarding the purchase of the Kirby School House for use as a Museum. "MOTION LOST" . . . Council Minutes Appointm"nt to Library Board Ontario Good Roads Association Seminar for Councillors Highway 401 Widening - 3 - January 10th, 1977 Resolution #C-77-20 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra. TPAT the matter of purchase of the School House be referred to Finance Committee for further study together with a report from the Treasurer TO possible grants. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-21 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. T~~T the letter dated October 17th, 1976 from tho Secretary of the Library Board re appointment to the Board be considered later in the meeting when discussing appointments to Boards and Committees. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-22 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. HOlliday. TI1AT all members of Council be authorized to attend the Seminar for Councillors at the Ontario Good Roads Convention at the expense of the Municipality if they can find the time. Resolution #C-77-23 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. TJJAT the foregoing Resolution be tabled to next meeting for details of Convention costs, etc. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-24 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Holliday. THAT Council concur with the Planner's report dated January 3rd, 1977 regarding the widening of Highway 401 and that the matter be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee. "CARRIED AS A~IENDED" -- .- . Council Minutes Municipal World Subscriptions Tile Drainage Appointments to Conservation Authorities - 4 - January 10th, 1977 Resolution #C-77-25 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard. TI1AT the foregoing Resolution be amended to provide that the Planner's Report be also referred to the Public \'Iorks Conunittee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-26 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Gray. THAT subscriptions to i:iunicipal World be taken out in name of All Councillors, Town Clerk, Treasurer, Chief Building Inspector, Planner, Director of Public Works and By-Law Enforcement Officer. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-27 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the letter dated December 6th, 1976 from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food regarding Tile Drainage Funds be referred to the Legislation and By-Laws Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-28 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the loan applications from J. Bouma and Newton Selby be referred to the Legislation and By-Laws Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-29 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the letter from the Regional Clerk dated December 14th, 1976 regarding appointments to the two Conservation Authorities be considered later in the meeting when the appointments to Boards and Committees arc being discussed. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Bowmanville Lions Club Draw Schedule of Meetings - 5 - January 10th, 1977 Resolution #C-77-30 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the Bowmanville Lions Club application to raffle an automobile valued at $5,900 be approved. "CARRIED" Councillor Allin as a member of the Club abstained from voting. Resolution #C-77-3l I'ioved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Gray. THAT the following schedule of Committee Meetings be approved. ~~~~~!! - 1st Monday 3rd Monday ~~g!~!e!!2~_~_~Y:~~~~ Evening Afternoon - 2nd Monday - 4th Monday 7:00 P.M. 1:15 p.m. 9 a.m. to 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. ~~~!!~g_E~_~~g!~~~!_~g~~~~ - On Monday mornings before Regional Council. If this lands on same day as Legislation and By-Law Committee it could start at 10:30 a.m. Finance - 2nd Monday 1:15 p.m. ------- 4th Monday 1:15 p.m. Planning Advisory Committee - 2nd Monday ------- -,----------------- 4th Monday ~~~~~!!l_~~EY!~~~_~~~!!!~~ - 1st Monday 3rd ~londay ~~E~~~~~!_~_~E~E~E!l_~~~!!!~~ - Thursdays or Fridays at Call of Chair Public Works Committee - Thursday mornings - at Call of Chair or to be decided at each meoting. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 1:15 p,m. 7 p.m. Industrial Committee - Thursdays or Fridays - at Call of Chair. ~~E!!~~!~~_~~~~!~!!~g_~!~!!~~_~!~!~~~_~~~!!!~~ - to be decided by Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-32 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the Planning Advisory Committee meeting be at 7:30 p.m. "MOTION LOST" . . . Council Minutes Recess Responsibilities of Committees Committee Appointments Special Council Meetings Town of Newcastle Ratepayers Association - 6 - January 10th, 1977 Resolution #C-77-33 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT evening meetings be adjourned at 10:30 p.m. and afternoon meetings at 4:45 p.m., except that by a motion carried by a two thirds majority these times may be extended. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-34 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT there be a ten minute recess. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-35 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday. THAT each Committee examine their present Terms of Reference and make recommendations for possible amendments to Council on February 7th, 1977. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-36 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the appeintments to Boards and Committees be dealt with at the end of the meeting in camera. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-37 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Gray. THAT the press be advised by telephone of any special meeting of Councilor of any cancellations. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-38 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the letter dated January 6th, 1977 from the Town of Newcastle Ratepayers Association be received for information. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Designation of Munici pali ty Eldorado Nuclear - 7 - January lath, 1977 Resolution #C-77-39 r',oved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard. TP~T the Treasurer of Ontario be formerly requested to instigate an amendment to the Region of Durham Act to designate this Municipality as a Township rather than a Town. Resolution #C-77-40 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the foregoing Resolution be tabled pending a report of a Committee of three members and the Mayor after having interviewed the Treasurer of Ontario to discuss the matter. "CARRIED" His Worship appointed the three Regional Councillors and the Town Clerk to accompany him to Queen's Park. Resolution #C-77-41 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT Department Heads be asked to report on the impact, Financial and otherwise, that the change in designation would cause. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-42 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the second part of the Ratepayers ~ssociations letter be received for information. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-77-43 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the International Joint Commission be contacted with the request that they advise Council of any investigation they are making with regard to Eldorado's operations and if so to kindly forward comments to Council, and also ask them for their Terms of Reference and if they can assist Council in their deliberations. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Seminar re Retail Sales Tax City of Oshawa Committee of Adjustment Durham County Senior Citizen's Lodge Oshawa Ski Club West Beach Road - 8 - January 10th, 1977 Resolution #C-77-44 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT two members of the Treasury Department attend a one day Seminar on Sales Tax in Peterborough on January 27th, 1977 and that a report on the Seminar be submitted to Council by those attending. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-45 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Gray. THAT the Mayor and Chairman of the Planning Advisory Committee look into the Notice of Hearing of the Oshawa Committee of Adjustment on January 19th, 1977 regarding the "Down" Farm and take whatever action is necessary and report to the next Council Meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-46 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the letter dated January 10th, 1977 from Mr. Keith Barr relative to the Durham County Senior Citizen's Lodge, Village of Newcastle Project, be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee file on the project. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-47 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the matter of sanding the road East of the Oshawa Ski Club up to 1,JOO feet from the Regional Road, when necessary, be referred to the Public Works Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-48 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Holliday. TPAT the matter of Winter Maintenance on West Beach Road and the sidewalk from Old Highway 2 to New Highway 2 be referred to the Public Works Committee. "CARRIED" . . . Council Minutes Public Transportation Appointments to Committees & Boards Curfew Committee of the Whole - 9 - January 10th, 1977 Resolution #C-77-49 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the Mayor appoint a Committee to look into the feasibility of Public Transportation. The duties of the Committee be as fo llows : - 1) A mini bus service for the Senior Citizen Homes on Nelson Street. 2) A bus service to the outlying areas of Bowmanville, maybe once in the mornipg and once in the afternoon. 3) Enclosed bus stops be erected. 4) That this Committee not necessarily only deal with the Town of Bowmanville, but check to see if anywhere else within the Corporation of tho Town of Newcastle there maybe a need. 5) That this Committee report back to Council as to their findings and if this need exists what will be the approximate cost of operating some type of system. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-50 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Allin. THAT the appointments to Committees and Board now be considered. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-5l Moved by Con. Dykstr~, seconded by Con. Taylor. THAT the hour of adjournment be extended. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-52 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Holliday. THAT Council go into Committee of the filiole in camera. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-53 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Gray. THAT the meeting be open. "CARRIED" Council Minutes . . . - 10 - January 10th, 1977 Resolution #C-77-54 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Dykstra. THAT the Committee rise. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-77-55 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Gray. THAT the following recommendations of the Committee of the Whole be approved:- "CARRIED" THAT the following appointments to Committees, etc., be approved: Museum Board......................R. Hancock Library Board.....................Mrs. Pippa Schmiegelow Fence Viewers.....................Gerald Shackelton .................... .Harold Dean .................... . Arthur Hamilton Live Stock Valuers................L. Hallowell ............... .K. Ormiston Committee of Adjustment...........H. ~~ir 1977, 1978, 1979 ...........L. Welsh 1977, 1978 ...........W. Clarke 1977, 1978, 1979 C.L.O.C.A........................ .R. Dykstra . . . . .. . . . ... . . .. .. . . . . . . .J. Holliday Ganaraska Region Cor.servation Authority..................... .A. Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. R. Woodyard Hospital Board....................J. Stutt, O. Cobban, L. Down, G. Brunton Planning Advisory Committee........H. Balson, Dr. Rowsell ........H. Hammond, R. Hetherington . .......K. Entwisle, K. Barr Darlington Generating Station Liaison Committee...............All Members of Council (Councillor Taylor abstained from voting on this item) Pound Keepers......................Ross Brown, Newtonville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lawrence Harris, Orono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Douglas Cathcart, Kendal ......................Sid Cornish, R5 Bowmanville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wil son Carson, R Ncwtonvi lIe ......................Morley Robinson, Rl Newtonvillp ......................Fred Griffin, Blackstock ......................Vic Cookson, R6 Bowmanville ......................Arnott Wotten, Rl Hampton Council Minutes . . Adjournment . - 11 - January 10th, 1977 THAT Mayor Rickard and Town Clerk be authorized to call a Public Meeting to elect members of the Newcastle Corr~unity Hall Board and that the Mayor or his appointee be Chairman of the meeting. THAT the appointments to the following organizations be referred to the Community Services Committee to make recommendations. Newtonville Community Hall Orono Community Hall Tyrone Co~rnunity Centre Solina Hampton Base Line Haydon Zion Newcastle Recreation Committee (Village) Newcastle Arena Board Newcastle Bowling Committee Bond Head Cemetery Board Brownsdale Community Centre Memorial Park Board Clarke Cemetery Board .~ Town of Newcastle Recreation Advisory Committee Darlington Recreation Committee THAT a letter of thanks be sent to those retiring from the various Committees, etc. THAT the Game Commission be appointed at a future meeting. THAT the Eldorado Brief dated January 7th, 1977 be referred to the Industrial Committee. A petition presented by residents of the Courtice Area supporting Mrs. Cowman's appointment to the Planning Advisory Committee was noted. Resolution #C-77-56 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Woodyard. THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:52 p.m. "CARRIED" J .M. McIlro Clerk