HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin 53-84CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD JUNE 18 1984 ADMIN. 53 - 84 SUBJECT: MEMORIAL PARK ASSOCIATION REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE_ RECOMMENDATIONS: It is tespectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; 2. That in lieu of considering the Memorial Park grant request in conjunction with the 1985 budget discussions Council pass the attached by-law for an interest free loan of $15,000 for a term of 6 years with no single year's repayment being less than $1,000; 3. That the monies for the loan be drawn from the Parkland Reserve Fund; and 4. That all monies received towards the repayment of the loan be credited to the Parkland Reserve Fund. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: At the June 4th General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting a request was made for staff to investigate with the Memorial Park Association the possibility of making an interest free loan to the Association this year .and consider their grant application in 1985. On Tuesday, June 5th members of staff met with officials of the Memorial Park Association to discuss a wide range of actions for financing the extension to the building. After reviewing the options, the representatives felt that it would be more in keeping with the history of the Association to withdraw their request for a grant from the Town and in the alternative request an ihterest free Loan. The loan would be in the amount of $15,000 and would be repaid over a number of years. ADMIN. 53 - 84 Association representatives made it quite clear that if they received an InLeresL free Loan, they would not he requeuLing grunt montes to retire their debt in subsequent years. This funding arrangement distinguishes the Memorial Park Association from other requests made this year and would not undermine Council policy with respect to municipal grants. If Council is inclined to honour the request for an interest free loan for longer than the duration of this term of Council, it will require that the attached by-law be adopted and submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board under Section 113 of The Municipal Act. For the information of Council members, I am attaching two letters received from the Memorial Park Association confirming their preference in terms of the loan and the arrangements of the Association with respect to the proposed addition. DSJ:nof att. Respectfully submitted, j/ i David S. Johnston, M.C.I.P., Chief Administrative Officer June 6, 1984 To AdmiuLwQuLor Mr. D. Johnston de: Memoricl Park Association Dear Sir: Following our meeting with you as of June 5/84, our executive committee is in accord., that we forego any application for senior govornment grants. that we would like is an interest -Free loan which has been discussed and approved by General Purpose and administration committee. The full amount of the loan recuostea would be $15,000.00 As our aas•oein.tion bus. Ownys bean self sufficient, we would endeavour to repay this interest free loan in approximately lit oo years. Our past rerform=ince would show that this commitment would be carried through. Thank you for :your interest -anj cooperation. RIE C7-7tT.VED JUN - 7 1984 by ADMINISTRATORS OFFICE Yours truly, President Vice Treasurer f ! �t4 <1_ June 11, 1984. To Administrator, Mr. D. Johnston. ?e: Memorial Park association Dear Sir: At the February lst, general membership meeting, a building committee was appointed. w This committee was to consist of the following members, Pat Lunn, Jack Nidd_ry, Reta Junkin, Pat Griffin, Penny Connahan, and , Onie Etcher. This committee to be res�)onsible for all aspects of the proposed new addition. Yours truly, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW being a by-law to authorize payment of $15,000 by way of a loan to the Memorial Park Association to expand the Memorial Park Hall Building. WHEREAS Section 113 of the Ontario Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, provides that by-laws may be passed to allow the Corporation to make loans to any association or body for which the Corporation deems such association or body has a vested interest in the Municipality; WHEREAS the Memorial Park Association has received approval from the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to expand the Memorial Park Hall Building; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, pursuant to Section 113 of the Ontario Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Council approve the expansion to the Memorial Park Hall Building as set out in the application for a building permit to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; and 2. That the Memorial Park Association be granted an interest free loan in the amount of $15,000; and 3. That said loan be repaid over a 6 (six) year period, commencing in December 1985 from revenue generated by the Memorial Park Association, with no one year's payment being less than $1,000; and 4. That this by-law shall come into effect on the date of passing, subject to the provisions of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, Section 64(1), R.S.O. 1980. By -Law read a first and second time this By -Law read a third and final time this Mayor Clerk