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ADMIN. 36 - 85
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration
Committee recommend to Council the following:
1. That Administrator's report ADMIN. 36 - 85 be received;
2. That a by-law be presented to Council for adoption which
implements the following:
a) Establishes the size of the Library Board at nine members;
b) Provides for the appointment of one member of Council;
c) Provides authority to the Chief Executive Officer of the
Library Board (The Chief Librarian) to call the first meeting
of the Library Board in each new term;
d) Provides for the submission of the Library Board's budget by
no later than January 20th of each year;
e) Provides the format of the budget as providing two figures,
an operating budget and a capital budget; and
3. That the Library Board be advised of Council's actions and
thanked for the input on Bill 93.
Bill 93 was given third reading on December 11th 1984. The changes that
were implemented in the Act required that the Council of the Corporation
of the Town of Newcastle decide upon a form and composition of the
Library Board and the manner in which budgets are to be presented
ADMIN. 36 - 85
Section 9.1 of the Public Libraries Act provides for the Council of
the Municipality to decide upon the size of the Board provided that
there is at least five members and no more than nine. It is being
recommended with the concurrence of the Newcastle Public Library Board
that the size of the Board be established at nine, which is the current size.
Section 9 (2) of the Public Libraries Act provides for Council to establish
by by-law the composition of the Board. Council must decide on whether they
wish to appoint members from the general public or members of Council or a
combination thereof. If Council decides to appoint members of Council to
the Board, such appointees cannot compose a majority of members but must
be one less than the majority of the total Board membership. Currently the
Mayor serves as the representative of Council on the Library Board. It is
being recommended with the Board's concurrence that Council provide by
by-law for the appointment of one Council member to serve on the Newcastle
Public Library Board and that other appointees be from the public at large.
It should be noted that Section 9 (3) of the Act provides for representation
on the Board from the public and separate school board systems. Council is
required to appoint three members which have to be nominees by the Boards.
In the case of the Town of Newcastle, Council is required to appoint by
by-law two members which are recommended by the Board of Education, and one
member which is recommended by the Separate School Board. Council cannot
appoint these three individuals without first having received a recommendation
to do so from the appropriate Public or Separate School Board.
ADMIN. 36 - 85
While not requiring any action of this Council, it should be noted
that the term of office of Library Board members has been changed by the
Act from a rotation system to a term which is concurrent with the term
of the appointing Council.
Section 10 (4) provides fcr the timing of the making of appointments.
After the initial by-law has been enacted, subsequent membership must be
appointed at the first meeting of Council in each term. I£ the Council
fails to make the appointments at the first meeting, it shall do so at
the next regular meeting. As such, it is important for staff to receive
from the Board of Education and the Separate.School Board their nominees,
as well as for Council, to deal with the appointments of the Library Board as
a matter of first priority for the incoming Council.
Section 14 (2) of the new Act provides for the calling of the first
meeting. Again, there is an option which may be exercised by the Town
with respect to who calls the first meeting. Unless otherwise provided
for in a by-law, the Clerk of the municipality would call the first meeting
of the Library Board. The Act does provide, however, that the Chief
Executive Officer of the Board (the Chief Librarian) can call the first
meeting if authorized by by-law.
It is being recommended that the by-law be drafted in such a way that
the Chief Executive Officer of the Board (the Chief Librarian) is
authorized to call the first meeting of a new term for the Library Board.
ADMIN. 36 - 85 -4-
Section 24 of the Public Libraries Act provides for the submission
of estimates on budgets to the Council. Over the years Council and
the Library Board have worked to improve this process of submissions
of budgets. In 1985, the budget process seemed to work very smoothly
between the Board and the Council. As such, it is being recommended
that the Board provide to the Town by January 20th of each year
estimates of their budget requirements. The budget of the Town for the
Library Board would include two figures, an operating budget and a
capital budget. However, as in the psat, the Library Board is requested
to provide back-up detailed budget sheets. These back-up budget sheets
would not,however, be part of the Town budget.
Section 24 of the Act has been reviewed closely with the Library Board
and the Board concurs that they would wish to maintain the current system
of providing detailed background sheets, but that for the Town's purposes,
only one figure on operating and one figure on capital would be included
in the Town's budget.
For the information. of Council members, I have attached the report of
Barbara Baker, Chief Librarian, which was presented and endorsed by
the Board. I believe that the approach which has been taken in both
her report and this report is to provide for a smooth transition from
the old legislation to the new.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
David. Johnston, M.C.I.P.,
Chief Administrative Officer
newcastlo. public library board
62 temperance street,
bowmanville, ontario
MEMO TO: David Johnston,
Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Newcastle
FROM: Barbara Baker,
Chief Librarian
DATE: May 21, 1985.
SUBJECT: Items for Consideration at the Joint Meeting of the
Library Board and Council re the Public Libraries Act, 1984
The report attached is a summary of the Board's discussions
and conclusions at recent meetings on those parts of the new Ontario
library legislation which involve the Library Board and Council.
All members of the Board will receive a copy of this
report prior to the meeting on the evening of May 28, 1985.
cc Don Hargest,
Board Chairman
May 28, 1985
Section 9 (1) - Composition of Public Library Board
The previous statute specified a library board of nine members in
all municipalities of over 10,000 population. The new act allows council
to decide the size of the board so long as it has at least five members
and no more than nine.
Recommendation of the Board
That the Town of Newcastle Public Library Board continue to
have nine members and that an appropriate by-law be drafted
to that effect.
Section 9 (3) - School Board Representation on Public Library Board
Under the previous legislation, school boards made appointments of
five members directly to the public library board but under the new act
school boards recommend members for three of the library board positions
which council appoints.
Recommendation of the Board
That the Town Clerk be in contact with the school boards to
establish the appropriate schedule for Council to receive
recommendations in time for appointments to be made at the
first meeting of Council in each term. (Required by Section
10 (4) ).
bers on Board
Council Mem
coon 10 (2)
a member of the library board
the mayor was could be members of
In the previous statute of appointing bodies
appDint its own members o
but no other members than n majority of the
x officio board. The new act allows council to than
board to a maximum number of one less
he library
he library its own members.
oard or to -appoint none of
Board its members to serve
Recommendation of the one of
That Council continue to appoint
Board and that an
on the Town of NewcaetartLibrary
aftedto that effect.
appropriate by-law b
- Term of Office ears
Section 10 (3) were for three y
previous statut�otated. The new act
ointments under thethat membership term of
year so
with one appointment made board appointments concurrent with t e
sets a term for all library
the appointing council.
-Law re Callin First Meeting
B at one time, the
Section 14 (2) term of office the Town
board members begin a new shall be called by
Since all that the first board meeting the Chief Executive
act specifies Passed a by-law authorizing
Clerk unle�she°Board (thehas pChief Librarian) to do so.
Officer of
Recommendation of the Board authorized to call and that an
Chief Executive Officer be term
The the Board s of the Board in each new
the first meeting drafted to that effect.
appropriate by-law be
ulaflon _ Free Libraiy materials
the Reg use of
ectlon 23 (1) and the library, Services
dmission to
use of information
clarifies that amaterials, IOO�a5 made under the Act
The new act of library ulation
library, borrowing Ontario Reg delayed implementation o
in the allows for require some
must be free of charge to y all and
library This section will
defines circulating es of materials. Board.
free borrowing
for some types by the Newcastle
minor revision of fees Charged
Section 24 (I) to (4) - Estimates
Under the previous legislation, council could prescribe the date for
submission of annual estimates but not the format. Under the new act Council
may specify both the date and the form for the year's estimates and may
give approval in block or in more specific detail.
Recommendation of the Board
That Council continue to receive estimate's from the Board
on or before a date communicated to the Board each year by
the Town Treasurer and that Council continue to approve
estimates in block (i.e., a total figure for the operating
budget and a total figure for the capital budget) and,
further, that an appropriate by-law be drafted to this
effect. At the time the estimates are presented, a detailed
budget breakdown will be provided for the information of
members of Council, as has been done in the past.
The Public Libraries Act; 1984 requires that Council take
action under the following sections:
Section 9 (1)
( Section 10 (2)
Section 14 (2)
and, Section 24 (1).
May 21, 1985 Barbara K. Baker,
Chief Librarian