HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin 62-85CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ll C 3A6 REPORT 10 11-E i_EKERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD OCTOBER 7 1985 ADMIN. 62 - 85 SUBJECT: MEMBERSHIP IN T.A.D.R. (TRAVEL ASSOCIATION OF DURHAM REGION) TELEPHONE 623-3379 1. That Administrator's report Admin. 62 - 85 be received; 2. That the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle take out a corporate membership of $200 in the Travel Association of Durham Region; 3. That T.A.D.R. be advised of Council's actions. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: By Council Resolution #C-454-85 staff were requested to examine the feasibility of taking out a membership in T.A.D.R. Staff have reviewed this issue and believe that a T.A.D.R, membership would be complementary with the efforts that the Central Ontario Travel Association is making to promote tourism throughout the area. T.A.D.R. as the name suggests focuses on tourist activities within the Durham region, while the Central Lake Ontario Travel Association has a broader market area. The membership fee of $200 can be drawn from Contingency Account #7007-298-X-9. Should Council accept staff's recommendation, staff will be attending the October 23rd 1985 meeting with respect to T.A.D.R.'s marketing plans for 1986. Further tourist promotion initiatives should be considered as part of the 1986 budget process. All of which is respectfully submitted, David Johnston, M.C.I.P., DSJ:nof Chief Administrative Officer encl.] communicaii 0 it j TRAVEL ASSOCIATION OF DURHAM REGION Juty 1985 TADR Tourist Association of Durham Region NEWSLETTER General news: From what this observer can see, and in talking to others in the tourist industry, it would appear that 1985 is fast becoming a banner year for visitors to Central Ontario. U (c Some attractions are reporting increases of 20% over last year, contrary to 1984 predictions that this would be a year of decline..Good news I am sure, and a result of some excellant marketing by every sector of the tourist trade from Tourism Canada, the Ontario Ministry, Cenral Ontario travel region, your own Durham Association and of course by the private sector. MEMBERSHIP in thw Tourist Association of Durham Region is a real concern. It must be stressed that the stronger member base that is realized, the more effective in our marketing we will be. We would ask that you give membership particular attention and consider a more active role in decisions that influence increasing the vistors that come to Durham region—how ??? JOIN TADR AS A FULL MEMBER GeneAa-e Membership $ 75.00 Corporate membership Municipalities Chambers of Commerce Shopping Centres $200.00 Membership valid from July 1st 1985 to June 30th 1986 (See application attched) I page 2 Coming events: Please mark your calendar NOW and plan to be at, or support with a representative: Wednesday, October 23 1985: bethere bethere bethere bethere AISERIOUS LOOK AT 1986 Market plan Inpl� .9.30AM Holiday Inn, OSH AWA 10 Y6, Featuring &/ Brochure development seminar t/Hospitality seminar ( a plan to train your new employees early in the spring) It V/Chambers of Commerce—what can they do? This is a real exciting, and productive program. Invitations will be sent in the fall—but plan now to be there. March 19,29,21 & 22 DURHAM REGION MARKET PLACE Once again this event will be held at the Oshawa Centre which guaratees that 65.000 people will come through this facility in the four days of our show. Costs have been confirmed as follows: Inside.: North & South wings 100.00 Approx 7' X 10' Ends North & south wings 150.00 Approx 8' X 16' Larger areas, Centre section 200.00 Approx 10' X 20' reserved for municipalities. Reservation will be accepted NOW as long as your cheque is enclosed with your letter of request. Please send to the Association office. Rates include: hydro, security after hours, share of advertising and promotional costs and insurance against liability. -- j New Central Ontario and our own Durham Region Travel guide is off the press ... for a supply of these guides, please contact the office at 579 1311 for a supply.(or drop in and pick up a box or two) pg 3 Gleanings from our last executive meeting:... there can be a lot of new ideas out there, in the fertile minds of our members. Some of these ideas can be used in next years marketing endeavours. Some topics discussed include: * Arranging of Familiarizations trips to Durham region * A marketing plan to French Canada * A durham region group attending government sponsored market places next spring in Michigan and New York state. a Hosting of travel writers who submit stories about the region in newspapers and magazines around North America. * Packaging a Christmas season program for the region, to bring tour groups and senior groups into our area to enjoy the Christmas activities offered here. NOW..HOW ABOUT YOUR IDEAS ... we would like to hear from you.. Do you have a problem with advertsising ? Hospitality ? Customer needs and enquiries? Support of local travel outlets? Please send us a letter of these concerns that we can address them, and perhaps assist in solving them using the expertise of our varied membership. Attention Municipal representatives The 'region needs the support in marketing the tourist product from each and every Municipality. Please give membership of your municipality your full consideration. There are many fairs, museums and attractions that you fund in part, or in full that needs to have more visitors to make this cost acceptable. WE NEED YOU...................YOU NEED US NEWS FROM AROUND DURHAM: Did you notice, that the Thomas Foster memorial in Uxbridge has been featured on this year's Durham guide? August 17th is the day that the Town of Whitby is to be featured at the CNE..A lot of local talent will entertain including the show and cast of Through the Decades, from Cullen Gardens. -j pg 4 The Durham region country fairs will be featured at next years Market Place in Oshawa. These fairs have been offered free space at the show to tell the story of their own fair, free of charge. The recently announced federal/provincial plan for 44 million dollars has been used up... these funds were used to finance applications held in abeyance by various agencies from years back.. It would be great if news stories would tell it like it is...our understanding of these funds were to stimulate 'new' tourist related projects aimed directly at the United States market. We are waiting for the'momentary announcement of a brand new tourism strategy planned by our friends at the Durham regional office. Jim Wier, the spokesman on this project has told the TADR chairman that this should be available for discussion sometime in June.(or at some early date)... Sorry to hear that due to funding problems, it is necesary to cut back on the staff of Oshawa's Mclaughlan Gallery. TADR member and executive representative Bernice Bradt will be missed as she moves on to other endeavours. Congratulations to Lucie Rondeau..she has been named as manager of the Whitby Tourist Centre ... 7'hey do a great job down there with a fine.staff of young people who advise the public about things to do in Durham region. Gordon Bracket, previous curator of the Oshawa, Automotive Museum is pow looking after the Pickering Museum Village. It is obvious that his talent for display and exhibiting of artifacts is doing quite well ..thank you.. If you hav'nt seen the village lately...take a run out and see a real improvement in this unique'living village'..located on highway 7 in the village of Greenwood. Uxbridge Township boasts a fine, active Chamber of Commerce. Within that group of business people, is a tourism related association of bed and breakfast professionals. These folk have beautiful properties, and offer their best accommodation to visitors to the area the year round. And so we come to the end of this current letter.. Tease remember * Wednesday October 23rd..9.30 AM General Meeting & Seminar * March 19,20,21 & 22nd MARKETPLACE 86 Oshawa Centre * Send in your MEMBERSHIP application. 'til next time: ` Harald I'Iar,+ (66R) To all Tourist MemVPr&JFx: of the Durham Region. � TRAVEL 0.550CNTION OF OUWIMI REGION � _ y+ ti (1�,�� i � Il L � qA n,,7f.7�j•ma: related companies, & `�fr Tourist Association of At a recent meeting of your new executive, the decision was madeI'. r... to establish a TADR membership fee. Funds from this new structure would be used in the administration of the .iAss:ociation. As you are aware, TADR has been operating since it's beginning without membership fees and since the association does require fund-- for mailings, advertising and area promotion the following schedule has been established. General membership 75.00 Corporate membership Municipalities Chambers and Shopping centres 200.00 MEMBERSHIP DATES ;VALID FROM July 1st 1985 thrn to June 30 1986 please cut & mail to -day ................. Tourist Association of Durham Region C/o Parkwood, 270 Simcoe Street North OSIIAWA Ontario LIG 4T5 Please register Address Phone Classification: Attraction IAccommodation Restaurant Theatre Fairboard Museum_ G.�allery _ Municipality Other Signed...............................Cheque attached $