HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-17 MinutesTyrone Community Centre Monthly Mtg. May 17, 2017 Present: Larry Quinney; Steve Hutchinson; Cecile Bowers; Dave Taylor; Walter Loveridge; Corinne VandeGrootevheen; Kyle Young; Claude Godin; Marlene Craig Regrets: Joy Vaneyk-holidays; Corinna Traill; Danielle Carroll -surgery; Paul Rowan -working; Alvina Hare -holidays; Kat Caplan; Justin Vachon -working. Minutes of April 19, 2017 by Secretary Bowers. M/S by Dave Taylor and Kyle Young to accept minutes as read. CARRIED. Treasurer's Report: by Steve Hutchinson for month of April. Total Income: $4,622.75 Total Expenses: $ 1,968.67 Balance to date: $24,474.08 Steve also mentioned list of Recommendation from meeting with the Municipality May8/17 -.Regarding Cash payments for services should be discontinued -.Payments for services should be made to the business name, and not the individual -.Petty Cash Fund -.Floats -.Safe (not having cash on person after event..possibly a bolted down safe to place money until deposited) -.Dances : Expenses from dances can be paid out in cash from proceeds of the dance, however receipts and expense reports should be filled out. Special forms were shown must be used. -.Beer and Liquor: As of May 1 no more levy being paid -.Bank: May investigate the option of changing the account or the bank due to problems. M/S by Steve Hutchinson and Marlene Craig to set our Petty Cash Fund at $500.00. CARRIED. M/S by Walter Loveridge and Corinne VandeGrootevheen to accept Steve's full report. CARRIED. After discussion Larry Quinney suggested we take recommendations and peruse during summer, coming back in the fall and discuss more. Notice from Municipality regarding No Smoking with 9 m. of any Entrance... Municipality will be posting the No Smoking signs. Mtnce. Report: Regarding table holders/rack—Justin and Paul are dealing with this matter. Bar ceiling fan installed and complete. Grease Trap cleaning complete by Municipality but Rob Groen has been notified of the mess left on kitchen floor. Floor has been cleaned by Larry at no charge and account for supplies is now set up at Home Hardware—all bills go to our Treasurer. Handicapped signage is in progress. Lighting to east entrance has been repaired. Hall Booking Report: Danielle has just had surgery and sent regrets. She had sent a booking update for next two months... asking about bartenders and helpers to clean for back to back events. Steve to meet with Danielle at her home to answer any of his questions. Page Two: Dance Update: Good crowd, great evening. New Jiggers cost would be $37.00. A free standing dispenser with 4 jiggers is only $75.00 plus tax. Jiggers that come with that dispenser can be used in the wall mounted dispenser. Joy has found out the free standing dispenser only has two jiggers, M/S by Steve and Claude to purchase the best. CARRIED. Old Business: New Stove Grant: we were approved for $3,000 not $5,000. M/S by Claude and Steve to bring this back to board and discuss with the board in June. CARRIED. May 27, 2017 9 a.m. Bowmanville Town Hall meeting for Community Centres. Update on Free Internet being provided by Graham from Ikaltech. He needs to provide the Municipality with his proof of cetification before working. Still in progress. AED/CPR Training on May 4t", Attendees were 6 from Tyrone ... Haydon 5. Thanks to all who helped in Cleanup of Park and Gardens. Sentinel Light charges have been removed from our TCC Hydro bills. New Business: Municipality has booked Fire Inspection for June 12. June 24t" ... looking for Bartenders and BBQ'ers for a Taylor Welch Fundraiser... afternoon or evening. Possibly Sept. 24/17 need volunteers to organize Soccer Awards/Spirit Day with Peter Knowlton. Roll Out New Resolution: Regarding smoking on Municipal property... none within 9 m. of entrance. They will provide and put up signage. Corinne has offered her place to hold a Summer Party for the Community Hall Board, just to bring hors d'oeuvres only and will set date at June meeting. Cecile to Call Danielle to set Sept. 24 as Spirit Day if available. Motion to adjourn by Corinne VandeGrootevheen. CARRIED.