HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-20 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting June 20, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Victor Suppan, Filip Aleksanderek, Katharine Warren, Robert Malone REGRETS: Tracey Ali, Paul Davidson, Steve Conway, Councillor Hooper, Peter Vogel STAFF: Brandon Weiler DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 17.26 Moved by B. Malone, seconded by F. Aleksanderek THAT the agenda for June 20, 2017 be adopted. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF MINUTES 17.27 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by K. Warren THAT the minutes of the Meeting of May 16, 2017 be accepted. "CARRIED" DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Black Bird Construction 407 and 418 Communitv Value Plan Update — Members of Black Bird Construction, their consultants Jim Melvin and Richard Unterman and MTO staff met with the committee to present the latest concepts of the gateway features, bridge embossments and community value plan items. The gateways include a Clarington entry feature and signs for Courtice, Hampton, Solina, Leskard and Kirby. The committee engaged in a discussion regarding the design elements and materials to be used in construction. The committee requested that consideration be given to using salvaged building materials from specific buildings with gateway features that are in close proximity if possible. An example would be using field stone salvaged from 1909 Bloor Street, a designated building, within the Courtice gateway feature. Similar comments were made regarding houses removed near the Kirby sign. The committee 11 age also asked that the materials used in the gateway features be catalogued and shared with the committee and community so that the 'story' to be told with all the signs can be easily expressed and the meaning behind the signs is not lost. The representatives of Black Bird informed the committee that the gateway features would not be illuminated due to cost. The committee respectfully asked that the option to illuminate the features be reconsidered as they felt the signs would have more impact and assist with wayfinding in the evening. The committee had concerns related to the embossment selection on the Solina bridge. The committee felt that the aboriginal theme represented cultural heritage generally and was not specific to Solina. The committee suggested that a more appropriate location for the bridge embossments would have been near the archeological site in Whitby. This would be a better connection with cultural heritage of Durham Region. The committee thanked all those in attendance for the presentation and taking the time to present the concepts to the committee. The committee indicated they would be submitting comments to Black Bird identifying their comments and concerns. St. George's Church Addition Proposal (250 Mill St. S., Newcastle) — Representatives from St. George's Church, including Father Doug, Deborah Leslie and Jack Leslie, with their consultant Marty Topolie presented their vision for a proposed addition to the committee. The addition, which would be located on the south side of the designated building, would include an office, Sunday school room and two accessible washrooms. Currently there are no washroom facilities within the church. The proposed addition will incorporate design elements from the existing building, mainly along the Mill St. frontage, using modern materials to distinguish the addition from the original building. The addition will be connected to the church via a walkway which will constructed using mainly glazing. The committee asked questions and engaged in a discussion regarding the building materials and the details of particular design elements in the addition. Among the main issues raised were the location and appearance of mechanical equipment, the brick bond pattern to be used for the addition and potential impact of the addition and shadows on the Tiffany Window. The committee thanked all members of St. George's church for their presentation and for their stewardship of the building throughout the years. 21 Page 17.28 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by B. Malone THAT the committee recommend approval for the addition on the south side of St. Georges Church as shown to the committee provided the following details are addressed: • That there be no mechanical equipment visible on the exterior of the addition, • The brick bond pattern (believed to be Flemish) be the same as the original building, • That the pitch of the addition fronting onto Mill St. S. be in keeping with the existing pitches observed on the existing building, • That there be no visual and shadow impact on the Tiffany Window. "CARRIED" BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) — The foundation continues to attend community events, including Maplefest, to promote and educate the public about the history and the efforts to adaptively reuse the lands and buildings. The Foundation has released a schedule of walking tours to be held throughout the summer on their website and through an e-mail blast. Goodyear Property — No news to report Hollingshead Property — No news to report REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Programs — No meeting to report. Orono Community Improvement Program — No meeting to report. Newcastle Community Improvement Program — No meeting to report. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch — Doors Open took place on June 10 in the Kendal area and was a huge success. The total number of visitors is being calculated and will be announced at the next meeting. ACO will have a booth at Bluesberry Festival and will assist the Jury Lands Foundation with tours of Camp 30 this summer. The next meeting will be September 25, location to be determined. The ACORN, the ACO magazine, is always happy to receive articles. If anyone is interested in writing an article contact Tracey. 31 Page Newcastle Village & District Historical Society — R. Malone reported the unfortunate news that the society was unsuccessful in their federal grant application to assist in digitization of their records. Sunday June 25 the society will host an event for Canada's 150 celebration. The event will highlight many of the long standing families in the Newcastle area. The society has released the spring 2017 newsletter and is continuing to work on their new website and rebranding. An updated logo has been created and appears on the newsletter. Museum — The museum has started their Edwardian Tea events, more information can be found on the museums website. The museum is planning for Canada Day at the museum, all are welcome to attend. Working with the agricultural community to have a display on farming and the families involved in Durham Region, this display will travel to other locations throughout the Region. Heritage Conservation District — No news to report CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS Municipal Register Report — Council approved the addition of 1738 Bloor Street and 1598 Baseline Road to the Municipal Register. The owner of 282 Liberty Street North appeared before Council with concerns over adding his property to the Register. Council requested that the committee meet with the owner of 282 Liberty Street North and report back. The committee suggested that staff contact the owner to find a date when the committee could meet with him. PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reports: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee — No meeting to report. The subcommittee plans to meet over the summer and report back at the September meeting with more evaluations. Public Outreach and Education Committee — No meeting to report. K. Warren reported that she manned a booth for the committee at the Clarke Museum during Doors Open. A lot of discussions with visitors on the committee's role in heritage in Clarington and people identifying properties throughout the municipality they would like to see preserved. 41 Page NEW BUSINESS 127 Church St. (Orono Library) — B. Weiler reported that the Operations Department will be preforming maintenance work to the building. The building is identified as primary on the municipal inventory. In the late 1970s and early 1980s the committee initiated a review of the property with the intention to designate it under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. The committee indicated that they would add this property to the list of properties to be evaluated by the sub -committee. 1498 Taunton Road — The property is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act and the original brick is a listed feature. B. Weiler reported that the property at 1498 Taunton Road has some sever damage to the brick. The owners have applied for the heritage incentive grant program to repair some of the spalling and to undertake repointing work. It is more than likely that some bricks will need to be replaced. It appears that the previous owners undertook repair work on the brick that may have created further problems and replaced bricks over time. If large sections of brick need to be replaced the owners will require an alteration permit and will need to be a delegation before the committee in the future. Heritage Incentive Grants — B. Weiler reported that there were six applications received for 2017. Six is the most applications in a year since the program began in 2013. The interest level is increasing from year to year and the value of the projects applying for funding are increasing. This is a good sign that the program is working and that owners of designated properties are investing in their heritage properties. Next meeting: September 19, 2017, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 51 Page