HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-08 MinutesAgricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, June 8th, 2017 Members Present: John Cartwright Brenda Metcalf Jennifer Knox Tom Barrie Henry Zekveld Elgin Greenham Richard Rekker Les Caswell Regrets: Eric Bowman, Ted Watson, Don Rickard, Councillor Wendy Partner Guests: Amy Burke, Tracey Webster, Carlo Pellarin, Emily Schaffer, Planning Services Staff: Faye Langmaid, Planning Services Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 017-13 Moved by Henry Zekveld, seconded by John Cartwright "That the Agenda for June 8, 2017 be adopted" Carried Approval of Minutes 017-14 Moved by Les Caswell, seconded by Richard Rekker "That the minutes of the May 11, 2017 meeting be approved" Carried Update: Rural Zoning By-law Review At the previous meeting a sub -committee of Ted Watson, Eric Bowman, Richard Rekker and Brenda Metcalf was formed to meet with Planning Staff about on-farm diversified uses (home occupations, home industries, agri-tourism, value-added uses and retail/culinary uses) and how they could be addressed in the rural portions of the Municipality's zoning by-law for Clarington's rural area. Committee members have been provided with a workbook from staff about the various definitions, what is allowed currently, the Official Plan policies, Provincial Guidelines and issues that staff are reviewing. The Sub -Committee met on May 30th and discussed the issues. The Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 8, 2017 purpose of for this evening is to confirm the comments provided and have further discussion with all members. There are questions posed in the workbook to the committee: Are the proposed permitted uses appropriate? Are any of the uses listed concerning, if so, why? Are there any uses we should add? 2. At what scale do the proposed permitted uses become inappropriate, possibly requiring a greater level of control (e.g. zoning by-law amendment, site plan control)? Considerations of scale could include size, height, location, lot area, floor area, scale of goods or materials, parking, signage, etc. 3. Do you have any comments respecting the regulation of this type of on-farm diversified use? An excerpt from the presentation is attached to the minutes. It outlines the comments that staff received about on-farm diversified uses, home based occupations, home industry uses, value-added, agri-tourism and retail uses. Some suggestions for Planning Staff to understand better certain issue are to convene a meeting with the farm market owners (Clarington members of Durham Farm Fresh), and to convene a meeting with horse and equestrian farmers to understand their operations more fully. Planning Staff thanked the committee for their input, indicating they will be back once they are farther along in the process. Correspondence and Committee Reports There were no Council items or referrals. Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: • 2017 DAAC Farm Tour September 20 at Picov Downs in Ajax, different stations will be set up for educational displays/talks. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: • Soil Classification Letter is being worked on and will be shared when available. • Meeting coming up in 2 weeks. Clarington Board of Trade: • CBOT and Planning Staff met with representatives of Durham College to discuss research opportunities. There are a number of areas that Durham College has already been working with the agricultural community on, Faye has case study write-ups for all that are interested. • Planning Staff joined the Agriculture Familiarization Tour May 17 at Link Greenhouses • Working with Municipality and Region on getting funding in place for the improvement (reconstruction) of Waverly interchange to facilitate economic development in the form of a redevelopment of the former RONA site. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 8, 2017 Farm Connections Looking for at least 75 farm families that have been in Canada and preferably Durham Region for 150 years continuously farming. Does not have to be on the same property, as long as the lineage can be traced back. Working with various museums across Durham Region to have displays about local (to each municipality) farm families. If you have information or items to display please let Brenda know. New Business Farmer's Parade — Permit for 2017 has been submitted. By-law Enforcement — One of the issues with allowing certain agri-tourism uses in the countryside will be how the noise, disturbance and impingement on other operations will be enforced. There should be a look at how by-law will be able to enforce these items in conjunction with the zoning by-law review. Farms Forever Discussion Paper — Brenda reminded Committee members that the discussion paper is out for comment. http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/policy/farmsforever.htm Future Agendas August 17th meeting, Traffic and transportation staff will be invited to attend about 5 year capital plan for local road improvements. John will be inviting Barry and Mark Bragg to speak about their operation and value- added initiatives. Participation House, Jenni Knox to follow-up. John Cartwright moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting, Thursday, July 13, 7:30 p.m. Durham Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Hida Manns (DEAC member) and Brian Kelly (Durham Region staff) At 7:00 the Clarington Museum will be open to allow members to see the displays on farm families. I:\^Department\LDO NEW FILING Agricultural Committee\2017 Minutes & Correspondence\Draft Minutes_ Meeting_8 June 17.docx Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 8, 2017