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Report To: General Government Committee
Date of Meeting: June 19, 2017
Report Number: CAO-007-17 Resolution: GG-366-17
File Number: By-law Number:
1.That Report CAO-007-17 be received for information.
Municipality of Clarington
Report CAO-007-17 Page 2
Report Overview
The purpose of this report is to respond to a request of Council for research on the process,
costs and outcomes of other municipalities’ organization structure reviews. The research is
inconclusive. Few comparable municipalities have undertaken such a review and the
process, costs and outcomes vary widely depending largely on the purpose of the review.
Broad findings are provided on each of these three items and it is concluded that going to
market for this service may garner more useful information, but will need to be preceded by
a Council direction about the purpose of such a review. In the meanwhile, the Municipality is
making good progress on implementing five enablers of organizational performance that will
be useful regardless of organizational structure changes.
1. Background
The purpose of this report is to respond to Resolution #GG-524-16, approved at the
October 31, 2016 Council meeting: “That the Interim CAO be directed to prepare a report
providing Members of Council with information regarding the process, costs and
outcomes of other municipalities’ organization structure reviews”.
To undertake this research, the Interim CAO consulted a number of people
knowledgeable of these matters through his contacts and professional associations. The
research questions are set out in Attachment 1.
The research was inconclusive on these matters firstly because there was little
information available. There are few comparable municipalities who have undertaken
such a review in the recent past. Moreover, of those that have undertaken a review, most
municipalities and professionals with relevant experience in this field are unwilling to
provide this type of information or where they were, were not willing to have it
broadcasted. This because it may be commercially sensitive (e.g., explain a consulting
firm’s process, costs) or reveal personnel information (e.g., outcomes).
2. Key Findings
Within this narrow band of responses and these limitations, it was found that:
A. Processes to undertake the reviews varied widely – often because the purposes
of the reviews differed widely. That is, some reviews were driven by a desire to
change up the leadership team whereas others were driven by a desire to
respond to known pending retirements of senior staff whereas others were
Municipality of Clarington
Report CAO-007-17 Page 3
driven by public policy goals, e.g., economic development or driven by public
administration goals, e.g., efficiency, accountability, responsiveness, public
policy capacity, customer service. However, in general, the Interim CAO’s
experience and this research would suggest that the process should include:
1. Setting outcomes for what an effective municipal organization should
provide for the community and the interests it serves
2. Establishing criteria for what makes for an effective organizational
structure to deliver these outcomes
3. Developing options for organizational structures
4. Assessing the options as against the criteria
5. Refining and choosing the most suitable option
6. Determining the gaps between the current organizational structure and
the chosen option
7. Developing the most feasible and acceptable means to close the gaps
(implementation plan).
B. Costs similarly varied widely and depended on:
- the purpose of the review
- how it was undertaken (e.g., process used including range and
complexity of options assessed and depth of analysis; time, level and
type of consultation)
- whether the review itself was just being costed (in which case costs
were found to range from $75,000 to $500,000) or its implementation
(in which case costs ranged from $100,000 for management system
upgrades to multiples of $100,000s where there were significant
staffing changes)
C. Outcomes achieved of course were a reflection of all of the above and varied
widely, with some claiming they largely meet their goals, but that a large number
of public administration factors contributed to this beyond organizational
structural changes, including:
Municipality of Clarington
Report CAO-007-17 Page 4
- changes to businesses processes
- skilling and engaging staff
- introducing new technology
- changing work design
- business planning and aligning budgets with plans
- service delivery reviews
- controllership changes.
Notably, some claimed that a structural change that saw a tighter span of control
for the CAO meant a more strategic and integrated approach to decision making
and greater clarity about the organization’s purpose.
Very few claimed any dollar savings from the organizational structure changes in
itself and where they did, there were significant one-time off sets, e.g., staffing
adjustment costs. Savings and improvements in efficiency and effectiveness
tended to arise from these public administration changes noted. This is
consistent with the approach of the Interim CAO who has focused on building
five enablers of organizational performance that are useful regardless of the
organizational structure and can produce results more quickly. The details of the
results, the actions taken to achieve them, and the next steps for the incoming
CAO on these matters is set out in a May 26th memo to Council from the Interim
CAO and is attached here as Attachment 2.
3. Conclusion
Research on the process, costs and outcomes of recent municipal organization structure
reviews of municipalities comparable to Clarington is inconclusive. Little information is
available and the information that is available shows that the process, costs and outcomes
vary widely. The purpose of any review is a key factor that will determine these matters.
Should the Municipality wish to proceed with a review, Council will need to provide clarity of
purpose of such a review in order for the market to answer these questions about process,
costs and expected outcomes. In the meanwhile, the Municipality is making good progress
on implementing five enablers of organizational performance that will be useful regardless
of organizational structure changes.
Municipality of Clarington
Report CAO-007-17 Page 5
3.Strategic Plan Application
Not applicable.
Submitted by:
Curry Clifford, MPA, CMO,
Interim CAO
Attachment 1 - Municipal Organizational Review Research Questions
Attachment 2 – Key Enablers
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Municipal Organizational Review Research Questions
Our Council has put the following request to me in a recent resolution: “That the Interim
CAO be directed to prepare a report providing members of Council with information
regarding the process, costs and outcomes of other municipalities’ organization
structure reviews.”
I would much appreciate your help with this. If your municipality has undertaken an
organizational structure review within the last three years or have one underway
or are about to start one, can you please let me know. And if you said yes to any of
these three scenarios, can you please link me to any publicly available reports about
this and let me know the W5 on this:
1. Why was the review undertaken? (e.g. What opportunity or problem was/is the
Municipality seeking to advance/resolve with undertaking the review?)
2. What was the scope of the review? (e.g. Enterprise wide or just some parts of
the structure? Did it also include matters other than structure? e.g. Businesses
processes? Service levels? Service delivery methods? Did it include
relationships with Agencies, Boards and Commissions?)
3. Who undertook the review? (e.g. Who was the consultant/firm contracted to
undertake the review? What was the role of the CAO in the review? Role of the
Council? Were any aspects of the review done by Municipal staff?)
4. How was the review undertaken? (e.g. What process/methodology was used to
undertake the review? e.g. consult on key objectives, formulate models and
discuss with Council and/or CAO? What principles/theory guided the
recommendations? e.g. purpose-based organization, process-based
organization, client-based organization)
5. When was the review undertaken? (e.g. start and finish time (at least “finish” in
terms of key structural changes in place)
6. What were the costs? What were the direct consulting costs to undertake the
review itself? What was the approximate Municipal staff time to provide input to
the review? What additional costs were incurred to support the review? (e.g.
change management supports? Communications supports?)
7. What were the outcomes? What came out of the structural review?
a. In terms of structural changes:
• Which of the review’s recommendations were implemented?
• Partially implemented?
• Deferred for implementation at a later date?
• Not at all implemented or intended to be implemented? Or
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• Outcomes that came about that were not recommended at all but
reflected the underlying issues found in the review? Or outcomes that
really had little to do with the review?
b. In terms of performance outcomes? e.g., Significant change in
• Efficiency?
• Effectiveness?
• Customer satisfaction?
• Accountability?
• Clarity of roles?