HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-30 Minutes MINUTES ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD May 30, 2017 Present: John Witheridge Brad Found Gord Lowery Willie Woo Jackie Moore Michael Di Lella Wendy Partner Guests: Fred Horvath Al Lagace Regrets: Call to order by John Witheridge at 7:04 p.m. Agenda: presented by: John Witheridge Moved to accept: Michael DiLella Seconded: Brad Found Passed Minutes from February 28, 2017 meeting: presented by John Witheridge Fred Horvath noted that Rorie Woods should be recorded as a guest, not a board member. There was a question as to whether both the Arena and the OAAA have Charitable Status. The Municipality has confirmed that only the OAAA has charitable status. Motion to accept the minutes as received: Michael DiLella Seconded: Wendy Partner Passed Update from the OAAA – Fred Horvath, Gord Lowery and Al Lagace met on March 16, 2017. Fred Horvath explained that what is being proposed is consistent with the agreement the Municipality has with the Bowmanville Older Adult Association. There is no major change in the way the Arena and Hall are managed other than the OAAA obtaining additional insurance to protect their Directors and year end audit services if required. OAAA is still investigating insurance options and will be calling a meeting with the Association shortly to update and seek approval to the new arrangement. Motion: That the Municipality of Clarington enter into a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement to operate the Orono Arena and Community Centre with the Orono Amateur Athletic Association and once executed dissolve the Orono Arena Board. Motion: Wendy Partner Seconded: Willie Woo Passed It is anticipated that the report will be presented to Council for approval before their summer recess on July 3rd. Jackie Moore will send the minutes to the Clerk with copies to the Solicitor, Directors of Finance and Operations and the OAAA will submit a letter to the Clerk confirming their support of the municipal capital facility agreement. Once the Municipal Capital Facility Agreement is executed, the Orono Arena Board will meet on July 11, 2017 to officially dissolve the Board. Financial Report. Motion to receive the financial report without prejudice for January 1, to April 30, 2017 as provided via email Monday, May 29, 2017. Motion: Michael DiLella Seconded: Gord Lowery Passed Motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm: Michael DiLella Seconded: Wendy Partner Passed Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 7:00 pm. John Witheridge Jackie Moore John Witheridge Jackie Moore Chairperson Secretary Page 1 Orono Arena And Community Centre Balance Sheet As at Apr 30, 2017 ASSET CURRENT ASSETS Petty Cash 250.00 Term Deposit 119,607.81 Bank A - Payable -2,291.67 Bank-Operating account 24,419.75 Cash: Total 141,985.89 Accounts Receivable 0.00 Accounts Receivable Y/E Adjust... -3,073.90 Accounts Receivable 3,073.90 Receivables: Net 3,073.90 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 141,985.89 FIXED ASSETS Furniture & Equipment 4,644.00 Accum Deprec: Furn & Equip -3,274.61 Furniture & Equipment: Net 1,369.39 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 1,369.39 TOTAL ASSET 143,355.28 LIABILITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable -4,998.16 Accounts Payable YE Adjustments -2,592.58 Accrued Liabilities 0.00 Accounts Payable 14,004.63 Vacation Payable 1,796.45 Vacation Payable 0.00 Employee eductions Payable 0.00 EI Payable 354.75 CPP Payable 560.29 Federal Income Tax Payable 1,606.36 Pension Payable 22,702.68 Rec Gen Payable: Total 25,224.08 WCB Payable 3,246.44 G S T On Sales 16,833.30 G S T On Purchases -75,007.55 G S T Remitted -7,714.53 G S T Payable -36.00 HST Paid on Purchases -13,957.86 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES -43,201.78 TOTAL LIABILITY -43,201.78 EQUITY RETAINED EARNINGS Term Deposit 537.11 Retained Earnings 150,709.16 Current Earnings 35,310.79 TOTAL RETAINED EARNINGS 186,557.06 TOTAL EQUITY 186,557.06 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 143,355.28 Page 1 Orono Arena And Community Centre Income Statement Jan 01, 2017 to Apr 30, 2017 REVENUE REVENUE Bank Interest Revenue 0.00 Rental - Ice Rental 160,436.60 Rental- Arena Floor Rental 2,030.00 Rental - Booth 2,750.00 Rental - Hall 3,307.00 Arena Expenses paid by OAAA 4,146.92 Meeting Room Rental 175.00 D.A.F.B. Ref BFI 0.00 D.A.F.B.Ref water 0.00 D.A.F.B. Ref- Supplies 0.00 Gas 0.00 Public Skating 1,535.00 Ice Equipment Clarington contricbu 0.00 Miscellaneous 517.31 Board Advertising 0.00 TOTAL REVENUE 174,897.83 TOTAL REVENUE 174,897.83 EXPENSE COST OF OPERATIONS Arena Maintenance 6,336.55 Arena Supplies 2,428.06 Fees & Dues 0.00 Bookkeeping 430.00 Bank Charges & Sundry Exp. 74.00 Gas 6,249.92 Propane For Olympia 0.00 Grounds Maintenance 1,380.00 Hydro 31,861.69 Ice Equipment 30,575.57 Refuse 1,528.27 Telephone 1,515.99 Water 2,641.94 Office Supplies 81.00 OAAA Expense Payments 0.00 Wages 47,026.86 EI Expense 1,177.42 Pension Payable 2,908.62 CPP Expense 1,953.18 Balancing Source Ded for 2011 0.00 WCB Expense 1,417.97 Payroll Expense: Total 54,484.05 TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS 139,587.04 TOTAL EXPENSE 139,587.04 NET INCOME 35,310.79 Page 1 Orono Arena And Community Centre Trial Balance As at Apr 30, 2017 Ac...Account Description Debits Credits 1050 Petty Cash 250.00 - 1060 Term Deposit 119,607.81 - 1080 Bank A - Payable - 2,291.67 1090 Bank B - Receivable 0.00 - 1100 Bank-Operating account 24,419.75 - 1130 Investments 0.00 - 1200 Accounts Receivable 0.00 - 1201 Accounts Receivable Y/E Adjust... - 3,073.90 1202 Accounts Receivable 3,073.90 - 1210 Allowance-Doubtful Accts 0.00 - 1220 Advances Receivable 0.00 - 1380 Prepaid Exp And Deposits 0.00 - 1520 Vehicles 0.00 - 1540 Accum Deprec: Vehicles 0.00 - 1580 Furniture & Equipment 4,644.00 - 1590 Accum Deprec: Furn & Equip - 3,274.61 1720 Incorporation Costs 0.00 - 2100 Bank Loan Payable - 0.00 2110 Accounts Payable 4,998.16 - 2115 Accounts Payable YE Adjustments 2,592.58 - 2120 Accrued Liabilities - 0.00 2150 Accounts Payable - 14,004.63 2170 Corporate Taxes Payable - 0.00 2200 Vacation Payable - 1,796.45 2260 Vacation Payable - 0.00 2265 Employee eductions Payable - 0.00 2270 EI Payable - 354.75 2280 CPP Payable - 560.29 2290 Federal Income Tax Payable - 1,606.36 2295 Pension Payable - 22,702.68 2360 EHT Payable - 0.00 2400 WCB Payable - 3,246.44 2440 G S T On Sales - 16,833.30 2460 G S T On Purchases 75,007.55 - 2470 G S T Remitted 7,714.53 - 2480 G S T Payable 36.00 - 2485 HST Paid on Purchases 13,957.86 - 3100 Common Shares - 0.00 3200 Preferred Shares - 0.00 3520 Term Deposit - 537.11 3560 Retained Earnings - 150,709.16 4010 Bank Interest Revenue - 0.00 4020 Rental - Ice Rental - 160,436.60 4025 Rental- Arena Floor Rental - 2,030.00 4030 Rental - Booth - 2,750.00 4040 Rental - Hall - 3,307.00 4045 Arena Expenses paid by OAAA - 4,146.92 4050 Meeting Room Rental - 175.00 4100 Bell Canada - 0.00 4150 D.A.F.B. - Ref. - Hydro - 0.00 4155 D.A.F.B. Ref BFI - 0.00 4160 D.A.F.B. - Ref. - Wages - 0.00 4165 D.A.F.B.Ref water - 0.00 4170 D.A.F.B. Ref- Supplies - 0.00 4175 Gas - 0.00 4180 Ice Skating - 0.00 4190 Ball Hockey_ - 0.00 4200 Public Skating - 1,535.00 4210 Fund Raising - 0.00 4215 Ice Equipment Clarington contricbu - 0.00 4220 Skate Sharpen - 0.00 4250 Miscellaneous - 517.31 4260 Donations - 0.00 4270 Board Advertising - 0.00 5020 Arena Maintenance 6,336.55 - 5040 Arena Supplies 2,428.06 - Page 2 Orono Arena And Community Centre Trial Balance As at Apr 30, 2017 Ac...Account Description Debits Credits 5050 Fees & Dues 0.00 - 5060 Audit Fees 0.00 - 5065 Bookkeeping 430.00 - 5080 Bank Charges & Sundry Exp. 74.00 - 5120 Gas 6,249.92 - 5130 Propane For Olympia 0.00 - 5140 Gasoline 0.00 - 5150 Tractor Maintenance 0.00 - 5160 Grounds Maintenance 1,380.00 - 5180 Group Insurance 0.00 - 5200 Hydro 31,861.69 - 5220 Ice Equipment 30,575.57 - 5280 Refuse 1,528.27 - 5310 Addition Expense 0.00 - 5320 Telephone 1,515.99 - 5350 Water 2,641.94 - 5540 Advertising 0.00 - 5560 Bad Debts 0.00 - 5580 Depreciation 0.00 - 5600 Insurance 0.00 - 5640 Office Supplies 81.00 - 5645 OAAA Expense Payments 0.00 - 5650 Miscellaneous 0.00 - 5680 Training 0.00 - 5700 Wages 47,026.86 - 5710 EI Expense 1,177.42 - 5715 Pension Payable 2,908.62 - 5720 CPP Expense 1,953.18 - 5721 Balancing Source Ded for 2011 0.00 - 5730 WCB Expense 1,417.97 - 5760 Employee Benefits 0.00 - 5770 EHT Expense 0.00 - 395,889.18 395,889.18