HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-16 Minutes 1 | Page CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting May 16 , 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Taylor, Steve Conway, Councillor Hooper, Filip Aleksanderek (Left at 8:00), Katharine Warren, Peter Vogel, Robert Malone REGRETS: Victor Suppan, Tracey Ali, Paul Davidson STAFF: Brandon Weiler, Emily Schaefer DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 17.23 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by F. Aleksanderek THAT the agenda for May 16, 2017 be adopted. “CARRIED” ADOPTION OF MINUTES 17.24 Moved by F. Aleksanderek, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the minutes of the Meeting of April 18, 2017 be accepted. “CARRIED” DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Christie and Todd Kauffman regarding 1640 Concession Road 9 (former Enfield Church) – In 2016 the former Enfield United church was converted to a single detached dwelling. Subsequently, the Kauffman’s purchased the property. They are having problems with the windows and wainscoting due to the alterations made during the renovations. At the April meeting the Kauffman’s presented pictures and videos depicting some of the damage to the windows and the problems with water damage. The pictures and videos show the severe window condensation, water leakage and ice forming around and on the windows. The Kauffman’s indicated that they have contacted a number of window and other professionals to assist them with finding a solution. The committee provided the Kauffman’s with some suggestions and asked them to return when they 2 | Page have decided on a course of action. The stain glass windows are a designated feature and would require an alteration permit. The Kauffman’s indicated that all the professionals they have contacted indicated that replacing the windows was the only solution that would resolve the issues. The alterations made to the existing windows would make it extremely difficult if not impossible to reuse them. The Kauffman’s are proposing to replace the existing windows with new redwood windows. The windows will have exterior wooden mullions replicating the mullions of the existing windows. The Kauffman’s indicated that they would have liked to replicate the existing stained glass portions of the windows however the existing stained glass cannot be reused in the new windows and new stained glass would be cost prohibitive for them. The committee asked questions about the details of the window construction and installation. 17.25 Moved by B. Malone, seconded by S. Conway THAT the committee recommend approval for the replacement of the existing double hung gothic wooden windows with etched and stained glass with new redwood windows with wooden mullions in a design that replicates the existing windows. “CARRIED” BUSINESS ARISING Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) – B. Weiler reported that DTAH is continuing to progress on the Community Vision and Urban Design Study. The committee will be notified when the public meeting will occur. The foundation continues to attend community events, including Maplefest, to promote and educate the public about the history and the efforts to adaptively reuse the lands and buildings. Goodyear Property – No news to report Hollingshead Property – No news to report REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle Community Improvement Programs – The Orono, Bowmanville and Newcastle liaison groups held a joint meeting on May 4 in Orono. An energy conservation specialist from Veridian gave a presentation on programs that Veridian and other energy providers have for businesses. 3 | Page The committees discussed a number of issues related to the CIP review process including accessibility, CIP boundaries, grant amounts, vacant store fronts and tenant concerns and incentives. The committees also discussed the best ways to communicate the CIP programs and how to engage owners of properties to utilize the programs. All the CIP committees felt that the joint meeting was a positive networking and learning opportunity and suggested that this occur annually. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch – The next meeting will be May 29, 7pm at the Clarington Museum. Doors Open is looking for volunteers for the June 10 event. The ACORN, the ACO magazine, is always happy to receive articles. If anyone is interested in writing an article contact Tracey. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society – R. Malone reported that the society is anticipating the outcome of their federal grant application by the end of May. Sunday June 25 the society will host an event for Canada’s 150 celebration. The event will highlight many of the long standing families in the Newcastle area. B. Malone discussed the future subdivisions in Newcastle, including the one which will surround the Belmont, and the need for the Heritage Committee to make sure historic buildings are protected. Museum – No news to report Heritage Conservation District – No news to report CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS PROJECT REPORTS Subcommittee Reports: Municipal Inventory and Register Committee – No meeting to report, the report adding 282 Liberty St. N. (Norwood), 1738 Bloor St. (Christopher Courtice House) and 1598 Baseline Rd. (Jesse Trull House) to the Municipal Register was recommended by Committee to Council for the May 23, 2017 meeting. . Public Outreach and Education Committee – K. Warren reported that the calendars did not sell as well has hoped, approximately 100 units remain unsold. The committee had an idea to bring the remainder to Doors Open and accept donations for copies. K. Warren asked members to contact Tracey if they can volunteer some time the day of Doors Open. K. Warren also reported that they will be looking to set up some of the committee’s information boards at Doors Open. 4 | Page NEW BUSINESS St. George’s Church (250 Mill St. S.) – B. Weiler reported that over the years there have been a number of addition proposals, that link the hall with the main sanctuary of St. George’s Church, including one that was endorsed by the committee, many years ago. The church has a new proposal they are looking to bring forward and could be a delegation at the June meeting. The addition would contain accessible washrooms and offices, it may be phased. Enniskillen Church – B. Weiler reported that the Enniskillen Church is for sale. The property is a primary property on the Municipal Inventory. The church was sold earlier in 2017; however given the length of time to address issues with title the sale wasn’t finalized. 1972 Baseline Road – B. Weiler reported that the property at 1972 Baseline Road is identified as a merit property on the Municipal Inventory. The current owners are looking at development options for the property. B. Weiler and T. Taylor attended the property to gather more information on possible heritage potential of the property. The property consists of a farm house, large barn and smaller brick out building. The farm house appears to have under gone a number of alterations over the years including a stucco type finish on the exterior. There are few architectural attributes that appear original, of unique design and the overall condition of the house is very poor. A portion of the barn appeared to be very old and included wooden dowel construction. The barns was in very poor condition and newer additions to the barn used more modern techniques and materials. Some additional research regarding previous owners of the property and possible events that occurred on the property needs to occur. Provided that no significant information turns up during that research it was the opinion of B. Weiler and T. Taylor that there was little heritage value left in the existing buildings. Doors Open – T. Ali has secured a space for the Heritage Committee to set up a display at the Clarke Museum during Doors Open on June 10. If anyone can volunteer time that day to man the booth please contact Tracey. 407 Community Vision Plan – B. Weiler indicated that representatives from Black Bird Construction will be attending the June meeting. A number of committee members wished to hear this presentation so it was rescheduled. Black Bird will attend to discuss the Community Value Plan. Next meeting: June 20, 2017, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C