HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-11 Minutes Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 11, 2017 Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, May 11, 2017 Members Present: John Cartwright Brenda Metcalf Eric Bowman Tom Barrie Henry Zekveld Ted Watson Richard Rekker Les Caswell Don Rickard, Regrets: Jennifer Knox, Elgin Greenham, Councillor Wendy Partner Guests: Paul Ruttan, Dave Keys, Erin Jankovich, Jose Luis Beltran Simal Blackbird Staff: Lisa Backus, Planning Services Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 017-11 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Les Caswell “That the Agenda for May 11, 2017 be adopted” Carried Approval of Minutes 017-12 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Ted Watson “That the minutes of the April 13, 2017 meeting be approved” Carried Brenda opened the meeting with a reminder that this is Farm Safety Day at the end of month and reminded all members of the committee to take the time to ensure all activities on the farm are safe. Update: 407 and 418 construction by Blackbird Blackbird indicated the Harmony to Taunton section is on schedule to open late this year. Diligently working on the 407 to Taunton and the 418 to 401 sections. The next phase is 407 Solina/Hampton to Hwy 35/115. Approximately 75% of the design is complete on the final section, construction is ongoing. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 11, 2017 The fencing that had been chain-link through Clarington has been changed to page wire, except at the interchanges, and south of Highway 2 to the 401 or where it is already installed. Where needed this fencing is augmented with the wildlife fencing that directs animals to the wildlife passages. Gateways - the entry into Clarington is represented by a silo with the Municipal Crest on the side, there was no particular objection to this symbolism being used. For the bridge embossments that are to represent agriculture it was recommended that the horns be removed from the cow, the remainder of the symbols are fine. For the Solina sign and others that will be like them the material is to be reclaimed for the buildings that have been demolished. In particular the Kirby sign will have stone from the foundations of the homes. Committee members recommended that the `story` to be told with all the signs so that the meaning is not lost. These signs will be installed in the 407 right of way with the exception of the Solina sign which will be on Solina Road itself, and will be maintained by Blackbird. The barn swallow structures are being used as are some of the other structures and measures that were implemented for wildlife mitigation. There are many details; should a farmer need access through the construction zone to facilitate their operation the number to call is Dave Hainer. Office: 905-443-3390 ext. 23142. E-mail: dhainer@bbc407.ca Property issue details should be taken up with MTO directly. Contact is Chris Brown telephone 416.235.3494 | e-mail chris.brown2@ontario.ca Business Arising Zoning By-law Review There are questions that the committee should respond to such as: 1. Are the proposed permitted uses appropriate? Are any of the uses listed concerning, if so, why? Are there any uses we should add? 2. At what scale do the proposed permitted uses become inappropriate, possibly requiring a greater level of control (e.g. zoning by-law amendment, site plan control)? Considerations of scale could include size, height, location, lot area, floor area, scale of goods or materials, parking, signage, etc. 3. Do you have any comments respecting the regulation of this type of on-farm diversified use? As a follow-up to the presentation at the March meeting, Staff have prepared a chart on on-farm diversified uses, home based occupations, home industry uses, value-added, agri-tourism and retail uses. The chart was circulated to members for their feedback individually. Committee members asked to be sent a reminder every week about this. Subcommittee of Ted Watson, Richard Rekker, Eric Bowman and Brenda Metcalf will work with staff in advance of the July meeting. Tracey Webster and Amy Burke will be in attendance at the June meeting to discuss other Zoning related issues. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 11, 2017 Correspondence and Committee Reports There were no Council items or referrals. There have been a number of items e-mailed out over the month, including information about the Well Workshop and OAC Survey. Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: • 2017 DAAC Farm Tour September 20 at Picov Downs in Ajax, different stations will be set up for educational displays/talks. • Review of Farm Protection Act, problems appear to be with flies, odor (such as mushroom, compost) and noise (bird bangers) as normal farm practices. None of these problems were associated with Durham farms. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: • AGM held, looking for a more favourable date in future. • DRFA working on Family Farm Safety Day, looking for funding for a safety calendar. • OFA has indicated that farm business registration will increase to $225, by 2020 $240 and 2022 $255. • Soil Classification Letter is being worked on and will be shared when available. Clarington Board of Trade: • CBOT Annual General Meeting was held on April 19 Don was honoured for his work with CBOT over the past 5 years. • Agriculture Familiarization Tour May 17 at Link Greenhouses from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. RSVP to bonnie@cbot.ca • Working with Municipality and Region on getting funding in place for the improvement (reconstruction) of Waverly interchange to facilitate economic development in the form of a redevelopment of the former RONA site Farm Connections • Durham Farm Connections Grade 3 Annual Event was held at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena, Brooklin April 4-6, well attended. • Working on Farm Safety Day with Durham Farm family resource group • Held a Tea to honour the contribution of Women`s Institutes to the rural community. New Business Farmer`s Parade – Wrap-up meeting has been held with Clarington and Police. There are improvements that can be made for future years that the group will be working on. Asked to submit application early in the year to get working on it. Bee City Initiative –Councillor Partner, Faye met with student, requested a plan from the group on how they were going to carry out the education components and events. Indicated that a resolution by Council that involved the restriction of pesticides would Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 11, 2017 have similar result as the monarch butterfly program which is we will work within the program but not pass a resolution. Future Agendas Durham Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Hida Manns and Brian Kelly have been invited to either July or August meeting. John will be inviting Barry and Mark Bragg to speak about their operation and value- added initiatives. Participation House, Jenni Knox to follow-up. John Cartwright moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting, Thursday, June 8, 7:00 p.m. Tracey Webster and Amy Burke on the Zoning By-law review. 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